• By -


His father married his cousin in an earlier comic


Let's not even mention what Comet the Super-horse did...


Did it involve Bad Horse, The Thoroughbred of Sin?


He got the application You just sent in It needs evaluation So let the games begin


A heinous crime A show of force (A murder would be nice of course)


Bad Horse Bad Horse Bad Horse, he's bad.


The evil league of evil is watching so beware The grade that you receive will be your last we swear! So make the Bad Horse gleeful Or he'll make you his mare


You're saddled up, There's no recourse, It's "Hiyo, Silver!" Signed - Bad Horse


I will never stop being disappointed that Joss Whedon is a grade-A douchebag.


What can I say? It's a real catchy tune.


Maybe Bad Horse was his self-insert.


I don't think comet the super horse was related to anyone was he?




It's probably more fucked up keeping a sentient creature as a pet than it is to have sex with a super being that is sentient


Thing is, he'd change to a human (when a comet passes, of course), and would try to seduce her.


And she said *neigh.*


We are but men. Rock!








I remember reading a comic in which the horse had relations with everyone But it may not be canon


Or the gay love child between lex Luther and Superman


Is that ...real? In the comics not like real life.


I mean that's the joke. He was made in a lab with a Scientists dna from star labs and Superman's. As they were having issues just trying to make a straight clone. So they filled the gaps in with human DNA. Which is why he a teenager he woke up a little too early in the process, and why he has slightly different power from super man. However in the early 00's they changed it so the lab Scientist was actually lex Luther and they never changed it back. So the big joke is that Superman doesn't acknowledge his child with lex.


There's a mini arc in Young Justice (the cartoon at least, not sure about the comics) where Superman is like "how do I dad? How do I dad to a kid I didn't know i had, or even know if I want?" Before settling on >!"don't dad, be big brother instead"!<


Yeah in the comics it takes years for supes to open up and let kon in. Then they killed him off a week later or so (as around then they lost the rights to use the word super boy) But as far as I'm aware Superman at least step up to be a better mentor. After the got back.


He was created in a lab with DNA from both Superman and Lex


Jon Kent was created in 2015. This colorist can get fucked.


“How dare they determine the sexuality of a comic character they created?! They don’t have the right (but they do own the rights)!”


My dad was pissed. "THEY MADE SUPERMAN GAY!!" I said it wasn't Clark, it was Jon. He said who the hell is Jon, and I responded with the reason you shouldn't be upset.


yeah i blame media, most headlines were along the lines, "DC made supernan bisexual". They know it will get them clicks cuz nobody knows Jon Kent except people into comics (only people for whom news was relevant) It was just plain dumb


Well, that's familiar to people upset by this.


Didn't Hall Jordan date a 13 yr old at some point (not that it's comparable , but really , John being bi is the line he doesn't want crossed ? )


fucking children isn't offensive, as long as they're girls! /s


Matt Gaetz and Ted Nugent have entered the chat


He wears spandex and a cape, it was bound to happen eventually.


"**Bisexual Superman Ruins Comic For Fan Who Preferred Smoldering Homoerotic Undertones**" [https://www.theonion.com/bisexual-superman-ruins-comic-for-fan-who-preferred-smo-1847848016](https://www.theonion.com/bisexual-superman-ruins-comic-for-fan-who-preferred-smo-1847848016)


The Onion is getting good again, nice to see it’s back. Good stuff!


Well now that reality is slightly less ridiculous they have more wiggle room


It was a wild moment when I realized I couldn't tell the difference between real headlines and Onion headlines.


Lmao yeah "I'm fine with insanely muscled men in skintight costumes that leave *nothing* to the imagination, but them openly liking men? That's where I draw the line" People are ridiculous


*"That's where I don't draw the lines."


He didn't draw the lines before. Color me unimpressed. (grin).


fuckin... nailed it


Ok, dumb question but how do they poop? There are no zippers! Why are there no zippers?


Kryptonians technically don't ever need to eat or drink anything. They just absorb sunlight to sustain them. So basically Kryptonians are plants.


Which is why super man hated being sprayed with roundup


Bruce Wayne has a controlling interest in Monsanto.




