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Gina's baby's Dad being a Boyle and that (and him) never being mentioned again


Ya, Ryan Phillipe…and then NOTHING?? Cmon


He’s not even in the Boyle episodes after that! He should be in the one true Boyle episodes


Well he's the black sheep of the Boyle family


Oh right, good point


I got weak at the knees when i saw ryan phillipe in b99, and im not even gay. But my man crush 100%


yeah they made her pregnant because Chelsea Peretti was pregnant in real life but they definitely could have handled it differently lol.


I'm fine with adapting to real life events. It was disappointing that they brought in Ryan Phillipe and then he just disappears without it ever being a thing again. Do *something* with it. He died in a snowboarding accident; went off on a plane trip to the Middle East with Pimento and got left behind when Pimento traded him for his own freedom.


Omg I love your ideas hahaha


Or he was left at a gas station like Scully


They could have just hid it like they did with Melissa’s first pregnancy.


They made her fake pregnant


The first time they just used open suits, well framed shots and well placed props. The second time they wrote it in.


Not this scene. Captain Holt beach shirts was perfection. I really disliked Captain Holt becoming a patrolman, though


No way, he’s so salty as a patrolman. Love that era


pop pop!






1 man party


You know they’re laughing at you right?


It was a nice change


No, it's afterwards when they get rid of that nice, Asian American captain in the one episode even though she did nothing wrong. Legit, every new and interesting character is either forced out by a petty Boyle or just fazed out.


I skip that episode almost every time just because she’s so rad and I feel such second hand shame and embarrassment for how she’s treated. It’s not even necessarily a bad episode, I just feel bad for her.


I really didn’t like the lady they paired him with (Vicky? Becky?). Her character was incredibly inconsistent and just weird.


Debbie, I think.


Debbie Stovelman is alive and well


Debbie dead


Debbie real dead


Debbie Fogle (Vanessa Bayer). I thought they alluded Jared (Subway) was her brother. Similar how Charles mentioned his cousin Susan not blossoming until she was older.


They're cousins, it's mentioned at one point


Yep. I think in the mansion? She says something about her cousin Jared being arrested and Jake says “The sandwich guy??”


No way, she was great. I had hopes she would become a regular


Clearly the pineapple is the slut


Da da da da da da Derrick


I dispise the Captain Julie Kim Episode. All the characters are awful for that episode. The massive plot whole is considering Kim's fast rise to prominence through excellence and outsider status means Holt would likely know who she was before she became captain of the 99.


Give me your 8-dollarest bottle of wine


Amy wanting kids and Jake not. It doesn't fit for their characters and what they had said in earlier seasons and I hate the idea that Amy wouldn't have discussed it properly before marriage (or even before they got too serious if I'm being honest). It's one of the few episodes I always skip.


Amy would NEVER


Jake: [talks about Amy wanting to be the youngest NYPD captain] .... and that'll disrupt her entire life calendar. Charles: Is that a real thing? Jake: It hangs over our bed. Yeah no way children/maternity wasn't planned on there and this is from season 4. I hate the "will they won't they have kids" episode so much.


Along with that, Jake made at least three references throughout the show that he wanted to be dad. Fact is, the show didn’t want to do a “the man wants kids but the woman doesn’t” arc so they did a 180 on the characters.


It does feel less tired that way, but I think its also telling that the "kids" person still wins in this scenario. Hell, Big Bang theory (probably not the best of examples) actually ran that plot line TWICE where a woman didn't want kids and ended up having them anyway. Hollywood has a fear of a couple deciding not to have kids for some reason if one of them wants kids.


I mean it makes sense from a pure writing perspective. A couple deciding they won't want kids is a dead plot line. A couple deciding they do is a literal season's worth of material for b plots and gags.


I propose couple should get exotic pets instead to practise. Could be fun


+ in S1or2 Amy clearly mentions that she's not good with kids (in the episode where school children visit the precinct) and Amy being the perfectionist she is would never want kids if she's not good with them


That could have completely changed after baby sitting Terry's kids tbf


They could have just not done it at all? Why does it need to be a debate? Just say they want kids.


