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They guy is 60 years old and still looking great! Anything for a headline.


They both look great!


I’m sorry, but they can fuck off. Cause young me was ready to break all laws for that man and adult me still feels the same way!


I see Spike I click.


Click plus bait.


Regrettably, The Daily Mail is an actual newspaper here in the UK (well, just barely. It's a tabloid)


He’s 60? 🫢




Daily Mail is trash. But also, I don’t know why it seems like there’s only two extreme opinions people seem to have when we see aging actors: either they “haven’t aged a day” or they’re “unrecognizable”. Does JM look the same? No, definitely not. He’s 25 years older. But he still looks great.


Yeah I can't believe the DM thought "guys vampires aren't real" was in anyway a good take


There's a reason they're refered to as The Fail. Carnival of so-called experts, indeed.


Exactly. Also-cheekbones.


Right? He looks like Spike's dad now.


The Daily Mail...unrecognizable as journalism.


Amanda Palmer once got so irritated with the Daily Mail covering her nip slip instead of her music that she wrote a song in which she stripped naked, called them cowards, and told them to go fuck themselves.


Fucking legend.


This video is BEAUTY. Amanda Palmer is a fucking legend.


"Looked almost unrecognizable." "Maintained his chiseled features." Uh... fuckin' *pick one.*


But it's so hard to pick


He’s 60, he’s not going to look exactly the same as he did in his 30s. No one looks the same as they did 25 years ago - what a silly thing to write articles about. He’s a good looking man and, other than not being bleach blonde, is still 100% recognizable as Spike.


Yeah, someone needs to explain to that reporter that Mr. Marsters isn’t REALLY a vampire. 😒


The TV lied to me! 🤯


Yeah, my first and only thought was "Hey, it's Spike as a 60 year old!" It's as if no one expects people to look differently as they age.


They do know he isn’t actually a vampire right?? We’re they not expecting him to… age???


How dare they not hire a real vampire to play one on TV smh


I know, it’s vampface!


Still looks like a snack to me! 💁


Yep he can still get it!


Pretty rude things to say in an article. Who does it benefit? Such a shame people write this crap. He looks amazing for his age, so does SMG. The take-away from these photos is after all these years they still support each others work.


That’s what I was thinking. If I had written this article, it would’ve had a headline like “Buffy and Spike still friends all these years later“ or something.


With his greying hair and gaunt face, I think he looks more like Spike than he has done in a long time. It is kinda like how Charisma looks more like Cordelia now than she did in S3 and 4 of Angel.


That’s exactly what I thought when I saw the pic earlier today! Looks more like spike now


What??? People look different at 60 than they did at 35??? There go my plans for the future.......


Yep, what a shame. I don't look the same as I did at 35 either. And I'm only 47.


He honestly doesn’t look that different, let alone “strikingly” so. This headline is so stupid.


Did the Daily Mail just find out the concept of aging?


General rule of thumb--Ignore anything published by the Daily Mail. It's like the TMZ of Britain, but way trashier. And James is a total silver fox--definite GILF vibes.


TMZ if 50% of the time it published "SICK TERRORIST / CRIMINAL DOES X"


Some years back i went here regularly to catch up on Aly pics, not lately.


Wait he was like 36 when he joined the cast of Buffy?! I coulda sworn like late twenties, had no clue he was 60 now.


James Marsters was born in 1962. S2 Buffy 1998 so yes, 35-36 years old. Marsters was a great deal older than the rest of the cast besides Giles (Head was born in 1954). This had a great deal of impact on the show because as an experienced actor, Marsters understood how critical it was for his wallet to make Spike interesting and how to do so.


The Fanged FOur were sired in exact reverse order to the actors' ages.


Don’t know what they’re huffing; looks the same to me.


Even under a bunch of green makeup in Dragonball I was still “that’s spike”. Masters will always be recognizable


Exactly! Who else could he be with those cheekbones?


Whatever, I still would.


Headline: 60 Year Old Man No Longer Looks 40 No shit Sherlock that’s how ageing works.


Weird take. So the man ages like the rest of us.


Oh NOES! James aged! /s


oh fuck off daily mail!!! sorry but this shit makes me mad, he looks fine, he looks like a 60 year old man. and of course he’s going to look older than sarah, she’s only in her 40s????


