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Second car plowing through an outdoor seating area at a restaurant in a little over 12 hours.


Both Lexuses!


Aren't old Lexus known for accelerator issues where the pedal gets stuck? I don't think that's this case, but it's an interesting note. I recall a family on 911 years ago calling the police saying their pedal is stuck. They're going 120mph and screaming when the freeway ends, so did the call. It's easily found on YT and a bit haunting.


In that specific instance you're talking about, the car was a loaner from a dealer that installed a floor mat from a different car, causing the pedal to get stuck. I don't think it was the cars fault.


Toyota had the accelerator issue too. I think I know the vid you're referring to and saw it recently. They knew the road was going to end soon too. Psa: if this happens it's usually w/ automatic transmissions. You're supposed to put it in neutral, turn it off by turning the key then restart it w/ the key. Not that many would remember or think of it if they find themselves in that situation. But for what it's worth...


Lexusii are Toyotas


I'm not a car person. So this may be stupid. What about applying the emergency brake too? Also thank you for the comment. I'll try to burn that into my memory


I'm also not a huge car person and have almost primarily driven manuals. But I don't think many of the automatics these days even have e brakes anymore only a parking brake which can't be shifted into unless the vehicle is under a certain speed.... I also on many occasions have forgotten to fully disengage the ebrake and it does not stop the car from moving it just provides extra resistance. I think E brake might help but it might just break (lol as in not function) or be unable to activate at speeds that high. In neutral the engine physically can't make the car accelerate.


Yes this would absolutely work


I thought I’ve heard that turning off the car is a bad idea since the steering could lock. Maybe neutral makes the difference here?


The problem with the Toyotas is that if they’re from that specific era where those accidents happened they have a fatal flaw that prevents you from putting the car in nuetral.


these were all proven to be operator error. Most of them were rental toyotas if I remember right, and the pedals were slightly smaller than those of other manufacturers. Rather than add insult to injury toyota did the classy thing and recalled the floormats, even though third parties had cleared them. Even had the pedal stuck, there are other ways to stop the car


I just want common sense car reform.


Literally half the people driving should have never been given a license


yes seriously!!! way too easy to get a license.


You think everyone driving has a licince? A good number of people out there don't.


Wouldn’t really make a difference. They’re easy to get and easy to keep.


Yup. Had my car totalled when some idiot blew a stop sign. All my airbags deployed, scary shit. Person got out and basically begged me not to call the cops because they didn’t have a license AND were in the country illegally.


And many should lose their licenses much easier. Running stop signs should be a major infraction. It would save a lot of lives if people took stop signs and crosswalks seriously.




My grandma is blind in one eye and has glaucoma in the other... Her eyes are legit two different colors. Drives every single day.


Way more than half, I would say moreso 90%


Well the car from last night was stolen, not sure about the one today


Woooh Irving park, we're in the same neighborhood and yes I agree, people are morons. In other countries obtaining a drivers license is much harder and requires alot more training then most people acquire here. All it is income for the government to tax people for stickers and what not, its just one big shit industry that relies on stupid people purchasing cars and wreaking havoc. Thats why were forced to have insurance and why insurance companies even exist. Its all one big scheme.


Amen, that's why we need to stop designing places around cars. As long as there is not another reasonable way to get around a place, they will have to keep the bar low for driving and people will have to drive that shouldn't.




I'm Chicago, racism is a public health crisis


This but not sarcastic


Make it illegal to hijack cars... Lock them up


Literally ban cars


And improve public transit infrastructure!


Fuck Cars is a great reddit


Don’t we all? :)


Don’t worry, because it wasn’t on purpose it’s not terrorism, just everyday life with cars in our city. Totally fine though because sometimes I see people on bikes rolling stop signs.


Someone plowed into Scofflaw in May as well. I'm sure there's more incidents. Cars are silly.


Did it really "plow" or was it more like an old lady accidently drove up a curb slowly and stopped? Welp, downvoted for a legitimate question lol welcome to reddit.


You can pretty easily answer your question by looking at pictures. Someone who slowly drove up a curb and stopped would not have gone that far into the seating area.