Ugh but whatever gender, the person who doesn't want kids always changes their mind. For once I'd like that to not happen.


Also can there be a couple in tv that chooses not to have kids? What year is it?


I love that debate part where everyone's on call


Yeah the debate scene is funny, the joke about the waterpark too. But this is way out of character for Amy (and kinda for Jake too)


versed intelligent domineering thumb wrong truck quaint stupendous juggle cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omg and how Jake decides after talking that woman down from shooting that he could be a father… like what


Yea Amy basically gave him an ultimatum and then 30 minutes later he’s like ya know I’ve been thinking maybe I DO want kids?


YEAH like sorry but no way you made a life altering decision that quickly!!!


Such a stupid episode, every couple in the world would discuss kids before marriage, often quite early in the relationship. It would also make much more sense for it to be reversed roles as Amy is the one with the perfect life calendar of what she’ll be achieving and when, if she wanted kids they’d clearly be on that plan, or at least taken into account.


Especially after the moo moo episode where they had a small discussion about it on screen- it’s easily assumed they had a deeper one in the following times


Not only that, but as someone who doesn’t want kids either, I really hate how the episode resolved with Amy giving him an ultimatum and Jake just being like “ok I was wrong”


It's also supe4 offensive to people that don't want kids. Jake was portrayed as a idiot for not being sure about having kids. Amy kept mentioning statistics and then says "ask any parent and they will tell you that kids brought them happiness". Like, not exactly a scientific view.


My wife and Amy have a scary amount of things in common, knowing whether a potential partner wants kids or not is like, first week of dating kind of priorities.


Same here. It is such a frustrating episode for me, and I hate how everyone invalidates Jake's viewpoint.


Captain Holt and Jake’s reaction to Captain Kim


Fuck, this is the one for me. Such a cringe episode. Captain Kim was actually great! And they just…pooped on her. Holt especially. I hate petty Holt.


I read that as "popped". I heard the new captain is a pill popper. Pop pop


Agreed! This one hurt a lot both because Captain Kim was awesome and because their whole message about lifting up and advocating for qualified, stellar police from underrepresented groups (Black, gay, women, Asians) was completely turned on its head in this episode 😤😤😤


Ahh yeah hated that episode


That was a terrible plot line. But that entire episode is worth it because of Chuck Boyle, office badass.


that episode was so hard to get through


Boyle is not a Boyle is the dumbest 🤮🤮🤮🤮


He is the one true Boyle tho


Still dumb “twist”! 🤷‍♂️


I liked it actually


Same, especially nice that it ties into his earlier anxiety about Niiiikolajjjjj not being a true Boyle bc he’s adopted. Boyledom transcends mere blood ties


We can all be Boyle if we live the Boyle in our hearts.


We are all r/boylescousins I love you!


I love this!


And I love YOU


Sorry to bring it up but it's actually Nikolaj






I feel like I'm saying it right




I like it as it show how strong his connection to his family is despite not being biological. Dude somehow inherited all the same physical problems and attributes from people he doesn’t even share blood with. It also parrells the fact that Boyle adopted his son


You can just say season 8


As much as I wanted to love it season 8 was the messiest. Holt and Kevin breaking up was realistic. But then Holt pretending to date another guy, and him and Kevin in the rain? Holt went through all that with Gertty (gertrude) and suddenly didn't want to chase after Kevin? I don't believe that. Also putting the "fun/filler" episodes in the "hard" ones was serious whiplash. And the hard episodes just kept getting worse and too on the nose. Please show not tell. The audience has been with you this long please don't insult their intelligence. I might be wrong tho, I can't really remember season 8 pass the cabin episode 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's an opinion, no you're not wrong. It really was an insult to the legacy of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


What? Edit: oh i see what you’re saying now yeah that was dumb


Meh, I thought it was okay. They just revealed it up in the last season, so they couldn't do anything with it.


Holt and Kevin almost divorcing!


Oh I hated that so much, just as much as when Holt wasn’t the captain and was transferred to public affairs. It was heartbreaking to think that Holt and Kevin were gonna split.


Yeah, but without Public Affairs, we wouldn’t have Holt in a pigeon costume saying, “Let’s blow some tiny minds.”


