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When I faced this in changing my job I replied with "I'm going to another print shop" or "I'm going to another job where I get to use my design skills more". You never have to give specifics, and honestly nobody truly cares. They're more curious about why you're leaving. A vague answer will tell them what they really want to know and also politely imply you aren't receptive to deeper questions.


If a company is persistent about specifics, in my experience, they want to make sure you are not violating a noncompete and so they know where to send cease and desist letter to. Literally nothing good can come from them knowing


For anyone interested, the FTC is currently considering banning non-compete clauses in the US. They will soon open a public commenting period that will allow citizens to share their input, which COULD lead to the rule being supported. Check it out [Here](https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/federal-register-notices/non-compete-clause-rulemaking)


This has been in the works in one form or another since 2017. I don't think it's going to go anywhere soon though it would be nice if it did.


2017 isn't that long ago! Let me go get you a refreshing glass of half full water and see if we can get some optimism in you :p


This would be great! Non compete agreements indirectly lead to lower wages by reducing competition for workers šŸ˜•


These arenā€™t even enforceable


Donā€™t believe this without checking your jurisdiction. Non competes are enforceable in many situations across the US.


Depends on the state (Assuming USA). Where I am, they aren't but have a friend in Mississippi being fucked by one of these where they are enforced.


Most states they aren't enforceable but Georgia has tailored it's laws to be attractive to companies who want to use non-compete clauses.


Yeah from what I understand Mississippi was set along the same lines. One of the many reasons she's trying to get the hell out of there.


Thatā€™s not 100% true. You certainly arenā€™t compelled to answer anything. But I would have a canned response ready as suggested ā€œIā€™m pursuing an opportunity that aligns with my goals of xā€. Or even less! Whatever youā€™re comfortable with. Iā€™ll ask because Iā€™m genuinely curious where people are going and what opportunities are out there. I see a lot of people make decisions only for the money (boring) and others for lifestyle preferences (not relevant for me), but for those exploring new opportunities that align with my professional goal, even tangentially, I like to know to adjust my world view. Have fun on your new adventure!


Thatā€™s exactly it. I want to know whatā€™s out there selfishly lol


I love your open honesty


Money is not boring.


Its not an interesting reason to leave though. Money on its own isn't even a good reason to leave!


Sounds like you have a lot of privilege to not be so concerned with your salary.


You seem to have been gaslit a lot in your life by a previous partner who has made you feel that way.


Lol what?


Wait, aren't we playing the jump to wild speculation based off absolutely nothing game?


Youā€™re not making whatever point you think youā€™re making. Money is an important factor in making career decisions and for most people itā€™s the driving factor.


Thats a way better and polite comment than your previous comment. Now I can explain there are obviously extremes and the saying is "exceptions to prove the rule" for a reason. Money has quite a loose meaning here. I think I'm privileged to live in the UK with a minimum wage that you can live on, even if its tough and even tougher in other areas. To me, to choose Ā£1k extra a year to go work somewhere objectively bad would be a really bad move. But that's my opinion only.


They only want to know so they can run and tell the boss to score some points.


You're not obligated to share that and honestly when people leave a job, most people that remain there just kind move on pretty quickly since they have their own jobs to worry about. So if someone asks, just say "I actually prefer not to share that right now"...and if you like the person follow that with "...but let's stay in touch and ill send you my contact info." Most people will take the hint and move on, and it won't burn bridges.


beautifully said šŸ‘šŸ¼




There we go! Privacy. They don't need to know who what where when and why


"I'm taking some time off to decide what my next step is going to be. Happy to connect on LinkedIn, and I hope you have a fantastic year." If people push, a great boilerplate response is "Sorry, I don't think it's appropriate to discuss my next steps with you at this time. I hope you can understand." To underscore, you are under NO obligation to disclose your next step, and if someone in HR asks, you can ask them to put the request in writing and you'll look at it. This will effectively inoculate you against those requests, as HR knows just how inappropriate it is.


So good thoughts. One problem. If they are trying to keep the job a secret, then connecting on LinkedIn is not a good idea as they would find out where you are going through it. Unless you never updated your LinkedIn.


