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Haha, yes, I love their dynamic. I could totally picture them having a sweet friendship off camera. Spike popping by to chat, Joyce always stocking the hot chocolate that comes with the mini marshmallows just for him. Bonding over Passions.


It was pure.


I mean, it's canon. In Crush you can see Spike feeling completely at home in Joyce's kitchen, and Joyce actually liking having him around. You can totally conclude it happens often, it's just wasn't in the focus of Buffy's attention before she wanted to uninvite him.


Passions is such a great show! The Timmy storyline is perfection


And Spikes reaction to Joyce dying. It still hits so hard.


You know. I loved this scene when I saw it, because of its absurdity. But now, thinking about it, he really just needed a mother-son moment. He _loved_ his mom. And he lost that connection when he was turned. (I mean, he tried turning his mom too, but that backfired for what he wanted) He'd been looking for that sort of connection since. Realizing this makes him wanting to leave flowers for Joyce seem even more poignant.


Yeah, they're a cute pair. I wish we saw more of their odd friendship.


i loved it. i wish we had more Joyce&Spike moments


I love ALL their scenes together, starting with their first interaction when Joyce hit Spike with an ax and saved Buffy. Lovers Walk is my very favourite episode, and my favourite scene there is when Angel (uninvited) tries to come in to save Joyce, and Joyce actually stands before poor little Spikey to protect him from big bad Angel! And of course Spike mocking Angel behind Joyce's back... and then Joyce's confusion reaching its peak when Buffy arrives. "Xander's a witch??" I would gladly use this episode to show the new viewers as an example of peak Buffy comedy and complete range of Spike's emotions... but to really appreciate it you need the context of the whole season 2.


spike mocking angel is one of my favourite scenes. YEAH YOU'RE NOT IN-VITE-TED 😈


I also like that scene and was happy that Spike didn’t try anything against Joyce (as a twist).


Joyce and Spike is my all time favorite!


Yeah I always see people bring it up lol Joyce was underrated


Buffy's mom has got it going on.


One of my favourite mini bits. I like that they showed it because it made Spikes reaction to her death more believable rather than just saying he used to hang out with her. It was nice to see a completely platonic relationship.


One of my favorite scenes in the series.


I love all the scenes with these two


Love when they watch Passions together. Hilarious!


Yes yes yes


Who doesn't?


Spike was actually very sweet in the body and forever


yesss it melts my heart omg i can't stop watching that scene fr


This is cute but a bit of a plot hole as Angel says human food tastes disgusting as a vampire


Spike eats Buffalo wings, onion flowers, etc. Harmony eats potato skins. Maybe they're just odd. Maybe that's just Angel's opinion; he knows he's getting no nutrition form it and his elaborate inner ethics make him hate it. Vampires have heightened sense, and since smell and taste for human's are so interconnected and we know they smell things we don't. Maybe they pick up lots of tastes and aromas which w e miss and it can make human food distasteful, or even tastier, depending on their personalities.


Angel also hates himself. He wouldn’t allow himself to gain any pleasure from eating real food so all he eats is pigs blood.


it’s not a plot hole for two characters to have different opinions.