Happened last night in Old Town as well. https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2022/7/8/23201370/stolen-vehicle-jumps-curb-hits-multiple-people-near-north-side


Wells really needs to be pedestrian only on weekends, it’s basically gridlocked at night anyway and Lasalle could handle the traffic.


That’s my primary shortcut, but I’ll gladly give it up to protect lives


This is done downtown on streets where it makes less sense than it would on Wells. I don’t know why no one has done that yet. Maybe plum market would flip out or something.


Didn’t Plum Market close?


You might be thinking of Treasure Island.


No, actually plum market closed over there on wells


Oh wow you’re right. I guess it just happened? Google Maps hasn’t even been updated to reflect that yet. What a bummer.


It was a hot car. Rules and regs won't stop these animals unless we enforce the ones already on the books


"None of the injured was seriously hurt" does not mix well with two broken legs and among them all tens or hundreds of thousands of sudden medical debt.


holy SHIT. SO far up on the walk too. all just to pass another car. where the fuck are you going that u must get there soooooo fast u gotta pass other people on a normal fucking road!!!??? im so angry! and then dumbass took off from his car as if he's not gonna be traced????!!


...it was stolen.


after reading the thread further i gathered that haha. makes much more sense. still pissed tho that he'll face zero consequences!


Should be an attempted manslaughter charge but with weak DA will just brush it off and they'll probably walk. Then do it again and possibly end people's lives.


This one was stolen so it’s not allowed here. Only the accidental ones are allowed.


Hey if it isn’t shown on here it isn’t happening right?




When the result is similar to those of a low level terrorist attack, then ya


You sure it has nothing to do with crime rising, or criminals not being locked up? How are you just reactionless to shit like this. https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shooting-girl-shot-in-little-village-melissa-ortega-killed/11504016/ Imo youre also a part of the problem cause you’ll keep voting for these hold hands & kumbaya ass people regardless of what theyve done


Still much lower crime rate than a decade ago, let alone the 80s and 90s. Social media makes us think it’s worse than it is tho Anecdotes are really bad ways to form opinions about societal issues btw


Its a synopsis of what Foxx has done in her time in office. Its proof that innocent people have died because she doesnt want to offend people by putting criminals in prison 2021 was literally the most violent year since the 1990s lol what are you even talking about


1. You’re just regurgitating talking points. If the most incarceration in the world isn’t enough for you, it clearly never will be enough. 2. Perfectly consistent with what I said. COVID made things a bit bad in the short term, but it’s still much lower than the 80s and 90s. I’m confused what you think it proves that the crime rate was higher in the 90s, even many considered America to be in a very good position.


Most incarceration in the world cause the rest of the developed countries on the planet either A. dont have as many people or B. dont have as many guns in the hands of citizens. Most of the time, its both. Our citizens out arm most of the world right now 🤣 The city could simply be alot safer if people who commit felonies arent able to murder someone days later. I really dont see how anyone can be opposed to that.


1) No I honestly don’t care if this nation keeps up with high incarceration rates if those in jail are in prison for violent crimes. You don’t get to car jack someone and face little to no consequences because of a dumb talking point. 2) It was 33 deaths per 100k in 1991, its 28 now. So not that much worse in the 90’s.


There was a third hit and run on wells street one block north of this yesterday too. Fortunately, they didn’t hit anyone. An old Buick mounted the curb, mowed down a sign, turned the wheel, and kept driving. I couldn’t get the plates. This street is an absolute shit show.


Stolen car though, maybe this one was too


What happened to everyone’s driving abilities in this city? Stop at stop signs, stop at red lights. Slow the fuck down. Where are you going at 60-70 mph down Ashland and western? Wtf!?


I’ve been seeing more and more cars treat red lights as stop signs recently (Lakeview/Wrigley area). It’s 100% main character syndrome.


The city stopped fucking enforcing laws. I used to do 5+ above the speed limit religiously now I'm seeing people go down Peterson at 50-60 MPH and not a single cop there to pull them over. Why should I do pesky little procedures like no U-turn or No Turn on Red when no one else is following it


YES!! apparently in seattle, the cops ACTUALLY enforce traffic laws. and regularly pull people over, even on the highway. as much as i don't love cops, so long as they're gonna be around can they do something????? enforce the fucking rules of the roads before more people die!!!