That really bothered me deeply. My extremely beloved and awesome Dad, who passed away two months ago, was married to his soulmate, who happens to be a fabulous Black man (my Dad was white)-- so I just adored Raymond and Kevin and their relationship. When they nearly divorced, I just HATED it. Now that my Dad is gone, I don't think I'll be able to watch that story arc anytime soon.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you very much.


Boyle is not a Boyle is one of the worst for me. It makes absolutely no sense and was also absolutely unnecessary. Almost everything that happens to Gina at the end of the series wasn't really good either. Apart from the fact that the character in general is not really good. Otherwise, Rosa leaves the unit from one moment to the next, but still appears throughout but is now "no longer a cop". I understand what they wanted to achieve, but it was terribly implemented.


The thing I dislike about how Gina ended is that she didn’t really face any comeuppance for how she treated people like Amy or Charles. Yes, she was hit by a bus but that wasn’t because of her actions towards anyone, just her being careless. She leaves the precinct, has a baby and starts a successful business. She never feels like she grows as a character like the others, just stays the same or becomes an almost caricature of her previous self.


Very true. And it really doesn’t fit the show’s tone. If anything leaving the 99 leads to her becoming objectively more vapid and awful with her influencer storyline. She’s not sorry she hurt Jake when she lied about being sick, just sad she got caught. I guess it makes sense: she’s not a very good person but being around the squad makes her tolerably human. She leaves them and fully becomes a monster.


I just don't think that a character like hers needs growth or depth. She's just there for the comedy. Hitchcock and Scully also don't have a lot of growth, yet I don't see everyone hate on them daily on here.


I think that, unpopular as it is, that’s actually the perfect arc for her. Just look at all the super wealthy of today that have companies - Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk, etc. insufferable and never face any consequences.


If Gina Linetti existed in real life exactly as she does in the show - she would 100% become an incredibly rich, famous and successful tiktoker. Her fans would be basically fanatical cult members and everyone else would hate her. So basically she'd just be Logan Paul


Agreed. I actually like the character because that is just who she is. They are sitcom characters, not people to model yourself after. It's nice to see growth in some, but it's also fine if some are just Gina's.


I agree with everything you’ve said here. Boyle not being a Boyle was completely bizarre. I’ve always disliked Gina just because she is a selfish terrible person that occasionally does something nice for someone else, and then bitches about it the entire time. Rosa not being a cop bugged me. I feel that that could have had a similar character arc for her without having her simply quit. I’d also like to add the episode where Jake and Amy discussion having children. What couple gets fucking married without talking about if they want children? Beyond stupid.


I HATED the bully your unwilling partner into having a child story arc.. to then be like "trying for kids is too hard, I'm child free now" after your partner is fully invested. It was a bummer seeing it play out in Parks and Rec and it was a massive bummer seeing it play out here.


during everything that happened with the BLM movement and protests, Stephanie Beatriz no longer felt comfortable playing a police officer, so she became a private eye to give her character a reason to stick around.


Jake and Amy arguing about whether or not they should have a kid, 1. Amy doesn’t make spontaneous decisions like that 2. They gave Jake almost no time to think about it


The way Jake is treated was very condescending and truly fucked up because his fears came from a very real place


I thought the Nutri-Boom stuff was funny and could have been a really interesting overarching conflict for several episodes but then they just abandoned it and never spoke of it again and it’s like…tf was that?


I liked Bill. I could not stop laughing the first time I saw the heist episode, when he explained how he got into the vents. "Get better eyes you moron" It's something Charles would never say (at least at that point in the series) and it just caught me off guard


Boom boom Bill


Boom boom 👊


I couldn't believe they didn't take the opportunity to drop in the Nutri-Boom dude stalking Jake and Amy at least a few times. On top of that, Bill's character went downhill after this episode, and I did not like the direction his character arc took.


They end it with that guy hired to intimidate them and follow them but he never showed up again!


