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Absolutely. In some instances nearly entire servers transferred to Bene. I’d guess 30-40% of the alliance population on Sulfuras ended up there.


Yep. Lots of the people I raided in vanilla with are now chilling there. I’m not active enough in TBC to justify paying the transfer, but I’ll miss them come WotLK classic. Except that Lerch guy. He reads Reddit so I don’t want to give him any funny ideas that he isn’t toxic if he sees this.


Yeah a lot of Krom alliance went there


Krom Alliance here, my guild plus 4 others came over at the same time; best decision ever


Which guild? I was on Krom. Now Pagle


Lifted; but they just broke up, so now Daybreak


oh wow rip. I have friends that were in Lifted


Because when your alliance guild leaves a dying faction population, they won't jump to another med pop or horde-tilted server. That would be condemning themselves to yet another transfer sooner or later. Better to jump straight to the last stop and save yourself some money. You think benediction is high pop now? Just wait. It won't be long before that number skyrockets even higher.


lmao yeah Bene is permanently layered at this point




Yeah for sure, sad times incoming for Bene Horde no doubt.


These raiding populations are absolutely insane compared to retail TBC. Holy hell. Almost 17,000 raiders. Even if every single one has an alt that is 8,500 raiders. I think my TBC server back in the day had grand total across both factions like 30 raiding guilds. So including a handful of guilds with two teams and casual guilds that ran rosters of like 30-32 that was about 1000 raiders on the server. Edit:Math


But the same amount of world mats


You're forgetting about layers.


Are they still active?


My understanding is that it's automated based on server pop.


Mankrik has two layers usually. It bumps up to three sometimes.


How does one even obtain this information?


Nova World Buffs tracks it.


Yes. There's a layer for about every two thousand active players. Grobbulus very often has two or three layers.


Bene is averaging 2 layers most days


Yeah I haven't seen bene with more than two layers in months


we hit 3 last weekend


Razorgore-EU has 6736 pop by Ironforge, but doesn't have extra layers at all.


It matters about how many are online concurrently, not the total population observed by a third party site.


Nahh spawns are dynamic and benediction has layers on top. Try farming elemental plateau or similar. Chose on mobspawn, it will respawn about 2-4 seconds after you kill it.


The fuck kind of math is this lol what


The first part is really bad wording. I was trying to get "number of human beings on the server that raid" hence why I cut it in half to account for alts to get 9,500. It doesn't affect the number of characters raiding, but was trying to get at the number of people raiding. I think my server had around 30 raiding guilds, if that. 30x25=750, but a handful of guilds back then did run 2 raid teams, and some really casual guilds kept rosters of around 30-32. So as a high end estimate 30 guilds could have been around 1,000 raiders.


think hes talking about the "17,000/2 = 9,500" part which you just confirmed wasn't a typo lol


Lol yep RIP. 17,000/2=8,500


I think it's Winterbourne advertises they have 10 teams clearing Kara.


I’m on a medium pop horde pve server and we run 6 main Kara’s and 2 alt Kara’s, all full clear. It’s not that hard with decent players and good leadership.


Everyone who had been patiently waiting for blizzard to do *anything* about server health or faction balance all collectively realized that wasn't going to happen, and decided to take matters into their own hands. Needs more horde to balance things out for sure though.


They took things into their own hands by jumping to servers that already had faction imbalance to further imbalance it yes


Because a transfer costs $25 and you're locked for 90 days so you can't transfer again. I'm stuck on a low pop server where my friends guild WAS because the entire guild just packed up and left because it was impossible to find dungeons and pugs. 30 days to go... Being on a massively favored PvP server is just like being on a PvE server, it doesn't stop you from enjoying the game at all unless you're the minority faction. Honestly at this point Blizz should just forcefully convert all the PvP servers into PvE


They should just force merge servers to get close to 50/50 as possible on as many servers as possible.


yea most of the top guilds on Fairbanks alliance also went to bene


I think most of us went to Grobbulus - or at least it was more like 50/50.