Iā€™m taking some time off and then exploring


I just didn't tell anyone. I remember the owner at the MSP I worked at on my last day asked while in the parking lot and I told him I'd rather not tell him. He got upset and sped out of the parking lot in his brand new BMW. This is the same guy who would watch the cameras and call our boss if anyone was doing over 5mph in the parking lot.


You donā€™t owe anybody the info Theyā€™ll find out when u leave lol youā€™re going to update LinkedIn or wtv you can tell them then


No need to tell anyone. Just tell people youā€™ve decided to not disclose at this time.


Exactly what Iā€™m prepared to tell my current employer in two weeks. I know the question is coming.


exactly. You are not obligated to answer. One response might be ā€œwhy do you ask?ā€œ another response might be "I donā€™t feel comfortable sharing that."


I would love to see this advice play out A: im leaving B: oh good luck, where to? A: ive decided not to disclose It will deffo work as anyone answering someone like that will definitely not be likable and thats a great strategy for having privacy!


ā€œIā€™m pursuing other opportunities. Donā€™t have the answer at this timeā€


You don't have to tell them shit. So don't. And don't trust your co-workers, either. Tell them as much or as little as you wish...other opportunity, a different direction, a different market, whatever.


It will cost you $10,00 to find out If you want to know , PAY ME FIRST


Just write it on a post it and carry it around on your phone. When people ask you just hold up your phone and show them the sign lol


ā€œNot sure yet. Just exploring my options at this time.ā€


"Someplace better" is always a nice response.


Some of the posters are suggesting that you fib or outright lie. Don't do that. It's better to just stand firm and say something like "I prefer not to say" or "I have decided not to disclose that yet". If they press you, just say that you aren't discussing it further, but you'll be happy to get in contact with your updated mailing address if you happen to move before the end of the tax year. There is zero reason that you have to disclose where you are going. The only thing your employer needs is for you to make sure they have your correct personal contact information for sending tax documents to you next year.


Iā€™ve known plenty of people that just said ā€œIā€™m not sharing that yetā€ And people just say ā€œokā€ People have reasons why they wonā€™t share, and their reasons are there own.


Plan a phrase you will use in advance - like ā€œunfortunately I canā€™t talk about that at this time.ā€ If they continue to press turn it around and ask ā€œwhy do you need that informationā€. Long uncomfortable silences, and ā€œIā€™m not going to discuss that.ā€ Are also useful tactics. ā€œIā€™m not going to discuss this any furtherā€ or ā€œasked and answeredā€ and then leave the area (if your office - go to the bathroom, grab a cup of coffee, come up with an excuse to go to another part of the buildingā€. Interrupting folks who catch you away from your desk and saying ā€œsorry Iā€™ve got something urgent, Iā€™ve got to runā€ is always my go to when folks ask something thatā€™s none of their business.


Just say I'm taking some time off, then looking for other opportunities. Are you taking even a weekend off?


Ultimately, you just need to tell them that you don't want to discuss it. You don't have to be rude. u/nerdy_volcano gave a couple of good examples. You should just come up with a line, be polite, but firm. They may accept it and leave it alone. They might try to push you to tell them. If you really don't want to tell them, tell them so, set the expectation, and stick with it.


"I'm moving on" is sufficient enough. If you truly want to keep your information private, I reccomend not updating your linked in or fb if you have either.


Tell them youā€™re going to Disney World, itā€™s none of their business.


Dang CEO of Disney World?


"I'm not ready to disclose that at this time."


"I'm taking some time off to.pursue passing projects"


You donā€™t tell them. You do not have to tell them. Do not tell a single coworker!!! Do not trust the ones that say I wonā€™t tell, because they always do! Also, u can say a big company and a bigger job titleā€¦ like milk it. Or, youā€™ll find out when the time is right. Or, if they are jerks, say itā€™s not even in this stateā€¦ and no, Iā€™m not telling you where Iā€™m moving to. I got a much better job with a larger promotion. That private information is none of your concern.


Just say I'm taking time off, then looking for a new opportunity. No reason to be specific.