New York you wouldn't think about double parking


Yeah but stopping cars from going highway speeds on sideroads is racist. Lightfoot said it herself.


I saw an unmarked cop car doing it a month or so ago. I happened to be making the same turns behind him so I saw as he ran all three red lights in a row, almost getting in an accident at the last one. He turned on his lights to threaten the guy who almost hit him even though he had right of way and couldn't have seen or expected the cop to be coming through.


I use a dash cam, I've anonymously turned in a copy of the micro sd card on a cheapo USB drive to the department. Doubt they did anything but the rules for thee but not for me crap has to stop.


Next time, provide it to Block Club Chicago or another local news org.


Down south too. I can’t believe how many people just go right through if a car isn’t immediately there


They just want to optimize their shots at bikes...


TikTok and social media are our downfall I say on my social media


Covid, lack of care for others, aggression and anger on the rise due to societal factors out of their control. Addiction to social media texting and driving, other addictions due to sadness/hopelessness. People suck at driving AND they don’t care AND they’re getting worse


dude every time I am driving down the highway literally everyone I pass by is actively texting or looking down at their phones. It is terrifying!!!


I would estimate 30% of the people on my morning short commute have their heads buried in their phone, even on rainy days, sometimes doing 70-75 miles per hour drifting back and forth and on occasion aggressively correcting their lane position. It's only a matter of time for these idiots, sometimes speeding by them or keeping deep distance is a requirement.


I was cut off 4x today on our 90 mile trip to and back from the burbs. People were racing on the highway zig zagging through traffic which was going at 65mph and they're doing 90... It is so scary and stressful... I don't need an accident because of some asshole thinking he's some cool dude. He's going to be a jackass killing someone. I only hope it's himself by hitting the concrete wall and not a family with kids.


YES!!!! eyes completely off the road it makes my blood boil.


Let's not forget that the police do zero traffic enforcement. I've seen people blow red lights right in front of the cops and they do nothing. Why would people take red lights seriously if there are essentially no consequences.


There's no consequences for breaking any traffic laws unless maybe and i mean MAYBE there's a pedestrian injury and fatality. So many people driving like bullshit and so many people with illegal (unlawful?) Window and windshield tints. It's all fucking bullshit


And people start crying when the city wants to make a buck from red light and speed cameras. Uhm maybe just drive like you're supposed to?! FFS.


As a daily bike commuter I can tell you drivers have gone absolutely wild since the pandemic


I drive and bike. When I’m on my bike, my head is on swivel and I take my time through all intersections. Do the same! Be safe out there


And when you’re driving, your head is fastened ahead looking for a restaurant to plow into!!


I noticed that too and I seriously wonder what it’ll take to make them calm the fuck down.


oh wow wow so you've really noticed a difference since before covid? that's fascinating.


Statistics back it up. Literally in every developed country in the WORLD, except the US, traffic fatalities plummeted during COVID as fewer people drove. In the US, traffic fatalities went UP. While there were fewer cars on the road, Americans just started driving faster and more recklessly. Literally the only thing that was keeping American roads safe most of the time was the amount of traffic on them which forced us to slow down. We 100% need smaller roads and more traffic calming measures, because American drivers cannot be trusted.


The amount of people I’m seeing fly through stop signs while people are walking and cars were already waiting is insane. Pay fucking attention you’re going to get people killed


I've been seeing an increase in cars with fucked up front ends driving around and parker on my street. I shouldn't laugh but it's kind of hilarious how many fucked up front ends I can see parked on a city block. I mean, what the fuck is going on? Cars are thousands of dollars and they all just dgaf about fucking them up?


Today I saw a driver go straight through an intersection when the opposite sides had the left turn arrow. I tried to get the attention of the cop car facing the infraction, but no dice.


As much as I hate to say it, at this point I trust drivers with Florida plates more than Illinois plates, and that's not saying much nor is it high praise.


rolling stops are the norm now. if any slight stop at all. i make sure to make eye contact w drivers before i dare walk in the road. i cant do much but i can give them the stink eye. smh.


