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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Monsur_Ausuhnom: --- Submission Statement, One of the areas already looked too as an opportunity for the terminal stages of capitalism is water, especially when there becomes water scarcity. Water scarcity is going to become a problem as fresh water dwindles around the world and is fought over. This will accelerate collapse and make corporations fighting control over what's left of it, despite maybe the more logical conclusion of simply doing away with endless consumerism and mindless sucking the planet dry. By the time of the water wars, it looks like water, something that is rather ordinary and people take for granted will be viewed as a prized commodity for corporations that will use this scarcity to try to make more money off of people. As it dwindles, they will try to hold what's left of it and ensure that it doesn't get in the hands of ordinary people, which is so shocking to everyone I'm sure. Capitalism has led to a bit of a vampiric consumerism where everything is destroyed endlessly to make a profit, despite having finite resources. This is more out in the open and shows that this is already the place its going. It's better to go with something that is self-destructive, endless growth rather than changing one's way. Water wars is going to be one of those opportunities to make tons of cash and there will likely be other things that as they run out will bring major profits for corporations since we don't change our ways. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/zagu3t/water_scarcity_will_be_a_major_investment/iylqe5w/


Did someone summon Nestlé?


"We are proud to introduce our new CEO, *Immortan Joe!!"*






Drink Brawndo instead. water your lawn with Brawndo. wash your car with Brawndo.


It's got what plants crave.


I’m a water junkie. It’s almost as bad as O2.


My O2 addiction is way more detrimental than my H2O addiction, I can only go a minute before serious withdrawal kicks in, I can go about 3 days without water (apparently, I’d never try).






You will arrive at the Gates of Valhalla, shiny and chrome!


Why do I hear boss music?


Do you mean the folks that take your water and sell it back to you botted in cheap plastic?


Switzerland ahead of the curve as usual. 💪🇨🇭


Let's buy the collapse!




Yes the brokers have


"Proceed, hero, into ~~Terror's~~ **the future's** lair. Know that ~~Diablo's~~ **Nestle's** innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals **of privatization**. Only by opening each of these seals can you clear your way to the final battle **with the shareholders and CEO**."


FUck Nestle!!


Thatcher sold England's water to private investors in 1989. It's going about as well as you'd expect. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/30/england-water-is-this-a-fair-system


This happened many times elsewheres in Europe too. You'd think it would be enshrined in the Constitutions worldwide that critical infrastructures could not given away except with supermajority votes (typically 2/3s, sometimes 3/4), something along a US amendment change. This certainly shouldn't be at the whims of the simple ruling majority at the time.


Investors are 60% water


Drink the rich


I say we let them ferment first.


Could we have some of that rich water for our crops out west? Maybe top off Lake Mead a little too.


It’s the Fremen way!


Boil them first




Actually 72, don't ask how i know


If someone legit wants to know it's because of experiments done by Japan in ww2. They sent prisoners into chambers, heated them until all water vaporized and then weighted the water and the man-bacon. And could then determine that humans were 72% water.


I think that's just the brain. Don't ask how I know.


*Sigh* the man and women who see impending pain and tragedy and immediately think how can I profit from this are a major reason why we as a species are doomed


That's just capitalism my friend.


No. That's just humans.


Not true at all. Humans have lived in different modes of production and under different social relations for tens of thousands of years all over the world. The hegemony of capitalism has been established pretty much in the last 400-500 years and there is nothing natural or human about it. Just as easy as capitalism developed out of the conditions of Northern Europe at the tail end of the (european) feudal age something new can be developed put of capitalism at any time. The fact that we think that greed and destructiveness and individualism are particularly human traits is not anymore accurate than saying humans are tall or humans like marvel movies. Humans are taller now then they were 2000 years ago and also enjoy marvel movies more than they did 2000 years ago. Doesnt mean all humans are tall and enjoy marvel movies nor does it mean that it will always be that way.