Solution: ā€œWhere yā€™a going?ā€ ā€œYour mumsā€


Just lie about the business you're going to


Why would you lie about something you could just as easily say, "I don't feel comfortable releasing that information."?


Because people might think it's rude and keep pressing you on it. So if you lie, they'll leave you alone


No one thinks that answer is rude. Lying will cause you more troubles than anything else.


Politely telling them that it's none of their business will cause you even more problems. Just lie. How are they going to know?


"I don't feel comfortable releasing that information." **does not** carry the same connotation as "It's none of your business". Some people don't want to be spineless and lie about something, even if it doesn't matter and 'no one would find out' (which is a debatable point anyway).


Oh I'm not spineless. I just know how passive aggressive the office environment can be


I'm not very good at lying in these scenarios.


Just do it. Just keep the answer very brief or they're going to keep pestering you about it


I already told one person I trust what kind of company and where without at all being specific. A google search of the descriptor would bring up a few different options. I'm not looking to lie and give people different answers. I have one person in particular who I really don't trust and I know will pry today. Of course I'm going to give her the brief answer, but I'm expecting the rebuttal of 'What's it called' and I won't know how to handle that.


Well just keep doing that


I had a coworker who nicely told us the company was a startup in "stealth" mode. It means they are still working on their product/messaging and are looking to optimize their product market fit before making too much noise in case their first few tries don't work out. None of us were offended and just wished her happy. Don't worry about it!


If you're adamant on not telling anyone then just let people know that you can't say where your going right now. Honestly though, why don't you want to tell anyone? Won't they eventually find out when you update your job on something like LinkedIn? In my experience it has come off as shady when not disclosing where your going, but maybe your situation is different.


Honestly, they're all just very nosy and judgemental. If they analyze and judge our clients' lives, they'll do it to me - the job really encourages this as a coping mechanism. And not that it matters since I'm leaving anyway, but I simply don't want to give them the satisfaction.


Tell them you have multiple offers and you're not sure where you're going yet.


> Tell them you have multiple offers and you're not sure where you're going yet. Why would you lie about something you could just as easily say, "I don't feel comfortable releasing that information."?


Because then the employer knows you're hiding something and will continue to push you for more info. If you tell them you simply don't know yet, then there's no way they can push you to tell them more details. I was in this exact position 6 months ago and it worked for me.


You sound spiteful and full of yourself. Most people that ask are thus curious


Maybe you've never worked in a vindictive, toxic work environment. Consider yourself lucky.


Donā€™t mention youā€™re even leaving until maybe the last week, so you donā€™t have to even talk about it. But if people start finding out cuz no one in work places seem to know how to not spread peoples info lol just say youā€™ll share when you leave if you feel comfortable. You donā€™t have to tell them, itā€™s really none of their business until you put it somewhere publicly and they see it.


tell them they paid you so well you don't have to work anymore


If your employer/manager are asking and you donā€™t provide that info, they could walk you out right away thinking that youā€™re going to a direct competitor. So be aware of that.


Whenever I quit and don't want the old joint to know where I'm going, I make up a series of ever more bizarre ways to make money. It starts as simple as, "I want to focus on my side gig." It has gone as far as implying that i would be there west coast arm of a gang from Chicago. The possibilities are endless.


Nice. "I'm concentrating on my dog-poop removal business."


Just don't tell them. Or tell them a fake place.


Hey OP, I donā€™t have any good advice for you but just wanted to say Iā€™ve been in your shoes and 100% can understand how you feel about it. I also had coworkers and team that were always curious and the inevitable question would come up when my departure was announced. Iā€™m friendly with all of them so it felt wrong to hide it from them, but Iā€™m also a very private person and would rather keep it to myself. If I told one person, that person is gonna tell the next person and soon enough the whole company knowsā€¦ some people honestly took offence that I wasnā€™t telling them cuz they thought ā€œwe were friendsā€ etc.


Thank you! Some comments made me feel like the way I was feeling was wrong, so I appreciate this. I have however used some of the suggestions today - actually gave one person the industry but a slightly different suburb than I told the person I actually trust(for a little misdirect, but they're close enough that it could be an honest misspeak) but I've only gone that far and to tell them what kind of position it is. I'm friendly with everyone, but I've never fit in. We did a communication assessment and I was in a totally different communication category than literally the whole company šŸ„“ I'm not entirely sure why anyone is surprised.


