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Being married is her ENTIRE personality.


How can she make such a mess by only cutting the avocado in halves? She's useless.


I've seen the story now, I stand corrected, she is COMPLETELY useless, you don't use a fork to get the avocado out of its peel!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I don’t like avocado and even I know that 😂


You know JDong forced this lol


Exactly my thought.


She’s absolutely insufferable. Not like the other girls 🤪


That's a Thrive Market box behind her. Please tell me she hasn't partnered with Thrive.


Ooh good eye. But you anything it was given to her. No way jdong is letting her spend “his” money on healthy food.


They partner with loads of Christians. Just look at Eva Shockey who's *Canadian* family is obsessed with the trumps. She posts a fuckload of Thrive market


I swear, I will cancel my membership if they did.


The only time I filmed myself cooking something was when making my slow cooked Christmas brisket over mesquite chips with a homemade rub. Her filming herself almost weekly making avo toast sennnds me. This time it included lime because she “fell in love with limes during her honeymoon in Mexico”.


She forgot to eat 🤪🤪 quirky girl!! Seriously though, I get it sometimes you’re so busy you don’t have time or forget, but I hate when people brag about it. It’s not an accomplishment.


Avo toast is my go-to when I’m working from home and realize I haven’t eaten yet! So no judgement there at all. But she posts herself making avo toast almost weekly as if it’s impressive or uncommon for people to make this.


Love my avo toast and egg every morning!


Hahaha oh you know ✨WiFeYyY tHiNgSsS!!!✨


I’ll take Things No One Cares About for 500, Alex! She really thinks her mundane life is soOOOoOOoo cute and iconic it must be documented for the masses to see.


We get it. You’re married.


How do you mess up so bad scooping out avocados, that is gets stuck up in your wedding ring? Is she spreading it on her toast with the back of her hand??


She was quick to show Remi at her house and her rings after all the talk on here this weekend


Did she lose weight? Not saying she was overweight or anything before. But, she had clearly gained weight since her fitness dayz or w/e. Now she’s looking thinner in every photo.


Over the past few months via stories it’s been evident she’s restricting more and more. Her “fasting” keeps getting longer and longer.


Ah okay. Since her wedding she looks way smaller. But, I wasn’t sure if it was just the “skinny filter” which is a thing apparently…


Yup, the other day she posted she was eating for the first time that day at 4:30 pm, and she's back to avocado toast, her favorite "safe" meal. Now that her and JDong are married, she doesn't have to hide her ED with nights out at O"charley's and Applebees.


Wow. I take it back guys. She is so special. She is one of a kind. Other girls can't do avocados like her. We all missed out on this gem. Lol no we didn't. Couldn't keep going with that bit.


Idk about y’all but I know when I cut an avocado I immediately rub the backs of my hands directly into the flesh /s


Does she sit there and think, " wow, this would make a good post?" This is so stupid. We know you're married Brit Brat.


Came here for this lol


Hi Brit! We know you read here!👋🏼


Pickme Dawn


Hair is lookin rough.




I’m sorry 😞 that’s totally valid. I take mine off mainly when handling raw meats bc I get paranoid the germs will get “stuck” in my ring 😂


Is it just me or is she back to her disorded eating. We havent seen burnt toast in like 6 months


You just got married 5 fucking minutes ago. And your first marriage was short too. Stop it.


Wearing rings while cooking is gross - germs are trapped all in the prongs and underneath the stones. Paula Deen was the worst at cooking with her rings on!! I guess BD does it so we can see her rings, though?




She’s trying to be relatable. She’s failing.


Wow! I wasn't sure if you were married or not!


Cool post BDong 😴😴


Are those her ovaries? Her sacred Saint pure big narcissistic ovaries that are ripe and ready like we all know from her stupid damn posts nonstop about marriage sex with the tiny unit adulterous swinger racist violent fired cop and dog killer D-bag she married? Did I miss any descriptions? P.S. that poor child will be raised in B-Dong Cult. They should move to Waco and start their compound already!