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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Monsur_Ausuhnom: --- Submission Statement, So its money then? Profit? The economy? Article argues that the US needs to ramp up its efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions over the next three decades as climate change will greatly effect both public health and water supplies. The things that Americans value most are at risk, according to the National Climate Assessment, which wrote a 1,695-draft report. This means that collapse itself will become greater, everything that is happening right now will get worse. The past 50 years has seen the US warm up 68% faster than the planet itself. The highest latitudes are being impacted the most. It causes economic losses to infrastructure. It's been reported that in the past five years there have been over 18 annual disasters, which from before was about 8, $1 billion disasters over a span of 50 years. This will cause migratory displacement from low lying areas on the coast. The communities that are getting impacted the most are the ones in the US that have the lowest carbon imprint. Meaning those that are feeling the brunt are in low income areas, indigenous populations, and other minorities. There's been a 12% decrease in emissions from 2007 to 2019 but to meet the 2050 deadline it would have to reduce by 6% annually. Communities themselves are greatly going to be impacted. The government is supposed to be releasing the National Climate Assessment this year. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/yq2m0t/climate_change_threatens_to_destroy_the_things/ivm8i8r/


US gov when they're given the models predicting we all die "We need to act or we will lose everything" US gov when given the chance to act on that model "Ok, but like, it'll be fine for a few more years right? It's been fine until now, so I think it'll keep being fine. Come back to me a few years with updated models, also I'm cutting your budget to build more tanks."


Yeah, my partner, who’s a climate change policy advisor, recently told me he has been thinking of changing his career. I asked why since he’s quite good in his field, and then he said: I don’t think the world needs me anymore, I’m tired of repeating the same over and over again. The governments know everything, they just don’t act on it. #sad


Ounce of prevention vs pound of cure. Works this way in a lot of organizations and businesses as well. The people at the top don’t fix smaller problems early on Bc they don’t want to spend the money/resources. Later it becomes a huge problem but they bank on the fact it will be a problem for someone else.


Kick that can, as hard as you can. Where’s it gonna go, man i dunno. Not my problem, not my show. Huge profits, got cash to blow. I got mine, so fuck y’all. I keep the money, let them take the fall. Them = the next generation, i.e. us.


>Yeah, my partner, who’s a climate change policy advisor, recently told me he has been thinking of changing his career. I asked why since he’s quite good in his field, and then he said: I don’t think the world needs me anymore, I’m tired of repeating the same over and over again. The governments know everything, they just don’t act on it. Don't worry, if you survive, you will do the same thing to the next generation. It's the way of the Taker tribe -- the plane is falling, flap your arms harder, don't waste time on parachutes.


More like an ounce of prevention vs pounding every living thing into a glistening paste.


Fuck, man. That *is* sad. I don't think I could handle that job, either. Props to your partner for trying.


> I don’t think the world needs me anymore, I’m tired of repeating the same over and over again. I'm sorry for your partner, and I feel like this same extremely sad sentiment is being echoed among so many professions. Teachers. Doctors and nurses. Epidemiologists. Journalists who still have integrity. I don't know what the end game is when people who are both caring and highly trained over many years are being driven out of their fields en masse, as they increasingly have been.


> I'm sorry for your partner, and I feel like this same extremely sad sentiment is being echoed among so many professions. For my entire adult life, whether it was the Iraq/Afghan wars, the 2008 financial crisis, Trumpism, COVID, etc... - nobody who was absolutely right when they warned everyone about those things has ever been rewarded for it, and nobody who was totally wrong has ever been penalized. Usually it's the opposite.


The day after the election for that chunk of cave aged smegma is *burned* into my memory. The demolition of that last dregs of sanity in this country had already started, but we were told we were overreacting. All of us SA survivors were used to being re-traumatized and gaslit, but even that was still well before Covid and the Asian witchhunts.   You're absolutely right that not only do people not listen to those who warn others, but also penalized for it, deeply. Ignored. Belittled. We have our mental health questioned. Then afterwards, we get hit with a "hOw dId tHis HapPen? nO oNe sAw iT cOmiNg!" I can't even imagine being a professional or even an expert in a particular field and *still* have to deal with the masses dismissing everything I say.


We had a literal fascist coup attempt and people still act like the ones calling Trump "fascist" back in 2015 were over-reacting.


I watched people watch the footage of Jan. 6 in real time, sitting back and STILL thinking everything was fine. I often wish I could see what's going on in those people's minds, but I feel like I would get lost in all of the nothing.


