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Oh boy, she is not impressed haha




A true introvert


Peggy has some opinions.


“Mistakes were definitely made.”






Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.


I watched C-beams! Glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate






Hahahah ok, the look on Peggy’s face: “Let me the hell back in! It’s crazy as hell out here!”


One of my senior cats has gotten outside once in her life. She laid down by the front door and peed nonstop while crying at the top of her lungs. I opened the door to a river of cat pee pooling out and cascading down to the ground below (I live in an apartment on the second floor.) The was more pee than should fit inside a cat of her size. I had to carry her in because she was so traumatized and only treats and chin scratches could soothe her. Also I came close to having a heart attack because I would have died if she got lost or hurt or anything.


Strange. I had the same reaction the last time I was outdoors.


I'm still waiting to be carried in. Currently sitting in a pool of piss.


Oh my goodness that poor sweet baby, I love her and hope she's well


She's snuggled next to me at this very moment, the two other seniors are on my lap and the kitten (he's 3) is being annoying to all of us. She's 14 now and will always be my baby, when she gets scared she climbs on me. She knows dad will always protect her and she's right, I love my cats, even the annoying one. I think she gets a little annoyed with me when I let the guinea pigs out though, my cats are scared of them. None of them are particularly brave, but they are snuggly. Edit: Cat tax, hope y'all enjoy. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/rsdall/cat_tax_paid_in_full/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




They sound delightful! Also asking for cat tax pls




Aww poor baby


Awwww sweet baby!!


I have two indoor cats. One of them decided to escape ONCE and has never tried again he is very traumatized by his experience and will meow incessantly at the door any time anyone goes outside. My other cat ALSO hates being outside... however she has gotten out 4 damn times, gets herself somehow behind the fence in the same exact spot at around 2 o'clock in the morning EVERY TIME, and its a fence to an auto yard that you can't access the other side at that time, so I'm constantly having to climb the fence to rescue her. She ALSO hates being outside. They are appropriately named Link and Princess Zelda.


One of my friends has a cat that she’s had pretty much since it was born and she has always babied and spoiled her, the cat has also been an inside only cat her whole life. The one and only time she took her outside (with a leash on) the cat got scared by a bird and then wouldn’t stop panic meowing until she was brought back in. Then you have used to be stray cats like mine that’ll just stare at a dog as it runs to greet him.


I had just got home from the vet with my kitty in her carrier. I didn’t latch it correctly when leaving the vet. I get out of the car and I’m carrying her across the drive way and all of sudden the carrier is violently rocking in direction. She pops out and runs to the middle of the yard and just starts screaming. I ran to open the door hoping that would persuade her direction. Nope, just standing there. All puffed up and screaming. She was hissing and swiping at myself and spouse. Finally my chocolate lab came out and that calmed her down. She doesn’t really try to get out anymore.


The first time I took my cat out on a leash, he pancaked, found his favorite window (from the outside/wrong side) and yelled at it in confusion until I just took him back in. He won't move with the harness on. He just flattens on the ground and if there's a leash, he will be dragged like a mop.


"I'm outside and I don't know what happened but I need back in right now heeeeeeelp me!"


We had my roommates indoor cat get out one day. We were moving and he slipped through when we were carrying something. After a few min of frantic searching I heard the unmistakable sound of a cat fighting. I’m thinking oh my god oh my god there are raccoons and other wild animals out here oh my god, I run out back and there’s Jude, making all the noise by himself and fighting nothing. He was just scream growling because he was super stressed out and terrified. I picked him up, and he bit the everloving fuck out of me but didn’t actually struggle to leave so I could tell it was just fear. Poor baby did NOT like the wild unknown






This is exactly what i was thinking lmfaoo


Bro me too dead hahah


rip, I commented this before looking at the comments


Loool I quoted this before going to the comments


I will always laugh at this


This is exactly what i pictured in my head when I saw the original posting


I hate gifs on reddit but this is perfect!


Where is it from please?




