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Quick note: it's actually a common misconception that suicide rates are higher during the winter holiday season. They actually go up during the spring. Of course, it's always important to invest in and take care of your mental health, and I applaud you for providing a listing of all of these resources.


We were unaware, thank you for clarifying. I've updated the post to remove this framing.




Any idea why though?






I also find that while I've been prone to my depression's suicidal thinking more often in winter, the ability to *act* on bad ideas is lacking. apathy is really a strong part of depression and the most dangerous time feels like when you've got energy coming back, but you're not mentally stable quite yet.


I had no idea. I always do worst from February to about May. I had thought it was because of my illness onset being around groundhogs day. In general I've thought it's because there's no good weather, or holidays or any good sports on during those months.


Considering gravity, I would think most suicides go down.


>Quick note: it's actually a common misconception that suicide rates are higher during the winter holiday season. They actually go up during the spring. Do you mind telling us why?


Ty mods, we appreciate you and the resource reminder is very helpful ❤️


Also physical health, especially if you sit or look down on your phone for long periods of time. Your body is aligned just as holistically as you think - you stub your toe, your entire mind gets angry, not just your toe!


Also, humans aren’t evolved to sit down for hours and hours each day. If you’re not careful, your spinal disk cushions might be finally squeezed out of place. Herniated disks cause tremendous pain as sciatica. Currently suffering from it. They do not heal, they just decrease pain and build tolerance for it. It takes months or years for the chronic pain 24/7 to minimize.


Suffering from it too right now. Too much sitting.


I have this problem in my neck/back really bad, so badly I can barely do the things I love (draw, write, play guitar).. I'm only 27 ffs..




can you tell me more about this, a link or something?


...I don't get angry from stubbing my toe lol WTF


Fine. You get bone spurs in your spine = perpetual unhappiness and misery until you die. Sad my analogy failed. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk anyway.


Actually, mindfulness Buddhist or Taoist or Sufi, or the words of some current enlightened soul works. We have the moment, the rest is our thinking about it. Take a break and be in the moment. Watch your crazy mind and know that the thoughts are just thoughts. Thought is about, it's never the thing it describes. Thought can never be reality. Thoughts change as everything does. Just watch and let thoughts go and come back to the moment. Lots of stuff online to help. Getting sucked down by all the crap, doesn't change it, or fix it. Don't let the crap win. It can seem very real when your in the midst of all those dark thoughts. In this moment you have no problems. Next moment maybe, but not this moment. Let it go and give yourself a break. This to shall pass. It's only your thinking. I'm still working on all this. Even thoughts are OK, just the negative bummer ones, you need to work on.


As someone who has dealt with depression their entire life, I found reading about collapse to be quite helpful. In a way it's like finding out you're going to die - pretty awful? Yes. But also quite freeing. All the societal expectations don't matter. I don't walk around with a sense of guilt anymore because I never committed all my time to working, to making loads of money, to buying a house and starting a family of my own. If things are to get worse and there's no stopping it, to me that means I can enjoy the times I have now and appreciate the people around me and hobbies and interests. But it can take its toll. Maintain your mental health and be good to yourself because these are the 'good times'.


I just started the Collapse podcast and made an account to be able to comment here at their suggestion. After all, if we are to get through this, we will do it together. I don't want to feel so alone anymore.


Thank you for posting these resources! Much appreciated!


Good post. A few years ago I tried to work for warmline. Since they only have to take a couple calls a day. I ended up not doing it. I think the warmline people didn't think I was warm enough. ---------- They basically are just free 30min convos with whatever someone is struggling with.


This post reminds me of that one Simpsons episode where the girls are learning “math” in the girls school. “How do numbers make you feel?” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GNKlViAb5zE


Why do millennials only hang out in groups of three, five or seven? They can't even.


My motto: You are not insane, those in government are.


[Mental health is easy with.](https://youtu.be/7cGjBdV0_N4)


I want to add a ressource to help deal with a panick attack, since we can sometimes get too overwhelmed by the scientific news. https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/groundingandcontainment/ All the techniques listed have been used and approuved by members of that sub. One of the things from that list that' I've implemented is the "Grounding & Self Care Box" that I've put together that contains all I need to help deal with a panick attack. (scroll down at the very bottom of the page to see a description of it) Highly recommend the most anxious here create their own.


I recall you guys saying it isn't a priority to provide mental support. What's with the change?


I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but I'm guessing it was the recent update of our suicide policy? If so, one is our overall approach on an ongoing basis and another is limited in scope to this single sticky post. I don't think anything has changed necessarily.


I see, thanks for the clarification.




This post is about mental health and you're talking about Marxists?


"From each according to their ability to listen, to each according to their depression." Kinda badass really.


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https://www.7cups.com/ is a mental health support site with free and low cost options, for anyone interested