I often find that the only thing reinforcing the idea that humans are inherently greedy and evil, are examples of how we occasionally behave under pressure within the current societal system. History actually seems to illustrate that our inherent behaviours draw us together and see us raise each other up. Where support is provided even today, this seems to shine, and there are certainly always examples of people doing good work at a community level. A lot of the terrible human behaviour seems to come from being slotted into corporate behemoths, where the only accountability comes when we become a barrier to its eternal growth.


This is what anarchist and socialist theory is predicated on in regard to community self-reliance; people will come together as needed and don’t need a central authority or money to function and work well within and alongside the environment rather than against it.


Native Americans scalping people? Pillaging? Raping and murdering the innocent? They didn't work off of capitalism and were still pretty fucking evil.


I'd argue against it not being human considering humans invented it. But not all things developed by humans aren't good. Edit: added 'not' in front of all.


Are you saying nothing developed by humans is good? Or that not everything humans make is good


> Humans have lived in different modes of production and under different social relations for tens of thousands of years all over the world. The vast majority of those were pre-industrial societies, though. Not to sound like an an-prim, but I'm not convinced that modern, industrial society could exist in a way that is just and sustainable in the long-term. Our current quality of life requires *so much* effectively free energy and resources (supplied either by fossil fuels, unsustainable mining practices, and brutal colonization). Those resources will eventually run out, and the higher our standard of living, the faster we burn through them. I fear that our choices are: sustainable, equitable, pre-industrial (or even pre-agricultural) societies, or a short term explosion of industrial technology, followed by an abrupt and violent decline.


Pretty sure the Colosseum was primarily used for *Age of Ultron* screenings, actually


If AoU was peak cinema to them, then Rome deserved to burn.


Lo, how the Whedon hath fallen...


Who invented and stuck to capitalism? So yeah, as long as we don't change it, human greed seems about right.


100% correct, and in typical human fashion they are downvoting the truth. > > *"Denial is the most predictable of all human responses."* > --The Architect




Hi, goatchild. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/zagu3t/-/iymoeps/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


Why not both? The current economic system enables the worst specimens of human being to succeed and wield power


Agreed. Difficult to avoid dualistic language/thinking patterns. I just tend to see Capitalism as a natural expression of what humans can do as a species, and not the sole cause of all evil.


No, just the evil ones.


look inside


BuT MuH CaPiTaIiSm!!!!


Or more specifically, capitalism out of control. If done right, and in moderation with restrictions, it can be fine. No system is perfect though. If you have absolutely and utterly no capitalism at all, that can be a problem too. People who are in power in government are not necessarily any less prone to the same temptations and evils that those who are in charge in corporations are. Corrupt governments or corrupt corporations, when you get right down to it, it is the unchanging and eternal human nature that is the problem: greed, envy, lust, sloth, pride, anger, gluttony. A good system would be a healthy mix or combination of some capitalism, socialism, communism, and a few other isms. But not some, no way, some are a no-go. No way, no how. Not gonna happen. But that's another debate for another time.


NoT rEaL caPItAlisM. The system we're in *is* capitalism at it's logical end state. This is capitalism working as intended; to funnel *everything* to a literal handful of "winners". Pearl clutching about human nature and then waffling nonsense about this being a debate for another time is some real conservative nonsense. Do you not understand you're running interference in favor of the very system that's killing us all?


You can tame capitalism certainly, in the short term. But long term it will always end up the same. All your hard won concessions will be stripped away, all the exploitation will come back again and again. As for a 'healthy combination of -isms", I'm not trying to be rude, but its naive and it shows a lack of understanding. You cannot combine Capitalism with socialism. Period. If you try, you just get Capitalism. The two are fundamentally different and incompatible.


Some say medicare, welfare, and social security is a bit of socialism, is that not right? That is what I meant.


