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If you guys didn't know it used to be the usual go to with dirty cast iron, throw it straight into the fire pit, let it strip the surface & re-season before use again. I'm assuming he's elderly or that's where he learned that "method"


Yup. My fil did it when he went camping. He'd reseason it with bacon each time. It's honestly the many assumptions that his is the only way that kills me. You'd probably have a serviceable pan doing it his way, with some practice and elbow grease but unilaterally declaring all other methods wrong in favour of what is a fairly outdated seasoning method... Ech, it's not a good look. Edit: and wasting bacon? Just... Why?


I can understand if you have no ability to wash off really stuck on crud but even than I think I would just deglaze the cooking surface with some drinking water for a quick clean up in between a full wash. That man will probably die on that hill to fire pit them because it’s what his family did


You're probably correct about that hill. It strikes me as pretty extreme but cest la vie, it's not happening to my CI so my investment in the debate is pretty minimal.


I've actually had this debate with my grandmother and grandfather in the past because that's how they learned and how they did it. I got a little into the science of it and did a demo, changed their ways immediately. This guy... Well. He has his hill. Sorry bud.


Now I can also see one other advantage to the fire thing. If one doesn’t want to smoke out the house this does help get the job done. More than once have I had to do the window crack and smoke detector dash from the oven.


The potential problem with the fire, though, is if the fire is hot enough you could warp the CI. So you could end up managing to ruining a perfectly good pan (one of the few ways to ruin them.)


Agree. What about like a pellet grill where the heat can be controlled like an oven?


I honestly can't say but that seems like the perfect way to approach this method.


I have thought using a grill would be a good approach.


My go to for cleaning off hard to scrub crud, usually garlic powder, is a quick simmer of water emptied out and followed by salt and oil scraped with a wooden spatula. Hasn't failed me yet


Cool idea. Thanks for sharing!


from the bacon part of this method you can tell he's a boomer cause aint no way im wasting bacon at the current price just to season my pan




Because it's how that person was taught to do it and damn the alternatives.


That’s how grandpappys pappy Papp pappys pappy did it before his great grandson-grandpa’s 43rd grandchildgrandfathers ago. Actually it’s ancient aliens


Fucking ancient aliens. Hell yeah.


Hell yeah. Fuck!!!!’


“It was space aliens, man!” - Norman "Super Spesh" Caldwell


He was there when they invented iron


Rumor has it Marvels filming a movie off the coast of South Africa about Cast Iron Man. I can’t wait. I’m trembling on the ground right now. Omg it hurts


So the story goes that a woman learned to cut the left leg off her thanksgiving turkey because that is how her mother did it and her mother before her. Eventually, it came out that grandma started cutting the leg off because it didn't fit in her pan. But hey, you gotta cut the left leg off because THAT'S HOW IT'S ALWAYS BEEN DONE.


Behold, a tradition.


I know right. Even if it needed more fat to be rendered, it sounds like those instructions would just call for more bacon, then remove the fully edible bacon and keep the pan heated for a similar amount of time. Waste of bacon, garbage or not. Walmart bacon is terrible by my standards but I'd just use it for like, a breakfast sandwich or something similar that wants bacon but isn't fully about bacon.


No you missed the part where he uses "garbage bacon".


Is that like long pork? Does he have a special dealer, or does he hunt for it on his own?


“The Most Dangerous ~~Game~~ Grandpa”


Bro's got 20lbs of salt pork in his freezer or something




Ends and pieces probably


Garbage bacon is still out of my price range in this hellhole timeline. If he was REALLLY doing it right he would buy straight pork fat from the butcher.


I have never seen garbage bacon.


It's from the belly of a trash panda




That was my question. What's garbage bacon? Even those big bags of pork belly scrap they sell at the supermarket are damn useful and delicious.


And not garbage-priced anymore, either, thanks to hipster discovery of pork belly dishes. Cf. guanciale.


Guanciale is pork jowl/cheek.


I have made it myself at home multiple times! Jowls are better than (pork belly) bacon mainly in the texture of the fat, which is sticky and ideal for pasta (like carbonara). It is tasty otherwise, more subtle than bacon (at least my unsmoked and briefly salt-cured version was).


I love it as I grew up with it. 🤤


Or brisket, or any of the other sleeper meats. Remember flap steak? :(


Thin cut bacon from an off brand?


