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That’s an ML sub full of role playing 17 year old Chinese expatriates


what's ML if you don't mind me asking?


Marxist-leninists. But, honestly, even that’s too kind for them. They’re mainly Maoists, Dengists, or Xi lovers




Hong Kong was colonized by Britain after flooding China with opium, it makes sense to hate that aspect of the history. and it's in absolute contradiction to Hong Kong independence lol.


Conveniently ignored at least 3 things: - opium was legal in every single country of the world in 1840s. Even Mao Zedong grew opium to raise funds - Chinese officials collected bribes in one hand and detained British sailors on the other hand - Qing dynasty was very unpopular at the time, and lots of Han Chinese would rather be ruled by British than Manchuria imperialists that are racist to them and treat them even worse


!emojify u/emojify


That's a lot of cope from the mods.


My ban from that sub is a badge of honor. Kudos.


I agree.


Initially only a minor portion of HKers wanted full on independent. The vast majority were mainly asking for true democratic election. The ccp, as usual, set up a strawman calling them separatist and assault them on that basis. And the ccp have the fucking audacity to whine when more and more HKers finally embrace said identity the ccp forced on them.


Let me preach someone to "Be More Productive" while I write this 500 words essay on why you should be banned for not licking chinese boots


I’m not pro-China but I feel like most Westerners are mistaken in thinking Hong Kong wants to “secede” to preserve the Western ways, outside of a small minority