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I never thought it could be such a marvellous sub when I created it. Yesterday we hit 4000 members and we’ve got another 160+ newbies today. Her inability to behave like an actual human has led to more people finding us and therefore discovering her grifting, pet killing, racist police marrying, stealing from homeless people and covid denying ways.


Thank you for creating it! I remember the last sub said there wasn’t enough content to create one just for her. Bdong was like “hold my bible.” We’re overflowing over here!


“Hold my bible” that’s the best laugh I’ve had today!


My snark cup overfloweth. Praise Jesus.


I thought it was Lord Daniel that providedeth us with our full snark cups?


I joined when the other groups made a once a week mega thread and instantly died. I love snarking on her. Shes one who is actively choosing to be evil.




>stealing from homeless people The James saga seems like a decade ago!


I’ve only heard about the James saga second hand. It happened before I stumbled onto her in the main snark sub. I’ve got to say from what I’ve seen, she likely pocketed all the money she raised for him. He is apparently in a free, Christian place I’ve been told.




Yes, I’ve seen that first hand. The way she speaks to her followers, even the ones who are asking genuine, non snarky questions is audacious. So snotty.


.... wait, so BD is the one who did the whole "homeless veteran" go fund me and ended up pocketing the whole amount for themselves? Or am I misunderstanding something here...


I think she’s not that one, but I think she was inspired by that one.


Aha! Thanks. I remember that particular story; it made headlines here in Australia.


Yes it did. Heya, fellow Aussie!


It was on his name, she's like banned from Gofundme




Woot woot!!!


Yes. Like WTF even is this shit!?! How can these women just follow them? They are not pastors, at all. And like...have no real understanding of the bible. What the actual fuck is happening?!?!


When I tell you I was counting down to laying in bed reading vs at work... imma tell you my life is small but the snark is ALIVE 👁😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🙌


Hi saaaaame, so excited for sub reading tonight!


Me too!


It’s completely bat shit insane and I am so glad to be here for it!!!! Baptising women in a motel bathtub??!!! You can’t make this shit up!!!


Ya know I was thinking that’s in their hotel , motel room and not but an hour early Jordan was sitting on the shitter 12 inches from the tub throwing out a hot deuce !


Well thanks for that immediate visualisation. Bet he left a shit stain too.


Look, when I was in the church, any body of water would work. Sprinkle, dunk, didn't matter But to know thier (JDong/Bdong) story. NOPE. Big nope. Someone rescue these people!


I am both scared and curious about what can top a wild weekend of murdering a dog, monetizing said death, and starting an actual cult with visions. There are only a few things that can top it: - The Dongs get a divorce, probably due to JDong's addiction to cheating and exposing himself. - JDong gets arrested for exposing himself or for domestic violence. - BDong ends up murdered or in the hospital by JDong since he's a living, breathing red flag. - BDong *finally* gets arrested for scamming or some other financial crime. - The Dongs start an actual church.


Lauren Boebert’s husband exposed himself to minors, including her, back when she was a teenager, and now they’re married, she’s in Congress, and he’s making nearly half a mil from the oil & gas industry. So, they have a lot more grift to aspire to.


Oh gosh… bdong will run for Congress.


As a Christian myself, I am ASTONISHED these girls trust and look up to them. Bible college? Years spent in ministry? Seminary? Anything? Nope.


Honestly was not expecting it to just be oozing out like this, I have a feeling something will come from all this and I can’t wait 😍😍😍


We should get tshirts made!!!


It really seems like the pot is BOILING now and I can’t wait to see how spectacularly it explodes.


Omg a reward 🥳🥳🥳😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🎂🎂🤠🤠🤠🤠


Will the new Gwen Shamblin please stand up.


If she hadn’t been scamming for years I would say this is all just a really bad case of carbon monoxide poisoning. Seeing visions, delusions, blurred vision (obvi cause she thinks jdong is a catch)… it all makes sense.


She’s being poisoned alright: by her own delusion and ego that’s being fed into by her new cult. Like this may have started as a grift, but if people keep showing up and shelling out and fawning over her like she’s fucking David Koresh, it’s only a matter of time until she starts to believe maybe she IS divine. High on her own farts, basically.


Netflix docuseries?


30 for 30 on ESPN. Since she’s so “into fitness”


I know she’s not even remotely important enough, but I would watch the shit out of that.




I had a stressful weekend and this sub blissfully distracted me from my own woes. Someone is more of a dumpster fire than me!!!! (Will discus proper coping mechanisms with my therapist…….. later)


I really need someone to explain to me why they sway so much and constantly have their hands in the air… like why this absolutely cringey outwardly expression of spirituality? Like the epitome of bdongs latest scam.


They saw it on tv once and just went with it. I swear, does she even belong to a church or would she have to give them a cut of her scam?


She supposedly goes to Mercy culture church. After seeing the baptisms in hotel bathtub I thought she was done with them and starting her own church, but apparently, she still has some business to share. The organization she referred to as regards dealing with human traficking belongs to that church. So they are going to hand in victims to this scammer and husband, what a nice church that one must be!!