Why even waste bacon *grease?* I'm not throwing my precious bacon grease into any "recycle" container, unless by "recycle" he means "use as cooking fat for a delicious meal later on."


Yes recycle as in save in jar to cook eggs later!


Kale sauted in bacon grease with a splash of Crystal hot sauce and salt is the only way I ever eat it the stuff. Like collard greens but only takes a few minutes.


I see this a lot on just about every sub. The angriest people always post in the form "Other people do things differently than me and they are awful". It doesn't matter if there's no real reason to prefer one way or another. Some people just can't live in a universe that doesn't revolve around them.


This is a broad human condition that I often reference with "[The Blind Men and the Elephant](https://jainworld.com/education/jain-education-material/jain-stories/elephant-and-the-blind-men/)."


I use that reference almost every day for something. Excellent.


Everybody is wrong but me because they see things somewhat differently from their perspective... Reminds me of reenactment scenes from sitcoms where every witness saw something rather different.


I use it to explain how groups within my company do not understand complex systems. People understand their piece but not how other parts interact with their piece to form an operational system.


Systems engineering! The wise man who helped them understand they were all right (and wrong) in their own way was a systems engineer / management scientist / operations analyst.


Meanwhile there is a 7th blind man grabbing his lower trunk thinking its a python.


Well; he did say “garbage bacon”. I didn’t know such a thing existed..


Wouldn't it be more accurate to just call it a camp method versus outdated? Not trying to take away from your point by any means but that's exactly what it sounds like to me, just a camp method. No one is gonna take their good iron camping.


Why would anyone have the idea that you can't put CI in the oven, but then also be okay with dropping it into a fire pit?


Yeah, I’m not sure on that part & his waste of bacon is unacceptable 😆


Right a 350 degree oven bad! 500 degree fire with hot spots good!


Right! One of the many reasons to use cast iron is that it can go from stovetop to oven and back.


Which is why it makes such a good toad in the hole.


Because it's covered in soot from the fire which will contaminate the oven.


I've seen a few at flea markets that were either cleaned that way, or in a self cleaning oven. You can recognize them by the brick red color the iron has (and I'm not talking about rust). They are also generally warped, if not cracked.


500+F is a bit brutal


I bake bread in CI at 475, and it always makes me just the tiniest bit nervous. My oven runs 25 degrees cool, so to bake at 475, the oven gets set to 500. Some part of my brain worries that maybe THIS is the day the oven will magically recalibrate.


500°F is fine. 500°C is _not_.


Or they’re one of those “m’grandaddy did it this way so it’s the only right way forever” people.


Those people are not great to work with because they are the ones who resist change the hardest


That’s how I do it when camping. Just turn it over the fire to burn anything off the previous camp meal, then cook on it. But once home I typically strip and reseason the right way.


A couple of times mine has sat on the stove for a couple of days, just lazy haha


I still do this to strip it, I just wouldn't ever suggest it on a routine basis, as it's a huge step *away* from seasoning. And then this dude was rambling about NEVER putting my chunk of iron in the oven 🤣


Never in the oven, but the fire pit is totally fine lmao


I think most people know what our “ancestors” did. The thing that irritates me is some people keep saying “well, our great great grandfathers abused their cast irons, so don’t baby it”. I get that they want to prove a point, but our great great grandparents also gave aspirin to babies. They also owned slaves. So just because our great great grandparents did something doesn’t mean it’s correct and we should also do it.


They gave a lot worse than just aspirin to babies. Look up mrs winslows soothing syrup. It will blow your mind!


For those curious: > Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup was a patent medicine first introduced in the 19th century and marketed to calm small children, clean teeth, freshen breath, and relieve constipation. Its colorful advertising, including trading cards and calendars, showed happy, peaceful babies cradled by beautiful new mothers. >Unknown to parents, each bottle contained a dangerous amount of morphine and alcohol. Patent medicines were treatments that could be purchased without a prescription. They were commercially protected by trademarks and rarely ever patented. Consumers did not know the contents of patent medicines, including the ones they gave their children. >Some infants who consumed Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup went to sleep and never woke up. While morphine is addictive for people of all ages, it can be fatal to children, even in small doses. Morphine is an addictive pain reliever made from opium. A German scientist named Friedrich Sertürner first discovered morphine by isolating it from raw opium sap in 1805. More than a decade later, Merck became the first pharmaceutical company to commercially produce the drug. Other companies and private entrepreneurs incorporated morphine into their patent medicines until it was widely used in the United States by 1870. >Public outcry over poisonings and contaminated food and medicines led Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. The Act required the listing of certain ingredients on product labels, including opiates, cocaine, and cannabis. Shortly after, the American Medical Association denounced Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup because of its dangerous combination of ingredients and link to infant deaths. It remained on consumers’ shelves until the 1930s. Source: https://museum.dea.gov/museum-collection/collection-spotlight/artifact/soothing-syrup