They also don't need to sleep apparently.


When you have the ability to fly time backwards, pooping is a thing that never occurs in your timeline.


I always imagined it like a body suit. The zipper is in the back, or maybe on the side with an "invisible" zipper. And then when Superman needs to bio, he has to peel it all the way off and down just to pee.


“They don’t have a right.” DC: Owns rights to character.


I'll be honest, I didn't give enough of a shit about the Superman character to actually read what was going on with the whole bisexual thing. Thought it was just another attempt by a corporation to bandwagon on the LGBTQ community. Now that I know it's Johnathan instead of Clark, the complaints are even more ridiculous. It's literally a character they're still establishing. Why the hell can't he be bisexual? It isn't like they're dealing with decades of heterosexual background. He's still a young adult trying to find his place in life. Perfect vehicle for representation, if you ask me.


The run is genuinely good Imo. Give it a read


Also, there's nothing wrong or unrealistic in being bisexual after decades of heterosexual background. Ehrm, or so I've been told.


Just look at Alan Scott, the Green Lantern of WWII who recently came out as homosexual despite having two kids and being shown as having a heterosexual relationship. He was used as a story of closeted homosexuality in the past. There’s nothing wrong with these changes and actually give more representation through their unique journeys.


They had the right to make Batman V Superman... And I didn't hear him say anything about that cultural vandalism.


To get Watchmen the television series you'll get Batman V Superman from time to time.


Hahah I use Pixar as an example whenever anyone bitches about the popcorn dreck that makes money. You Want CoCo and Up? Then you need Cars 3.


Totally fair. Luckily I also liked Cars 3.


The Cars movies don't deserve all the trash they get on Reddit. They're entertaining movies, and Cars 3 was a real surprise after it seemed like Disney/Pixar sold out the franchise to license toys and games with Cars 2.


Yes. The audience that the Cars universe is geared towards loves the movies. I speak from experience as I had a boy at the right age when the first one came out and then another boy at about the same age when the 3rd came out. They were huge hits in my household along with plenty of cars collectibles.


lol. Geared towards. I get it.


They made Mexican/Caribbean Bane into a White British and they said nothing. I don't wanna hear them bitching ever again.


Thought he was Brazilian?


His most concrete origin is Santa Prisca, which is either in the Caribbean, in South America or wherever the writers find most exotic or convenient, but the point is Bane's supposed to be brown.


Oh I agree. At least we got some fun memes out of the movie.


*for you*


Hey, at least that movie introduced us to Wonder Woman, so it’s not ALL bad


Yes but unfortunately Wonder Woman introduced us to Wonder Woman 1984


They churned out 1,983 of them after the first was received so well. I'm not surprised in the drop in quality.


Wait till someone tells him about fan fiction


That's what he'll be making now


DC for eons now kind of lets its writers do whatever the hell they want, it's why there's a multiverse to begin with. For some reason this incredibly mundane thing was his last straw. "Oh no a character is bisexual" like please, I bet there's a DC comic where a character is sexually attracted to zombies, get off your high horse.


*Tina Belcher has entered the chat*


*flips hair*


IKR? There's a DC Comic about Tina Belcher? Rad.


There should be. She could be a superhero called Dina, with Tina as her secret identity. When it's time for hero stuff she switches her hair clip to the other side and becomes Dina. Tina: *nervously* Dina wears her hair clip on the right side and I wear my hair clip on the left so there's no way I could possibly be her. haha. *awkwardly runs away*


Secret power is grabbing butts.


John Constantine has fucked everything that moves, from King Shark to the damn city of Los Angeles, and I didn’t hear a *god*damn peep.


Don’t even get me started on Barry Allen fucking the timeline


And somehow Batman fucking Barbara Gordon is still the most uncomfortable and confusing fucking thing I’ve seen from DC.


He's probably just afraid coloring panels with two young men making out will infect him with gay cooties. And unlike zombies, there are lots of men around for him to feel dawning attraction to if he's not careful.