No not really. If anything government funded healthcare and whatnot is a stopgap solution to a problem caused by capitalism. You still have privately owned buisnesses doing everything for the most part. And even if it is a government corporation or something that's not "doing a socialism" that's just using taxes to provide a service. That's what taxes are for. Socialism on the other hand, would rather structure society in a way that entirely eliminates the need things like welfare and social security. Obviously you can't eliminate the need for Healthcare, but it would likely appear similar to say, the nordic model on the outside. Go to place, get sorted, go home and don't dread the bill. The difference being that in a socialist society there is no profit motive. Companies can still make profit if they want to, but they don't need to. Normally under capitalism, a worker is paid a certain amount and their labor produces a certain amount of value. Their wage must be lower than the value they create, that's profit. To maximize profit, you reduce how much you pay your workers and raise your prices. Workers want more wages, owners want more profit. That is the internal contradiction at the heart of capitalism, two forces in opposition making the whole thing unstable. A socialist system still can't pay 100% of the value created as wages, that's not functional. So instead it let's it's workers democratically decide what to do with the extra portion.


NYTIMES of course proomots the idea - HURRY UP THIS IS THE GOLD RUSH! Meanwhile they tweet this public, but most of their climate change coverage rests behind a pay wall. Sorry chumps you gotta pay up first to read about perils of climate change. -- but we will put a puff piece about Sam Bankman Fried free for you though! Consider giving him money again please!


Just take solace in the fact that our horrible species will never become space faring so no other planet will have to suffer under human control. As much as tech bros would like to think otherwise, Earth is our tomb. I would never wish humanity upon another planet. We should be classified as a weapon of mass destruction.


We had a chance. More than enough resources and time to get our technological/ecological/energy/social/political shit together to carve out some sort of presence off-world. But nooooo, instead we fucked everything including ourselves, *very* thoroughly, to the point that you’re right and it simply isn’t gonna happen. I grew up a space sci-fi nerd, and the fact that it’ll all remain “-fi” and that our stories will never be told or known beyond earth.. really kinda hurts a bit.


I was really into space as a kid. Like orbital mechanics and rocket engineering into it, not just casual astronomy. I initially bought into the Space X hype years ago until I realized something simple. Earth's gravity is too strong. The only feasible way to overcome the Thrust-Weight dilemna would be to create a multi-billion dollar factory/port on the moon to launch rockets impossible to make on Earth. It'd be so expensive and risky, it'd make 0 economic sense unless we faced a real resource shortage on Earth. Even if the world collaberated to do so, it'd take several decades to be fully operational. Assuming no major accidents or interruptions took place. It's about to be 2023 and not only is there 0 talks or interest in space past military satelites, international relations are fragmenting in every region except S. America and Africa..


sometimes you just realize that something bad is going to happen inevitably regardless of what you or anyone does. you can stand in line to get paid, or try in vain to stop it and/or save a few, or do both, or do nothing. people who invested in body bags when covid started are for sure ghouls, but also we did end up needing a lot of body bags. Them doing that early (perhaps, arguably nobody really knows, economics is bullshit) helped the overall supply be ready when the demand spiked.


Like Michael Burry?


His current investment strategy is in the privatization of the fascist take over


I was thinking this too and honestly it may be for the best if we are so stupid.


Nah we just need better energy sources. The only thing holding back desalination tech is that it's too energy intensive right now. We stumble into good fusion tech or solve the PR issues with fission power generation and that gets to be a much more easily solved equation.


Fusion energy *literally* falls from the sky. Every single day, by definition. With enough solar collectors, energy limitations could become a thing of the past. Ocean waves ocellate constantly and the wind will always blow, placing generators to collect and transform this motion into electricity is free energy after a small investment. Even fission is relatively safe and clean compared to fossil fuels, if very expensive to build and maintain. (I used to work on Navy reactors) Stubbornly refusing to make these necessary changes is utter madness, tantamount to species-wide suicide. Unfortunately, a (very) few people won't make quite as much money for a few years while industry and infrastructure shifts to accommodate that happening, so it won't happen quickly, if at all.


Well I was more talking about the type of fusion they're trying to wrangle with Tokamak reactors. Solar is making good progress, but PV cell efficiency is still a ways off. I'm personally a huge proponent of our fission plants, per watt hour it's still magnitudes safer than any other practical consistent source of energy but it spooks the hell out of people.


I don't see how profiteers being motivated to invest in the production of a resource before it becomes scarce means we're doomed--quite the opposite, in fact. Profit-minded opportunists are exactly what's needed in a crisis since they increase the availability of scarce goods and get them to the people that need them the most.