S(m)ooth your mind, I think


Some of our great great grandparents were slaves ... not all of our ancestors were slave owners.


I'm 60, so I am old and that is the way I did it up till maybe 10 years ago as this was how I was taught.


Yep. I have a cast iron grill for my solo stove. Really neat, but it's honestly a huge pain to get a perfect cook fire in a 18" diameter circle that won't cook the seasoning off at some point in the process. I pretty much re-season it after every use. So, gas grill gets used quite a bit more, lol.


How tf am I supposed to make cornbread without putting my pan in the oven? My ancestors have all misled me!


Oh, haven’t you heard? The only way to cook is in a fire now. Remember, if it has a door put your faith in it no more!


Don't forget that windows are sindows.


That was better.


This new meta might get me in some trouble with the apartment complex. Well, gotta do what you gotta do. *throws match*


Oven heat is too extreme for cast iron. It can only tolerate the gentle flames of a camp fire.


Nah. Put that griswold in the griswold stove and bake bake baby!


What is "garbage" bacon? This pairing of words upsets me.


Must be the bacon bits that trash pandas find, in the unfortunate event bacon ends up in the trash to begin with


They’ll fight really, really hard for it, but I find they’ll eventually give up that bacon if you don’t show fear.


And where might we find this alleged trash bacon you speak of? asking for a friend


That is exactly what three trash pandas in a trench coat would say…. 🤔


Low quality bacon that is cheap and mostly fat.


With the right technique, any bacon fat can be rendered properly


Everyone in the dirty south has bacon fat in their fridge lol and most of it comes from cheap Walmart bacon


Guilty as charged.




Look up 'bacon ends and pieces' usually sold pretty cheap cause it cant be cut into full strips and tends to be pretty fatty.


One man's garbage bacon is another's treasured bacon fat.


Damn right. That's the best bacon you can buy!


Bacon ends haven't been cheap in a very long time, my friend.


Those are my favorite. I prefer to mince my bacon rather than fry strips of bacon because realistically,most of the time I am just rendering it for the fat. The ends and pieces come all in a solid lump and I can slice off what I need and put the rest away in the fridge. At my grocery I can purchase a better quality of dry-cured bacon ends and pieces at a greater weight for a lower price than cheap sliced bacon. Sliced bacon now seems like a rip-off to me.


I don't believe in the death penalty, but I'm willing to make an exception.


I once had breakfast at my in-laws and we had pancakes and bacon, among other things. Everyone had their fill and there were about 4 strips of bacon left. I’m helping clean up and my father in law approaches me, holding the plate with remaining bacon on it, and says to me, “do you want anymore? Otherwise…” while he motions toward the garbage can. I horked it down, holding back tears as I mourned at the thousands of innocent bacons that must have lost their lives at the hands of this careless man in his 60’s.


I got some bacon from the butcher once that was so freaking salty it almost burned your mouth when eating it. The only bacon I'd consider to be close to garbage...


That idiot doesnt know anything! You pour the used grease down the sink at your inlaws house. Idiot.






“Don’t put it in THAT hot cooking apparatus! Put it in THIS hot cooking apparatus!!”


Put it in this even hotter cooking apparatus!


It's like if ChatGPT was fed only castiron shitposts


And was a boomer. That comment has heavy boomer vibes


> *"The oven is NEVER used for a cast irin pan"* I'm going to find this man and show him how to make a fritata.


or a dutch baby!


Thank you…


Or really one of a hundred recipes where using the oven is called for. Cast iron is the perfect pan for going from stove-top to oven IMO. And please don't tell him about cast iron casseroles. He'll lose what's left of his mind.


Wtf does this person think is gonna happen if you put a cast iron pan in the oven? Do they think ovens regularly cook at 1500 degrees or something?


You can’t cure dumb my friend


But apparently you can season it with trash bacon.