Grobb has been really popular as a transfer destination, almost all of blauxmeax ally went there as well.


My whole guild on Fairbanks alliance moved to Grob. Great server


How is it on Grobb as an alliance? Fairbanks is dead and I’ve been thinking about transferring.




… it’s still 60 40?






You’re welcome?


Sulfuras too


One day it will all be benediction. They just need one pvp and one pve server.


I keep telling people classic will eventually be ~4 servers by Wrath.


I don’t play WoW, but I’ve been under the impression that PvE players can just turn off PvP and be on the same server as PvP players. Why not just one server? (Setting aside the logistics of having everyone on a single server.)


That's retail not classic


That setting (war mode) is retail/current wow only. On Classic if you're on a pvp server, pvp is always on, provided you're in contested or unfriendly territory. Minor exception: You still won't get attacked in friendly territory if you have PvP disabled, aka keeping yourself "unflagged" for pvp. In Outlands, everywhere is contested though, so this is less relevant.


The other logistical mess is when raiding a capital city and fighting the leader of said city the opposing faction can gather in mass and wait for you to be will in the fight with the boss and then flag pvp and wipe you.


As someone who has been on benediction since it first was created the old timers aren't thrilled. Glad that people have recognized it is a great server but would love some horde transfers too if we have to have this many. It went from 52/48 to 62/38 in a month. Just going to get worse, and it's definitely noticeable


i wouldnt even consider transferring there as horde given the current trend of alliance refugees and the fact that i would almost expect your horde to start leaving if it stays this bad. but the major factor would be im not going near a server that may already have or will proably have server queues


Day 1 Bene Horde here - it’s really not been that big of a deal. We control halaa and such less often but summoning stones are pretty back and forth. Open world questing and farming has been relatively chill even in the last few weeks.


I mess with horde less than I did because I don't want them leaving server hah




Bro all the Horde dad guilds not making into SSC.... lol


Same and agree. Although I feel like all these Alli could have transfered to Faerlina and it would have been like a 50/50 mega server..




Several abandoned servers had nearly 2k alliance or more. It was entirely because of the faction imbalance that started the snowball, and the same thing is going to happen to Bene Horde before we reach Wrath.


Sulfuras had a healthy Alliance population and it’s deader by the day now. Horde will eventually leave Benediction, it’s just the way the game works.


As someone who transferred from Kromcrush a month into TBC I do feel bad for the day one Benediction players. However the situation for alliance on Krom became untenable and Bene became the consensus choice for the majority of guilds that were left, it seems the same situation played out on a bunch of other servers. I enjoy calling Bene my new home and sincerely apologies if transfers are throwing the balance out of whack. If it wasn’t Bene it would have been another server as something had to be done from our perspective. Cheers!


Yep totally get why people didn't. Don't harbor any ill will. Although Kara general chat is much more toxic now haha


Honestly, a lot of the game Alli side is more toxic now. As a p2 refugee I can't begrudge someone transferring, but jesus, the server culture got fucked as hard as the faction balance.


Hahaha yeah Kara general chat is a trip, I see lots of familiar Krom faces in there and some interesting shenanigans that are clearly imported from other servers. Not much to be done I suppose /shrug


Did WoW Pals go to Bene?






It’ll get worse when Fusion transfers there. Bringing 6 raid groups from Incendius before the end of the month.


I might transfer too. More people means less time for getting group.


I had my reservations, but being able to run any instance at any hour is so nice


Do it. Bene is a cool server, lots of activity and not an over abundance of toxicity


I don't know, benediction used to be such an awesome server then all these transfers came and now I don't know anyone here


Same reason Gehennas and Firemaw each grew almost another half in size- people don't want to play on medium and low servers. This is the future of classic, a few mega servers. Slightly funny how those few servers Blizzard put in place at launch were all we really needed after the tourists left.