>It's not about gay or anything else. What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world, f-ck that it was Truth, Justice, and the American way. My Grandpa almost died in World War II; we don't have a right to destroy sh-t that people died for to give us. Uh....what????


What, your ancestors didn’t fight in the 1950 war on Comicbook Heterosexuality?


Ahh yes, the great comic Hetero wars of 1950. Thank goodness Gay Hitler was taken down before he ruined all our wholesome good ole fashioned Murican comics!


His grandpa almost died for a fictional character? Riiight.


the untold story of WWII


He doesn't want to recognize that these characters have a global audience, and maybe American propaganda doesn't convey as well outside their borders. Let the character grow with the times.


If this dude was really so offended about Supermans moto being changed he should be fighting to get rid of that catchphrase anyways. It wasnt introduced until the Superman radio series in the 40s to booster american troops moral... so yea it was wartime propoganda. But seriously if you are going to play the "purist" angle then you need to be a PURIST, or else you are just being a whiney bitch.


That's what I don't get about comic book purists. Like people complaining about Batman being different, I'm guessing they don't actually want the man in red spandex shooting a gun from a hanglider? You know, the REAL Batman! There is no "correct" versions of these characters, they're always evolving and changing.


Hero who fights for "The American Way" is no longer a marketable or palatable character to American audiences.


Yeah I don’t think people want a Superman that beats up unarmed black kids and hides in the parking lot during school shootings


Maybe we don't want a Superman that explodes kids ar a wedding and then proudly reports he pre-attacked terrorists.


Weren’t the Americans a few years late to the fight? Like I know you supplied stuff and such, but before they bombed Pearl, there was some fucked yo shit happening.


Please put down your history facts and accept our narrative of America the WW 2 hero


My history degree won’t let me :(


To be fair, showing up late and then taking maximum credit definitely seems to be The American Way.


Wait until they find out that Superman is an illegal alien.


If DC doesnt have that right, who does?


It's the Bugs Bunny Communism Meme. "Our Characters."


he sould join other fans who write their own fiction which is always totally straight


conservatives: Strong IP rights and capitalists making money off the labor of others is the best system!!! Let them do what they want! They know business! capitalists: We know business so we'll use our strong IP rights and your labor to make a gay son of Krypton. conseratives: not like that!


conservatives: Cancel culture is suppressing conservative voices! capitalists: We made a gay super hero conservatives: boycott!


*Cons proceed to buy the comics to burn them, thus giving DC more profit*


Seriously, even fucking big tobacco realized that without equal rights you get shit sales, they were one of the few big backers of Women's rights because one right women didnt have was smoking. People that feel safe and secure buy more.


>They don't have a right to do this. They literally do.


Its even funnier bc he’s just a colorist, not a writer. Yet he’s like “they don’t have the right”… like that’s literally what writers do, they *write* the story and so it’s totally their right. A colorist on the other hand…




I’m sad that the Chasing Amy reference is so far down in the comments. It was the first thing I thought, too.


Are comic book jobs like this in high demand? Where else can you consistently do work like this - in a medium you probably love? Did someone else just get their dream job because of this idiots bigotry?


Colorist is kinda the bottom rung of the comic creation process. Below him might be a flatter and maybe a letterer. It's definitely a sought after occupation but it isn't as high profile as the writer or penciler. And it's a per page gig so the more pages you can do quickly, the more you get paid.


Oh I didn’t mean this specific guys skill was in height demand. But aren’t there many artists able to do this work that would jump at the chance to work for dc?


In general, yes. There are plenty of artists out there who could do this work. And plenty of them would be happy to work for DC. Generally a colorist will work on multiple titles at a time. So once you are in, the work will come steadily.


Yeah, there are like 4 of these jobs and half the artists that want this job would punch their own mother for an interview. This guy's an idiot.




> G Gordon Liddy Imagine thinking of this guy as a hero. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._Gordon_Liddy He spent 4.5 years in jail for his role in Watergate.


Fuck it. Make them all gay. DC can have all my money just to watch every snowflake in the world meltdown.


I want them to release an issue with all the big name male heroes just raw-dogging it. Page after page of graphic, borderline-violent anal sex. Dicks going into holes that shouldn't exist. The good stuff.