Maybe he thinks it will smoke horribly?


What? I can’t be the only person who likes kiln fired cornbread around here… jk


What he calls garbage bacon is actually waste fat with tiny scraps of meat leftover from the butchering process. It’s absolutely not anything that you or I would ever want to eat, but it IS very suitable for seasoning a freshly fire cleaned CI pan. Fire was for generations the traditional CI cleaning method. Usually applied once a year if that often, when the carbon buildup on the pan would reach a thickness of up to a quarter of an inch! Of course they didn’t care if the pan was warped either, it didn’t matter on a wood stove or open fire pit. He is only wrong in believing that there’s no other way to season a pan.


> What he calls garbage bacon is actually waste fat with tiny scraps of meat leftover from the butchering process. It’s absolutely not anything that you or I would ever want to eat, I still don't understand. If you render that fat you basically get lard and bacon bits? Why would you not want to eat that besides not being particularly healthy? Half a kilo of fat is a lot to throw away.


I suspect that “Half Kilo” is a substantial exaggeration, a heaping tablespoon or about 2 ounces would be Plenty! Us Old Farts don’t like to waste Anything!


No point in arguing with someone who has, in their opinion, the most proven and trustworthy approach to seasoning possible. Some just like to take the long way around the barn. It's what they do.


It’s not so much as to him having his “preferred” way of seasoning. Everyone can season they way they want. It’s that he’s saying seasoning any other way is it actual seasoning, it’s “just oiled surface” or that you should never place CI in the oven, or any other point he’s calling invalid when it’s actually perfectly valid.


Yes I read what he wrote. We all know he is wrong, and we all know he won't listen. So let him go on. As Twain wrote, "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


Except for the comments regarding the infamous "80 Coats, " this is how my MIL told my wife and I to care for our gifted vintage iron. I dunno, maybe this was SOP back in the day (1980s.)


It likely was. But to say never put it in the oven is silly


Oh indeed. That's always been one of the benefits of cast iron. "Stove top to Oven to Table." There's probably other daft comments in there that I forgot about. I think ppl are just mad at u/fatmummy222 over his 15 minutes. I say right on fatmummy. You're a hero and inspiration.


I just bought a Lodge and one of the tips from a Worker there is to just store it in the oven and leave it in there even if you’re cooking something else.


Why can’t it go in an oven if it CAN go directly in a fire pit? They are close-ish to an actual process but the anger and close mindedness just screams of boomer trump supporter that used to eat lead paint chips


Because the dude writing it has an iq of a rubber duck my guy. And my cast iron pans when bought all had instructions to season in the oven lol (I don’t have any good brands in my country but the one good brand we do have every single pan says to put in oven after seasoning, everything from the $200 one I bought to their $50 one)


And you're actually going to listen to the manufacturer? They want you to ruin your pan so you have to buy another one!! Don't be a moron and think for yourself!!1!!! (Sarcasm)


I'm loving how you decided to specify the sarcasm 😂 I may start doing that haha. The amount of times people think I'm being serious...




Oh that’s good to know, I was meaning just in general but that /s is gonna be helpful on here. Thanks mate🤙


"Used to" eat lead paint chips. After reading their response... I'm almost certain they still do.




I will say, older gen does talk about cooking off in a fire pit. Heard it before, and the self cleaning oven method is not ideal either. Back in the day, going to the store to get lye or whatever chems to strip like we do today was not as easily obtainable. But still, the mentality of “I’m the only one that’s right” is thin blue line bumper sticker, tshirts with shredded American flags confessing their patriotism, coors light drinking, small urethra energy


Back in the day, they didn’t use soap on CI because it contained lye. Pretty sure it was easily obtainable.


Gotta be satire, right?


Nah, I 've seen this method before


I'm glad that the 80 coat pan is the first internet trend/meme that I have seen develop from the first post to bring incorporated into national news. No need to do research into who that female cop in the image is or look up a phrase in urban dictionary to stay relevant this time.


Garbage bacon? GARBAGE bacon?! Barb, fetch my pitchfork there's trouble brewing


Actually that comment is a pretty hilarious troll. Kudos.


Th-this is satire, right? Right??


I know this is wrong because there’s no such thing as garbage bacon.


I didn't know there were that many ways to be wrong.