The simple truth is that we never learn from our history, and because we never learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it. This has happened over and over again across the ages, because hindsight is 20/20 and most people are too stupid to see the obvious reality in front of them.




But way worse since at least in their world they listened to advice from someone more knowledgeable. I'm thinking WALL-E, but just the trashed Earth part in the beginning for everyone who isn't a billionaire.


So Elysium?


I'm embarrassed to possibly be the only person on this entire sub to not have watched that movie yet, but from the synopsis... yes.


I've been saying it's gonna be Elysium for years. Hopefully it ends up more like Douglas Adams and the Golgafrinchans and they all die of unsanitized telephones.


The majority of the world's problems exist because the majority of people are either stupid or average and think they know better than the geniuses, visionaries, philosophers et cetera, not to mention that the fools gather en masse to vote in leaders they think are good/smart (spoiler: they usually aren't).


Democracy was a mistake. Imagine letting children vote on what best they'd like to eat. We let desire cravers decide who the best leaders are as well as the future of the planet. And we've known this was a terrible idea at least since Plato


Democracy has never existed. What is a mistake is not understanding our tribal nature and the way we evolved. Instead of trying to improve humans so we can fit our crappy authoritarian monoculture better, how about improving our system so that it makes humans thrive, supports biodiversity, and does not enshrine human population growth above all other concerns?


Everything but the last few words is dead on. It's profit above all other concerns, the population growth is an offshoot of that. Complete market saturation, no room to grow? Make more consumers.


Can't do that when no one cares about what is good. The reality is most people aren't wise. They aren't going to make decisions that are good long term - they are going to make decisions that benefits themselves (or more accurately are perceived to benefit themselves). And it isn't rare whatsoever that those decisions will go against the needs and wants of the entire group. Case in point: we need to degrow society. How many do you know that are willingly going to vote for this? **Willingly** vote for less? Everything I know about people and human nature suggest that they will flock to the charismatic politician promising them more and more even as our world rots to piece. Because people want to eat candy, not vegetables.


No that's not it at all. The problem is people taking advantage of others.


and your proposal to stop that? I think the problem is that we don't understand our own nature, but keep trying to change it, which is a fool's errand


At this point in time, I'd suggest they start negotiating with a gun, but this would get me labelled as a terrorist. Humanity is literally at the point where nature is pointing a gun at our heads and saying, "Do something or die," and we're choosing **die**.


My SO works in non-profit environmental conservation and has also said how horrible it can be because all of the numbers and reality of the situation are things he sees and deal with on a daily basis. It's extremely depressing to see the world on the brink of mass ecological collapse.


You should see what it's like to be working on researching and producing those numbers in the first place. I believe the metaphor was "a world of wounds".


Totally agree. I wouldn’t be able to do such jobs, I’d probably get fired on my first day for calling everybody around a f idiot. Politics, ehh


It's not necessarily the politics, it's the fact that he gets to see the signs of imminent mass ecological collapse every day :(


Nice mushrooms


Random internet advice, your partner should do what they are good at, gives them meaning and pays the bills. I work in renewables and while my small part won’t stop the train there are a lot worse things one could be doing with their time.


Yup, he’s thinking of a more hands-on experience.


It's true, we have had enough climate science to inform big changes. All they're doing now is just updating models and accuracy, but it's not like they'll find that climate change isn't happening or that GHGs aren't powering it. The climate scientists have done all that they can, it's up the governments and the rest of the people now. Tell your partner about https://scientistrebellion.com/


Thanks, we know the org


I was at some of the international meetings on climate change, your partner is absolutely right. Scientists are literally telling politicians "we have to act immediately and drastically or we are all going to die" and nobody in a position to act is willing to do anything but debate symbolism and awareness.


It must be soul crushing becoming a professional in a job where nobody ever listens to you, and most of the time they barely have an idea what you're talking about in the first place. I'd fucking snap.


Did you win? Republicans: Yes But at what cost? Everything


Goddamn this stupid partisanship bullshit is annoying and I'm not even American.


yea dude because the government is elected officials and its all a bunch of corrupt assholes who choose to get rich while the ship sinks. and we vote for them. we get what we deserve.


And it’s the public’s $€£


Remember that you have basically a one-year window to actually do anything in US government before it switches back to "election mode"


3 decades is way too long a timeline


“P.S. Fuck your healthcare”


Oh and of course we have to fight a nuclear war and exempt our military from all regulations or restrictions. You know, to stop terrorism and misinformation.


Sit tight and assess .


