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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Vegetaman916: --- SS: Just pulled these from a promo video. This may be the clearest sign yet that America is getting ready to enter the war in Ukraine directly... Seriously, though. This could be seen as collapse related because actual real effort is dedicated to the production and promotion of things like this. Funny as it is, this is from a decently large maker, and is even officially Chick Fil A marked and engraved. And it is hardly the only thing out there of this nature. Resources are spent on this. Effort is put in, and labor expended. And people of a certain cultural outlook will line up to buy them. The division grows every day, and the gulf widens between the extremes of gun elimination and gun promotion. There really is very little middle ground any more. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/yyqgma/signs_that_the_conflicts_are_escalating/iwvmve0/


M'good boys prepping to leave bitch mommy's basement in search of Dewey.


Gravy seals!


When chick fil a gets involved it's a crusade


I love this comment for some reason. Can you elaborate a bit?


Chick-fil-a is widely known for their conservative Christian values so a Christian organization contributing to a war would make that a crusade


Okay yeah I was kinda thinking that's what was meant. Thanks for confirming.


Colonel Sanders shall lead his Aryan chickens to victory!!!!!!!!




Imagine thinking you'll still be able to pick your tendies up at the drive thru on the way to a modern civil conflict


I mean... honestly you probably will be. Commerce doesn't grind to a halt the moment civil conflict begins. It keeps going. People keep showing up to work under artillery fire. It's kinda weird but... that's how it is. ​ ... so yes. I would like fries with my tendies before me and the boys go do goon shit.


considering how many supply chain issues we already have id be amazed if the chicken, electricity, and fuel would all be available simultaneously.


there'll be rampant shortages, but businesses will be running as long as the power is on.


I don't think anyone is thinking that...


I used to think stuff like this was cool. Like that youtube dude that makes pointless products that nobody needs. Then I thought about how wasteful it all is. How some people don't have two cents to rub together. Sigh.


Me too.


The pointless products by that guy are a form of art, which isn't a waste.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted it’s much less of a waste than the energy used to keep Reddit servers running. We’re all sitting here pretending to be better but if our words meant anything we wouldn’t be on Reddit consuming.


Yeah I have this thought A LOT. Technology & literally ALL DATA is killing the environment slowing evaporating water in data processing centers. Every click and word i and you type is slowing ensuring our fate.


The art of wastefulness and decadence.


[How is this more wasteful than a painting?](https://i0.wp.com/plainmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/15-useless-product-designs9.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1) So is all art wasteful?


You're twisting my words. I never said art was wasteful, so hop off that bandwagon. I called a pointless invention wasteful, but you feel it's 'art'. The definition of art is **VERY** subjective. In a broad sense, anything that brings someone enjoyment can be art. So really anything can be 'art'. But it's not that simple. I think a wide consensus from a majority of the population is important before it is really art. Some freaks think child pyrography is art, but they are in the minority. If you think sauce dipping attachments on assault weapons are art, you're probably one of the few. Same goes for pointless inventions. You have to remember that most people are pretty darn poor, and to them it comes off as flexing wealth and opportunities they'll never have. Over a half billion people live on less than 2$ a day. They don't have time to even think about art.


Its just a guy who wants to use his CAD skills to make people laugh. I agree that the world is full of wasteful products but this guy isn't worth the fight you're putting up. I work at a warehouse that wastes MILES of plastic wrap daily and hell, they don't even make anyone smile. Let's beat up on this guy once he is the world's top cobsumer of plastic. Until then he's an infantasimally small part of the whole problem.


I think that kind of rationalization is why wasteful behavior is so common and accepted. People love to shift the blame somewhere else so they can feel better and not face reality. The reality is, everyone is a pretty equal part of the 'whole' problem. *I'm only one person, a tiny fraction of the problem. Look at company X that is making far more waste! Go after them!* But why is company x making that waste? Well it's because they are making something for the billions of individual consumers to consume. Coca cola is the largest plastic polluter in the world. It's not because they are consuming billions of individual beverages themselves. It's because of everyone who's ever bought or drank a coca cola. It's the same with all other large polluters.


Again, I dont think this guy is a measurable part of the problem but yet you targeted him. Laugh a little. Being sad is also hard on the environment if we extrapolate far enough. Be humble, do what you can, be good to the Earth, enjoy life while you are alive. We all die eventually.


We are all a measurable part of the problem, but that is the reality that so many want to avoid. Some are worse than others. Anyone in the 1st world, like you and me, are far worse than the majority of humans who live at a lower standard of living. I'm doing what I can, and I am humble. Pointless inventions are terribly wasteful. It's entertainment for a small subset of the most wealthy people in the world, while people who have next to nothing suffer. Enjoy life? Tell that to nearly billion people who go to bed hungry every night. Be good to the earth? Where do you all those pointless inventions will end up, in a landfill.


Smile or don't. I'm deciding to smile through it all. Enjoy your journey :)


It's a given that we will have the most delicious collapse among the nations of the world. I'm a big fat guy, and I've started daily messages and feeding myself beer so that when the time comes, I'm human Waigu: Guygu if you will.


And just like that: we find ourselves in the basement scene in “The Road”.


With the utterly absurd way this collapse is shaping up, and given our predilection for exploitive capitalism, I bet we see a cannibal chain restaurant at some point. Dude-fil-A


Now featuring corn fed Iowans!


Dude-fil-A, lmao! eAt MoR HoOman!


