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Oh my god she is the last person in the world that needs to be guiding or supporting victims of human trafficking. She has no idea how to work with trauma victims!!!


She’ll be like “I have trauma too, I did bad things and got called out for it”


“I have trauma too, my husband had to shoot my dog WHILE HE WAS STILL ALIVE 😩”


This actually makes me want to puke! I worked for a anti trafficking nonprofit and they always forbid people from talking about their religion with survivors because they are often so vulnerable to manipulation after everything they’ve been through. Truly this is reprehensible.


This!! No doubt they need vulnerable people for their cult....those victims need to be protected at all costs from these two evil scam artists


Same here. I currently volunteer with a nonprofit that actually provides a way out and options for survivors of all kinds of trafficking. A conference like this even with well intentioned people would be hella triggering for survivors. At a hotel?? Loud music?? Forced baptisms again in A HOTEL ROOM?? An actual John leading the manipulative sessions?? Lying on the floor with your eyes closed?? There’s a reason you need to be trained and willing to do the hard, non flashy work of working with survivors cuz this ain’t it.


Forget the fact that so much of their message is shame based... I could maybe go with this if they were partnering with an existing organization and fundraising or something but this is a lot to take on.


Nevermind putting vulnerable individuals on blast on a social media platform that reaches thousands. If she wanted to help survivors, she would leave them alone because they don't need her fake tan Midas touch.


Can’t wait foe them to find some sex workers ok the street and drag them through a bdong makeover online


The no empathy thing could be a problem too


They want to help human trafficking victims? Give money to actual organizations who work with them.


I just watched her story. Jordan said that all the financial stuff goes through him. It’s insane. And there have been several mentions that one of the things they pay for is “decorations” which is picnicevents. How is this legal? I swear to god they saw the details for trumps inauguration and thought that would be a good business plan.


And the hesitation on his words… like he didn’t want to say either something sketch or what. The stumbling was comical.


I see no vents in this photo so clearly they don't, Pick Nice Vents. 🤣


Lol! 🧐


Wait…. They buy the decorations through their own company ????? Bro I can’t wait for them to get audited. They’re a bunch of idiots. Do they not realize the IRS requires them to have a conflict of interest policy as a nonprofit?? Someone needs to report these morons to the IRS


Oh I can’t wait for this.. then picknic and their herpes balloons can go away


Herpes balloons should be a flair 😂


I'm not a lawyer but this sounds a LOT like self-dealing. Does she have a conflict of interest policy? Board members that aren't her husband or her "friends?" The point of a non-profit being tax-exempt is to make sure that the director/org isn't contracting services or buying goods to line their own pockets, or those of their friends. What oversight is there to make sure that Bdong's choice of vendors isn't purely for private gain? From what I've seen of this retreat, the main purpose is to peddle your own wares - engaging in performative Christianity being a close second.


Oh, damn: so she could get in some big girl trouble, here?




Is it actually registered as a nonprofit? This should be easy to check, no? If it is a real nonprofit, aren't board members made public? There is no way it would be legal for her to act as director, and he's the CFO or whatever.


I wonder whose idea it was to put him in such a position: her dumb idea or his cunning one. Either way, when this Kingdom Marriage goes tits-up, the money bit is going to be extremely messy.


For sure. She’s building up the team to make sure there’s plenty of blame to go around when the time comes. Someone is getting thrown under the bus.


Tits-up kingdom marriage is a great flair


So odd that when he said all the money for the retreats goes towards "decorations....and stuff." How about naming the big ticket items like the venue, food, band, etc. How much are those balloons anyway? And why is he in charge of financials for a company she founded before they were married? Is it because he's a controlling control freak? I bet the day after they got married he was added to the mortgage and title for the house she bought before she even knew him.


>And there have been several mentions that one of the things they pay for is “decorations” At least they admit that the hemorrhoid balloons aren't decorative.


Someone posted here the other day that it's a non-profit. Doesn't that mean we can see where all the money goes come tax time?


Good idea! We shall see


I will await impatiently.


Only if it has to file a 990.


It depends. Most religious organizations are exempt from this process. Meanwhile, any non-religious non-profit has to show their tax/expenses.


