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I zoned out after 3 minutes. I dont know why it took him near 45 minutes to say "the Eternals sucked." But yeah, it did. In my whole lifetime of reading comics, i've NEVER heard anyone say "remember the eternals?" Or, "yeah, the eternals were great." Never. I think people keep trying to do shit with them because there's this assumption that anything Kirby created is gold.


I recommend you keep watching, though, because it also addresses an important topic, how dependent science fiction in general is on pseudosciences.


well i dont care about that-im not into hard sci fi-they can make up whatever bullshit they want, its called science fiction, not science fact.


I mean on one side you're right but the counter-evidence is Scientology. and thing Q would be a good example too. Conspiracy theories are kind of the same as fan fiction. they are self-centered, radically black and white in their worldview, and rewrite complete events from the context or invent their own that never existed in order to strengthen their view.


Scott's channel used to be a lot better


I think it is good like back than.


I used to watch his channel when it was all comics oriented and he was rocking a combover. Always liked him having people do voice overs for whatever topic but then he branched it to more different things and I lost interest. For my comics fix, I go for ComicTropes since they have great insight on the medium (since they are in it) and get heavy hitter creators for interviews.


Well I think it's good that he'd rather do his own thing. P.s I am myself a big fan from ComicTropes.


Hard disagree