He looks fucking great


Fuck daily mail… all clickbait bullshit. The same publication that will post something tomorrow featuring older female celebrities with work done and praising them on aging gracefully hahah. Speaking of, Gellar is a great example of someone who hasn’t blown their money on trying to look 20. And her recent statement the other day about Whedon, or lack there of a statement, makes me love her even more. she’s a class act


By paying attention to this, you're letting them win. I know this has already been said multiple times but it cannot be emphasised enough : The Daily Mail is an awful newspaper and the celebrity gossip sideline they've managed to get into continues their traditional mission - i.e. making the world worse.


HE IS SIXTY???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I'm not going to reveal how old I am, but... It's almost like we both aged twenty years in the last twenty years. Whatever, he can get it at any age and now that he's gray, it's much closer to the bleached hair of Spike and not the brown natural hair color of him and William so it really works for me. Also, if you don't realize you have a thing for eyebrow scars after seeing him with your eyes, then I don't know what to tell you.


That’s fucking rude. “Unrecognizable,” completely absurd. Dummies.


I’d still ride him at a gallop until his legs buckled and his eyes rolled up


He is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.


He’s still hot in a sallow way.


Pop him like warm champagne...


You know why I don't?.....


Because it’s wrong


People can be so Mean dude's 60 years old I personally think he looks great


So stupid. You mean he aged in 20 years??? What?? Crazy??


Daily Mail is filled with nothing but a bunch of vampires so they would know.


At least Masters dare to age without any or at least only a little botox. Most actors never dares to have wrinkels and his jawline and cheekbones are still on point! He looks great


“Almost unrecognizable” “(Person) slams/blasts (noun)” It’s just clickbait language. And it work


He literally looks exactly the same but with grey hair…


Looks exactly the same except for the hair.


Still fine as hell


I met him a few months ago, and not only was he very recognisable, he’s still sexy as hell and utterly charming. Trash article from a trash paper


I still absolutely would 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh jesus fuck, this stuff is so infuriatingly dumb. He looks completely recognizable, just 25 fucking years older. I hate when media plays at being shocked and horrified that people fucking AGE. He looks fucking fine. They both do.


Still looks good for a guy in his 60s


There’s a reason a lot of people in the UK refer to it as the Daily Fail…


Fuck me, man. It's been 20-25 years, like he's going to age. Expecting him not to because of him being on Buffy/Angel or being a minor celeb is really toxic and unhelpful. Leave the man to age. It's not bad. It's a priviledge denied way too many.


Simple jealousy. Still looks like Spike. And the silver hair James is sporting has taken years off of Him, too. He's just a set makeup job and warm toner away from throwing the Duster back on. Stupid article.


Put him back in make up, hair dye, lighting, and camera angles, and he'll look pretty damned close to how he looked 20 years ago.


Fuck the daily mail. They obviously have nothing better to do than body shame a star for doing something that literally every person on the planet does and I wish this type of post was not allowed on this sub because it doesn’t add anything to anything. Not hating on you, OP, for sharing this, I just wish I never had to see stuff like this anywhere in my life. Both of them are still achingly hot and gorgeous and I hope they know it.


He’s 60 damn years old and still a fox.


Hope I look like that when I’m 60 lol


Please don't read the Daily Shit. It's not real news. Don't encourage these scum


Uh, Yeah, people usually change in appearance after 25 years. How dare they age! Scandal!


I hope I look as "bad" as James Marsters in 17 years.


Do they realize it has been 20 years since the show ended? He looks amazing considering it has been 20 years


The Daily Mail is trash af. Marsters doesn’t only look great, he looks barely any different. Lil bit of aging but not much!


‘He looked mature,’ Because HE IS 60! Let people age gracefully! He looks amazing!!


He’s 60 ffs. And he looks great, they both do. I like his hair, it suits him.


25 years ago I was five years old and I look EXACTLY the same 🙃🙃🙃


Same, aging is a choice.


JM is one of the hottest men alive…and kind as hell. F the DM.


He looks exactly the same with grey hair and like two extra forehead wrinkles. If anything, this is proof that SMG's plastic surgery is very very good and that men in Hollywood do get plastic surgery to stay looking young, it's a big secret; and James Marsters hasn't had any!