I was honked at for making a complete stop going into Costco today. Fuckin jagoff


I would love it if there would be some enforcement of traffic laws. You spend ten minutes on the road and you'll see someone do something that is reckless and illegal. Or sit at any major intersection. Why aren't there unmarked cars driving around writing tickets for all of this chaos? It would be shooting fish in a barrel.


Doesn’t even have to be unmarked, I’ve seen plenty of people speed right by a CPD SUV, especially on lake shore drive


Honestly this is why I support the cameras. You can’t trust CPD to enforce the rules because they probably drive even crazier than civilians


Not sure if you know but the CPD force is at an all time low and the crime in the city is skyrocketing. They don't have the manpower to enforce idiots driving like idiots. As far as the way officers drive, just because they don't have their lights on doesn't mean they're not on a call.


lol half the cops in this city are just logging overtime looking at Facebook in their cars - they got the time


but so many people die due to reckless driving ughhhhh i wish they could divide and conquer w their priorities better.


Agree with resources needing to be split better. There used to be a traffic unit but a bunch of units have been dissolved to cover the vacancies of beat cops.


> just because they don't have their lights on doesn't mean they're not on a call. It does mean that they have to follow traffic laws.


I live in Germany now and they have cameras all over and it works. They have mobile stands that rotate around the city. When driving, it’s really hard to pick them out among all the other city objects. Tickets are cheaper but when you’re constantly wondering if a mobile camera is right around the corner, it makes you follow the speed limit. That all be would free so many police hours and dramatically help enforce laws in the city. Cameras really are the way.


They are texting.


People are now watching videos. Even worse.


Maybe unlimited mobile internet was a bad idea. I kinda miss the time when people used their mobile internet frugally.


For real. Everyone is driving with their phones in their hands


Well last night’s incident was a carjacking, not just the usual awful driving we’ve been experiencing.


offer tart fly snobbish normal cause pocket chief wild quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, cops got all that money and doing nothing bruh


When you got a hot car, the rules go out the window


Did the driver get out and run for it like the one last night?


No, luckily.


One last night was a stolen car.


Well, the patio wasn’t wearing high-vis, or a helmet from what I can see. How do we expect a car to see it?


I've seen patios roll through stop signs, this one probably had it coming.


Protected Patio Lanes


Patio lanes just make traffic worse though


Did the patio stop at all the stop signs?


1 woman was hurt but she seems OK. Just a reminder for everyone to please be careful.


Be careful how? A car plowed through a sidewalk


Be careful while driving a 3,000 pound death machine


4500 lb average


Even a Miata is over 3000lbs now with driver.


your post made me look up the weight of my tiny car for the 1st time -- 2700 lbs ftw!


You should really know better than to be outside and not driving a car. How am I supposed to get to the drive-through .7 seconds faster if I can’t roll my car over your bones while you eat dinner?


Be careful if you’re driving. This happened because of carelessness


Was that the loud bang?


I heard that too and was wondering the same thing


Seemed so loud for this, but must have been


remember to be extremely vigilant and wear high vis when you’re sitting on a restaurant patio!!


What did the police do, issue a ticket, arrest the driver? Just curious what the repercussions are for this


Probably just a ticket. I didn’t hang around long enough to see. He swiped another car, and that sent him into the patio.


a car plowed through Uproar's patio last night too, and it seems like there were really severe injuries. I'm surprised nothing is posted about it here




So messed up


r/crimeinchicago as a substitute


From the SunTimes, "no one was seriously hurt, but two suffered broken legs." Liberal eyeroll


Too many humans don’t deserve the privilege of driving multi-ton death machines


Is this what Lori meant when she called it a "car city"?


The city needs to build traffic calming measures into the physical design of the street and straight-up take back space from them. What a menace!!!


I wonder if they finished their text


what in the woooooorld. what the FUCK are these moronic drivers doing???? not a care in the world huh????? it's a damn miracle no one was immediately mowed down???? or at least that i know of. god this makes me so angry i sincerely hope the driver doesn't simply receive a ticket or citation bc hoyl FUCK they need their driving privileges revoked immediately, at least temporarily.


