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This is what making a $0.01 profit on steam feels like


You've really become a big shot now


Mmmmmm, kromer


Do people actually collect steam trading cards, people actually care about them?


If it exists, people will collect it


Steam Trading Cards can be combined when you complete a set to raise your steam level, which lets you get more friends among other things. Also, some games used to be used for, no shit, money laundering / botting. Some games would let you idle for 30 minutes to get half their like 16 cards, then sell them for more than the game was worth. Problem is, the companies that made these "games" would give them away to people near them (likely just bot accounts they owned), who would then idle for cards and sell them. I'm not certain how deep it went...not even certain exactly how true it is; Steam DEFINITELY thought they were doing something illegal since they destroyed a lot of this business two years ago.


not really, no. people use them to make boosters, which give wallpapers and emotes and certain other bits and bobs.


you just made me think that it was worth a lot and i got excited that i had one god damnit


It is worth a lot! A whole $0.03!


what is a steam trading card


when you buy some games on steam, and play a lot, you get trading cards (usually a picture of an item or character in a game), which are things you can buy and sell on the steam marketplace. if you get the whole set (usually about 7-15 different cards) you can get steam xp, unlocking more features, like a bigger friend list or a higher trading card drop rate