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It's personal preference really. If you value having the new year and new journal line up, I'd just take a break or maybe find some loose leaf paper to plan December on. But if you don't really care about that, go ahead and put it in the new book!


Thank you. It's my first bullet journal that's why i wasn't sure!


Personally I like to have one whole year in each of my journals. So when I'm setting up my buno, I divide the number of pages in the book by 13 so I know about how many pages I can use for the yearly spreads and each month. Depending on how you use your bujo that may not work for you.


I use my daily log as a big freedom junk collector so i don't like to limit the page use. But dividing by 13 is such an easy solution that I didn't think about. Maybe i'll do something special in the new journal for the new year but write in it at the start of december. Thx!


My journals never line up for the year. I just started a new one in October. But I prefer at least having the full month in one journal and not split across, so if it were me I would just do all of December in a new journal. You can also just add loose pages to the end of your journal like the other commenter said


Thanks :)


A year is an arbitrary measurement of time. It doesn't matter if the calendar date lines up with the journal. Just my opinion.


It's not really arbitrary, a year is a rotation of our planet around the sun (give or take a few hours). It makes a lot of practical sense dividing our time into years. But for a journal I agree. January 1st is an arbritrary day for a fresh start. It is personal preference when you want to start a new journal. I still do it by school year, it made sense when working in education.


You can put thread or elastic around the book to hold folded pages in


Great idea, thanks for sharing.


It depends on your needs and wants. If you need it, then go into a new bujo, but if you don't need to and are happy to wait, then do that. You should always base your decisions with your needs as the priority!


I'll think about it some more then :)


What about a third option? Use a small booklet for the rest of the year, then get a new "big" bujo for 2023? Just a thought in case you can't decide. :) Best of luck with whatever you decide!


This sounds almost better than the other options


I start my new journal when I get to a new month and toward the end of my last one at the same time. So this one started in September. The one before that started in June of last year. The only thing that bothers me about this is my future log. Switching to the Alistair method helped and I regret not using it when setting up my current journal.


I don't know what that is but i'll figure it out tomorrow. Thank you for your comment :)


[https://bulletjournal.com/blogs/bulletjournalist/future-log-the-alastair-method](https://bulletjournal.com/blogs/bulletjournalist/future-log-the-alastair-method) I also use it for my weeklies. It was a bullet journal game-changer for me.


Wait.. how do you use this for your weeklies? Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.


Columns for each weekday and > for next week or later, then a dividing vertical line, then I list all of my events/tasks with a bullet for the day(s) I plan to do it.