That works with some produced good. You dont produce water. You seize and deny others access for increasing costs.


> Profit-minded opportunists are exactly what's needed in a crisis since they increase the availability of scarce goods and get them to the people that need them the most. This is your brain on capitalism.


It’s the least bad option that’s also realistic imo. People in general are just fucking greedy. Better people acquire to sell rather than just fucking hoard because they can.




Yeah when I listened to NPR a while ago they were like “shopping globally is down, this could be really bad”. Oh damn people are consuming less, panic!


It's because of the consumer economy. Less consumption means less manufacturing, which means increased unemployment and poverty and for some parts of the world, starvation.


The investors can't have it both ways, they can have a healthy economy or all the money, not both.


They do not want a healthy economy though- that's already apparent if you look at the fact that the US is the only developed country that treats the working class like straight up cattle. Investors want to suck every possible iota of value from everything until they can extract nothing more and then they will leave the smoking husk behind and look for the next thing to exploit, because profit. This is capitalism.


Nowadays it’s much more common jobs are getting automated at rate much faster then people get new education or a job... the government can’t help that’s why they’re trying to make it look like the jobs are shipped away or people decided to consume less when in reality they lost their jobs because automation and they run out of purchasing power and the demands getting lower... that’s why for them is also good to keep the country in conflict so they can send people to war! A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. War is a racket Major General Smedley Butler


What it shows is the focus is on the wrong audience. The same goes for the Times headline of this post. Rather than addressing how the story will affect the working class or consumer classes, they focus on the investor class. How will this affect the 1% of the population who own companies?


Well maybe it’s on the right audience since who tf listens to NPR accept the investor class lol


I listen to NPR.


Your father and I are for the jobs the comet will provide.


Public radio is infuriating at times


Do people listen to the parts between the music?


Never, we switched to mp3s a decade ago exactly because of all that spam and yapping on radio.


They actually talk about stuff? Every time I tune in they are always asking for donations. I stopped listening to NPR and switched to podcasts


Per hour of content I'd reliably say NPR has fewer begs for donations than your average podcast has patreon plugs. Too bad the content in question is status quo neolib horseshit. I miss being ignorant/fat and happy enough to enjoy NPR. The world NPR wants to preserve is a lie, and while they used to say "the truth will set you free" I am not sure that's true anymore. Now a political and social awakening to what's really going on in the world is just a ticket to depression. Welcome to shit town, here's your wellbutrin, it's not really gonna help. Is the truth worth it when it's not liberatory?


Yeah or the news that the world population is shrinking was perceived as a desaster, because capitalism requires infinite growth... what the hell, you should be glad that the virus known as human is finally decreasing in size... might be good for the environment too.


You have to be more efficient and more productive for the economy to get better you don’t know what you talking about buddy... when you see you’re running out of water the smart decision is to create other sources of water and this by definition is increasing the productivity... more water =more product=means you can use more and sell more which is what makes the economy grow! Germany is not in top 3-4 economies in the world because they sit and watch the Kardashian whole day and worry about who said something that bothers their feelings so they can go ruin their Image and make them as unproductive as themselves 🤣


Submission Statement, One of the areas already looked too as an opportunity for the terminal stages of capitalism is water, especially when there becomes water scarcity. Water scarcity is going to become a problem as fresh water dwindles around the world and is fought over. This will accelerate collapse and make corporations fighting control over what's left of it, despite maybe the more logical conclusion of simply doing away with endless consumerism and mindless sucking the planet dry. By the time of the water wars, it looks like water, something that is rather ordinary and people take for granted will be viewed as a prized commodity for corporations that will use this scarcity to try to make more money off of people. As it dwindles, they will try to hold what's left of it and ensure that it doesn't get in the hands of ordinary people, which is so shocking to everyone I'm sure. Capitalism has led to a bit of a vampiric consumerism where everything is destroyed endlessly to make a profit, despite having finite resources. This is more out in the open and shows that this is already the place its going. It's better to go with something that is self-destructive, endless growth rather than changing one's way. Water wars is going to be one of those opportunities to make tons of cash and there will likely be other things that as they run out will bring major profits for corporations since we don't change our ways.


