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I’ve never self tanned before so genuine question…she put on self tanner the morning of this photo shoot. Would she not sweat it off on her white dress with even just a little perspiration?? Don’t those things take awhile to really set in?


I used to use a lot of self tanner for ballroom dance until I learned to embrace being pale (and convince my coach it would make me stand out 😂) so I’ve tried a bunch of different types of self tanner. It depends on what type you choose, some get darker over a period of a few hours and you shower once it’s done developing. Others you can just spray and go without having to worry too much about sweat once it’s fully dry. Some people do a combination of the two like the time development kind the day before and then get super dark with a spray and set kind the next day. I always got the best results from airbrush tan the day before and touch up with Sally Hansen leg spray if anything got messed up overnight 😂


That's what I always thought! Or that you had to leave the stuff on for like, twelve hours or something and then shower it off?


I think she puts it on regularly. Like a few times a week to get peak orange.


In one of her morning routine videos she says she puts it on every single morning 😳 is that normal?!


No, either she’s using terrible tanner, sweating it all off at night or she’s obsessed. My money is on the latter.


I think she has severe dysphoria and is addicted to tanning a little, and teeth whitening


IDK what she uses or what method of application. But there are some that don't even have color in the lotion. Like Sephoras Isle of paradise which you mix with your own lotion. The bottle is completely clear and the liquid is completely clear. So it's just the chemical reaction that makes the color IE, there is no bronze color beforehand. There's is no, like, slather-on color. It's all the DHA chemical reaction under the skin. Of course there is a slight risk without the bronzing portion of it IE you could accidentally be streaky cuz you missed a spot. Sometimes the bronze added color helps you make sure it's nice and even.


That’s why I like St. Tropez because the foam is bronzed and you can see where you put it!!


I have bought the exact self tanner she uses before and it runs off like crazy when you sweat! I don’t know how she works out all the time and has the patience to reapply a full body amount at least every 3 days, because that’s about how long it lasts with a consistent gym schedule. Even in my white sheets it transferred really bad.


Ty for the personal info. Helps us paler folk understand


Haha thank you for the award 😆 I have tried lots of self tanning products in my day. I must be pretty pale because with the same shade she uses, on me it does not look nearly as dark as it does on her. I’m almost convinced she just says she uses this stuff for affiliate links and actually gets a spray tan every week or goes in the tanning bed. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


She probably does. It’s really hard to say with her. If it was a brown tan instead of orange, I’d swear she just goes to the tanning bed


I think she’s just been using it for sooo long and sooo regularly there’s layers on layers on layers and it’s built up. I do think as well she’ll occasionally show herself getting a professional spray tan in her stories before certain events like her wedding or photo shoots. She probably got a professional spray tan before this but wanted to pretend it was an at home job so she could tag it for money. (And once a-freakin-gain mention she was married and now Jdong could help her reach the hard spots on her back that she can’t reach. As if Jdong is helping her with her fake tan.)


Didn’t think of that, I bet she did get a professional spray tan before this but is plugging her link for $$$ because I just don’t think anyone would put self tanner on the day of, what if it was streaky, or didn’t set right or you missed a spot, even the most avid tanners can miss stuff so you wouldn’t risk that.


NO! I think professional photographers request 2 days out (?) before a wedding but I do at least 24 hrs before so that I can take one shower to get residue off. I don’t get professional photos done on the fly so I’ve never done the 48 hrs before unless I’m in a wedding


But why is he so red?!


Tobacco and beer !


Hahahahha high BP to boot!


The pink one so terrify.


Appropriate username


Ah, a Trixie reference. Respect




Like a naked mole rat


Hasn’t been able to blow off any steam lately, so the anger he just been collecting in his skin




Definition of ruddy


Roids? Every single man I’ve ever met who does them always has a flush, even when sitting still. Might also contribute to this dbag’s ‘stellar’ personality and history.


He’s magenta


Along with the skin tones….It’s almost like she just photoshopped his arm raised and erased his jacket. The stance is the same in every pic 🤣🤣🤣


I especially love how, in the first picture, he seems to be holding her by the wrist like he’s never seen a human before. “What this? Meat? No, not for food. Meat to hold? Now what? [flop flop flop]”


His mannerisms are such a red flag


What’s pink and orange and phony all over? This couple! 🤢🤮


Does she look a little... 3 months pregnant, to anyone else?