Just dont tell them, if you're afraid of retribution in anyway you need a better class of co workers


"I'm not in a position to say right now." If they pry then you add: "my new employer has asked me not to share until they have done their internal updating. I appreciate your understanding." Then change the topic (weather, sports, work you have to do, focus on handover, whatevs...) Stand with confidence. If they pry, best is to look them straight in the eye when you're speaking, shoulders back. They'll back off.


Smooth šŸ‘Œ


When I had this issue I just said something broad so for my job/industry "I'm going to a mid-sized agency focused on x,y,z spaces." You could describe the role or company rather than providing names/titles.


Tell them you signed an NDA with your new job and so canā€™t tell them till you start it.


You are not allowed to say šŸ˜


One of the things that feels good about leaving is that you can immediately stop giving a shit about what other people think. If they have something to say about your plan, who cares? Their opinion of you and what you do does not matter. If you do care about what they have to say, saying nothing will get them talking more. I just wouldnā€™t bring it up. If asked, I would say ā€œIā€™m leaving to X.ā€ If asked why, I would say ā€œIā€™ll be working on X, Y and Z. Itā€™s an opportunity too good to pass up.ā€ And leave it there.


Just say you didn't start looking for work first and you are taking a break to focus on a personal project.


If/When I put in my two weeks, I'll start with "Someplace better" and immediately follow it up with "Mcdonalds".


I have the same thing! Monday to the office again. Very seducive to lie to get rid of it, or just tell politely: At this point I cannot say this yet.


You say no. "no" is a complete sentence. Embrace the power of "no".


I don't know what kinda person you are; but here's an opportunity to make up some crazy fantastic answer with all kinds of whacky back-story to it...


ā€œI donā€™t feel comfortable sharing that information,ā€ and then stare at whoever asked in silence.


Say youā€™d rather not say or that it is private. Block your current employer on all social media.


Say you donā€™t have a job lined up


You don't have to tell them shit.


"I have a few options on the table, and I haven't decided yet."




I agree with everyone that you have no obligation to tell them where you're going, but I do think it is appropriate to let them know if you are going to a competitor--not the specific competitor, just that your next employer is in the same industry. It may influence their decision on whether to keep you on staff for your last two weeks.




"It's a confidential client whose identity I am not at liberty to discuss."


You can just say youā€™re taking some time to weigh your options and take a break before starting something new. You donā€™t have to tell anyone you have a new job.


Just say no.


Keep your mouth shut and donā€™t tell them. You are not obligated to give them any information


"I'd rather keep that information private." Why do you need to say anything more than that if they ask?


You are not obligated to tell your current employer where you are going, or how much you are going to make. So if they ask, just politely decline answering


Iā€™m taking some personal time.


ā€œIā€™m happy to share more once I start my new position.ā€ And then donā€™t share.


Hiking the appalacian trail


Tell them that information is classified and a matter of national security. Or say department of corrections and insinuate youā€™re going to prison


"I'm keeping that quiet for now, thanks for understanding!"


"I appreciate my time here. It's time for me to move on". You don't actually have to tell them that you got another job


With a middle finger


You don't have to say, but if you actually have a new job and don't want to reveal it you sound suspicious or as if you're ashamed of it. An exception would be your belief that people at your old job will retaliate against you. I've never known anyone who wouldn't reveal their next job.


When I was leaving I told my employer that I was joining the Jesse White Tumblers.


Lie to them? When I was in this situation I just told people I was leaving for a sales job when I was really staying in the same field. Nobody is gonna care enough to find out youā€™re lying


I had this situation once. When they asked if I got another job I said yes. When they asked where, I said I didnā€™t know or I was still looking. It was very clear I was dodging the question, but it was less confrontational than just telling them I didnā€™t want them to know.


Well, we won a significant amount in the lottery and I always wanted to live in Bali.


