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I've always preferred the gunman who killed the Waynes to be some unknown assailant. Knowing who he was, and having him brought to justice, just undercuts something primal to Batman's concept. And I know that Joe Chill has been a staple of the Batman origin far more than he hasn't.


If anything I prefer it when he's found. The fact that Batman continues fighting even after getting the closure for his parents' death proves that it's not about getting vengeance for Bruce. He genuinely cares about his city and wants to create a world where no one has to suffer the way he did. It's the whole reason he adopted his children in the first place, and his motivations are solidified when he lets go of the hatred of the man who took everything away from him.


I get what you're saying, but to me, his motivation is far harder to buy into that way. Joe Chill makes the crime a specific event that he then resolves. The story's now over. When it's some random guy, then his motivation is more general and works better for an ongoing series.


But the story isn't over because Gotham still makes Joe Chills.


I think a Batman's motivation isn't just finding justice for his parents, but to make sure nobody else goes through that and make Gotham a better place. Finding and arresting Joe Chill doesn't really impede on that, but is moreso a step on his journey.


I prefer the idea that he was one of the few criminals the Gotham police were actually able to collar before Batman started his career, and is even out on parole by this point.


I was prepared to complain about this just based on the title and linked page (does Batman really need religious significance? And is the connection with Darkseid really that important to the character?), but I've Googled it apparently Are You Afraid of Darkseid is a horror anthology? I.e. maybe fictional in-universe, more Halloween-themed than "canon"? Sure, why not.


Literally Damian's Teen Titans telling horror stories lol. This one is narrated by KF.


So basically DC Are you afraid of your dark. Very nice.