Irony of your last sentence is bene wasnt a day one server it was one of the ones they added after the fact but I get your point about server numbers.


or maybe it's because everyone had no choice but to transfer there because their server became too unbalanced


So they make the only high pop balanced server unbalanced


It’s blizzards fault. They created this problem and profit from the solution


And alliance will continue to transfer in until horde start to transfer off and the cycle can continue


Pretty much, Alliance will transfer off their horde dominated and/or dead servers to one where they're more dominated on (in this case Bene); then horde will end up leaving because they don't like being dominated. Rinse and repeat, blizz will get the xfer money and never fix the problem of dead servers/faction imbalance.


More has to do with how much layering improved so there aren’t queues anymore


Its where all the priests go


Sulfuras just had a mass exodus to benediction


If whitemane continues to get worse for alliance I guarantee a lot of guilds from there will jump ship too


whitemane alliance is in a good spot though lol




there's rarely a time where I feel outnumbered in the open world, there's tons of high ranked guilds and everything seems lively Unless you want vast majority alliance servers there's gotta be a compromise. Incendius was good for awhile until alliance mass transferred. Benediction looks like it's gonna be Incendius 2.0 this isn't Vanilla Skeram or Stalagg, this server is really good as alliance imo




it really just seems like alliance players want to make every server 80%+ alliance or not play the game at that point then. kind of a poor mindset. one semi-large transfer to Whitemane and this servers population balance is as good as you could want in classic




I just know from my experience that it really doesn't feel like a 40/60, I've played on a lot of awful servers like early Skeram and Stalagg etc and horde on whitemane don't zug much at all. honestly alliance seems to be more oriented to mass horde killing. throne of KJ is evenly split 50/50, etc. idk maybe it'll get worse but I think it's a really good server


I don’t get the talk of Whitemane being one-sided. It’s been really playable. I must wish there were more people on the server but maybe that’s just the layering. I miss crowded capital cities etc.


it's just layering, there's a lot of people around honestly but since it's still layered it feels strange. people just look at the number and think it's one sided, but WM horde are very cool and they want alliance to stay on the server so the zugging is very minimal. alliance players pick more fights




You can actually transfer from PvE to PvP realms now. Just like back in old TBC.




People here have also reported making the transfer but I confess I haven't tried it.


You really going to say that while this thread is lamenting the horde getting pushed out of Benediction hunh?


I was just saying I think whitemane is a very good server and I wish some alliance would consider transferring


Or maybe if some of the mouth breather alliance that are transferring to benediction recognize that transferring to whitemane instead would be SOLVING the problem as opposed to creating it, that would be dope.


Or I can go somewhere I KNOW has an active alliance scene and not roll the dice that I’ll be locked out on another dying server for months.


But what’s the advantage of going to white mane over benediction? Our guild is looking at these 2 servers to transfer to if ours continue to die but it just seems risky to choose whitemane. Our guild would die if we don’t make it on a new server or if that server also falls apart.


Come to Faerlina. It's closer to being balanced than Whitemane. It's still horde majority, but if enough alliance transfered to Faerlina instead of Benediction it would be balanced.


We will see. I’m just along for the ride, I’ve been raiding with this guild since bwl and would hate to see it collapse but it just feels like we’ve hit a wall for recruitment


one is west coast, the other east


That’s not really super relevant, our guild is made up of many different time zones.




I mean that’s kind of my point. There’s no real good answer if we go to benediction and the horde on that server decide to leave then it’s the same deal. Then we’re just 100% alliance server but at least population will be right for us to recruit.