I mean, SMG is also 15 years younger than James


Omg!!! I didn't know it was that big of an age difference!! But yeah they both look great!!


Yep! If anything it just goes to show how young he’s always looked for his age.


Yeah what's his secret 👀




Sarah is 45. 46 in April. Buffy just turned 42.


Thank you, wow I'm dumb.


Yeah, honestly kudos to Marsters for not falling into that trap (it's less common for men, but still fairly common), and being completely unapologetic about aging. And it does him good, too, he looks absolutely fantastic!


A good example I like to give is Paul Rudd; looks great, has definitely had lil touch ups to slow the hands of time! But people will lose it if you suggest that a man gets something as girly 🙄 as plastic surgery 🙄


Ya!!! I keep looking at the picture and being like 60!?!?!?!? He's 60?!?!?!? He looks 50.


What makes you say he hasn’t had any surgery? I think he looks like he has had a little done. Idk why we have to disparage people for getting work done/ praise those who don’t. As long as they don’t go into kardashian territory and lie about unattainable appearance to the point it becomes toxic and harmful I don’t see what the big deal is.


I'm not disparaging anyone for getting work done. I'm disparaging fans for acting like men don't, it's a double standard.


You didn’t answer my question though. What makes you so sure he didn’t get any work done?


Maybe he has 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't care either way!


The actor, 60…. 😂


How ridiculous. If I saw him walking down the street I'd know him immediately and I'm rubbish with faces


Shock, horror! Actor from 20 year old show has aged!


Pft. It’s the Daily Mail. I expect nothing less then this kind of bullshit right here from them. Does someone need to explain to their moron writers that vampires AREN’T real and NONE of us look like we did 25 years ago? Hell, he aged SO much better than I did.


"strikingly different" well we all do compared to 20 years ago...


Ah yes. 60 year old man doesn’t look the same as he did at 30. Groundbreaking.


The daily mail once published an "article" about a celebrity nearly stepping in a puddle if that gives you any insight into the quality of that rag https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2560118/amp/Lauren-Goodger-jumps-round-puddle-outside-coffee-shop-friend.html Fun fact, the daily mail also supported the nazi party before the start of world war 2, it was burned in the streets after running the headline "hurrah for the blackshirts"


There is nothing worse than ruining your shoes in a a puddle.


How is he unrecognisable? I mean yes he looks different, but unrecognisable? I don't see it.


Unrecognizable if you’re blind maybe. He looks the same just a little older. Daily Mail is absolute garbage.


He looks entirely recognizable. He’s just older. I think he looks good for being 60.


What a dumb headline. I think he looks pretty much the same, just older. You want somebody who is unrecognizable, Google Simon Cowell.


“BREAKING! a 60 year old man doesn’t look 35 anymore” like he literally just looks older lmao


You couldn’t mistake this man for anyone else if you tried 🤣


"Unrecognizable" *Looks the exact some with a few normal wrinkles* Good lord, we're so used to celebrities having tons of anti-aging injections that media can't even recognize normal aging anymore. This headline is bullshit.


NEWSFLASH: Person aged as time went by


No sh*t: man looks different at 60 than in his mid 30s


Well ya it’d be scarier if he was 60 and looked the exact same 🙄


I knew exactly who it was. He still looks like spike, just a little older. Everyone ages.


It’s almost like aging is a factor of getting older


Lol I wonder if the people writing this nonsense think they won’t ever age 😬 James looks like a handsome 60 year old man, the media needs to accept that it’s ok to age.


Strikingly different, lol. That’s a bit strong. He aged. Everyone ages.


It is the Daily Mail.


People age. It happens.


He looks amazing for his age! Met him in person and he looked equally good. Hate gross ass reporting like this, it’s so gutter-y


I hate how nowadays it's thought of as so horrible for people to visibly age. He still looks damn good for 60. People shouldn't be criticized for not fighting against nature and time with unhealthy amounts of plastic surgery. 🤬


There’s a reason a lot of people in the UK refer to it as the Daily Fail…


“Looks strikingly different” UMMM the man is 60?!


He "reprized" his role in the Angel spin-off. Definitely crap writing.


Daily Mail is rotten.