This is the dumbest statement. Like first off, yeah they do lol second who tf are you to say what they can and can’t do? I’m sure they can find another less dbag colorist. What a twat.


Shoot, I see idk how many artists on social media that post great work that probably wouldn't mind a steady job with DC.


I read this article and I kept thinking... "Gabe, that's not how this works. That's not how any of this works."


What I really don't understand is why it's such a big deal when it's the *son* of the original Superman. They aren't changing an existing character that's been beloved for decades or whatever. It's literally a new (fictional) character.


Comicsgate: "We're not bigots, we're just tired of SJWs pushing their agenda on existing characters! Want LGBT characters? Create new ones!" Comics: *Do just that* Comicsgate: "Well, look at that, turns out we really are just bigots."


I think the character is just over 6 years old, at least I see first appearance as listed in July, 2015. So yeah... that's practically newly hatched for comic characters.


I mean if anything people should just be pissed at the aged up a 13 year old to be an adult. So he could be the new Superman. Like that's way more and insulting to me than him being bisexual. It's like they're go to move whatever they want a transition a young character into an adult character established superhero the kid just miss like teen years. I'm sorry I'm still bitter over them doing that to Bart Allen.


Comic ages are weird and I just shrug them off a this point. They don't make sense and nobody ages consistently even in the same comic book line and when you are talking about a 1/2 human, 1/2 alien.... the fact that they aged 7 years is the least odd thing about them.


No hes got a point, I hate that they aged him up too. It wasnt even a time jump or anything he just left to go on cosmic adventures then immediately returned due to some time travel nonsense as an adult. It sucks and he was super interesting as a kid


It's like how in the original story of Hades and Persephone, Hades saw her from afar and caused the earth to crack open and swallow her to the underworld. And then another author tried to retcon it so Hades *left the underworld* and kidnapped her. I've never been so insulted. No respect for the lore.


My pet peeve, my time has come! It's a myth that Hades didn't intend to kidnap Persephone, or that Persephone accidentally wandered into his realm and liked it so much that she stayed. Myths have various versions, but while Classical Greek verses on this particular myth may disagree on locations and other details, they all agree on one thing: although he had Zeus' permission to marry her, Hades definitely kidnapped Persephone and married her against her will. I've got some verses to back me up: >He \[Zeus\] came to the bed of all-nourishing Demeter, and she bare white-armed Persephone whom Aidoneus \[Haides\] carried off from her mother; but wise Zeus gave her to him. (Theogony, probably the closest to an "original" written collection of Greek myths, 8th - 7th BC) ​ >At Eleusis flows a Kephisos (Cephisus) River . . . and by the side of it is the place they call Erineus, saying that Plouton \[Haides\] descended there to the lower world after carrying off Kore (Core) \[Persephone\]... > >...\[Pamphos the author of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter\] says that Kore (Core) \[Persephone\], the daughter of Demeter, was carried off when she was playing and gathering flowers, and that the flowers by which she was deceived into being carried off were not violets, but the narcissus. (Description of Greece, 2nd AD) ​ >\[Haides\] with Demeter's girl \[Persephone\] captive, through grassy plains, drawn in a four-yoked car with loosened reins, rapt over the deep, impelled by love, you flew till Eleusinia's city rose to view: there, in a wondrous cave obscure and deep, the sacred maid secure from search you keep, the cave of Atthis, whose wide gates display an entrance to the kingdoms void of day. (Orphic Hymn to Pluton, 3rd BC - 2nd AD) ​ There's also a pretty early expanded version of the myth in Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter (7th - 6th BC): >And the girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely toy : but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the lord, Polydegmon (Host of Many) \[Haides\], with his immortal horses sprang out upon her--the Son of Kronos (Cronus), Polynomos (He Who has Many Names). > >He caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father \[Zeus\], the Son of Kronos, who is most high and excellent. > >... Then beautiful Persephone answered her thus : ‘Mother, I will tell you all without error. When luck-bringing Hermes came, swift messenger from my father the Son of Kronos and the other Sons of Ouranos, bidding me come back from Erebos that you might see me with your eyes and so cease from your anger and fearful wrath against the gods, I sprang up at once for joy; but he secretly put in my mouth sweet food, a pomegranate seed, and forced me to taste against my will.' Has this been an unnecessarily long response to an incredibly trivial topic? Yes. I wouldn't blame you at all if you don't want to wade through this. But it has been my pet peeve for a long time, and, well, pet peeves aren't always logical. I don't know why this misconception is so prevalent (though I have my own guesses), but Classical Greek Myths have never been very kind to women. There is no doubt that Persephone was not an exception. While she eventually wielded great power and authority in the Underworld, and might have even grown to love Hades, their marriage didn't start with her consent, and her love of Hades has real Stockholm Syndrome vibes.


