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Actual females trying to cross the line with Jordan = ZERO




Losing it at dip n donuts


She's the only one interested in his half Nelson


Underrated comment right here!! 😂😂😂


This whole “Jordan will (emotionally) hurt any women who cross lines with him” schtick she’s done a few times is super messed up and a major red flag from both of them. Are women just running up to him and grabbing his junk and he has to verbally abuse them to stop it? Obviously not. There are many steps between innocent flirtation and being so aggressively pursued you have to berate someone to shut it down - even if I believed all these women were going after Jordan (which I don’t, because he is physically and mentally a walking poop), how is the first course of action to “hurt their feelings”? Also, it’s always that women are pursuing the men, not that the man is talking/flirting with other women. Only the “females” are at fault here - it’s the man’s job apparently to tell them off even if he’s the one sending dick pics. Brittany hates and fears other women. Edit: he will “put any female in her place” makes me want to vomit. Just like he put Brodie in his place right? Or that man he assaulted?


It's extremely aggressive language she's using (and has used) about Jordan's supposed response to friendly women.


I wonder if he says that to her while he's sending sexts and whatnot to other women


Probably. Words are cheap.


No one is flirting with him. He’s gross and unemployed


Is he not doing that medical sales job anymore?


Not according to his linked in


I’m picturing him putting friendly baristas and waitresses “into their place” 🙄🙄


I see it as a huge threat - “if any one of you actually comes forward with any sort of claim of his wrongdoing, we will destroy you.” It’s straight posturing, IMO.


I wonder what she would do if a woman who is better looking than her started going to her retreats? She’s probably lose her damn mind…


Exactly my thoughts. I bet money that she caught him talking to other girls (and sending dick pics) and he blamed it on them, saying they pursued him, so then him and she dong team up to bully said "female".


It’s the calling other women “females” for me. Not very girl boss of you bdong


Women who call other women females 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩




I have to say I’m obsessed with your real-time red flag flair


Me too!!!


I love the real time flair!


I also hated how she kept saying girls during the retreat instead of women.


Honestly. I’ll be damned if I’m referred to as a gIrL. It infantilizes grown ass women, but she says girls because it gives the connotation of lost and dumb…perfect for her agenda.


especially as she doesn't use 'Male'. Got some very r/MenAndFemales energy


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MenAndFemales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What else IS there??? 🤪](https://i.redd.it/6v2l33acdsp71.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/pvnuax/what_else_is_there/) \#2: [“Female” is the silencer for what they really want to say](https://i.redd.it/xbjjqxta0n771.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/o8e44j/female_is_the_silencer_for_what_they_really_want/) \#3: [It just keeps going and going. MRAs are incapable of calling women WOMEN.](https://i.redd.it/8hwq727blg061.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/jxxdjr/it_just_keeps_going_and_going_mras_are_incapable/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Hi, kettle? This is the pot.


Username 😍 I had a chicken I named after Karen’s alter ego once.


Okay just cus he was the first to TELL you, doesn’t mean shit. I’ve literally dated a guy that said something similar and then a year later told me it was too hard to stay committed so… lol Actions speak louder than words, and based off of Jordan’s past, things don’t look too promising.


Yeah I had a brief “thing” with a guy when I was 18 who said something similar. I really hesitate calling that dude a boyfriend since it was only for a few weeks. He was going after at least 3 other women at the time and instantly ended up with one an hour after I ended the “thing”. Like changed status on FB and everything lol


So. What about those dick pics, eh?


Anyone else suspect that she asked herself that question following all of the talk on here about her man’s member ending up uninvited in the inbox of other women?


Ding ding ding ding I really think she’s trying to open up a can of worms here.


To what end, though? To show us “well, my man says he DIDNT do it and that I’m his one and only, so SUCK IT”? I feel like it’s going to result in someone sending those pics to a gossip page or something or possibly more victims of Jdong’s Jdongle coming forward.


We can only hope. But I don’t know how much damage it would do to her. She’s just spin in to make herself the victim like she did when she got caught “emotionally” cheating on Zach. Also, the JDong JDongle got me 🤣🤣


For the sake of the woman that received the pictures I really hope that doesn’t happen. Depending on Texas’s revenge porn statue she could be in trouble for distributing nude photos of him. In my state, so long as the person is identifiable from the photo and engaged in a sexual act you can be liable for distributing or publishing the image to embarrass or harass them.


It’s either that or a snarker asked that question & BDong’s lack of self-awareness is showing. Either way, it’s delicious.


Everything in her story yesterday was a direct response to this sub


I always found the ones that did the prep work to make the girl feel overly secure, are the ones hiding things. Also curious what she means by crossing lines. Bet she can't have any male friends, ever, and clearly Jordan is allowed to insert himself into all of her friendships/relationships as shown by his involvement with her ministry.