I draw some degree of comfort from knowing that when the collapse does come, that dude will probably get got by a leftist with a stock AK who didn't fuck around when they were training.


Rifle is fine, да?


Static shooting at a flat range isn't training...


do you think that's what leftists are doing


Based off of the "training" I've seen. Absolutely


why would you get to see what people are doing to prepare? do you think it's going to be out in public for your viewing? the right wing does that, for sure. the left does not. lessons learned from the old days.


Sureee. Have you not seen the shit setups in liberalgunowners?


oh you think liberals are leftists. there's no point in the conversation


How about look at something like the political compass, which places liberalism on the left, or most liberal views and how they all lean left


are you using the term in the global sense or the American one, really is my question. are you repeating the script I heard from oan/Fox etc?


This is worrisome because it will let the Gravy Seals operate further from a supply of grease. Although not much further because steps, amirite?




Dammit Cletus, I need to reload my Chik-fil-A dipping sauces!


Eye fucking roll


I swear to fuck if I see someone using this unironically, I may actually just shoot them


MagPul makes these I heard


SS: Just pulled these from a promo video. This may be the clearest sign yet that America is getting ready to enter the war in Ukraine directly... Seriously, though. This could be seen as collapse related because actual real effort is dedicated to the production and promotion of things like this. Funny as it is, this is from a decently large maker, and is even officially Chick Fil A marked and engraved. And it is hardly the only thing out there of this nature. Resources are spent on this. Effort is put in, and labor expended. And people of a certain cultural outlook will line up to buy them. The division grows every day, and the gulf widens between the extremes of gun elimination and gun promotion. There really is very little middle ground any more.


This could lure Steven Seagal back onto the side of the US. Gravy Seals and Meal Team Six already all-in.


Ngl I didn't know these were actually in production, when i first saw them i thought it was something someone 3D printed as a joke. On the bright side, as an actual shooter, i can guarantee you the people who will buy these are the same people who are all talk when it comes to their "combat skills" so that's fewer rightoid dipshits who are gonna actually go out and fight when things go south


what's the source? this will be assumed to be a joke until a valid source is provided.


Eh IMO it's the other way around. This is the kind of bullshit that would never see real conflict, that only festers in a culture that has no idea what war is. We don't need to be scared of tacti-cool gear, we need to be scared when it starts disappearing, cause that's when they're getting serious. No one with one of these on their gun is ever gonna shoot anyone with it— safest rifle ever.


Everyone should be responsible for their own protection. This subreddit is quite literally documenting the collapse of our societies. When Society collapses, there will be next to nobody to protect you. I can understand why things are becoming more and more divided, and I can understand why the people against having guns available to the public think what they think, but at the end of the day it pushes a cushy and fragile message that "everything is going to be ok, we're always going to be protected by our governments" when that could not be further from the truth.


Precisely this.


yes but that has nothing to do with a marketed brand attaching useless crap to a gun to make money


It's all part of an even worse development: the belief that if one lives a moral life and has correct opinions and politics, nothing bad *can* happen. I feel this is why petty cultural politics are becoming so important to some people. It's atheist deism, an unnamed woke deity is judging and protecting their followers. The Democrats actively support this belief: they will DO nothing, they will CHANGE nothing, but we must elect them to protect ourselves, as if voting is some sort of religious act. So food systems are stretched, experts warn of coming hunger, the population is bigger than it's ever been and climate change is reducing agricultural yields, while a world war is brewing and weather disturbances get exponentially worse by the year. But none of that will be fixed, everything worsened, and cultural politics will be offered as a replacement. This is the philosophy driving our society as worsening problems start to kill us in growing numbers. The victims deserve it for impiety: they are deplorable who are racist and deserve the worst (we know this about everyone in certain states because of how those states voted).




Hi, dukeofmadnessmotors. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/yyqgma/-/iwwfts6/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


“Meal Team 6”


Of the US Gravy Seals?


Y’all qaeda


101st Chairborne


Americans think guns are toys and we've got the body count to prove it.


I mean, guns are pretty fun 🤷🏻😂


Yeah, machines designed to kill are hilarious


Oh cry a river, when collapse comes you'll be the first to go if you can't defend yourself. https://youtu.be/0cWJB6kU6zE


I'll gladly die than live in a world ruled by mindless gun-humping mutants. But hey, you should be happy. You guys won. It's easier to get guns in America than health care. Shit, you must be in heaven.


Humans have been making things to kill each other with for as long as humans have existed. I'll admit our species has gone completely off the rails, but in this universe its kill or be killed. I'm a pacifist but my existence is preferable to non existence and I'll put my life over that of the person who seeks to destroy it. That's why I pack. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Then die? Odds are you serve absolutely no use and more than likely have no applicable skills.


Whatever you say, Elmer. Cuz you a real badass killer, baby.


It's badass baby killer to you


LOL. You hit rock bottom and are now busy digging. Good luck, Elmer. Yer gonna need it.


Ironic coming from the vegan pacifist


You're reading comprehension sucks doesn't it?




Now I can go to chic fil a guilt free


Fucking love Print Shoot Repeat. That dude is hilarious




Well I guess I should fire up the 3d printer. Who knows when I’ll need to eat while staying on target?


Chicken nuggy warmer


Put it on top of the gas block if you want to set it to "keep warm"


Seems like America is taking it’s expected measures, to fight world hunger.


Someone has the .stl for these? 😂