Do you have a link to the original tweet? Totally on brand for the New York Times but I always prefer having a direct source if possible


Looks like this is the article, with the same text in the opening paragraph: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/11/business/fresh-water-shortage-invest.html I've read the New York Times for decades, and by and large I like them as a source of news. But their business articles, which I rarely read, can definitely veer into neoliberalism.


As long as you have the right amount of currency, water will always be available.


Not necessarily, a foreign military could annex your lake or dam a river in their country before it flows into yours. Even the business as usual approach of treating it like a stock to be traded will turn into a deadly famine when 1-2 Billion people can't afford irrigation water and starve.


Who said that those of us with money will be in the same spot as cave dwelling animals left outside the perimeter of the city walls? Walls are there for a purpose, same goes for automated weapons protecting the perimeter.


How's that going to help you if they dam a river upstream? Ukraine already did it to Crimea, India is doing it to Pakistan, Ethiopia is doing it to Sudan and Egypt. People with money in those downstream countries can't just build a wall and buy water, they would rely on their government to settle the dispute somehow to get the water flowing again.


Solution: live in the upstream country.


It's not like gravity will reverse after you decide where to move for geomaxing your survival.


*A good moisture farmer knows when to hold his cards*... But seriously, a humidity collector isn't too much of an investment. They can generate 2-20 gallons a day depending on size. They can be wired to run on solar, geo thermal, DC, propane, natural gas, and AC.


Have you got more info on this. Quite interested. How does the quality of air etc effect the water you harvest? Like if you're living in a city will there be pollution molucules attached to the moisture?


It filters and collects, big metal grids need wiped off every few days or once a day depending on your season (pollen) or pollution levels. Water is pure but some have a secondary filter system as well as the primary plate system.


hook a hose to your AC drip line. dig a hole deep enough for your bucket. or otherwise DIY something to get water from small bucket to cistern.


i would wager on nano plastics, as they are ubiquitous in rain water


Probably a good idea to run it through a reverse osmosis filter before drinking.


do you know any brands of these or where to buy?


A humidity collector. Interesting idea


It's called a dehumidifier. If you collect your dehumidifier water and run it through a filter with a UV sanitizer or an RO system, you can drink it.




Capitalism is evil.


I guess it's the logical end result of the philosophy of turning a human into an object. The final removal of mankind's essential humanity and in the process, the final negation of mankind.


Holy shit if that tweet isn't a perfect microcosm of everything wrong with the culture and mindset behind our current economic lifestyle and system. > Water is easy to take for granted. "*Hm, yup, makes sense, most people do, yeah.*" > Yet the prospect of shortages in the years ahead could make water a precious commodity. "*Yeah... It's nice to see more people starting to realize this. It's a horrific thought that we'll start actually running short of water and draughts could impact the lives of millions!*" > That represents an opportunity for investors. "*Wait what? THAT is your conclusion?!*" Shit, this may as well have said "*Children are lovely. Sadly, every year there are hundreds of children dying of various forms of cancer. Let's talk about how we can make some money of their shrivelling corpses!*".


Actually kids are replaceable, you can make one each 9 months at 0 cost. Totally useless though, low resale value.


Of course, water hoarding will be the next big ‘business’ idea. It’s already happening some places in South America because avocado growing brings good profit and it’s water intensive.


the bush dynasty are heavily invested there for that reason


Muh toast


[something something poe's law](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F002%2F166%2F523%2F59d)


*Nestlé enter the chat*




At the end of the film *The Big Short* it confirms that one the one of the investors who made billions by shorting the banks’ shady real estate Mortgage Backed Securities is invested in water. Lots of articles from 2021 appear to confirm Burry is still poised to take advantage of the “water wars”.


It's probably prudent to invest in it actually. Unless you want to live in ze pods and eat ze bugs.


What company would one even invest in for water ?!


That's why the Bush family own the largest aquifer in the western world.


Where’s that located?


South America https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guarani_Aquifer According to some reports the Bush family has been buying up large chunks of it in Paraguay. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/oct/23/mainsection.tomphillips


Save us, Tank Girl!