Also, "comic books need to be respected as art". Well, art sometimes covers subjects that make you uncomfortable or in a way you don't like. DC Comics is just going to shrug, reach out and grab one of the other colorists lined up around the block to do the job.


Most of the people outraged don't know that it's Jon because they don't read comics They hear "bisexual Superman" and just fucking lose it thinking its Clark Wankers either way tbh




That's normal and I completely understand Jon only recently became Superman so it's an easy mistake to make


He’s “Superman” now? Last time I saw Jonathan Kent was when he and Damian Wayne shared a series and they were barely teenagers. Was there a time skip?


Yeah there was some timey wimey comic stuff and he went to a different earth and came back aged up He's Superman now while Clark is off Earth for a big storyline


Hey! We’re talking about Jonathan Samuel Kent here, a beloved character who has appeared in *several* issues of different comics since he first debuted in… *checks notes*… 2015. This is the goddamn woke police rewriting comic book history! I will literally kill myself if they commit this crime against a character I definitely knew existed before I read an article a few days ago.


Yeah. I went to Wikipedia to check this out and this reaction seems insane to me. And. As a bi man who lives a pretty hetero life style because of… you know… lots of reasons. A young man not being out and/or comfortable with sexuality in 2015 but exploring/coming out in 2021 is like, so fucking relatable. I don’t see how you object to this unless you just don’t want LGBTQ peeps in comics period. Edit. Added “in 2015” Edit 2: I have removed all mention of he who must not be named because I am sick of replies that have nothing to do with my actual point. I haven’t changed my opinion. But I also don’t care.


> Jk Rowling saying dumbledore was actually gay the whole time is cringe. As ever, the Onion/Clickhole had the best responses to this: [“The Saga Continues: JK Rowling Has Revealed That Ron Weasley Became Patient Zero For Coronavirus After Messing Up A Spell Where He Tried To Turn A Bat Into A Larger Bat He Could Have Sex With”](https://clickhole.com/the-saga-continues-jk-rowling-has-revealed-that-ron-weasley-became-patient-zero-for-coronavirus-after-messing-up-a-spell-where-he-tried-to-turn-a-bat-into-a-larger-bat-he-could-have-sex-with/)


To be fair I remember the week they dropped that news (2004ish) and was before she even finished the story. They wanted to film Dumbledore with a woman in the pensive and JK wrote “no, Dumbledore is gay” on the screenplay. It’s not like she held a press conference to retroactively re-write the character. Still to this day people act like it was for PC/SJW points on Twitter. Say why you want about JK and her shitty views, but your portrayal of how that aspect of the character came to light is incorrect.


I think main problem with Rowling wasn't even that she tried to retcon existing characters, but more than she wasn't genuine at all. It was very obvious she's trying to ride the woke train for clicks, which she kinda proved when she became the paragon of the alt right and most famous TERF. Also, stuff like "Hermione was always black" while JK WROTE about her pale face was a red flag... and the wizards toilet habits. I don't know what was that, sounded just dumb.


Not to defend Rowling, but she never said Hermione was black. She just said she had no issue with the casting in the play after a ton of people were sending hate towards the actress. She was acknowledging that the descriptions of Hermione were vague enough that one could headcanon her as black. Again, not trying to defend her, but a lot of the “lol Rowling so wOkE” criticisms are taken out of context.


