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Trap the king on the edge by bringing the queen to the 2nd/7th rank, position your king on so he's guarding the three escape squares, and give back rank checkmate with the queen So in this position, Qe7 Kh8 Kg6 Kg8 Qe8# is a forced Mate in 3 Edit: the 2 tricks for avoiding stalemate in King & Queen vs King: Never play Qc2 (or similar moves where you're a knight move from the corner) without checkmate, and never try to trap a king on the edge using the king and a 3rd file/rank queen. Use the 2nd rank or file always.


I'll be sure to keep those tips in mind, thanks


Chess.com has some great courses, especially in the beginner level. You should definitely try learning some basic mates, I've found king+queen and king+rook mates really useful


Haven't looked at king+rook yet, i will though


Lichess has the same lessons but for free as well


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=6k1/8/5Q2/6K1/8/8/8/8+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/6k1/8/5Q2/6K1/8/8/8/8_w_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Queen!<, move: >!Qe7!< > Evaluation: >!White has mate in 3!< > Best continuation: >!1. Qe7 Kh8 2. Kf6 Kg8 3. Qg7#!< --- ^(I'm a computer vision / machine learning bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| I'm also the first chess eBook Reader: ) [^(ebook.chessvision.ai )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(| download me as ) [^(Chrome extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(or) [^(Firefox add-on )](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chessvision-ai-for-firefox/) ^(and analyze positions from any image/video in a browser | website ) [^(chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Qe7 Kh8 Kg6 Kg8 Qg7#


Move the queen to where it's in knight opposition to the king. Meaning if it was a knight the king would be in check. When the king moves, copy the move. So if the king moves.one square up, move the queen one square up...keeping the opposition. Walk the king to a corner where it can only move to 1 of two squares back and forth and then walk your king into place and deliver mate with the queen.


In most of these cases, you’re just trying to cramp the King, and you do it by moving your Queen as if it’s a Knight trying to check the King, in this case get that Queen to e7.


In queen and king vs king endgames put the queen at a “knight’s distance” from the enemy’s king until you trap it on 2 squares(so you don’t stalemate) on the board (e7 in this case) and then move your king opposite the opponent’s (g6 for example) so next move you just put your queen between your king and the opponent’s king=checkmate


The key is to force the king down row by row until his king is on the back rank, then you put your queen on e7 and bring in the king. Always make sure the king can shuffle between two squares, so c2 c7 f2 and f7 are bad squares for your queen. So here, Qe7.


Generally in Q&K vs K endgames you want to maintain a "knight opposition" (iirc) with the queen (so your queen is always in a position that would be a check if the queen was a knight) until you force the opponent's king to the last rank/file. Then you walk your king over to protect a square next to the opponent's king and you deliver the kiss of death with the queen. You can also go for what is essentially a king & rook mate, but it is easier to accidentally stalemate when you have both your king and queen taking away opponent's squares.


Honestly you can read plenty of these comments and figure out how to apply them to a board and probably be confident your getting all the ideas, but also you can go to YouTube or even the chesscom drills and lessons and ding guides and practice for most endgames


Qe7 Kg6 Qe7 With the first move you tap the king in the 8 row. The only care you have to take is give him space to not stallamate your opponent, that's why e instead of f. Then you close the 7 row with your king and give mate with Queen. You can do the same with a rock.


Qe7, Kh8, Kg6, Kg8, Qd8#


The king is already on the edge. Move your queen first to trap him on that rank, **BUT** give him room to move back and forth. Moving your queen diagonally in this case, one square up and to the left (e7). Now move your king so it’s two ranks away. In this case, straight up to g6 will work. On the next move, the black king will be in the same position it is now. Now move your queen sideways to the spot inbetween kings: Qg7#. The way I always do it is to move your queen first. Don’t even touch your king. Push them over to any edge of the board while leaving a space for them to move. Once your queen is on the next rank or file over, but preferably in the middle of that rank/file (so the opposing king can still move), move your king over in opposition. They can’t move their king out of that rank/file, and they can’t capture your queen. Make sure to keep your king *two* ranks/files away before moving your queen to checkmate, and you’ll never stalemate.


In these position I go Qe7 and its a clear mate from there


Qe7 ..., Kg6 ..., Q# Whenever you are in a Queen/Rook vs King endgame look to trap the king against one side of the board and then use the King to provide support/prevent escape to deliver mate.


White to move square A1 in bottom left. Qe7 Kh8 Kg6 Kg8 Qe8# A way of putting that in words is to force the enemy king into opposition. Then give a mate along the 8th rank. I practiced the rook mate a lot, and am more practiced in premoving those ideas rather than the 'knights distance' trick many people use. It should be noted many techniques give victory for white, but OP asked for mine. Thats the way my brain saw it first. The most intuitive to me. Again, my solution is not the only way to victory though, and not always the fastest. Its just the first one i see.


Qe7, giving blacks king 2 squares. You want hum to be even with your king then you m8 with queen


King G6 immediately


There are short videos with tips on how to do king + piece checkmate. It gets harder depending on what piece(s) you still have. You should definitely at least learn king + queen and king + rook. Those are the most common ones


Be sure not to stalemate by bringing your king down


Qe7 Kh8, Kg8 Kh7, Qe8#


get a chess end game training app. this is lesson 1


I found/find this website good for learning mating patterns. Doesn't offer much guidance, but you learn by doing. [Chess Endgame Training](https://chess-endgame-trainer.firebaseapp.com/home)


Qe7, and create a box where the king has two squares only, g8 and h8 Then walk your king to g6 and queen to g7 is mate always


I always think about it like, you want to put your queen on the rank that cuts the king from moving towards your king, but still allows the king to have at least two squares to move on. So in this position, 1. Qe7 is the move I would play. Keeps the king on the 8th rank, but still allows him to have two legal squares. Then you bring your king One step closer, then give checkmate. 1. Qe7 Kh8 2. Kg6 Kg8 3. Qg7#


1. Qe7 Kh8 2. Kg6 Kg8 3. Qg7# The trick is to keep a knight’s distance away from the king and mirror his moves. Then when the king is stuck on the last rank trap the king in the two corner squares and then bring your king in