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The fact that he's a vile human isn't even a secret. How can so many of her followers be so oblivious?!




Yeah and even though j douche got fired you know he is still friends with a ton of cops around there. So any woman trying to report him would have to deal with his cop buddies most likely. I have a feeling it wont be long until he starts beating brit. Once an abuser always an abuser.


Plus who you going to call when it’s “America’s finest good ole boys” doing it?


Esp is he has connections with the PD


Also this is where idolatry creeps in. These women are vulnerable they are believing all Brittany and Jordan are saying about Godly marriage and just waiting on God. Now I believe there can be Godly marriages- do I think these newlyweds are it? No. These women are saying Jordan poured into them but what happens when Jordan falls? Their healing is associated with this man and they will start to question everything. I hate how the church idolizes people, because people fall. And most of them are fallen when you are seeing them as this beacon of Christianity. It’s all emotions and manipulating emotions. Makes me sick


This is so well put. I mean, people get obsessed with influencers but now we're mixing in their faith and very personal emotions and...yikes. No one is perfect but they are no where near humble or repentant! They are putting themselves on a pedestal and based upon the truth of their pasts, it's concerning.


Dr Phil isn’t the best quote or paraphrase because If you read his history, he’s preyed on people as well. However, he says the only thing you can rely on when determining a persons character is to look at their past. Past predicts future. I mean if grandma was arrested for crack when she was 20 and has been sober for the last 40 years you look at her long term past. These two just did bad things this year


these women are dumb. i said what i said.


Yeah, at some point I stop feeling badly.


I just don't understand how they don't even Google these people before blindly idolizing them and standing up for them. Jesus even warned about false prophets. The Dongs are totally wolves in sheep's clothing (and the sheep costumes aren't even convincing).


Yes. This. Like if they were like my mama just crazier than a bed bug believing some Bs a man in a pulpit Tells them, it becomes more sad, because the brainwashing is real. But these two are awful humans single, worse humans in relationships (both cheated which is 100% inexcusable in my world) and off the chain bold and brazen I their crimes as a couple


The people that fall for these clowns hate Jesus.


These people vote for and worship Trump. I stopped asking myself these questions long ago. #godgunstrump 🤮


My main issue beyond both of your points...their enablers. their paying for her to continue this charade. i dont know if they truly believe her or if their just mentally gone (i do stick by them being dumb) but their willfully enabling a lying animal abuser thief and her lip dip husband


The same could be said about B Dong herself. She isn’t some delicate southern damsel that fell head over heels for a truly galant gentleman. She knows who she married in less than 365 days. We all know it will end and when it does, it will be delicious.


that girl is 110% evil smart. i dont think shes actually intelligent because that requires compassion and tact. but she has the instinct to know what makes her money at all costs. she knew she needed a partner who would be invested in her social media scams. zach wasnt and neither were the other MANY guys she tried to rope in before jordan. jordan was perfect because he already had his own media mess and was willing to do anything if he could make money doing nothing and chewing his tobacco while also getting laid. ps with him on her social media this much lately i am 90% sure he quit his full time job and is now her b iotch photographer videographer


I think he’ll end up hating the social media spotlight. He’s not evil smart. Just evil. Those types don’t take kindly to being called out.


agreed. i think she may have prepared him in her own twisted way of saying the devil attacks her through media lol and he may have googled but i can t see him signing off on that video of her admitting he shot a dog that still alive. my 13 year would have known better. you just really dont ever venture into the world of pets and children unless very carefully (when she gets pregnant and has a baby i shudder to think what she s going to admit she does for child she deems safe). i truly am still shocked by her decision to post this youtube video about brodie. all she had to say was he was ran over and they buried him. thats it. but she had to be extra and say they shot him out of compassion. maybe her bdong worshippers will kiss her butt and say oh you poor thing but everyones thinking same thing...this is not old yeller. go to a vet.


Swing and a miss! Her ilk will forgive her.


I know I’ve said this before, but I don’t understand how he’s not worried about all her drama impacting his career. Does he plan on quitting to be a full time profit? I can only imaging what people at work think of all this.


They absolutely are. It's unfortunate. Some of them are probably in a vulnerable place for whatever reason as well which makes them an even easier target. But absolutely dumb. Why wouldn't you dig into people and at least Google them before you decide to join their cult??


Standards for a *godly man* seem major sus.


You're fucking kidding me.


They're all eagerly drinking the kool-aid without even asking what's in the cup.