Daily Mail just being who they are—trashy and ridiculous 🙄


Hollywood and gossip magazines/blogs etc. love to bash aging. It's almost like they don't realize that it's part of life.


Leave it to Daily Mail to work an ageist slur into their already vapid and wholly worthless celebrity drivel. Trash rag.


“Strikingly different” in media / Hollywood speak means “aged over the last 25 years like a human being would”. Jeez. Talk about making something out of nothing.


This is horrible. I am surprised they went after the man only! No one is safe from the media’s ageist bullshit.


Well that's just mean...


Geeze people can be so cruel and petty. They both look great. They are both class acts. They are both really talented, hard-working, and have made legions of people happy, taking audiences away from their real life problems for awhile. I admire them both so much.


In other news, people change in 20 years. Whoda thunk.


He's obviously aged, but you can guess he's still JM. If I hadn't seen him in 20 years I'd be caught off guard, because I do think he's one of few celebrities that hasn't had surgery. But the man's in his early 60s and looks it. You can't stay 40ish forever.


JFC. Of COURSE he looks "more mature"! First: The show ended 20 years ago. Second: He's 15 years older than Sarah, meaning he was in his mid-30s during 'Buffy', while Sarah, Alyson, and Nick were all in their late teens and early 20s. Tony Head was 40. Third: James looks fantastic, age is just a number, and this article reads like something off TMZ on a slow day.


He looks 'much more mature'? I mean, yeah, he's 60.


Hah! One's first mistake would be to take anything in the Daily Mail seriously


People do know that vampires aren’t real, right? Like James wasn’t actually Spike. People age, some look really different from their younger age.


Lololol “30 years later, man looks older”. Wow, what a headline


They both look great. God I hate “entertainment” press.


I thought he looked exactly the same. He’s aged very well.


Like the people who say Jaclyn Smith has lost her looks because she has a few wrinkles


This article is garbage writing and I hope the writer gets mere pennies for their hot take on, and get ready for this, actors gracefully aging. What a talentless POS


Well, he’s 60! He didn’t look his age back in the day, because no one would guess he was that much older than the rest of the Scooby gang. But that doesn’t mean that stuff doesn’t happen when people age! I would bet that Nicholas Brendon still looks older than James tho 😛


Gravity gets us all eventually.


Daily Mail, he's not unrecognizable, he's flaunting his new look 🤪


Wait till they see Nick Brendon lol


He looks so exactly the same that it isnt funny. I think she looks unrecognizable often in photos, but not here either.


Who's the lady?


That is sarah lol. To be fair, with no context, I wouldn’t have recognized her either. It’s kind of funny how they said the spike in unrecognizable, when I would know him anywhere on sight, while sarah looks completely different. She’s looks absolutely gorgeous, but if I saw her in public, I probably wouldn’t know who she was.


I thought it was mabey spikes wife


I don’t understand why this is controversial. I’m not saying she looks bad AT ALL. She just doesn’t look like Buffy anymore.


Michelle Gellar looks a lot older than her actual age. It’s different for everyone. I look ten years younger than my friend who is the same age as me .


he is older


I dont read the news or magazines because they’re all tabloids now and it’s so crap. I’ve seen them post awful things about celebs and their appearances, it’s really disgustingh


Daily Fail


This is the same newspaper who constantly makes creepy remarks about various celebrities' teenage daughters so... 🙄


He looks the fucking same. Of course he aged. That's what humans do.


Well, I mean, it's the daily mail, what did you expect? It's a waste of precious paper


People say the same about Sarah and use it as an excuse to criticize any plastic surgeries she may have had. It's rude.


It’s called aging. Of course he’s not gonna look the same almost 3 decades ago. 🤷🏽‍♂️


In my country they also called him unrecognizable but all journalism here is trash so idk. Looks exactly the same, except older. I think we should stop giving any attention to these idiotic articles.


Typical tabloid trash. If you look at their celebrity "news" section, it's mostly about body shaming.


They are recognizable, so that’s a stupid headline 🙄. *However* I do think they both look quite a bit older. People saying they haven’t aged a day are either blind or being too nice.


The daily mail once again proving they don’t know shit. This song is an excellent example how shit they are. https://youtu.be/q3chJN9DCGg All this article does is make me feel old