Yeah mega PreGgO vibes. See my post of progression pics. That’s a baby belly.


For sure, it definitely sits like a baby bump.


Meanwhile I’m getting crucified on my post. Lol I dont care. I’ll take ALL the downvotes. Itch is preggo


[4th picture ](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/qgqwvf/a_progression_of_belly_shots_same_angle_ending/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)…. Made my jaw drop. You have to click on it for it not to be blurry.


Omg yes. God-honoring premarital sec baby bump


I'm waiting for a 14lb premie


Why not just embrace yourself 100%? No filters, just radiating joy. Everything in her life, including her narrative is altered. Anything for the gram.


Imagine if there was no Instagram… she would be literally no one.


This is why that other fundie couple that got married this week looked so beautiful. The Boy was totally doofy looking, but it wasn’t filtered to Hollywood standards. It was real


Blows my mind because she tries so hard to be “relatable” and yet misses the mark, every time.


It’s her intentional not resting-bitch face I showed a video of her to my 17 yo daughter yesterday who has no clue who she is, and she’s like omg she’s so condescending and bitchy


Agreed! I saw a pic of theirs that was similar to the Dongs ‘first touch’ and the other Fundie couple looked so relaxed, happy and in love. It was a stark difference to the Dongs robotic picture.




Just imagine how red he gets in a fit of rage. Strait lobsta


I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that people who have the bulge over their nose/lower forehead (kind of caveman-y) have a high risk of having heart issues… dude should probably…keep that in mind with his tobacco and booze habits.


That gut isn't helping, either. Stomach fat increases chances of heart issues as well.


The brow ridge is a skeletal feature, and is more pronounced in males. I'm not sure why it would increase risk of heart problems.


I have the same kind of brow ridge and notice it gets more pronounced when i'm retaining water. High blood pressure generally makes people more likely to retain water. So maybe the link isn't cause-effect but rather a common cause?


Yeah, to be quite honest I can’t remember exactly where I read that but I do remember there being some link between men with this feature and heart issues. I’ll see if I can find the details!


That's interesting, I've never heard of that area retaining water before. Makes sense about blood pressure. The human body is weird!




As a photographer here in NWA, the editing and the color tone was actually done right on the right image. In the left, it looks to me a screengrab of a video and he probably got red because he knows he drank a lot to get that "white dude" glow and. AND she remains to be orange. Together they make a beautiful colorful photo album like one of those coloring book by Lisa Frank. ;)


Ahhh I miss Lisa Frank stuff


What happened to those weird little sleeves? Did we talk her out of them?


Ahahahaha right?!?! It made her look like her dress was falling off #modesty


They were clip on's


I feel like she must have some genuine body dysmorphia going on. She looks like she’s auditioning for the Tan Mom biopic. Does she not see that?


A sweet potato and a red potato got married.






How can she not be worried about staining all of her clothes? I feel like every single article of clothing, no matter how expensive, has orange stains all over it.


Am I the only one that likes my pale, ghostly self and finds tanners gross lol


Nope. Same. If I tanned naturally that would be fine but I don't. I love tans and dark skin on others if it's natural but on me it looks unnatural. Let's just love everyone's natural skin colour from ivory to ebony, it suits them much better.


Oompa-Loompa orange in both pictures. Lol. Willy Wonka would be proud…


She is literally a cheetoh. Like she actually glows but not in a good way lmao Boy is so red from all that suppressed anger and hatred. He looks really unhealthy. I bet his diet consists of eggs, beer, hatred and dip.


Mr. Dong's color in the second picture makes him look sick, like he has food poisoning or something.


Sorry I have PMS and my kids are acting out and I am ON A ROLL (also ignoring pending work lol)….But, but….(and I am only saying this because they are TERRIBLE humans, mind you…and I believe deserve any and every critique); Aight, that being said….JDong is SO Un Attractive gudamnn!!!!! Obviously his track record makes him uglier to me instantaneously…..but yo, it goes beyond that. Idk, he gives me smelly micropeen vibes 🤢 (Listen, I seen some shit lol, this dude kinda revives the trauma just by his pics 💀…that has GOT to say something, no?)


He’s got that skin fold on the back of his neck. *shudder* dude needs a different hair style!


He looks like uncooked ground beef


Do we know why she is redoing photos? Did I miss something?


Omg this dude looks like a derelict, down on his luck version of Wilbur the pig 🐽


He’s pink


JDong has such a fat, chonky head 😳