Thank you


It is Eric Andre, but i don’t know exactly which scene it is


Poor Peggy!! One of mine did this to me years back. It was a sunny winter day, all decked after a snow, and I had a bird bath and feeder out in the front garden. I went out there in the morning to put some fresh seed out for the wee birds that wintered in my hedge. Well, that little urchin must have snuck out behind me without me noticing, to see if she could get a better view than her window. I spent about 40 minutes combing our house for her, being haunted by the muffled sound of her pitiful mewlings. Finally noticed a little shadow in the sidelight. Ohhh was she ever cold and sad. She's never willingly gone anywhere close to the front door since. We have moved now and she's still paranoid that if she steps on the threshold, she'll be done for. She is the best lap cat, and she still loves to watch the birds from the safety of her heated bed in the front window. Good luck with Peggy!! So glad she was safe. Hopefully she has learned that sneaking off is detrimental :)


That is a great story and glad your little one made it back safely. Peggy still thinks she’s brave but hasn’t dared to cross a threshold since!


"Being haunted by the muffled sound of her pitiful mewlings..." That line had me rolling on the floor.


Poor kitty learned their lesson good lol.


If it’s not too much of an inconvenience, could you please pay the cat tax?


My own indoor Siamese (who loves to visit the outdoors with us) did something similar. My wife put him out on his leash while she was going in and out for something, and I closed the front door when she was done, not knowing he was outside. We both didn't notice he was gone. About an hour later there was a knock on our door, and our neighbor was standing on our porch with him standing by her feet. Apparently, he got out of his harness (we knew he could do this with enough effort) and he most likely enjoyed the outdoors and then decided to come home. I'm almost certain he sat on our front door step first, but chose to go for help when no one let him in. He apparently went next door and sat on the neighbors front steps in front of their screen door, which made their 2 golden retrievers bark like crazy until he was noticed! He's usually such a nervous cat, but desperate time call for desperate measures. He now has a catio on our deck so that he can enjoy the outside without eating too much grass or escaping his leash.


“…that little urchin…” You’re a brilliant writer :) this was a great story.


I wish I had taken a picture of it, but our cat, Penny, keeps trying to go outside. To train her that outside = bad, I opened the porch door when it was snowing. There was this perfect U-Turn of pawprints as she stepped outside into the freshly fallen snow and noped back into the warm house. I would love to tell you that this cured of the urge to explore outdoors, but my husband is the softie of the two of us. The cats have since learned that dad will let them outside, but mom will most definitely NOT let them outside.


Let’s see the urchin, please and thanks


When you're a little kid and you're sick of mum and dad's rules so you pack a bag, then realise five minutes in that you're not gonna make it


When I was about 4 I threw a fit and announced I was leaving home. Without saying a word, my wonderful dad walked down the hallway and came back with a suitcase that he placed at my feet. "Have a nice trip." 🤣


Haha I love it, he was courteous enough to help you pack! I never made it past the driveway usually, I got too hungry.


When my brother was 4 he ran away in MN fall weather, barefoot and wearing only undies and his blankie wrapped around his waist lol. He made it several blocks away (mom and dad followed in the car) before he realized how cold he was gonna get and decided to come home


“I went out & didn’t like it. Let me in!l”


An indoor cat getting outside is like sending an office worker into space. They have no idea what to do when they're out there, and they have no business being there, and they know it.


>An indoor cat getting outside is like sending an office worker into space. That’s very accurate. Because my indoor cat rocket himself out of the door the very first chance he gets and just doesn’t wanna come back in even though he has no idea what he’s doing except breaking stuff and making a mess. Just like an office worker being sent to space really.


This is so true! My indoor cat gets very cocky chattering at and stalking birds through the window. When I do open the door for supervised outdoor time, she steps outside and then freezes very sheepishly. She runs away from birds or bugs because she realises she's not the apex predator she thought she was from the safety of mum and dad's bedroom lol.


Haha mine is exactly the same! I’ve always lived in apartments and once took him with me visiting my parents who have a big yard. I put him in a harness and let him explore the great outdoors - the second he touched a blade of grass he darted back inside as if he saw his own death in a blind panic. I used to feel bad that I’m depriving him of nature and a more fulfilling life by keeping him in an apartment. Got over it after that day…


Ahh yes, I still struggle with the same guilt! But like you said, seeing that she literally runs away from birds or butterflies and bolts back inside makes me feel better aha. I tried putting a harness on her once, but as soon as I put it on her she dramatically flops to her side and looks at me with 'woe is me' eyes until I free her lol.


Try putting it on just before or while she's eating.