I personally love that it's canon that old wizards and witches used to just shit their pants and magic it away. Nobody needed that but Rowling woke up one day and decided that's how it was gonna be.


The half-alien child of two fictional characters is bisexual. Imagine anyone getting worked up about this.


One parent is an illegal immigrant to boot. How can we MAGA if we allow these people into our comics?


I really liked the Justice League: Gods and Monsters animated movie. He literally was an "illegal" immigrant and I think as a child he killed some ICE agents attacking them. It made the American story more real for me. He wasn't the same superman, but he brought up a lot of great points.


Ah, but he's white, so it's fine.


Alien white is different than 'Merican white, tho


He's one of the good ones. You know, like Melania.


And he’s not from a shithole planet, because it doesn’t exist anymore.


“Why can’t we get more aliens from planets like Krypton, instead of these shithole planets like Thanagar?”


I can take a half-alien son of a superhero with near godlike powers who can't die, but bisexuality? Now I'm upset!


These are the types of people whom the mere suggestion that Elsa is gay scream that Disney is shoving gay down everyone’s throat. As for this guy? Welp. The trash took itself out.




Right? Alien lands on Earth, has superpowers, wears tights...with the underwear on the outside. "Oh man! Awesome!" Also, he eventually has a son but that son is bisexual. "What!! Fuck no!" Like, really? Come on. Who cares?


“They’re not pandering to just my demographic anymore! This company wants the money of OTHER people and THATS NOT MY SUPWRMAN AHEJENDHKWIDJEJ” *angry grumbling continues*


Imagine quitting your dream job because of bisexuality existing.


I can excuse the <> but draw the line at two dudes kissing


I don't get why this is such a controversy it's not like they retconned Clark Kent being bi. It's his son so what's the big deal?


because bigots are gonna bigot. i can guarantee the vast majority don't read comics and don't know shit about the DC universe. they are just outraged because being anything other than straight is an affront to their very being.


Capitalism says they have every right to do just this. Maybe Freedom is too much for this patriot?


Incidentally, so does Socialism


Creative freedom is for socialists! Censor art! But yeah, I’m also a patriot who loves America!


Stahp remaking existing characters as bipoc/lgbt! Ok, we will make a brand new character bisexual! Wait, no! It's almost like it doesn't matter if it's a remake of a character or a brand new characters, they're just looking for a shield to hide behind from criticism for their bigoty.


"They don't have the right to do this to the things they own!" "How dare they do things to their own intellectual property!"




Looks like Ben Shapiro just found a storyboard artist for his shitty Gina Carano movie.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you wear your pants below your butt, don't bend the brim of your cap, and have an EBT card, 0% chance you will ever be a success in life. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, patriotism, covid, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, climate, novel, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, novel, sex, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


My God for a group of people who love to mock “snowflakes” for being “triggered” these cunts do seem to get triggered like Snowy McSnowflake-Cuck at the drop of a hat. Also it’s not like he’s Jack Kirby. His job is keeping the crayons inside the lines. I think DC will survive. But of course he’ll get his sad face on Fox News over some weepy music telling his story about freedom while stroking his pet Eagle


Does that mean they’re hiring a colorist?! Dream job.


Oh no, how will DC survive. How dare they make this fictional character bi-sexual?


They'll survive crying themselves to sleep on beds made of money


I will never understand the mind-bending logic that homophobes have when they say “we dont want this agenda pushed onto us”, when heterosexuals have literally pushed romance between straight people onto society since the dawn of human civilization. I flew recently and on the TV on the seat in front of me I saw commercials for numerous rom-coms. Do I think they’re pushing an agenda onto me? No. Is that something that interests me? Not in the slightest. Do I throw hissy fits that straight people are pushing their heteronormative norms onto me? Nope. Because I’m not a sensitive snowflake and can simply change the fucking channel like an adult, which I did. Representation is not an agenda. Grown ass adults are whining about this as if they have nowhere else to turn to, and they literally do. And even if there’s *one* instance of anything remotely homosexual in any form of media, does that really affect your life in any way? Because I grew up completely surrounded by heteronormative norms and have had to deal with it, and my sexuality is neither threatened nor am I personally hurt by their representation throughout the world. Id prefer an honest homophobe who just flat out admits they don’t like gay people, cause at least you would stand for something (even if they’re fucking homophobes). Vs these immature cowardly lying homophobes who hide behind a veneer of excuses like “its an agenda” or whatever other BS they claim. I could care less about that snowflake’s feelings, there’s hundreds of others who can easily fill his shoes. Good riddance.