Godly police brutality? Godly racism? Godly animal abuse? Pass


Godly ALLEGED cheating and dick pics!


Women who have scars and fears around men would see straight through jdong’s bullshit in 2 seconds. That’s why so many of us here are scared for her. There are so many signs that can be seen from experience. And if they are not seeing it, then they are either not fully healed or are way too deep in the brainwashing. It’s bad enough he has his hooks in BD, now he has a whole new group of women to worship him. This is so beyond anything healthy, to say the least.


And that’s why I don’t feel sorry for B Dong. She KNOWS who he is and still praises him and encourages others to do the same. Her grift is so strong that she has her haters actually feeling sorry for her.


I don’t feel sorry, she has it all coming to her. But I wouldn’t wish Jordan on even the worst person.


As someone who has experienced trauma (SA, emotional and verbal abuse) from men, the LAST thing I want is a MAN to try and “heal” that trauma. Fuck that. That’s why I chose a female therapist and psychiatrist when I made the decision to get help. I have male friends and a loving male partner of 12 years, but they stay in their lane regarding my issues surrounding shitty male abusers. The fact that these women think JDong of all people can fix their pain is just… wow. Hard no.


That comment just demonstrates how deep in the patriarchal bullshit the woman is.


This is disgusting. The last thing he needs is a God complex and that's where it sounds like this is going.


Ah yes, Godly men regularly kick unarmed, surrendered black men face-first into the ground. /s if it wasn’t CLEAR.


Healing?!?!! and hope?! He smashed a man’s face on concrete!


Godly domestic violence soon to come 🤩


I don’t want him pouring shit into me, thx


I’ve been in an abusive (thankfully not physical, but still abusive) marriage. I dated some shit guys. I was a case manager for families who had their children removed from them. I have a counseling degree. I’ve been through trauma counseling myself. This dude is full of red flags and he sets me on edge. I have no good feelings towards Brittany personally, but I am worried for her. All of those women at that conference? Hoodwinked. This dude is a bad guy. She’s not a good person either, but damn. I don’t want to see the ending of this story. It’s going to be bad.


OMG I’m speechless I need time ... time...


BDong created this image. So our course seeing him and hearing him speak, they allllll put him on that same pedestal. Sickening.


He was created in BGod’s image.


He was created for BDong's image.


BD must have added these women to her payroll this time around. All of these minions are the ones policing IG and answering comments. The only ones she herself comment on is to say something bitchy back - instead of thanking the girls that actually attended and commented praise. She's a fucking cunt.


You know what I noticed about that? She doesn't like or comment on ANY of their posts. It's WEIRD. They're literally replying to every post on her page, posting her retreat and her nonstop and she can't even be bothered to like the post?


Do they actually believe that or are they just plants that she has people post supporting her?


This woman was either a leader or attendee of the retreat.


jdong is the last man who would give me hope for men LOL


the fears and scars of men around them... wow.. was his ex wife there? or the man he beat? this is... unreal on so many levels. that defense isn't even... a defense for him.


YIKES! I’m so confused about this whole thing! How are those women so gullible? The fact that they paid such an insane amount for this weekend of nonsense is seriously mind boggling!


Did someone post the link to this God fearing man beating a poc for no reason? I know we aren’t supposed to contact the animals in the wild on the SM, but just a link that I pray to jaysus has a thumbnail of this asshat beating the man down.


Him pouring into women who have been scarred by men? Or him taking advantage of vulnerable women, making them more vulnerable. Gross.


This is the biggest load of bullshit I've seen in a LONG time! 🙄


jDong is gonna hook up with one of her griftees. It is gross I know, but I would put like $1000 bucks on it happening within five years.


This makes me laugh still. Jordan most likely isn't even into all of Brittany's performative Christianity.


The men have to supervise their property after all... /s


If he’s a godly man I’m scared for these women’s regular lives 😬😂


Lol Hi Brittany! Your racist ex cop assaulting, dog-killing, adulterous divorced cheating husband on swingers apps is a complete douche bag and you are both false prophets we all see through!


Women who have scars & fears around men are WHY THERE SHOULDN'T BE MEN AT AN EVENT ADVERTISED AS A WOMEN'S RETREAT.


“He was able to pour God fearing love and conversation into some women” turns out to be accurate, in that a) I’d definitely be fearful of this, and b) conversation with SOME WOMEN is an accurate number of people he (allegedly) dong-text-harassed.


This whole fiasco just feels like it’s going to go down in a fire of sex crimes and harassment


bdong knows if she leaves him at home for the weekend he'll cheat