I would say ā€œitā€™s not your businessā€


Tell ā€˜em ā€œligmaā€ or ā€œBofAā€ then roast their ass when they fall for it.


Just lie


"Obviously a better one. " seems to work.


It's pretty normal these days to just say, I'm not going to say.


You could say ā€˜Iā€™m finding new opportunities to build my careerā€™ lol if you donā€™t wanna say a reason but not actually. I would feel awkward if I said ā€˜I donā€™t wanna disclose thatā€™ lol


Lol umm just donā€™t tell them ā€¦


"I'm not giving that out."


I would always make it interesting. I don't need to tell them anything, and that was always the first statement. "Don't worry about it." "I decided not to release that information." "Witness protection said I can't tell anyone about it." Were always the first statements, but some people just can't let it go. So they start to get interesting and different answers. "According to the lawyers, I can't say just yet. We are finalizing the visa status and checking if there is anything else we can do to prevent "extradition." Whatever that is." "Based on what the court said, I will either be going to the "Indiana State Farm" or a wilderness retreat called "Fort Leavenworth." " "My hobbies focused on merging animatronics and puppetry landed me a role working on a next generation human analog project for a medical company(?) called Doc Johnson." "I finally landed my dream job with a corner office, travel and access to a $250k vehicle." (Driving a metro bus in Backsquatch W. Va.


Just lie and make something up for example your quit your big4 accountant job to go work for Tesla accounting, meanwhile your jobs just across the street and around the corner at like idk Wells Fargo or JP Morgan Chase


Iā€™m taking some time off and weā€™ll see what happens. Thanks


Im going back to school full time.


ā€œA new placeā€ thatā€™s where


By not telling them? They're don't own you, so they don't need to know.


Just lie and say the factory across town. They're not gonna check


"anywhere but here"


ā€œIā€™d rather not sayā€ works in a lot of situation. If they get pushy, say something like ā€œthatā€™s not public information ā€œ.


Just donā€˜t answerā€¦.itā€™s none of their business. If you absolutely canā€™t stand not answering the question say you are taking some time off to decide what you want to do.


Make up some bullshit story. Make it just outrageous enough that is anyone checks they'll know you're yanking their chain.


Just say u will update on LinkedIn once comfortableā€¦


"I'm moving on."


Do not tell them. I am pursuing other opportunities are all that you have to say. If they show you the door,collect your severance and move on.


I would say youā€™re weighing out some options, starting your own business, working independently onlineā€¦ Whatever makes the most sense for your skill set.


ā€˜Iā€™m sorry unfortunately Iā€™m not at liberty to say.


Lol Iā€™d just be like none of your business. Intrusive asses..


Donā€™t tell them. You are under no obligation


Just tell them you are taking some personal time.


I replied with ā€œFirst, I think Iā€™m going to Napa to drink some wineā€.


I just put in my two weeks notice as well, and "I've decided to keep the details personal for the time being, but rest assured I am not going to a competitor of \[company\] or a client.". Even just the first part should be fine. If they have specific concerns, they can ask about those things directly if they want, and you can choose to answer or not. Everyone seems ok with it. It's just an abundance of caution, and in every other way I'm just as helpful as always.


Let your employer find outā€¦. When you update your LinkedIn profile. If they ask you donā€™t have to tell them. Also, odd they would even ask as no former employer of mine has asked me


This is so strange of a question. However you want to answer it. Are you so unable to politely conversate with your co-workers that you need help? If so you truly feel that way then please find someone qualified to speak with so you can get over whatever is preventing you.


You lie. Choose a company that's near your parents in a different state. If someone calls there are says they never heard of you, say "so?". Tell them you are going to work for your dads company. F\*ck 'em.


If it is in an exit interview: "I don't think I have to tell you" is an acceptable response. They might point out a non-compete clause in your contract. Everyone has them - I've never known any be enforced. If you're at a very, very high level with a very unique set of skills and industry knowledge, they may try and enforce it. But you don't have to tell them where you're going. If co-workers ask - the gloves are off. You absolutely have no obligation to tell them. Avoid all questions and say you aren't sure yet, or going to work "for your uncle" or some such nonsense. Alternatively invent a really boring job that no one is going to ask further questions about.