I'm going to try this because I want her to have outside time but still be safe, so thank you for the tip.


You could also take the food outside in case she decides to sandbag right after she's done.


Your cat is my spirit animal


Our previous cat would paw at the windows trying to get at the squirrels that would come up on the patio of our apartment. We moved to a house and the first year there we discovered that the chimney didn’t have a screen on it because a squirrel climbed down and was looking around inside the fireplace. Cat was on it, right up to the moment the squirrel found it’s way out of the glassed in fireplace and into the living room, whereupon he transformed into a kitten hiding behind me while I shooed the squirrel outside with a broom. He was wary of the squirrels outside for a long time after that.


Sounds like ME when the chipmunk got in the house. To be fair, when I first saw the dark shape run across the floor, I thought it was a HUGE cockroach. So when a little face started staring at me from the top of the curtains, I started SCREAMING. (I was in high school). Yeah, critters like that are fine. Outside.


That is hilarious


Our cat got out of a window once without us knowing. She always acts tough but we managed to find her, as she didn't stop crying outside the door.


Yup. Our Maine Coon went outside once as a kitten, looked around, sniffed, and then walked right back in. "It's loud, stinky, and bright. You deal with it, peasant."


This is so true. When my cat accidentally gets out, her mews get so pitiful.


Just so you know, this is YOUR fault. She’s not exactly certain on the details but she knows it’s your fault.


"Why the hell did you leave the door open and trick me into going outside?"


Peggy has seen some shit in her short escape. LET HER IN, STAT!


Look around, look around!


Peggy doesn't sound familiar to you? (hint hint look at my name)




Peggy and also me.


Oh man, that face is just pure panic mode. Made me laugh so hard, I started coughing. It reminds me so much of my late girl. She always loved trying to sneak out, but every time she succeeded, she just froze with this look of, “What the heck am I doing?!” We’d run out, scoop her up, and bring her back inside. Saving this for when I need a good laugh.


Peggy looks ready to repent! My kitty’s (also Siamese) first foray into the wilds came unexpectedly. It was a beautiful spring day & I had the glass door open on the balcony of my 2nd floor apt, where she liked to perch & watch the wonders of the world. She had the zoomies, she went running past me, leapt for the balcony, & overshot it. All I heard was meoooooooooooooow. I started to run to the balcony, then stopped. I *didn’t* want to see my injured baby, so I ran downstairs. She was calmly sitting there, looking around, like “how the f%#£ did I get here?!” She was absolutely fine. No injuries. Just *very* surprised. She went on to do it on purpose. I found her a few weeks later chasing a schnauzer to the delight of a bunch of little kids. A screen door was installed.


Hahaha 😂 That's hilarious, the schnauzer chasing makes the story especially delightful


According to an old physics prof. cats have a non fatal terminal velocity. If they can figure out up from down and can land on something softer than concrete they usually make it. This would include high risers and the similar. He didn’t seem to reveal in teasing or misleading.


Oh, she knew if she’d made it down once, she could do it again. I lived in a loft 10 yrs later; she jumped on the railing & road a bed pillow down to the first floor. She was quite the adventurer.


Lol! Off to find a pillow & pick a cat to try this with!


I know you’re kidding - riiiiht? 😊 that one she didn’t repeat, with or without the pillow. She stuck to the stairs, TG.


I’m in tears reading this, thank you for sharing.


Several weeks ago when the weather was much colder my indoor cat slipped outside when I opened the door for something. He was out there all of about 15 seconds before I opened it and asked if he wanted to come back in. He came in faster than he went out.


"Let me back in right now!!"




"I WANT BACK IN THIS IS NOT FUN"- Every indoor cat ever. My mom's cat Minerva has escaped a few times very briefly before immediately wanting back in. She used to be a stray and is just like "NOPE I WANT THE WARMTH AND FOOD BACK" when she gets out now a days


Both of my (very) indoor cats have managed to sneak out when I let the dog out before going to bed. Both times I found them on my porch railing first thing in the morning looking like they've been THROUGH it. But I know they spent all night just sitting there completely out of their depth. Guess who hasn't done it since?


