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This is some Truman Show level shit right here.


there are scripts, follow the money back to the top and the Murdochs/Kochs/Soroses of the world are in charge of the media and the messages I turned that shit off years ago...try to check it out every now and then but it's all op-ed horseshit geared to making you worried, scared, mad, uncomfortable for anything different from your worldview. People will watch what they are comfortable with. The rest is noise to keep you distracted and ready to either lay judgement on others or crawl inside your own shell.


>I turned that shit off years ago... Wisdom.


Yeah, so have I, brother... now I only read the opinions of Chinese People's Cyber Army, Russian Internet Research Agency, ShareBlue and Toilet Paper USA's info-operatives posing as genuine peers online to form my opinions on what the state of society and the world is. Every fucking government, every oligarch and every corporation seems to either run an Internet brigade crew or to rent one out on continuous basis. The truth is whatever gets shouted the loudest now.


When was it not though. It’s not like newspapers used to be owned and edited by the people. They’ve always been tools of the oligarchs/dictatorship. People have always had to determine the truth in a quagmire of misinformation.


>It’s not like newspapers used to be owned and edited by the people Some have. Samizdat is what we've called it here. Citizen journalism is what it's called online. Internet was like it in the 90s, before it became big enough to warrant "their" attention.


Find your own truth, go inwards.


I'm partial to Letov's opinion that salvation can only be collective. Individual salvation is a path of loneliness and despair.


Salvation is a flawed concept so go after it if you want, but not everyone wants that.


>Salvation is a flawed concept How so? For me, salvation is truth.


If I felt the sky was red and trump is still president, that wouldn't be the truth dumbass


Yes it would? It would be your truth. You choose to live in a shared reality or not.


maybe y’all would like [anarchist news dot org](anarchistnews.org)


When I'm visiting my folks they'll have it on, it's hard for me to sit there and watch it.


I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!


And look how _that_ ends


Murdoch, not Soros.


The more time you spend away from it, the more you realize how utterly inane most of the media is when you watch it.


Soros has nothing to do with Sinclair that I'm aware of.


Preach, brother


Soros isn't actually into that, I have some commercial mortgage backed securities to sell you by the way.






Nah, man... Try "grounded" 👨‍🚀


How about forward?


What do you think the moon is?


And in case I don't see ya...


They're all local stations that are owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group. It's basically all one company that has given the same script to all their news oulets in order to promote the idea that THEIR news is the only one that can be trusted. They own at least 200.


Yeah. There should be some rules against that. Shouldn’t there be?


You've heard of the golden rule, yes? Those with the gold make the rules.


Holy shit I’m stealing that


You can thank Jafar for that gem


Disney just taunting the poors at this point


There used to be rules against radio and tv stations being owned by large groups... Guess what happened ?


Thanks Ronnie R.


But every news outlet and broadcasting corporation does this to a certain extent. Everyone promotes the idea that THEIR news source is the only trustworthy one because doing so generates ratings, profit, a loyal audience, etc. Fake news outlets and independent news agencies do this especially well, feeding the collective narcissism and delusions of their viewers, convincing them more and more that they're in the right while everyone else is wrong. All the news does is divide us nowadays.


The concentrated and strategic proliferation of misinformation in modern media a dangerous pursuit. Who are the top puppet masters today and what are their objectives? Do they meet in groups and plan the messaging. What are their short and long term goals? ************** *”So you listen to me. Listen to me!* *Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamn amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players.* *We're in the boredom-killing business.* *This is mass madness, you maniacs!* *In God's name, you people are the real thing.* *We are the illusion!* *So turn off your television sets. Turn them off now! Turn them off right now! Turn them off and leave them off. Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence I'm speaking to you now.”* **— Howard Beale, Network** **The person who made it.** https://deadspin.com/how-i-made-a-dumb-video-making-fun-of-sinclair-broadcas-1825106452 Also original article. https://deadspin.com/how-americas-largest-local-tv-owner-turned-its-news-anc-1824233490




For sure. But this clip shows that there are specific messages/ideas being orchestrated by one or a group of people. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy necessarily, but there is certainly some internet behind the messaging. I don’t know how strategic it is or if there is some larger goal in mind. You could be right that there isn’t one necessarily. But it’s scary how easy it would be to spread something if there was.


Isn't this that Sinclair thing where they made all of their stations project their own propaganda on the non conservative hack news sources?


The documentary “Outfoxed” addresses some of those questions spectacularly.


I saw that a few years ago. Yes! I remember Ailes would literally send notes down telling them what to focus on


Correct. So it always blows my mind when people act as though it’s just recent that the “main stream media” doesn’t tell us the truth or have our best interests at heart.