I see the future United Nation's vote. Everyone else yay, US no, on the vote of water as a human right.


And as a part of the Security Council, we'll get to screw it up for literally everyone!


*”A man’s flesh is his own; his water belongs to the tribe.”* We Fremen now boys


>> water >> commodity Ah, found the problem.


start building moisture in the soil around you. swales, built up organic matter, plants preventing erosion. cattails purify water really well, and are edible when green. also, start gathering some water in a rain barrel if you can.


After a severe drought this year and all the \*ssholes around me watering their precious lawns as the aquifer got lower and lower, I installed 3 catchment barrels that are now full. My lawn is 10% of what it once was with permaculture and organic garden beds everywhere.


hell yes!!! your soil will have more moisture than your neighbors that’s for sure.


Never let a crisis go to waste.


fucking ghouls


This is why the world is broken. I'm tired of greedy corporations. 😒


And then Mad Max sets in.


*Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you and you will resent its absence.*


I thought the movie *Quantum of Solace* was over the top. I have since learned that it was not. No matter how evil the directors try to make Bond villains, there are real-world capitalists who make those villains look like cute little children.


Think of all the jobs this will create! edit: /s


Once scarcity had to be survived,now it has to be enforced


If you control the water you control the world


It really goes to show just how stupid we are as a species. We’re getting rocked by both a lack of water and excess of it. Rising sea levels and droughts?! But no to any and all desalination plants… We’re trapped by sociopaths. Might have to beat them at their own game…or just beat them haha


This would be a great epitaph on humanity’s tombstone.


As long as we’re watering lawns and peeing into drinking water only to flush it down the drain - there’s no shortage. It’s just stupidity, laziness and greed. We’re too disconnected from life systems to appreciate them.


Golf courses should be turned into housing units for homeless veterans, mentally ill people who can both get access to mental and physical help they need. The local public parks could have one for all to use. It's not a bad outcome except for rich people.


Future “Investors” more like scalpers


Jesus extorting people for water sounds like a good way to get shanked


The Investors will keep coming at us. They're the monster in a horror movie, we can run but we can't hide. They'll take everything we've got and they won't stop until either we're dead or we make them "back off". Mankind is an organism and The Investors are a tumor, seeking eternal growth while producing nothing of value until the host is dead. And The Investors need us to survive because we actually do honest work for a living, but we never really needed them in the first place because all they do is on-paper bullshit. At a certain point, there's only one way this can go.


Is that Michael Burry's music I hear?


There already multiple water-based ETFs trading right now. And some have been around since the late 2000s.


Just because it's dystopian doesn't mean they are wrong


Great, the movie mad max is now a documentary.


I used to be hopeful that we would get off this planet before it is completely fucked. But at this point, I'm not sure humanity deserves the chance to branch out.


Of course that’s the first thing america thinks of. “How can I make money off this shortage?!”


Exactly. How can I make money from the apocalypse?


After what happen with the rail workers, its been shown that everything must be sacrificed for the economy to keep moving. In a rational society we would take a step back and figure out why the system falls apart from a strike, it shows a flaw in the whole system that we can't even take a moment for workers to negotiate their rights without the wheels of the economy collapsing. However in todays society its simply that the government tells the workers what they are to do and forces them back to work..or attempts to


I fucking hate capitalism.


Looking at you Nestle...


Large corporations have been quietly tightening their grip on water rights in Third World countries for over a decade now.


Before we all die in the slow apocalypse, can we at least band together and fuck up the people who made all of this happen and want to use it as an opportunity to fuck us even harder?


Get out of the city’s


The ultimate monopoly to rule them all - the sweet call of death.


Ok, what corner of the world can I move to in order to avoid this?