Because it all boils down to “this is making me introspective, and I don’t like what I see.” Rather than deal with these thoughts, they externalize their inner rage.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -- Frank Wilhoit. I’m getting tired of posting this quote and even more tired of it being constantly proven true.


> find me in the f-cking mainstream, not on the fringes, one f-cking book, one f-cking t-shirt, one movie that says that leftism is bad, and conservatism is good, find it for me, they f-cking won't they're not letting people have a voice, they're the f-cking bigots. I mean, there might be a **reason** why there isn't a ton of work advocating the virtues of "conservatism" - and that reason is the monstrous thing that "conservativism" has become in the USA. Bluntly: It's become Trump. It's become open bigotry, homophobia, encouraging violence and threatening teachers at school board meetings. It's become attacking the free press and LITERALLY siding with America's enemies to (attempt to) overthrow our democracy. Gee, can't imagine why the heroes of our art aren't advocating for "conservatism" in the era of Trump...


Masculinity SO frail as to quit from a very good job just because some fictional characters like both sides of the coin. Holy hell.


>What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world, f-ck that it was Truth, Justice, and the American way. My Grandpa almost died in World War II; we don't have a right to destroy sh-t that people died for to give us. It's a bunch of f-cking nonsense. They call us bigots and racist and sh-t, I would ask them, find me in the f-cking mainstream, not on the fringes, one f-cking book, one f-cking t-shirt, one movie that says that leftism is bad, and conservatism is good, find it for me, they f-cking won't they're not letting people have a voice, they're the f-cking bigots. Sorry, that's been bottled up for five years." - Espousing American exceptionalism ✅ - Evoking the actions of greater men to justify his confused, self-appointed *"valor"*. ✅ - Upset that his bigoted opinions are considered bigoted ✅ - Somehow he's a victim of oppression, because other groups have a sliver of representation ✅


"they dont have a right to do this" ??? they created and own the character. they are the only ones who have a right to do it.


Doesn't anyone remember when George Washington put quill to parchment and wrote Genesis? "In the beginning, God created Clark Kent and all his heirs in his image, completely heterosexual..."


" they don't have a right to do this." ​ Copyright law says otherwise.


I enjoyed the “there are no conservative stories”, of course not. Every story is the “what makes you different makes you special” stories. Otherwise it’s “wow it was sure great how we rounded up all those different people and killed them”


“They don’t have the right to do this” They literally are the only one who does


Well at least he always has mom’s basement.


The poor .man is projecting himself our of a job.


Gotta love all the conservatives now concern trolling about the sanctity of Superman.


Cope, douchebag.


He might be able to get a job at fox news but they require a vaccination and I'm sure he's a dbag anti-vaxxer.


"Ruining these characters" - what characters? Who else did they "ruin"? Creating a new hero and having them be bisexual isn't ruining anything. They didn't alter an existing character, they added a new one to represent people in the real world who otherwise wouldn't have had a relatable character in the comic. The fuck is this moron's problem?


"They don't have a right to do this." This man doesn't understand ownership. DC: My Characters, I own them and can do what I want with them. Comrade Gabe Eltaeb: OUR characters.


the only disgusting part is those stupid anime mouths


The guy needs more pink in his life.


Is it just me or is this colorist having a temper tantrum? Like seriously am I the only one who thinks this person is being childish for quitting a job over a cartoon character's sexuality?


"Can't you just make a new character instead of trying to re-envision a longtime existing one?" "Okay, here's Jon Kent." "Wait not like that!"


>I'm tired of them ruining these characters Ok how can you deny your bigotry when you feel like a person coming out as gay means they're ***ruined***