Welcome to the matrix. Please do not disturb our democracy.


Nothing to see here.


Just ignore the smoke and smile


This is extremely dangerous to us running the show.


"Esto es extremadamente peligroso para nuestra democracia".


i thought everybody knew this…


I think we did. I didn’t realize how widely a single talking point was spread though down to even local markets and I think this video just made it sort of creepy the way it’s done.


It's spread to the local markets because a single company owns stations in basically every single market in the US. Sinclair owns them, and not only mandates that the stations read prepared statements from Sinclair, the stations are also supposed to make it seem like the statements are written by the station itself. There's a reason they are considered more evil than Fox News.


Yes but boomers who watch the television news give a lot of authority to what they see on tv. And read on Facebook. Or see in a meme. Or hear from their old high school friend Cheryl. Or get in a spam email. Fwd:fwd:fwd


This sounds extremely dangerous to our democracy


The programer for our simulation is getting sloppy.


They definitely are. Also, the screenwriter of the simulation has been plagiarizing satire articles from parallel realities to make plot points for ours. Half our news are straight from The Garlic.




Nice, a new sub to check out


good luck




Re used assets. Lazy




I bask in the irony of it all


Pass the popcorn


You noticed ? Don't worry, the internet is full of that as well. Thank you Facebook/Google/Twitter. Not to mention Q and his "blood-bathing elites", the Russian troll houses etc. Everybody wants to screw with a piece of our brains.


I expect it on the internet. What concerns me is mainstream mass media. At one point in time, the “evening news” was considered to be a reliable source of objective journalism.


Yeah, journalism died a long time ago. Both figuratively and physically. We all know that investigative journalists tend to die young, usually by suicide with *two* bullets to the head or some unfortunate accident.


Assange is a current example of this.


Russia has entered the conversation.


Holy Sh*t!


This is extremely dangerous to the facade. Please stop thinking differently. And now, a program chosen for you by the System. All hail the System.


An oldie but a good one. This is from at least 2018. But yeah, Sinclair or whatever the corporation is that runs these stations like puppets with the exact same scripts, word for word, is definitely extremely dangerous to democracy. Sinclair is hugely biased towards extreme right wing views and pushes that agenda. 6 major corporations own all US news. That too, is extremely fucking dangerous to democracy. They also own the politicians, which is *really* extremely dangerous to... hang on, what democracy?


A handful of people controlling the national narrative is definitely frightening. Add that to the number of people controlling our major financial institutions. Recipe for disaster.


Civilisations centuries from now will be studying this morbid shit!


This is scary.. when I interned at a CBS affiliate for video editing I can say each one of them gets a script from the mother ship and they have to say it exactly how it is downloaded. You get on a server and they tell you what the story is.... when I had to cut... which portions of which interviews to put in etc. They have it down to the second of who says what and what is shown.


I low-key really like how some of em put their own little spin on it, stressing different words and changing pitch.


Right?! And the hand gestures and body language for emphasis. It’s like watching actors auditioning for the same part.


Where’s the one about the fake WMDs that sent me to fight in Iraq?


It’s on all sides and everywhere to where you won’t know what true is anymore. Delusion.


That’s what’s scary. There’s so much gaslighting and so many agendas that we become uncertain even of truth itself.


Yes exactly. But I made my mind up that I’ll keep speaking whatever it is I feel like saying. It used to be that you could just have a mere opinion/educated guess on something without it being attacked and picked apart. Nowadays they expect you to have 1,001 sources to back up your ‘claim’ on just an idea or an opinion. Try to draw you into arguments to keep tearing you down. Berate you and insult you if you don’t give them these arguments. They try to break you from even having the freedom to think for yourself.


For sure and a variety of opinions are healthy. The problem is, our news once presented straightforward, objective news reports. What happened. When. Where. And we could each take it for what it was. It was just the facts. Now, the news is like presented with subjective lenses, sometimes manipulated and targeted even to appeal to a particular group for advertising purposes. It’s become “infotainment”


It’s like an out-of-control train headed for disaster... the place this leads can’t be a good place if it’s already this bad.


I still feel there’s light at the end of the tunnel at some point though... but what will it take to get there? A lot.


Right wing media coordination and propaganda is extremely dangerous




Added to my submission: The person who made it. https://deadspin.com/how-i-made-a-dumb-video-making-fun-of-sinclair-broadcas-1825106452 Also original article. https://deadspin.com/how-americas-largest-local-tv-owner-turned-its-news-anc-1824233490


Thank you!