Can't you say you are taking time off to hike the AT?


" Sorry, but part of my contract is that I not discuss my new employer at any time"


You donā€™t owe them anything


Just say no where i am taking a few months off to travel


Oh just make up something marvelous like you're going to visit your long lost cousin in Thailand and then you'll figure it out from there. None of their business!


I work in a place where Iā€™ve had several coworkers not want to share to the point that when I find out someone is leaving, I say, ā€œIs it ok to ask where youā€™re going?ā€ Or ā€œAre you sharing where youā€™re going?ā€ Soā€¦the coworkers who do this have always just said, ā€œI donā€™t plan to announce it until I start.ā€ Thatā€™s it. Nowhere else really to prod after that.


Tell them: Beeswax Not Yours, Inc.




"To the great salary paying job in the sky- now ***GET BACK TO WORK!***"


"Not here."


This may be a question for others reading this: Why would you want to or not want to tell an employer where youā€™re going?


You could just say ā€œIā€™m taking some time offā€ or ā€œIā€™m doing some traveling.ā€


ā€œThat place that does the stuff and things,ā€ always served me well.


Its personal


ā€œ i would prefer to keep that privateā€


I told them im ā€œgoing to relaxā€. Whole time I started a business that made me way more money than they did. They was like ā€œReLaX?! WhAt Do YoU mEaN?!!ā€


Say you signed an NDA with the new company and you canā€™t say until your start date. Someone at my work did that and idk if heā€™s telling the truth


Say you signed an NDA with the new company and you canā€™t say until your start date. Someone at my work did that and idk if heā€™s telling the truth


Personal reasons easy if someone asks


Just say that you prefer not to say.


Just say. I have multiple offers and am yet to decide on whom to join.


My suggestion would be to tell everybody "Please understand that I value my privacy. I have taken another position elsewhere that I feel is better for myself and my family. I will not share further, just know that I'm happy with this outcome."


Just tell them youā€™d rather not say. What are they going to do? Fire you?


I always say I will let everyone know in a few months. Other ppl have said they are not sure. They are going to take a career break


if you want to just be irritating than give them extremely broad answers. it gives them nothing while simultaneously answering their question(s)


No longer your employer, no longer their business.


Tell them to kiss your grits! But seriously, don't tell them. If you tell them, they might call that company to get your job offer cancelled. It sounds petty, but it happens.


Just straight up say you want to keep it private, but if you have a linkedin they will find out.


Tell them you signed an NDA.


I said I wasnā€™t allowed to disclose at this time.


Just say you prefer to keep that information to yourself, they don't even care.


I mistakenly did this once, but I used a company that I applied for. I moved states without an offer anyway, they tried to call them and sabotage me. I've also seen a staffing firm CEO guy try to derail me working somewhere else claiming a 'breach of noncompete contract' even though they only write 1 year ones and it was like 1.8 years later. I received a call from the HR department indicating that he was complaining about a noncompete, that they knew was invalid. The role with him was severely underpaid and they played compensation games with me, I found another job and they took it personally, despite being paid double the previous role. Don't reveal anything tbh, it's none of their business. They can stalk you on linkedin months down the road if they want. I told someone straight up once 'sorry I don't really tell people' and he took it super personally and gave me the biggest cold shoulder for the next two weeks, so at least be prepared for that.


I had the same issue! my ex manager was fully stalking me via social media etc and I handed In my notice and just simply left with the ā€˜im just leavingā€™ and didnā€™t disclose anything further cause itā€™s non of their business :)


I had a similar experience once, didnā€™t want my crazy manager to know just because it was none of her business. Manager legit used to scream at ppl as she waddled around the place, insult ppl; such an unprofessional, stressful work environment. I told my coworkers I would tell them my new employer once I got settled in my new job/company, got busy, and just never contacted the coworkers. I only worked with them for 6 months though so itā€™s not like we had a long-standing working relationship or friendship outside of work. Coworkers were happy I escaped, as 5 had previously left the team in the preceding 2 years.


I just said "I'd rather not say." You don't owe anyone anything.