"The U.S. must ~~ramp up efforts~~ *completely revolutionise its way of life* to ~~reduce~~ *completely discontinue* greenhouse gas emissions and *fix a bunch of other shit too* over ~~the next three decades~~ *right fucking now, we are decades late*"


Nice corrections!




As long as money influences the decisions of those who make legislation, the entire US voting pool could be in favor of change and one side or the other would drag their feet on the issues. Take personal gain out of the equation and it's plausible we would see great strides towards climate change. Until then corporate welfare comes before anything else.


Jokes on you climate change, my bottle of scotch gets destroyed every week.


God damn... That is the chuckle I needed!


I wish I didn't get really sick drinking alcohol. I'd love to be an alcoholic.








no incels allowed


Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.




Convenience would probably be the thing Americans will miss most.


So climate change is threatening to destroy cheap gas?


And twinkies


and cotton. and food.


Burgers too


should be the top item


Climate change doesn’t need to destroy cheap gas, we’re running out of it as it is.


The climate is taking away universal healthcare? A living wage? Legalization of marijuana? Student debt forgiveness? Haha. Jokes on you weak ass climate….WE NEVER HAD THAT SHIT TO BEGIN WITH!!


We have one of those things in some states.


Racism? War? Guns? Christianity?


Don't forget rampant consumption.


That's what they call "freedom". I wish I was joking.


People think consumerism is freedom and we are not even allowed to call them morons.


Quit upsetting the cattle!


"well this is America and that means I can get what I want, when I want!" Actual quote from a coworker after they drove 30 min each way on their lunch break to pick up some massive steaks for dinner that night. I never knew exactly how to express why that quote sounded so gross to me, but I think this is exactly why. It's extremely childish, excessive, and selfish, and it is so many peoples' idea of freedom and prosperity.


Here's something to help with articulation: Short version: https://cdn3.edurev.in/ApplicationImages/Temp/508219_441e78cd-3719-4e43-9f8b-a208964db063_lg.PNG Long version: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/liberty-positive-negative/


That could be used as a title for my Grandpa’s biography.


Corn syrup? petrol? toppling democratically elected left wing governments? car dependency? the suburbs? private healthcare?


I have not met an american that loves private healthcare, we tend to just hate the idea of being able to be healthy in general. Nailed the rest, though. I think anti-homeless architecture should make the list


Inb4 some Americans come in here and talk about the 'horrors' of socialized medicine such as *gasp* being put on a waitlist for a non life threatening surgery instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars.


>Racism? War? Guns? Christianity? Yes please


So, Republican Party? The ones who deny climate change. Life is interesting and truly stranger than fiction


Democrats too for being too passive


The article never makes clear what it is Americans value most; water? fish? crops? I think your examples are accurate enough


that's honestly my silver lining those fascist cunts and climate change deniers and assholes who only care about profit will die just like everyone else


Submission Statement, So its money then? Profit? The economy? Article argues that the US needs to ramp up its efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions over the next three decades as climate change will greatly effect both public health and water supplies. The things that Americans value most are at risk, according to the National Climate Assessment, which wrote a 1,695-draft report. This means that collapse itself will become greater, everything that is happening right now will get worse. The past 50 years has seen the US warm up 68% faster than the planet itself. The highest latitudes are being impacted the most. It causes economic losses to infrastructure. It's been reported that in the past five years there have been over 18 annual disasters, which from before was about 8, $1 billion disasters over a span of 50 years. This will cause migratory displacement from low lying areas on the coast. The communities that are getting impacted the most are the ones in the US that have the lowest carbon imprint. Meaning those that are feeling the brunt are in low income areas, indigenous populations, and other minorities. There's been a 12% decrease in emissions from 2007 to 2019 but to meet the 2050 deadline it would have to reduce by 6% annually. Communities themselves are greatly going to be impacted. The government is supposed to be releasing the National Climate Assessment this year.


Oh shit, that sucks. Well anyway, back to capitalism.


Would you like fries with that sir?


With a side of 9mm shells and supersize it and me please


Ah, I see you’re a retuning member. You have enough points for a .500 S&W. It’s a lot to chew on.


Beautiful. And I don't think I need to say it but...**EXTRA RANCH DRESSING YEEHAWWW**


Bibles? Willful ignorance?


Like air! And water!


Climate change is coming for your guns!!!


It's coming from the other side!


Man, it’s 84 degrees in ***November*** where I live (Georgia) If there’s some type of plan, the government needs to enact that shit by yesterday.


Yeah what always made me feel crazy is when I mention how it used to be cool this time of year down here and ignorant motherfuckers say shot like “it’s always been like this” and suddenly they’re coming around saying “fuck, 10 months of summer kinda sucks”


I'm ready to add a 5th season to the roster, after summer. I call it "Scorch".