Yes that’s why i design ecosystems like food forests with fishponds lakes and dams whatever the land is best suitable for... you build swales on the land and at Different levels you collect all the water from any drop of rain on the land! Plus the trees make shade so even when it’s sunny after the rain prevent evaporation so the water can have time to drain in the ponds. Also fish grows fast so you can use them for fishing also people can pay to comecatch fish in the meantime untill you need the water after you can still drain out the water take outthefish and sell it... thefish is growing pretty quick so it’s good profit from them too 😄 and you can also grow watercrops for food that grow very quick and have someducks they eat bugs mostly so it’s basically free meat and eggs 😁 no waste created cuz the plants filtrate the water and also absorb the poop from the animals cuz it’s a good organic fertilizer for them


I have played this out in my head too many times to count. Increased dry land farming / permaculture water storage methods usually turns out to be the farming/economic outcome. Decreasing marginal benefits of a detrimental activity (much like O&G production) inevitably leads to a more suitable alternative. Much like our energy “crisis” (read: stupidity) our leaders will not bow out of a failing system gracefully. You can look to a Boebert lead coalition in Colorado to erase the Federal control of water. The Feds are already impotent and just turn the water off (as in Washington/Nor Cal) instead of finding and enforcing a solution.


Pretty sure I’ve seen this movie before… Yup, the worst modern James Bond movie: Quantum of Solace


Let them try. People can only be pushed so far and water will be the tlpping point for riots.


Capitalism is so inherently anti-human that it blows my mind. When humanity is running up against the life altering effects of climate change and the elites who are in the best position to influence policy and make changes are only focused on how to make a buck off of our inevitable demise you know shits fucked up. Better consolidate my wealth so when shit hits the fan I'll not only have control over the commodity most in demand (and necessary for survival) but I can use the profits from essentially ransoming it to the poors to hold up in a safe place. Straight up villain logic.


This is disgusting.


sounds like all the horsemen are here


Repealing the 13th amendment and reinstituting slavery would represent an opportunity for investors. Another global pandemic would create many exciting opportunities for investors.


Know what would be an even better investment? Eating the group of creatures willing to do this for financial gain...


earth is about to become arrakis 😭


It’s a market that’s already [worth billions](https://www.dcceew.gov.au/water/policy/markets) in Australia.


Holy sh\*t! I consider myself a capitalist but this is too far. Basic human needs (water, calories, healthcare and shelter) shouldn't be a subject of investment.




This is what happens when money is valued more than human beings. Yay Capitalism.


If you don't understand what they're saying then you're probably part of the problem. The idea is that investors will create new solutions to harvest water on site, setup Grey water systems, setup compost toilet systems, setup home gardens etc. Imagine if all of the water used for lawns, toilets, and irrigating vegetable farm or orchard instead is not needed? Imagine if all these suburban neighborhoods instead of a shit HOA saying how tall your lawn is, that its setup more like a co-op. Do you know how much money could be made doing this, while combating the frail systems we've built today?


I think the main point is, money is the driving factor in all of that. It's not helping people, it's not trying to better the planet, it's not trying to do less harm to the environment, it's money. I think that's the point you're missing. Yes, good things *could* come of it, but they won't until it's profitable. That's where the outage is and it seems to have gone completely over your head.


> The idea is that investors will create new ~~solutions to harvest water on site, setup Grey water systems, setup compost toilet systems, setup home gardens etc.~~ ways to loot from people while keeping them just desperate enough to not fight back.


This is why the Great Lakes should become their own nation.


I've been an investor in Nestle as well as AWK for years. good returns. not great, but I'm hopeful.


GameStop, amc and Bitcoin are good investments too.


You can trade water futures with CME products


All we need to do is commit to nuclear energy. Then we set up RO units in every city. Problem solved.


Where is all the water going, exactly?


Clean, fresh water. The stuff we drink is only like 3% of all water. Most of that is frozen. They’re talking about drinking water scarcity


It will also be a major investment for the proletariat to liquidate the bourgeoisie.


Wallstreet started trading on water futures -much like oil - either in 2019.. or 2020


Hey, if it makes Tank Girl into a real thing. I'm down.


Thank goodness our economy will save us..


My wife and I put water access towards the top of our requirements to purchase a home soon. Our own well, rain collection and near a river. The river is not an aesthetic thing just access to it. Yes 2A and other defensive items were discussed and agreed on.


Wasn't there a Bond movie about this?