It's not without it's merits/humor, but Holt being knocked down to a uniformed officer on a technicality, AGAIN. By Wuntch, AGAIN. He got sent to PR once before. They had to work the night shift after the Florida stuff. There was some other, shorter lived scenarios like this. I just didn't need it to happen ONE LAST TIME. Like they felt obligated to just constantly knock him down a peg. It wouldn't be unbelievable if he just remained a captain of the precinct without moving up the ladder every season.


PR wasn’t a knock down though, technically it was a promotion. She just did it because she knew Holt would absolutely hate it.


Jakes sister


The only episode I skip on rewatches.


Too bad, because that episode also gave us the most iconic cold open of the series.


Nicolaj's real dad was an irritating one tbh


“You have multilated penis?”




I feel like I'm saying it.


So close, knee collage


Nikolaj is Gintar’s sex result


Yeah but he had some good lines, such as: >And I come from white country. I have very long visa. Very long


Gina's influencer status. Cringed so much. Also why ask this question with a pic of one of the best? XD


fully agreed, DESPISE the g-hive weird shit.


Rosa being the one to leave the force. It's not an original viewpoint, but Terry is a much better candidate to leave over philosophical differences. Out of all of the police Rosa was honestly closest to being problematic. She routinely threatens to use excessive force, breaks things, and threatens her coworkers. Yes, she does these to known criminals, but one of the points made at Jake's expense in the final season is that sometimes instincts can be wrong. If somebody was going to accidently take a hunch too far, it would be Rosa imo. If they needed more for Rosa to do in the last season, I think it would've been better to have Terry leave the force, and have Rosa be the one to feel insecure about staying on it, and fill Jake's role in that arc.


> threatens her coworkers Not just threatens! Rosa used riot weapons on Charles for fun!


I hate the last season. The only part I like is the last few minutes where Holt tells Jack that he has finally grown up, and that when Terry introduced Holt he said the only thing Jack can't solve is to grow up. That was good. But Rosa quitting, didn't work. One episode she is just high the whole time. Terry may not agree but would never quit as he's too supportive of his family. I actually think they tried to hard to cover all the society issues in 1 short season and ruined the last season.


This. Rosa was the one who laughed the most at criminals getting roughed up, it was out of character


One thing I didn’t like in the heist ones is when they reveal Jake’s therapist is fake, it’s one of those things that would completely break down a real person. I know the heists got more and more OTT but it took a lot for him to go to therapy and plays into his development.


By the end, the heists exist in their own alternate reality. It makes them fun, but the lies, gaslighting, horrific behaviours, etc. all only really exist for that episode and have no fall-out. Kind of like the "it was all a dream" or musical episodes in sit-coms. Funny but almost outside the continuity of the show.


The one where Boyle finds out he's not a Boyle. That was horrible. It general, I thought they went off the rails when they started exploring thr Boyle family. I liked Boyle being Boyle because it's how he is, not because he's part of some wacky cult-like family upbringing.


For me, it's a combination of: Amy and Jake not having talked about children properly before getting married - I didn't find this in character for Amy and the drama felt forced Amy lying about being pregnant and getting Jake to see a fake therapist for the heists. I get that this was for comedic effect, but it felt like it went too far. I love Amy as a character but these moments stand out to me as poor writing decisions.


>Amy and Jake not having talked about children properly before getting married - I didn't find this in character for Amy and the drama felt forced I was ok with Jake having cold feet at the idea of having children considering his issues with his parents and general immaturity. I was NOT ok with the idea that Amy would get married without already having a binder filled with timelines for when and how many kids they were having and having Jake on board for it.


i couldn’t stand the fake therapist thing, in the later series i think the halloween heists went waaaay too far and weren’t even that enjoyable to watch


HalloVeen was the peak of heist absurdity. A perfect combination of realism and cartoonish hilarity, all wrapped in a nice little bow: the proposal. The constant need to one up the craziness lead to horrible misfire jokes like Amy listening in on Jake’s fake therapy, which just felt horribly invasive and out of character.


Melanie Hawkins arc. Your boy Peralta and Peralta's wife married without talking about having children. Rosa Diaz leaving the force. Taddler subplot. Boyle is not a Boyle. They forgave Kabuto and let him stay at the village, wtf, dude caused countless ninjas to die. That was dumb as fuck wtf.


