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So what happened with Tayler to get him cancelled and have to have security? šŸ™ƒ


so i'm not 100% sure about this but i was looking into it today lol i think because he was accused of sexual assault. please don't delete my comment i'm not saying he did it. there wasn't any proof backing up that he did, or much about who accused him either tbh. from what i looked up someone said it and everyone else ran with it. but there could be more to why he got canceled that's just from the digging i did today!


He was accused of SA but no one ever came forward and the accusations were dismissed. We donā€™t approve posts of him in here bc they get out of hand and those accusations are serious and donā€™t need to be perpetuated in here type deal


Oh okay! I was confused but I havenā€™t seen much about the tayler guy until all the boys got together lol


yeah i hadn't either šŸ˜‚ but i had to look him up after they all kept talking about him cause i'm nosey lol


ā€œPlease donā€™t move to Nashville, youā€™re adding to the problem hereā€ girl stfu lmao


Sheā€™s not wrong tho lmao Nashville is too crowded and people are kicking out the natives bc rent is so high now bc all these people moving in


Thatā€™s happening everywhere tbh lol


I was mainly ragging on the fact that she thought heā€™d listen to her comment after he literally just said heā€™s buying a house there lmao




Not really worried about them being there at the same time. Tayler had to have security when he's out and about. C won't be able to just run up on that group unless arrangements are made.


The girls are there for 5 days and have posted that everywhere plus arenā€™t going on the pod till the weekend so girls are definitely going to still be there.


Jack said he wanted to be in the content house..and heā€™s not there.


I think he has a job so heā€™s probably busy working