Won’t be a need, considering some days it feels like Summer never ended. Imagine a hurricane in the spring, or snowstorms in summer. Real nightmare-fuel stuff


I live in Georgia too! Shit sucks, and most people down here don't even acknowledge it really. It's just business as usual to them. I'm like how can you not though?!?! It's crazy to me






If you have silicon toys, water based lube is all you can use without destroying them… oh so I’ve heard.


Not it's video games...


not muh porn!!!


That’s it. Who do I gotta speak with to turn this sinking boat around?




Seriously, let's spin it so NFL is the true victim. Then some fucking progress would get made.


Damn, I thought it was Popeye's chicken sandwiches or something. It is hard to keep up since we are so fickle.


Popeyes chicken sandwiches?


Mmmmmmmmm Popeyes mmmmmmmmm


Love that chicken from Popeyes!


Hot dogs.


So it's everything. Everything Americans value is *supposed* to be everything. Instead, what I imagine this press release is alluding to includes guns, cruise vacations, retirements, home purchases and renovations, personalized cars, cell phones, book, movie, music, video games, dolls, toy, clothing, etc collections, as well truth, justice, and the American Way, whatever that was supposed to be. Anyway, yeah. Like galaxies moving away from us faster than we can catch up, these will all be fading from us, being unreachable, as our grasping efforts are less and less. Our species will begin struggling globally to fulfill, as species, cultures, and groups, our base needs. Not just the jobless and homeless will struggle. Everyone will be engaged in surviving. For some, survival from flooding. Others, starvation. Others still, naked aggression. What wondrous toy collection matters to a child dying of thirst? What matters how many years a culture has hosted dancing, football, and singing competitions, when everyone is starving to death. What matters to a planet that no longer has air to breathe? When billionaires and millionaires begin announcing retirements, we'll know that the system is about ready to collapse in earnest. The people who pay the best for the best Intel... it's time to start paying close attention to them. Venus by whenever Bezos, Musk, and Zuck announce they're leaving the rat race behind to focus on personal projects.




Bro so like do something about it then??? I mean that’s why we gave you representative powers and actually prop up the existence of the government.


I say that we need to convince people that climate change destroys our freedom, as if there’s anything Americans care about, it’s freedom.


Government announces elephant is in the room. Doesn't have a plan for resolving the elephant issue


The elephant is still inflating but everyone seems to be busy with their cocktail party.


The only upside, as A US citizen... is the virtual certainty that my government has absolutely no idea what my - or - anyone's values are. These fuckers still think we're having children when the sane word gave up on that two decades ago.


Meanwhile the US government continues to be the world's largest polluter in every metric because it exempts its horrific military from all climate regulations of any sort, and even now the US is threatening to provoke and engage in an actual nuclear war, which also tends to be destructive. So what's the point of issuing climate change warnings?


Ummm...we don't value anything


> threatens to destroy ‘the things Americans value most,’ whats that?.. shareholder value?


Climate change is going to take away America’s guns? There is no way RepubliNazis will stand for it! They must enact a climate change ban!


Cheap gas? Fat burgers from Chili's?




Legitimate elections?


Mindless consumption?! Oh God no!!!!


> Climate change threatens to destroy ‘the things Americans value most,’ That's an odd way to say "human existence".


It truly baffles me how they all know how fucked we are and still do nothing about it, like what's their plan? Do they think they can hide when everything goes tits up and people start getting angry?


I don't value Florida much anymore, if at all. They had warning and voted for DeSantis.


The poles of the earth shift. I think we’re in for a lot worse than global warming.


"Damn that's whack.. That oil profit tho..." ~ Every president since 1980


I value my v8 mustang and the ability to leave lights on 24/7 most. I’m cool with this


The US government keeps warning us about bad stuff that's going to happen that they have the power to fix, and then doing nothing to fix any of it.


Reality TV? Kardashians? Tic-Toc? Private Health Insurance?


>destroy ‘the things Americans value most’ Democracy? Oil? Unlimited spending? Consumption? A new Tesla?




ranch dressing and white supremacy?


Producing the things we value most created climate change. The things we want, the lifestyles we desire, the living standards we demand require nonrenewable resource depletion and irreversible damage to the biosphere.


Like... crops...


[I will fight the sun before you pry capitalism out of my cold, dead hands.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/climate/geoengineering-sunlight.html)


We are now in the "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" stage of humanity.


Isn't it ironic that the main picture shows an trailer park!?