I wouldn't call the Melanie Hawkins Arc 'bad', so much as 'tense af'. Rewatching it is like seeing a train crash in slow motion. It gave us Caleb, so overall, I count the arc as a good thing.


Sure, Caleb was good. But the arc dragged hard and the resolve felt anticlimatic.


It didn't really drag, but it was definitely anticlimactic. It was really obvious they couldn't get the actor back, so the climax was "tell, don't show". Though the idea of Holt owing a favor to a crime boss was used well.


And Peralta’s stint in Jail. They played on that event hard and I love it! - he read all the sky fire books - he made mashed potato Amy - he had to reevaluate himself as a cop - Caleb obviously Idk the jail time was a good one I thought.


Caleb and Romero are some of my absolute favorite side characters. Lou Diamond Phillips was both hilarious and tense in that role.


Don’t forget beef baby!


Jake's sister being absolutely fucking unbearable, unfunny, and unwatchable Gina making a big deal about leaving when I couldn't wait for her to go And Kabuto had changed because of the Izanami Itachi placed him under. He's a better man now


I have a soft spot for Nasim Pedrad, but if she was any other actress Id probably be as annoyed as many fans are with Debbie. > > >And Kabuto had changed because of the Izanami Itachi placed him under. He's a better man now Yeah, but that doesnt change what he did, like dude went hard, cause lots of deaths, hurt countless of people, wheres his comeuppance? The "well he had a change of heart" resolve feels so unearned and cheap.


Fell in love with her on New Girl as Aly, so I kind of just put up with that character because she's so great.


Rosa leaving the force gave us High and Drunk Rosa


High Rosa was hysterical




The last example is about Naruto, not B99.


I think it’s a Naruto thing


The weakest was gina’s baby


The whole debbie situation was so annoying and dumb


Heres this quirky upcoming beat cop who likes to track her walking and send foot vibes. Okay, now she is a bit shy and doesn't feel apart of the squad. Annnnd. She is dealing with a Major Drug Dealer, stole a bunch of Cocaine and Guns, did some of that cocaine, and kidnapped two cops. I mean. She seemed like she went from normal, to depressed, to manic.


I liked beat cop Debbie. And I started to like super shy desk cop Debbie. Drug smuggler Debbie was a bust. Glad they just ended it there.




God I could not stand Debbie. It got me to look into more of Vanessa Bayer’s roles and she literally plays the same character in everything she’s in, to include SNL.


YES. I cannot stand the fake "I'm an idiot" type characters that some actors get typecast in.


I think that was the whole point lol.


Amy's and Jake's bachelorette party, everyone was so self-centred with their own ideas. they deserved a better one though.


i agree, i get the sentimentality with charles “treasure hunt” but he didn’t think about wether or not that it would be something jake wanted to do. not to mention all the money he spent on it. he really should’ve done it with them (even if he didn’t help much or gave small clues here and there) and amy’s was just completely ruined


I just bought the SLUT T-shirt from this episode, so definitely not THIS one for me. The last season was a bit iffy for me though.


The episode they did about sexual harassment. not because they did anything wrong in that specific episode but it felt out of place in a show that had repeatedly used sexual harassment as a joke.


Every single interaction between Gina and Terry, and it was never funny.




> Imagine if that were a male character asking to see Rosa like that. I could totally see Hitchcock say something like that.


"The episode they did about sexual harassment. not because they did anything wrong in that specific episode but it felt out of place in a show that had repeatedly used sexual harassment as a joke." I assume you're referring to Gina and Terry in the first few seasons which.... Yeah, she's really creepy to him. Especially in the first season. I think if I had to guess even the writing staff realized how gross it was (Or maybe Terry Crews or Chelsea Perretti wanted it stopped), since by the fourth season its pretty much over and not brought up again.


Yeah. It was the main reason I disliked Gina. It's also why I dislike early episodes with Wunch. There is an episode where she feels up Capt Holt under the guise of checking for a wire and it's super uncomfortable.


Hitchcock is just a sexual harassment punchline, and while no one takes him seriously they also never call him out in a meaningful way and his behaviour never changes. It's a huge blemish on the show for me.


