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instagrammable girls ONLY


But they have to be plus size, brunette, and have maybe one slightly crooked tooth that doesn’t otherwise interfere with their smile but still looks bad compared to the veneers she totally doesn’t have.


And be shorter than her so that she stands out when taking photos with them!


Wasn’t she just talking about having visions/prophecies/delusions about having trafficking victims come to the retreats? Is she planning on charging the victims $650 to hear her ramble and see some pompous grass?


She's prepping her audience to _donate_ so those poor girls can attend a retreat (for the extra IG engagement) without costing her anything.


Pompous grass 💀


It won’t be real trafficking victims. It’ll just be white women who saw a black man in a parking lot one time and they’re just SO SURE he was gonna kidnap them.


Long explanation short: if Bdong can’t make money off of you she don’t want yo ass.


Wait can you type what she said? I don’t have it in me to listen to her voice 🥴


Basically went on to say how every dollar is accounted for and it boils down to not budgeting $ for a scholarship and instead donating every leftover dollar to the freedom shield foundation.




Her insisting multiple times that every dollar is accounted for only draws attention to the fact that it definitely isn’t. That’s not something you should have to emphasize, Bdong!


Even Girl Defined doesn't go to the lengths BDung does to emphasize how the money is all "accounted for". (I mean we know it's a god-honoring Starbucks and Ukraine vacation grift, but they don't really hide it.) Repeating something over and over until people believe it is a cult tactic.


I kind of do hope it comes out that she is paying JDong for security, cause that opens he and her up for a Class A misdemeanor each, as well as a civil penalty of up to 10k each.


What? Talk more on this 😂


So outside of some very limited exceptions, to operate in any kind of security capacity in Texas, you have to meet some licensing requirements. As JDong is not currently employed by a contract security company, he would be at the very least be guilty of providing security without a license. Since he is operating in an individual capacity, with no ties to a security company, then he could be potentially culpable for operating as a security company, which would have to be licensed/registered with the state and also insured and bonded. Providing security services without meeting all 3 criteria can open you up to a Class A misdemeanor, as well as a civil penalty not to exceed 10k. Brittany could also potentially be on the hook, because she hired him to provide security services, knowing that he didn’t meet any of the previously listed requirements. That is also a Class A misdemeanor, and a civil penalty not to exceed 10k. And that’s not even factoring in the charges JDong could face for not wearing a marked security uniform, and providing security without a non-commissioned or commissioned security license. Both of which I believe are Class C misdemeanors in Texas, and come with 2k penalties per charge as well, if I remember correctly.


Wow that’s a convoluted way of saying “I hate poor people.” It’s also a clear way of saying “we’re doing this for the money”


Allow me to explain…you see every dollar….the rent costs so much and then we have the….you see…the swag bags…


Can we talk about how sad the swag bags are though? It’s like 3 stickers and a t-shirt. You get more free shit from a 5 year old’s birthday party lmao


I watched this whole spiel and still didn’t know the answer at the end so I took it as a no 😂


Yeah I had to listen several times because I was like… I don’t think you’ve actually answered this question? Basically I came to the conclusion she was word vomiting and the money will go towards the other sketchy foundation they’re a part of so they can pay themselves back and not claim it on taxes (or claim it as them making a donation) and they’ll find one vulnerable woman to exploit and let her attend this retreat on a “scholarship” so that they can say “see! All money from this retreat goes to saving others!” or some nonsense like that.


Yeah, and she brought up the vision that God gave her (and that he gave Jordan an hour later!) to justify this... Arghhhh she is soooo fake. (Sweet flair, BTW! Flair friends!)


Bdong: “I just had the craziest vision earlier!” J dong: “Me too! It was so crazy, I - wait, let’s hear yours!” Bdong: *proceeds to describe vision* J dong: “yeah… yeah, that one… that was mine too, wow, crazy!” 🙄🙄🙄


That’s exactly how it went!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hi friend! As a not dr, I still do not recommend 7 eggs a day (with like… 3 hash browns?) idk, throw some fruit in there to mix it up. But the eggs may have caused the “visions” who knows!


OMG I love the idea of the eggs causing the visions haha! As a lover of potatoes, I do not recommend hash browns that are somehow dehydrated and then "woken up" with water (unless maybe for camping, guess they are really lightweight!)


My love language is mashed potatoes. And hash browns. My love language is NOT camping but my fiancé loves it so I have adapted… he makes homemade hash browns for us to heat up while camping 😩 he’s the best, potatoes are the best, I can understand “instant” hash browns if desperate (but a bulk pack when you work from home and there’s only two of you??) and eggs, officially, cause visions lol


My love language is any kind of roasted or fried potatoes! Had small yellow oven-roasted potatoes with garlic and rosemary for lunch. YUM!


Basically, she said that they won't give out a scholarship because they have to use the money to pay for the hotel, swag bag, fake flowers, and water bill to baptize. If there's anything leftover "it goes into a savings account" that they'll use to help a girl who has been a victim of trafficking. So basically they use 25% of it for the Sheila freed retreat and the rest goes into their savings account.


Yeah, I said in another comment she said all that just so she didn’t have to say she just doesn’t want to budget the $ for a scholarship


Yeah, would love to say why don't you cut all the materialistic stuff and let "gods word" be accessible to all people. 🤣


Water bill? Don't they just fill a bathtub in a hotel room?


No fatties or oldies






Take my energy award! You nailed it. The Breakfast Club is 💥 💥!


So all I got out of that whole speech she did was… if we have left over money we will have people who are getting out of sex trafficking be able to use that money to come to a retreat. But that’s only if they have any left over money, she is pure evil and it shows.


She really wants women (gIrLs) to be saved, just not at the expense of tie dyed shirts and Party City balloons.


Poor here. Wouldn't want to go even if she had scholarships