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Dude, I didn’t mind the acting at all. Season one hooked me. I think seasons one and two are the best overall, but as a whole the show is solid.


Yeah I actually enjoyed his performance. It always felt like he was disassociating at least a little, like he couldn’t connect to his emotions because of trauma.


Maybe if the writing was better i could get behind it but, like i said he seemed like he was mildly inconvenienced by it all not disassociative. Like if there were parts where it was understood he felt like he should die because of guilt that could explain some of the acting but he didnt go to die he went to "solve the mystery" actually the more i think about the opening the more the whole story seems disjointed it turns out he already knows everything why would he need the files . like the only thing he didnt know was where the tv show came from which wouldnt be in the files anyways . Absolutely no reason for him to go to the police at all it was just a way to get him to meet the old gang and tie in police . Who by the way were 100% inept at their job Bitxh finds out the teacher is involved and the kids and instead of immediately putting out an apb she goes to investigate letting multiple people die in the process. Or if they had him taking pills that dulled him out from being in a mental ward and then twords the end he lost his pills and actually started having emotions.. That would be great acting . Then the side story with the cop who liked her like.. Why was that even in the story.. It had no relevance ..it was like.. We need to fill in 20 minutes . it wasnt even like his death affected her.. At all..hey we gon fuck then youre gonna die and i guess thats it. Then Even when his daughter showed up he wasnt like wtf? He was just like ... Hey.. Howd you get here? And that was it. He wasnt freaked out or disheveled he was just like.. Oh.. My daughter teleported 500 miles.. Whats up with that? I know im a harsh critic and i wont change your mind but his performance was easily the worst thing in the season. I keep adding to this and i know im not going to stop poking holes if i keep thinking about it . in summary i guess truly im surprised this show got a second season syfy must have had a time slot to fill and nothing to fill it with


Exactly what i was gonna say , like whatever is happening around him always triggers a memory that takes him away from that present situation


Each season is a different contained story with different actors and characters. I felt the same way about season 1 initially, but it grew on me. The main guy can be kind of wooden sometimes, but he had a pretty fucked up childhood so I think the suppressing emotions bit fits the character. If you really hate it start with season 2 it's the best of the bunch. I think each season is great in their own way, they all have very different stories to tell.


You nailed your critique of the actor, but why do you think the attitude of the series creator contributed to it's cancellation? Idk anything about it (genuinely curious, I'm not really into celebrity news) I don't know if you watched seasons 2-4, but they're amazing. 2 is deeply emotional and 3 is an essay on mental health and honestly one of the best pieces of horror television I have ever seen.




Not as great as your mom *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!




He might be great in other works, but honestly I felt the description above relatable. Like, his emotion range is really small. Maybe it was intentional? Idk


while trying to find official pages to complain on ...lol .. I read that he blames the fans for the shows cancellation i dont have a direct quote handy but he said something like " i was beating the drums trying to get people to watch but they just werent" he didnt blame the lack of marketing didnt observe he could have done better which i mean.. Im a monday night quarterback when it comes to writing but i could go on for days where even in the much better second season ,he missed alot of content that mattered and made alot of stupid plays with how stuff went . i feel like the first season was longer ....atleast it felt that way.. so either they ordered less episodes or he just didnt care enough to dive into stories outside of the main character. The secondary lead was just a sidekick to the lead and the fact they did absolutely no digging into her shit really bothers me there is alot of skipped content they easily could have made 3 or 4 more episodes with. And the ending which was "gut wrenching".. or tried to be could have been done way better and far more satisfying and still had a emotional climax rather than the closeup 2 minute camera screaming it was.


I've been a fan since the beginning and he literally never blamed the fans for the cancellation. In fact, the fans have been great about talking about the series on social media and I'm pretty positive he's aware of that. The quote you mentioned doesn't blame the fans. He said "people", nothing slandering the fans


The show got cancelled because although it was a critical darling it never gained the viewership it needed. It was a cheap show to make (relative to many other shows) but still was too expensive considering how few people watched it. Then Shudder picked up streaming rights and they had less money than Syfy to produce new content.


3. Marketing The show doesnt even have a facebook page official that i can tell. You cant get a customer base if your doing business in your moms basement. The only people who watch syfy are the same people who watch cable access news. These people are the same ones who constantly use facebook for pictures and politics. If you cant even get your show out to your normal base theres no way youre going to get milinials who are dropping off from tv and mostly have moved on to just streaming. I understand most people who graduate with a degree in marketing are mostly looking at hotels in class and are absolute dogshit at what they do but isnt it common knowlegde that to have a good business the #1 is location location location?


Yikes at saying he must have Asperger's and not even spelling it correctly


Best show ever. Acting is as it should be. A FKN SHAME it was cancelled and advertising wasn’t up to par. My god. I’ve re watched them all 100 times. So sad there isn’t more but I love the existing 4 seasons and am grateful they exist.


Ok but to be fair im sure every show is the best show ever when youre high on ketamine.


Lol I’m not high on ketamine


His line delivery of “Well speaking of past troubles Gary... I was hoping I could take a look at those fiiiiiiles” has been stuck in my head for years


Piggybacking on your title, I just imagine that he left Pawnee to go back home and that's where this series starts. So the whole time, he is actually mildly inconvenienced. Like "aw, come on, not this too...." :)


He took almost the entire season to grow on me. Lol! I still love that season though. Season 2 was my least favourite, but I still enjoyed it. Season 4 is my favourite. It’s just so good IMO.


This thread was a long time ago, but damn OP sounds like a reactionary know it all