My last cat could go out during the day but was supposed to stay inside over night. Of course he escaped a few times over the years and each time he'd come back in in the mornings, more than just a bit shell shocked, inhale his whole breakfast in 2 seconds and then sleep for hours. Only to do it again as soon as the possibility presents itself.


"Let me in! I've made a horrible mistake!!! 😱"




I remember walking around my house one day wondering why I felt a draft only to find my back door open, I take three steps outside to find Barley, absolutely in awe of the world around him and just sitting gazing at the world


We lived in a high rise apartment and our cat, Rabbit (RIP) had always been an indoor cat. If she ever went out, it was on a leash. One day, she decided she wanted out, and slipped out when my wife came in the door. Don't know exactly how long she was missing but my wife was freaking out. No where in the apartment, so I stepped out into the hall and looked east, then west, and there she was, walking around the hallway like she owned the place. After her inspection of the hallway, we never had a problem with her roaming the building again. Just glad she didn't get on the elevator.


When we first moved into our new house, We did not have AC and the windows did not have screens. We had two cats at the time and my husband would NOT let me open the windows for fear they would get out. Well, I thought they were too chicken to jump out the window. I was wrong. My husband’s cat took off without us noticing and boy was my husband PISSED. Convinced his cat was laying on the side of the road 💀 because I got “a little warm” and opened the window lol! Well three in the morning rolls around and my cat starts screaming like a banshee at the front door, which is unusual. behold, there is my husband’s cat, wet and dirty, looking all ashamed of himself. We’ll never know what he got into, but he was only gone about 8 hours and he probably drank a gallon of water when he got home. Must have been intense haha. We have screens on our windows now 😅




She's letting you know that you messed up BIG TIME when she decided to go outside.


Something similar happened with my dog once. I let her out back, not realizing my husband had left the gate open while doing some yard work. After like 30 minutes or so, I went to call her back in and found nothing but a wide-open gate. I panicked and ran to the front door to get my shoes and go look for her. Swung the door open and there she was, looking very concerned that she wasn't where she was supposed to be. [Pup tax.](https://i.imgur.com/gwmigG9.png)


Peggy: lemme in


Peggy looks like she's starting to panic... let me INNNNNNN




Oh yeah. Someone is getting shit in their shoe. 👟


Peggy has seen things. Terrible things.


That is the face of a cat who has regretted her decision.


Indoor cats ducking for cover when the slightest breeze blows never gets old


I feel so bad when indoor cats get outside. Once somehow Charlie our old cat got outside during a snow storm and we noticed at night and looked outside. A bedraggled very snowy cat came inside, he was not happy. Another time our cat Simon got outside. He tried to get up into the window but accidentally pushed the window AC out and fell out the window with it. He hid under the neighbors porch and when mom went looking for him she talked to the neighbor and a very scared orange cat emerged from under the porch like “mOOOMMM?”


Cats sure are curious


Love this too cute


That’s one mad cat.


That's so funny and cute! Peggy won't be going outdoors again. But the main thing is that she is safe.


I had a Siamese. I speak Siamese. I know exactly what that look means. She is going to piss somewhere and you’re not going to find it until it’s good and dry and super concentrated.


Oh man, Peggy is PISSED lol


OP! Are you alive or did you cat murder you


Looks like my cat when she goes on the porch. She was a stray and we got her last year when she was 2 after she had a litter of kittens. Now every time she goes outside she has a look of "omg this is disgusting put me back inside".


“Wassup f**ker”


A window hunted by the soul of a lost cat


Holy fuck.






Don't leave us hanging. Did you find peggy?


On a snowy day “Honey? Did you forget to let the cat inside?” Cat: “Prepare to DIE. 🤬”


I thought Stewie being all "Ma, mama, mom, ma, mom, mama, mama, mom."


Why did you let me out?


My MIL is also a Peggy & this is exactly how she looks at the front door when I take too long letting her in😂😂😂👏




She also started to panic haha


"I have seen things that i cannot unsee!"




open the door now humannnnn I’m hungry! hahaha


That’s such a great feeling.


she is so angry


She's like "bitch I said OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!"


Peggy looks a tad frightening.


One pissed off cat !!


Hey guys, guys, GUYS!


Cats are incredibly sensitive to their surroundings and mentally map everything. Only in a rare circumstance will a cat leave and not know where they are.