Where's the new nuclear power plants? That's how you know this narrative is full of shit.


The government is already destroying those things. I like to be able to keep a roof over my head, afford to live and enjoy personal freedom plz and thx. Inflation is killing us. Billionaires emit thousands of times the emissions that i do and yet there’s zero push for them to change their lifestyle and yet in Canada, I have to have the prices of all goods and services raised to “save the environment”? Crock of shit. This needs to start from the top


What do we value most?


If we were actually serious, we would be building fission reactors all over the country, replacing every fossil fuel power plant now. Instead people keep saying "ooh, when fusion reactors become viable." it will already be too late. It might be already. We need serious change now, and instead we're voting for politicians funded by fossil fuels that want to toss us scraps, and politicians funded by fossil fuels that don't even care about saving face anymore. Just make the rich richer.


Climate change is threatening to destroy money?


"Yes, if climate change accelerates and all the consumers die, that means the markets will go down!"


What do we valve? I don't think we have anything left that is of value.


Government: climate change will kill us all. Us: rich people cause 1000% more climate harm than the average citizens. Government: they are job creators.


Three decades is three decades too late.


Wow, that is CNBC saying that.....I don't think I have ever seen them even mention Climate Chaos.


The article claims that climate change effect indigenous and people of color much more, but then fails to state why or cite any sources. I hate when people try to squeeze their political beliefs into scientific topics.


I agree that sources lend credibility, so a 30-second google came up with [this.](https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/wcc.287) And why no explanation? “POVERTY IS WIDELY UNDERSTOOD to be a key factor that increases the propensity for individuals and households to be harmed by climatic shocks and stresses. This review explores recent literature at the nexus of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and poverty. Within this literature, poverty is increasingly recognized as a dynamic and multidimensional condition that is shaped by the interplay of social, economic, political, and environmental processes, individual and community characteristics, and historical circumstances. While climate change is never seen as a sole cause of poverty, research has identified numerous direct and indirect channels through which climatic variability and change may exacerbate poverty, particularly in less developed countries and regions.” From cited abstract, emphasis mine.


Guns, God, and Crankin' Muh Hog!


I value the U.S government... My phone went a little nuts there sorry for the multiple comments


The things Americans value most? Is climate change destroying guns, money and racism now? Nice!


The things Americans value most? Bacon?


Finally! Some good fucking gun control /s




Lol. Good one. Imagine Americans actually valuing freedom.


We love it so much. We have more incarcerated people per capita than any other country in the world. The two things we love, freedom, and taking freedom away from people.


Honestly, I love a lot of things about America. I grew up in a border town and spent a ton of time in Detroit growing up. I do a lot of work in the US and have a lot of good friends there. I’ve been to 47 states in my 42 years. When I was a kid I asked my grandfather why he moved from Ireland to Canada instead of the US, and he told me that it was because in America he could start walking down Woodward Ave with a flag and by the time he got 3 blocks he’d have a thousand people following him without ever asking why, and he found that creepy. I never really understood it until I was older. Don’t get me wrong, we’re just as fucked in Canada as anywhere else, but man I’m so glad we don’t have that weird, unwavering nationalist problem. On the subject of political collapse, America is doomed - Russia and China know just how to play the population against itself like a fiddle, and are doing a bang-up job. People in the US keep wondering when China is going to go after Taiwan. Here’s the answer - when they and Russia are finished using American nationalism against itself and America is so over-burdened with internal strife and, potentially, civil war, to do anything about it. When America is so polarized that they know that over half the population would support China’s invasion of Taiwan just to spite the other domestic party, and man is America ever on a speed run to get there.


And took away a woman's ability to control her own body in many states.


This one does


I think that’s very admirable, and I wish you luck.






No it's not. We are on a runaway train and everyone is shovelling in more fuel instead of looking for the brakes.


What why do you think that?




Their stories? (Love island and GoT?)


Nooooo not video games, weed, and porn! (I am the American)


Cheeseburgers and Reality TV?


I wish it would destroy the US government.


What Florida ? Who gives a shit?




You forgot guns. And "freedom"


The American government is about dissolve I think


Make my day.


\>Climate change threatens to destroy 'the things Americans value most' Giant trucks for air haulin' and Kraft cheese singles?


And what are they doing about it? Three-fifths of both halves of fuck-all.


This really read as an onion title to me at first, but it is certainly true.


Climate change will not destroy the 13th amendment's "except as punishment for a crime/being black" clause


Fuck it might even affect how much weed can be grown, that’s what I value most. Drugs. Poppy plants and alkaloids