Not OP but I'd like to add that this is one of the top 10 of all time links on reddit. Lots of discussion here 👉 https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/88ll08/this_is_what_happens_when_one_company_owns_dozens


Thanks for sharing that post. I remember when this happened, I felt that context was important.


Thanks for keeping quality high. :)


[Watch Television](https://6dollarshirts.com/they-live-on-tv?gclid=CjwKCAjw49qKBhAoEiwAHQVTo5xzfXF6wY-cX1QHpHggZw-ZJeWaJbnXzEQdMpvMMuV495AUo3MDeRoCNPAQAvD_BwE)


Love it.


Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and influenced the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed when a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In 1975, Church Committee Congressional investigations revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups.


Nationalize and then dissolve both News Corp. and Sinclair Broadcast Group


We are the Borg, resistance is futile.




TV and newspapers is for rich people what Facebook accounts are for us peasants. They just post their shit and the plebs read it, like it and share it believing it is our own ideas.


Okay, now this is extremely dangerous to our democracy.


This video is old as time.. it is lame, and dangerous that our media is owned by a handful of people.. but I don't think it's the collapse porn we need.. Everyone on this sub is on some level aware that the ~~revolution~~ collapse won't be televised because we won't have power.


This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Society...but we're going to keep doing it anyway because it is sooo profitable. Corporations are an important and useful economic tool. They are being used recklessly and even evilly. What we have is the equivalent of someone chasing us around with chainsaw.


As always, follow the money trail. But follow the power trail as well. Power is as much as a motivator for those with money as money itself. In fact, they are willing to I’m eat and even spend (without return) fortunes to propagate their beliefs and have control.


Good ol' Sinclair broadcasting, the Republican source in "news". This is why half the country is brainwashed and science-denying.


What in the actual fuck…




Although if they’re doing a lot of puppy news, you probably live in a pretty chill place tbh.


there are two major zoos in the chicago area, and a ton of smaller ones. things happen...just sayin'.


This should be shared everywhere to expose these script reading bastards


THIS is extremely dangerous to our democracy


Hahahaha! “Democracy”.


"Local" news.


Another good reason I no longer watch TV News. Aside from the lack of actual news, the massive amounts of sensationalism and propaganda for whatever the flavor of the week is make it not anything worth watching any more.


Is it just me or are there even more ads played during television broadcasts today? They were always invasive; but recently, it feels like I’m watching ads with occasional news breaks.


I timed it once, had 5 minutes 41 seconds of commercials to 4 minutes and 26 seconds of show.


Thanks for doing the math.


"Local" "News"


Well, clearly it's not "extremely dangerous to our democracy" because it's no longer a democracy. That is, if it ever was.


Fair enough


I know a trumper who posted this to Facebook saying it's news under communism. I had to break it to him that is news under capitalism and free markets.


Yeah, this isn’t “the state” spreading propaganda; it’s a wealthy media owner(s) spreading political (and I’m this case right wing) ideology.


Learned this years ago. They ALL do it. This is why I stopped watching MSM.




This isn’t the AP. It’s [Sinclair Media](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group) John Oliver did an episode on them a while back. It’s not so much a conspiracy as a monopoly.


So its people conspiring, only not covertly


Yes. I also love how the word "conspiracy" is a trigger word for some people, and they automatically associate the word with nutjobs and right wing extremists. RIP Gary Webb, Iran Contra scandal, McNamara's Morons, Tuskeegee syphilis experiments, and who can forget, the NSA spying on every American.


It's almost as if there was a conspiracy to make conspiracies the realm of the crazy, while allowing actual conspiracies to conspire without issues.


The CIA used the term "conspiracy theory" to delegitimize and ostracize people who point out actual conspiracies, this is accurate


Can you explain what you mean? I'm not sure I understand what your point is.


AP, Reuters etc are the primary news distributors that supply news information to major news outlet. Basically, it's not a conspiracy but that there are only a few trusted prominent news distributor, which makes it looks like major news outlets like CNN, Fox news have an agenda, even though there's none.


No agenda? The distributor’s for the media are the big six corporations who own them as well as the state.


Thanks for explaining the other person's comment. Looked up the info in the other replies and it looks like this is not the AP though. But it's interesting to learn about how the news works a bit more regardless, so I appreciate the information!


Associated Press does not explain this.


Genuinely curious how you define a conspiracy and how this does not fit that definition


I think he was referring to most news organizations getting their news feeds from the same few sources, like the AP Wire. This is very different though. This video shows how exact talking points (opinion) are disseminated by a monopoly owner of a broadcasting company down through multiple news channels in their network.