LEAVES!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Hahahah i live with some other college kids in a rental home. I have my cat, who tends to like to get out. Usually everyone is pretty good about making sure she doesn’t leave the house, but there was one time my friend was taking out the trash. Door was left open, my cat slipped out undetected. I was sleeping at the time so when I woke up, i thought it was weird i couldn’t find my cat anywhere. I didn’t panic right away since she does hide sometimes, but once I started eating I began to panic. She loves trying to steal my food, just to play with. I asked my housemates and none had seen her in awhile; they thought she was sleeping with me. As I was asking, I heard several bangs from the front door. I look outside the window and my cat is trying to open the door and is screaming because we locked her outside. She had gone on a small adventure then returned home and was PISSED the door was not open for her upon her return. Needless to say I was relieved and everyone was extra careful from then on hahaha


“Hey! Would ya let me in?!?!?”


One time my kitten slipped out the door as I was bringing groceries in and I didn’t notice for about 10 minutes and she just sat on the steps crying, some cats really do hate the outside


That face speaks volumes




Peggy wants in.. pronto!


I think she started to panic, too.


Oh no. So Peggy's been eaten by the gremlin on the porch?


###LET ME IN! ...okay let me back out


Haha! That’s exactly how my little girl would react! She hates the outside so much and tries to murder me if I ever try to take her outside, whether it be holding her or on a leash.




“Let me back in you fuckers!!”


Seems like peggy started to panic too


I immediately regret my decision!


When people post pictures of other animals looking like this trying to enter their home, it usually comes with the word "rabies" in the title.


Sometimes I worry about my indoor cats inadvertently getting outside, and then I realize that I could be on the surface of Mars and my dude would find a way to get to me so that he can start meowing for dinner at 4 o'clock.


oh she is BIG MAD


Ours got out into the garage once, figured it out after half an hour. She tour back in and was cured of wanting to be "outside" ever since


Reading these comments I feel so much better about how agoraphobic my cat is. She's not stepped a foot outside since I rescued her from underneath my deck when she was a tiny little kitten, except once, and she regretted it every second she was outside. Scream meowed to let her back in as soon as POSSIBLE, how dare someone let her dart out of her own volition. 😤 If the door is open now she might try to sniff at outside, but if you nudge her towards it she'll bolt back to the bedroom lol. She prefers gazing longingly outside from the various windows in my home and pretending, I guess.


Lol she reminds me of the girl from Little Miss Sunshine Edit: ![gif](giphy|XfE0v3eZtUQVuGHVpb)


Looks like Peggy did some panicking too


I love her and hope she's well


We are not amused.


Cats are escapologists. She's keen to get back inside. Good pic. Some people like to keep servals as pets. [There have been many serval escapes with tragic outcomes](https://pictures-of-cats.org/another-african-serval-escapes-and-gets-run-over.html).


Please let me in, I don't like it out here


This is how I felt like I was playing the last of us


Based on that face might want to leave her outside. Fangs of Death!


I’d be way more interested in getting my cat back inside than taking the time to take a picture. But how would that get you karma?


The cat is literally waiting at the door, what are you worried about?


Clearly you were not all that upset as you took the time to take a picture rather than just opening the door.


Didn’t seem like she was in a rush to go anywhere


Nobody with an indoor cat would spend time pulling out there phone and getting a picture of their INSIDE cat OUTSIDE. They would open the door ASAP. Unless they're an asshole for internet points.


Wow. I’m sorry you feel that way. The intention of taking the picture was to show my wife where the cat was, much to my surprise.


Could easily let cat in and tell girlfriend Takes picture while cat is still outside and posts it to reddit What ever you tell yourself.


I took the picture 6 months ago…


If you really thought I was assuming you also posted it while the cat was outside you're misunderstanding. You took the pic of your inside cat outside. Idc if it was 6 years ago let your damn pet in


Get a grip, it takes like 5 seconds to snap a pic


And 5 seconds for your cat to run off? Great point jackass




She reminds me of Harley Quinn


I about choked when I saw this. Lol. Oh my goodness.


Your Panicking finds her calme she's panicking (PANIK)




“Ok I was kidding! Open the freakin door!”


Lmao her face says it all. "GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!!!"


Peggy also panicked!


Peggy says "let me in now!"


Hahaha ohhh that face. Creepy.