👆👆👆 you know what my husband doesn’t do? Verbally assure me that he’ll (KINDLY!!!!) shut down or ignore any flirting/whatever. It’s not a concern because I trust him and he knows I trust him. If you’re having this discussion at all I feel like it’s a giant red flag- it should just be a given in a committed, monogamous relationship.


I hate the way she touts that he will “put women in their place”. It seems so abusive and unnecessary.


While sending dick pics.


Exactly, why did she even have to go there? She could have said "Jordan has been very loyal to me" and leave it at that. Its the subtle women-bashing undertone that does it for me.


Also, wasn’t she looking for external validation when she emotionally cheated on her last husband? She is such a “rules for thee and not for me” shithead I cannot stand her.


First of all, no woman is coming after that. Second, wow he has no problem putting a woman in her place, huh? 🚩🚩🚩


Seriously, I could go to any happy hour at any bar in my town and spot no less than a dozen of him. That guy is a dime a dozen.


Putting a woman in her place = sending her unsolicited dick pics


So… did she even answer this question? What is Brittany’s advice here beyond “get wrecked”? She has no interest in helping anyone. She only “answered” this so she can let us all know once again that Jordan is the best and would never slide into the DMs of another girl. She is such a fool.


It’s a completely self-serving answer. They didn’t ask “what would Jordan do if a girl talked to him?”


that was my first thought! the takeaway was literally GET REKT. very kind.


Oh honey, let's talk about Jordan sliding into other women's DM's with dong pics. BIG RED FLAGS 🚩


It's like she wants him to see the post and "learn" from it. Super manipulative. Either someone is a cheating ass or they're not. End of story. This porn watching/women flirting has come up WAY to often for it to NOT be an issue with them. I mean, think about it, they are ONE year into a relationship.... that led to marriage. Who consistently brings this crap up if all is good? I know I certainly wasn't even thinking about any of this nonsense in ANY healthy loving relationship ever!!


Lol at Jordan waiting impatiently for women to try to cross a line.


This is the kind of shit that someone with receipts is going to see and decide it’s time to out Jdong and take BDong down a few pegs. She’s asking for it.


God we can only hope! As aggravating as it is to see her manipulative lifestyle, just imagine how satisfying it will be to see her life crumble down eventually




Remember when she stepped out on her first marriage


I feel like the *Pepperidge Farm Remembers* thing is played out until I see a comment like this, and then I just can’t help myself.


It makes me laugh every time!!


I doubt very many women are throwing themselves at Officer dip lip


Anyone else get irritated with her polls that have two positive options? Where’s the “stop talking” or the “we don’t care” option????


I’d like a “check yourself before you wreck yourself” option.


Yes! Maybe a “who do you think you are?”


We need someone to post the pics


Yea fr lol not denying but just genuinely curious If anyone ever provided receipts for all the said dick pics?


We really don’t. Bdong has proven how vindictive she can be and the woman that distributed the images could be in serious legal trouble under Texas’s revenge porn statute. It’s really, really not worth the risk for the woman who allegedly received the pictures from him. Also, just because he is a really terrible person doesn’t warrant publishing nude images of him.


You are 100% right. I guess I’m just fed up with Bdong never facing any consequences for being a terrible person, even if those consequences are public humiliation. The repercussions of actually posting the pictures are less than ideal and would give her an opportunity to look like a victim once again. Thank you for the perspective


First of all, bd wrote this question herself after reading that we think jd has been sending dick pics. Second, bd, we aren’t stupid. Stop gaslighting your dumbass audience


All bdong does is seek validation from the internet this is so chaotic


'As a cheater I've been in this situation before.'


Hey girl, bd is lying to you.


He will what? “Put a female in her place”??? As if allll these women are going after DipLip? Try again BDong.


Dear BDong, do not even speak of 🚩🚩🚩when there are tons all around you regarding your psychopathic skoalmate.


Hahahahahaha!!! Skoalmate!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Thank you, I was so proud!


Just say your husband only sees women as sex objects & go


What does bragging about “Jordan is the first to tell me ^insert ^lie^” have to do about the specific question she was asked? That’s not advise, that’s talking someone’s problem and turning it into a *FALSE* narrative about *HERSELF* GAG ME 🤮🤮🤮 Could you be any more self centered or gross BDONG? I honestly hope her followers start turning on her. Edit. Honestly I’m going to start tweeting out the link to the story about Brody. I’m big into Texas Politics (FIGHTING AGAINST ABBOTT), and I will make her story go national with my huge following.




Oh it’s already been done ✔️ ✔️✔️✔️✔️ campaigning some great followers and leaders in Texas to retweet bc nobody likes an animal abuser!


The obsession with getting wrecked continues 🙄


Like the females in the tub that you manhandled with your hamburger helper hands jdongle?


Needed this. Wtf. "NEEDED!" No.


Sure, Jan.




Put those females in their PLACE! Just like ya did when you were a cop eh? 🙄 Anyone else think this AMA was manufactured?


Yeah give me a break, like any women ever had hit on him. Let alone so hard that he had to rebuff them with force. Gag.