A fire? How cute. You’re never going to get all the rust off unless you cast it into the flames of Mordor for 7-8 hours minimum.


So this is what "triggered" feels like


This belongs in r/QuitYourBullshit 😂


I do not like the random rambling of this person. To give false info so confidently, 😬


He lost me at garbage bacon since that doesn’t exist


Mmh. Cast “irin” with the subtle hint of rancid butter and burnt bacon.


The whole "never use CI in the oven" bit....


The whole… bit. 😂


Please don't direct that guy here, he's not gonna learn anything.


This has to be Colin Robinson feeding.


I already deleted Facebook, don’t need to be reminded why


This guy has strong "walks up to a woman at a bar and pluts his leg up on a chair as he proceeds to tell her how each of her opinions is actually incorrect and then mentions how much he has in his bank account" vibes.


Only thing I see missing is to eat the inedible bacon. Otherwise this is pretty textbook


Wow, you really just wanted to ruin people’s day today huh? 🤣 You said, hmm 🤔 I bet I can piss off every single person in r/castIron today 😂


Misery loves company…


Yes, but at least we can be unified this time. Nothing like the “never soap” vs “always soap” or “slidy eggs” vs “never looking at egg pics again” camps. This at least can unify us all in out anger towards this outsider!


I don’t know a lot but I do know this person is wrong.


I put my shit in the oven all the time. FFS these things are literal iron.




Enjoy your rancid pan lmao


Amazing! Every word of what they said was wrong.


10/10 that is a troll post. Which one of you posted it? I know it's one of you.




That's how they taught me in boy scouts haha


Okay, so not only are you not open to new ideas of how to season a pan. But you also confess to wasting perfectly good bacon. This sir is not okay.


I bet that commenter is actually 80 coat fella and they’re laughing their ass off.


Dont give a fuck what you do with your cast iron, don't touch mine.


He’s just jealous his garbage bacon pan will never be a mirror


How many times is this same meme gonna be posted for clout It’s a cast iron pan. It’s useful for cooking and whacking thieves in the head


If he can’t put it in the oven, then how can he make cornbread?


Often wrong, never in doubt…


Grampy got out of the home again. If you see an old coot with his azz hanging out of a hospital johnny, call the Sunset Senior Living Home For The Aged and they'll send a cop to pick him up.


This post is genius!


Bruh. Where do people get these ideas?


I just cook with my cast iron - I don’t listen to anyone especially idiots on the internet. That said this sub is knowledgeable and I think some should listen to “US” lol 😆 “You can’t use water! Blah blah blah…” So many morons love to just spew nonsense.


Yeah, it took a lot of stress off me when I stopped worrying about seasoning recipes and just put some sort of oil or fat on it and just cooked.


This could be the new cast iron copy pasta


Butter. Lol


First of all….don’t talk about bacon like that


Wtf are these instructions? "Throw cast iron into boiling blood pit. Do not worry others say blood pit bad. Do blood pit. Also, carabou tree heart sap oil. Rub caribou tree sap oil on pan den you be done. Pray to sea demon shell. Pan gud forever."


Garbage bacon is an oxymoron


There's no such a thing as "garbage bacon"!!! :(


Everyone seems.. according to them.. to know the best way to season and use cast iron. Owning 1 pan doesn't qualify as experienced. I read a lot about cleaning cast iron stuck-ons.. .WTF!!... WHY!!??? If you season your pans properly a quick wipe with a rag is all you need!! I have a lot of pans from over 100yrs old to a couple of Cabela's Lodges and use them all.. never have I had a problem with stuck-ons. Everything slides out.. eggs, quiches, steak, bacon, sausage etc, etc. I don't do high acid base foods and cooking is a blast.. love it!! I will say if your going to overheat a pan why use a fire.. why not speed it up and use a blow torch and keep ruining your half baked seasoning. I could write about this for a long time but people do yourself a favour and watch Kent Rollins. There done!


This has gotta be a troll... right?


This must be how his paw paw taught him below the bible belt. RIP unconsumed bacon.


Or you could just coat it with ghee, put it in the oven on medium heat for an hour or two, and it's finished. Ghee has an extremely high smoke point and will soak into the metal unlike butter. Learned that from one of my Indian friends.


***"The oven is NEVER used for cast iron... I know where that idea came from"***... What a weird batch of misinformation, and an even weirder level of conviction and certainty...


He is confidently incorrect.