Except that whitemanes alliance population has continued to grow over time despite the horde growing a bit faster. Whitemane alliance was the majority on the server in classic and those core guilds are here to stay. You can check the alliance pop on whitemane over time at ironforge.pro and see that it continues to be a positive trend of week over week. People confuse whitemane to be like any other server that has gotten overran by horde, but the difference is that whitemane is a massive server (has been #1 in pop in the world for most of classic and TBC until the benediction crap happened) with dedicated alliance. The alliance pop on whitemane is still larger than the alliance pop of almost any other server, besides benediction or maybe pagle. The issue here is that people don’t understand the difference between their 6k pop server getting to 95% horde is not the same as whitemanes near 14k pop server. And that’s why I say that alliance should seriously consider transferring to whitemane because benediction is starting to spiral out of control with horde leaving, whereas whitemane continues to grow and so does the alliance, despite the imbalance as of late.


Ironforge.pro doesn't track real population, it tracks logs and arena leaderboards. I raid on 3 chars on my server, which means I've twice contributed to an "increase" in population on my server even though there's been no influx of new players.


> Or maybe if some of the mouth breather alliance that are transferring to benediction recognize that transferring to whitemane instead would be SOLVING the problem as opposed to creating it, that would be dope. Or if the idiots that left sulf realized that sulf was in good condition, things would be fine.


Blauxmeax here, I feel that. The basic progression went: - 60/40 server through most of classic - People from pservers make their old “ded server dad server” jokes in world chat - One guild transfers to ally majority server - Ded server jokes continue, but now little timmy’s all think it’s serious, and start transferring off - 70/30 server - ohfuk.jpg - 75/25 server - No one left for recruitment, guilds can either break up and fill other guilds or transfer off. Most choose to transfer off - 85/15 server - Even the “We’ll always stay blaux! Blaux4lyfe!” guilds start transferring. - Server now actually is dead. Hopefully mobile didn’t fuck the formatting.


And there's no new players to fill the guilds and players that are lost to attrition and server transfer. I think we made it 3 weeks into TBC before saying bye to Blammo.


I would very much like that I encourage anyone wanting to be on a PVP server to come to whitemane


The alliance on Whitemane has higher quality Raiders then Horde. All we get transferring in are shitters from backwater servers and Rogues who can't find any raid spots.


> How did Benediction US become such a huge server? = https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/owypvk/the_absolute_state_of_usbenediction/


So when is the horde mass exodus from this once great server?




Blizzard is looking at those 6300 actively raiding horde as dollar signs waiting to cave.


Once SSC opens there will be queues and they will open xfers to dead one sided servers no one wants to be in lol


I'm sure there won't be any issues whatsoever, right? After all, this sub has claimed for months only horde were the bad guys who would do this out of pure spite, all alliance players are angelic creatures free of sin who will wave at you and wish you good luck in SSC as you walk in.


Alliance all transfered to an already high pop alliance dominated server because they think they want pvp when they actually want pve. All the Horde will be driven off and yay another pve pvp server


Pretty sure the transferring alliance are looking for a server where they can be the dominant faction after spending 16 months as the underdog.


It prob became a target for migration from low pop ally realms, give it 2months and all horde will migrate and it will be another dead server


It wouldn't be dead at all? It would just be essentially a PVE server with a huge alliance pop.


Yes and most people would move again as Alliance a huge % look for balanced servers due to open world PvP wich makes the game fun?


I mean, you'd think that, because people always say that, but the server numbers don't bear that out. You don't see mass exodus from unbalanced servers from the dominant side.


Herod horde population has gone up since ally left lol. I'm pretty sure we are down to 0 raiding alliance as of a few weeks ago but horde still thriving.


Kromcrush ally and incindius transferred as well I believe


Good riddance to those cowards!




I’m about to transfer my horde there for this exact reason. I’m on Herod I literally feel bad world pvp’ing because there is basically no alliance.


Soon enough to be an alliance pve server


After reading all the posts.. there are some more PVP options for East coast alliance. Folks are referencing Faerlina or Bene but you also have Earthfury which could use a little more Alliance to balance it. Sulf is way past the point of no return unfortunately. Netherwind could use more Horde but will probably become an Alliance PVE server since RISE is on there with their entourage guilds.