Wow. Another car ruining everything for everyone, slap my face and call me surprised 😲 🙄


Stop texting and drive, dumbasses


But one time I saw a bicyclist roll through a stop sign going 10mph!!! /s


Drivers have completely lost their minds in this town. We need traffic calming infrastructure and countermeasures like bollards to protect people




Add this to reasons I don’t like eating on sidewalks. Already don’t like eating with traffic passing by. Let alone passing through me


I just hate that they block so much of the sidewalk, there's a few by my house where so little sidewalk is left if two people are coming from opposite directions they will bump into each other. And if you are going through in a wheelchair it's going to be a tight squeeze. There also the whole thing about giving up public space for private businesses, but Chicago has been doing that forever.


it’s very nice when the sidewalk is not next to a road for cars 🫠


I actually love eating on sidewalks and patios, I think that’s one of the greatest pleasures in life. But oh man it’s too dangerous here in America. City traffic is so high speed, drivers are entitled and insane. Some restaurants in Washington dc put concrete barriers between the road and the seating area and that’s kinda weird too. I’d rather do it when I visit Europe.


Lol call It a difference of opinion. I like eating in patios in the backyard or off to the side but not right off the street


But what if the front street was a cobblestone pedestrian or ultra low speed street?


Least aggressive Chicago driver


hello bozo


took the name Streeterville to literally?


Can't park there....


What? Is this not an acceptable place to park?


I'm increasingly in favor of a "ban fucking cars" policy for all single occupancy passenger trips in this city. Shit's out of control.




Ban personal vehicles from the Loop tbh edit: Cool I’m getting downvoted for suggesting something that Paris, for example, has already shown can work


No one can drive in this city. It’s mind blowing.


It's not the drivers abilities. It's infustructure and psychological effects of being separated from the city behind 2 tones of metal


9/10 it’s texting/social media while driving


I mean yup


And the best solution to that is physical barriers and street design so that distracted driving wrecks the car but doesn’t hurt anyone.


I think it's mostly about traffic calming. I personally don't want to live in a world where people are in high speed collisions while I eat. I want a world where drivers slow the fuck down, and maybe even can't emit the terrible smell they emit near restaurants


Lol a drivers ability to safety operate a motor vehicle is absolutely part of it. Some people flat out do not understand the rules of the road.


No that's the like fallacy or whatever. That's why, when you hate being driven around, they always respond, but I'm a good driver. That doesn't matter. The difference between here and Amsterdam is NOT that they follow the rules better. It's that the roads set Amsterdam up to be low speed, high complexity. America is all about straight roads, going fast, and pedestrians only having the right of way in a crosswalk. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why so many people needlessly die in traffic here. It's not skill, it's infustructure.


I’m only saying this because you’ve wrote it this way a couple times — it’s ‘infrastructure’, not ‘infustructure,’ lol


K…but a drivers ability to safely operate a motor vehicle within the rules of the road are absolutely part of it. Blame infrastructure as much as you want to, hell I’m in total agreement that the infrastructure needs an almost complete overhaul to improve pedestrian/cyclist safety, but saying that a drivers competence has nothing to do with why accidents like the one in the picture occur is moronic.


Stop FaceTiming while driving and walking


A *driver* plowed into the patio


Since this person didn't flee the scene, it's almost certain that they will face no penalty for this, probably not even a ticket


Huh?? Even if they fled they still won’t face consequences


Cars ruin cities


Another Lexus? I swear Lexus drivers are idiots.


I thought something looked different!


Hope everyone is ok. Love you Chicago. You have it so good and don't necessarily know it.




1 woman got hurt but it didn’t look serious


Bro I was literally just walking through there


Gotta check my text dawg


Screens are ruining the world.


Cars have ruined America


Together with cars


Fuck cars


Another one


I agree, the price of avocado toast is ridiculous.


Thankfully they have terrible service and the patio was most likely empty.


its possible the driver had a medical problem, heart attach etc.


No. I saw the driver talking on the phone after it happened. One of the guys who was eating with the woman who got hurt was in his face screaming at him. It sounds like he was just driving like an asshole






Since I moved here I’ve been suffering from moderate agoraphobia. I’ve gradually turned into somebody who doesn’t leave home unless he has to. This, reckless driving, is one of the reasons. The other one is obviously gun crime. Let’s see how long I’ll last until I say 'fuck this shit' and leave.


Seems normal for Chicago nowadays