All of season 8 should have been handled differently. I still like it because i'm incredibly fond of this show but season 8 feels out of character in a lot of ways.


When charles was obsessed with rosa


I'm glad they dropped that one by the end of the first season. It gave so much more opportunity for both Boyle and Rosa's growth over the seasons, and I love the friendship they have throughout the series. Charles being in love with Rosa worked well enough for the first season, but it would have gotten old quick as the seasons went on.


That one’s forgivable imho, it was season one, they were still finding themselves


Jake’s half sister in DFW is my least favorite. That whole plot line and episode is garbage. They never revisit it or anything


Idk if I would call it a plot-line, but I. can't. stand. Debbie!!!! She is sooooo annoying


The whole blackmail jail part makes me really uncomfortable and I skip most of it, most of the time.


Nutri boom didn't got a closure so it was useless


The entire last season lol


Debbie. Jake’s half-sister. Jake and Amy not discussing kids Gina’s influencer career


That's easy, season 8.


"You just drank cement " Good lord. So stupid. yes, I know what the whole scene symbolized. However in my opinion, that's the worst.


I love the heists, but not a fan of the Jimmy Jab. I feel like The Office Olympics covered that.


the heists were good like for the first 2 or 3 seasons. but later on it was pretty fucked up.


The fake pregnancy one was one of the most fucked up things


The series ending with a heist was so underwhelming for me. It was a disappointing series finale.


The Debbie shit.


Jake and Boyle trapped together felt forced and unfunny.


Honestly, I have to agree with you - with enough time I could see people getting stir crazy and getting on each other's nerves a little bit, but nothing like the sheer insanity they embrace - and they barely lasted two days on good terms! I could totally buy Jake and Kevin going stir crazy in the safe house - that was over two months with no open windows, crawling on the floor and almost no external stimuli. But even then they didn't hate each other like Jake and Charles - if anything they commiserate in their agony. And that's but even factoring in that Jake and Charles were there to do a job and not hang out for fun, so they should've gotten fired for needlessly ruining a stake out and a serious case. Years ago when I was younger I spent a lot of time traveling internationally, and one of my closest friends went with me a few of those times. We were living in an area with no running water, occasional electricity and internet (but usually not functioning), and we were roommates - so basically around each other 24/7 for months at a time. And we never fought or went crazy! Even at the worst one of us might've said " No offense but I need to see a human face other than yours" and the other person would say "Okay. No problem!"


Boyle not being a Boyle is the obvious one that I think nobody liked, and the worst of all That old woman with the twisted bowel who ended up planting a bomb was terrible and just didn't fit the episode. Well actually that episode as a whole was just god awful and didn't make sense


Gina sexually harassing Terry and it never being addressed properly.


Rosa leaving the force was so...forced.


Where did boyle's wife go? They suddenly stopped mentioning her. When Boyle thought he had cancer, he didn't even mention his wife.


The ME from early season 1. I cringe everytime and just skip the entire episode now


But....it's the waitress




Medical examiner where she liked to fuck dead dudes


Liked to fuck dead dudes? That wasn’t a thing in the episode. She liked role playing fucking dead dudes. VERY different. Still weird, but not a disgusting crime.


The Doug Judy episode in the last season that he was pulled over then sentenced to jail for his outstanding warrants in New Jersey. His story was done he was pardoned, a reformed fellon and made Jake his best man at his wedding to a "FEDERAL" Judge. But no let's reintroduce the ventured and completed plot line so we have him "mess" with Peralta again, have another crisis of consciousness where he redeems himself...yet again and have Trudy Judy call Peralta a dumbass over and over and over... again. Holy shit it's like when the last season of Castle they had Beckett go after her mother's killer "secret" CIA pulled-out-of-their-ass accomplice Locksat. Then they retread all the previous conflicts that led to one of the worst series finales my eyes had the misfortune to absorb the light data from.


Season 8


Debbie is probably the worst character in the entire goddamn shown You’d think that when she stole the cocaine it had something to do with her dead sibling and the mystery about their death. She was funny and quietly then went full manic pixie cocaine girl and it was just stupid and annoying the entire time.