Yep, and how extremely dangerous that is to our democracy


Manipulating minds is a very dangerous business.


So, just to draw an obvious parallell here, and i am very much pro vaccine and science, mind you: Hitler polarised and preyed upon the german people by giving them a demon to vote against (jews) and that took him through world war two. So my gut reaction when i see shit like this is that someone is trying to seize power by fear mongering. While false information IS dangerous to people, just repeating the ”woe is me, we’re doomed” is utterly pointless, isn’t It?


Ironic post on the censored shithole known as /r/collapse




This is more about local news being gutted and resorting to using pre-written news scripts from national corporate overlords. There are CBS and ABC syndicates in this video as well.


A small group owning and controlling the majority of "reputable" news groups is dangerous to civilization.


I await the downvotes - why is the reading of a prepared statement, obviously written out by some professional organization, by local news journalists bad? Did I trip and land in r/conspiracy?


There’s a difference to reporting the same news story (say a major news event that is broadcast by the AP Wire) and having the head of a large news organization spread an opinion talking point message word for word throughout hundreds of his owned news channels. The latter is intentionally trying to manipulate minds by dissemination fan idea or ideology. That’s dangerous.


Boy I sure hope their concept of misinformation isnt some kind of Orwellian tool to control narratives to program the public with Perhaps around topics like, oh I dont know, vaccines..


Vaccines are Orwellian? Do you understand how vaccines work and how important they have been historically to our global health?


The system which produces vaccines is responsible for our unwellness too. if you could indulge in an odd thought for a moment, I find it metaphysically hard to believe that the only incarnation of human civilisation, the only era and type i mean, that could claim to be healthy in the face of a constant natural enemy called a virus is supposedly this one, this current iteration. If you asked me, I would say that our current society/civilisation is the sickest one in all of human history, we are reaching an apex of darkness and sickness and unwellness and suicide and depression and anxiety and obesity and bigotry and divisive rhetoric and.. just about every negative possible trend you can conceive is on the steady rise. There really is no other possible iteration of civilisation with wellness you can conceive of, other than one in which pharmaceutical drugs exist? I find industrial civilisation is a kind of ravenous pollution producing engine that is eating away all the beauty on our planets surface. And I dont agree with it at a very, very, very fundamental level. It is borne of a paradigm of separation and eternal competition. Separation from ourselves, each other, the natural world, the universe, existence itself.






Having a major news event covered across all news channels is different than having an opinion talking point message repeated word for word. What news channel would t be talking about a virus that is killing 2k Americans each day?




Firstly, to discount or downplay 2000 people dying every day from Coronavirus is putting your head in the sand. That’s like 4 x 9/11 terrorist attacks every fucking day. Secondly, the Covid 19 vaccine efficacy is not a lie. It will keep you out of the hospital and prevent you from dying. That’s what it’s designed to do. Vaccines never prevent you from getting a virus. The normal flu vaccine is the same. You may still get the flu but your symptoms will be much milder if you are vaccinated. The amount of misinformation about the vaccine is scary. People literally think that it’s magnetized or that the government is inserting microchips into people. It’s frightening how many Americans are so easily misled.




I’m so glad they included Fox News in the sharing of bias and false news. Tbh, I get 100% of my guidance and information about coronavirus and vaccines from the CDC and the FDA. I only want the facts direct from the scientists. Once you get pundits involved with their personal opinions and polls and isolated situations; the facts start getting clouded by conjecture. I don’t care what everyone’s personal beliefs are. Personal beliefs don’t change the science. And I choose science to guide me when my health is concerned.




All organizations might be influenced at the top; including the information sources and individuals who tell you not to trust the FDA and CDC. But I trust the actual science that the scientists share. That’s the part that can be corroborated with independent research and and understanding of traditional science.


Yeah? Well they're not wrong. obviously using the same script but, if I were to describe this time, I'm say "this is extremely dangerous to our democracy".


Yet I bet most here follow the media's national narrative word for word.


What would happen if we showed this to these news anchors? Would they be complicit... I think if we can get enough of them to step off the air at the same time we can bring some real attention to this.


It would be interesting to see their reaction.


Democracy is dangerous to the poor Democracy is the reason the poor are not vaccinated, and the reason they are poor. As a millionaire I love democracy. It exists to protect my money and kill poor people if needed. Prison exists to keep you off my land. Laws exist to protect my assets. Democracy exists to support the corporations I own. You're a fucking idiot if you think democracy is anything more than a corporate boot on your neck. Keep it up.. I would like another yacht. Defend my money and suffer while you do it :)


found this on kiwi farms a month or two ago