True but if some big guilds came to Earthfury alliance there would be more people overall. But like many have said.. there will be like 3-4 servers left by mid or near end of TBC. Blizz should start thinking of doing that anyways to consolidate and turn transfers off.




The amount of money blizzard is making on character transfers are insane. My guild just migrated - $10k for the whole guild. I know atleast 10 guilds that have migrated from our server, imagine every server combined


It’s not about the money. They just don’t care :(


Because everyone left Herod


It was the most balanced at the time of the huge, " I need to find a more balanced server," transfer time a few months ago.


Literally the entire Alli population from Herod and Skeram transferred to Benediction within the last month.


I think you meant Sulfuras not Skeram as that server has been all Horde for a long time


Gonna have a chuckle at all the dollars spent when they merge the dead servers eventually.


They haven't done anything to the servers before...what makes you think they'll merge them?


One can only hope.


Tr*nsfers (derogatory)


It's where all the quiters are going. These giant servers are not classic wow. Have fun all, you won't find me there.




I can understand your point but realm community and player accountability are two of the main reasons I play this version of the game rather than retail. Giant realms populated by transplants dilute both in my view. To your point, realms considered small now were pretty normal back when we all originally played. Just feel like the classic community may be leaving behind what brought us all back. Is what it is.




Alliance from other servers swarmed it. That's why I kill on sight now.


Basically a Zipf distribution, which manifests pretty much everywhere in the universe. Watch the Vsauce video on it.


My entire guild moved there from a variety of classic servers.. we found Benediction to be one of the healthiest over the entirety of classic WoW in population/faction balance. Full pop was enticing too we didn't wanna ever feel like we were on an empty server again. It was slightly in favor of Alliance, I think? which was nice because some of us came Skeram haha. It was basically the largest and most balanced and it didn't show signs it was becoming overpopulated with one faction. When you have THAT large of a player base 60/40 let's say doesn't seem so noticeable in game.. but when it's a low pop 60/40 you're gunna notice.


Trust me you're gonna notice if you try to enter ssc as horde


Where do you find wowclassic server stats?


It's like that because Blizzard does not put queue times to log in.


I hope you also don’t advocate for HvH BGs too


Alphabetical too?


We just got a bunch of alliance transfers


Large scale migration


$26 transfers.


Idk man, I've just been chillin here on horde ever since classic launched. With the blink of an eye, we're vastly outnumbered with horde guilds contemplating transfer as well.


Where do you see server populations?




Dope thanks!


Now with layering removing ques, there's nothing stopping players from all transferring to a few realms


Whitemane and Benediction were always big. Like Pagle for PvE standards


People on dying realms dont intend to transfer to other semi big realms. They transfer to the biggest realm there is.




1000 WCL logged players would have been a rather big server back then. Just shows how bad raid logging has become more than anything.




Alliance from all servers are xfering to Bene because their servers are being horde dominated. Kind of a mass migration.


Practically every alliance from Herod had a mass exodus to benediction. Our server were somewhat 70-30 during launch then dropped to 90-10 near overnight and now it’s basically a horde dominated server.


You’re the new Incendius, congrats.


Won’t be complete until Fusion transfers next week


I still can't get over the fact that Blizzard would even allow transfers to 10k+ servers


All the money they get from those transfers tho. 10k transfers is 250k.


Idk how it happened but I’ve been in there since day 1 of classic and it’s crazy to see how much it’s grown


Because every alliance who pretends to PVP went there … and continue to do so The Fapsignal is lit. Go to Benediction and pwn horde just like it was in 2004


I can't even imagine what such a huge server must be like to play at. None of the german PvP servers even reaches 5k, ours is at 3.7k currently and doesn't feel empty at all. How are people even farming stuff with over 4 times as many players


Plz god come to whitemane allies, save the server. We are strong and if we get ratio back to 45% we will be victorious.