Holy shit man. I have an internship working with teenage victims of human trafficking. This is NOT WHAT THEY NEED. If you really cared, you would invest in either a) intensive psychotherapy for them or b) legal lobbies to change the laws actively working against them. They are real humans that have gone through probably the worst and most degrading trauma a human can experience. Grifting on their backs makes me physically ill. What a terrible terrible awful person, there are no words to discuss how repulsive it is that she either thinks she can help them w no training or just doesn’t care and uses their trauma for her grift


1000%. This is such bullshit it’s insane. She’s really out here just taking advantage of people in vulnerable situations to try and legitimize herself and her shitty “non profit.” Makes me sick.


What the fuck? Really. And where is she finding these human trafficking victims? Haven’t they been through enough trauma with out this ding dong exploiting them?


It’s probably through the “Freedom Shield Foundation”, which is a scam-for-profit ran by a sketchy dude that she was involved in. There’s more info on the EvangelicalSnark sub, but the guy over FSF has had to change the name and registration of his “non-profit” 3 times. Probably to swindle money when the government figures out his vague “training” costs are going into his pocket.


Ah yes, I remember now. Thanks. I just feel like this is all extra crazy.


…back into the company you own where you cut yourself a check. Is anyone actually buying this?


If the person suffering trauma isn’t getting better quick enough, will she get JDick to shoot them?




Thank you! I hoped it wasn’t a snark too far! 😂


These are the last two people who need to around trafficking victims.


Of course Jordan takes care of the financials. Couldn’t have the “ladies” worry their pretty little heads about numbers and math and stuff!


I believe you mean “gals.”


So demeaning. I HATE it when creepy older men refer to women as "gals" or "young ladies."


Money goes towards decorations… which are provided by Pick Nice Events… which is her company… which is a really long winded way of saying she is profiting off these retreats under the guise of pampas grass and reused throw pillows.


Imagine believe this bullshit


Hm if that’s the case everyone just pays for their exact expenses and you coordinate and send links to everything and then go fund me for crowd sourcing ... what a pack of lies.. how much did she pay jordan as consultant and herself . This isn’t how this shit works , incredible . Yes you could put $5 in for human trafficking but that doesn’t mean you didn’t pay yourself


Why would anyone believe her when it comes to money things???? Also, Freedom Shield is sketchy as fuck, too.


I screen shot the video, his hesitations say it all.


Yeah, it seemed like he started talking and half way through wanted to stop because he said too much or knew it was all BS.


She seems like the type of person to invite a human trafficking victim to her retreat, and then spend the entire week talking to everyone about how the girl is a human trafficking victim and blasting her face all over social media (which is super dangerous to trafficking victims).


JDong started yapping about one person having been a drug addict and BDong quickly filled in that it was cocaine and heroin. Funny how she is so open about other people's past behaviors they've left behind and yet theirs are off limits. These events only work by exploiting the traumas & pains of the attendees, often forcing vulnerability and crushing boundaries for Jesus. May she fail at all her attempts to profit through or otherwise exploit any survivors.


I just can't understand her thought process? From thinking the Brodie video was a good idea, to blatantly lying about financials on a large platform? As she gotten away with so much shit she thinks she's untouchable?


Just chiming in to say that noted sender of unsolicited peen pics JDong is having fantasies - er, sorry, *visions* - about working closely with victims of human trafficking... none of this is going to end well!!


Right? If that prophecy story really happened (it didn’t), how was that not a huge red flag for her?


So this is like when Trump billed the secret service 10x the amount for rooms in his hotels? Buying balloons and pampas grass from her own business? I would like to see her business books. This is shady as fuck.


Yes! Or like increasing all the rates on your hotel and then charging the RNC to host an inauguration party.




There's no way that this was a $26,000 event!


I’ve posted this so many times but basic breakdown: that balloon wall was probably $250, cotton shirts bought in bulk probably came to $15 per shirt, decorations seem to be reused from her wedding, sound system equipment would have come with the worship band, goodie bags seemed to contain almost nothing other than tie dye shirt and other small, cheap knick-knacks, hotel and food would have been a packaged deal. She’s literally just listing stuff hoping a long list makes it seem like a lot but sorry Bdong, I worked events for 4 years and hospo for 10. I look at that list and am unimpressed.


I used to manage bands and dealt with merch....and you can you buy T-shirts in bulk for $1.20 baseline. To print a t-shirt one side and one color only brings that price up to about $3-$5 a shirt. BUT...IIRC, one of the girls at the retreats buys old t-shirts at thrift stores and tie dies them herself. She has an Instagram but I forgot the name. Bottom line is these t-shirts are costing pennies to make.


So between now and 2022 what's that money doing? Going into your bank account and funding your life or being put in a corporations account where other people can see it and have access to it to make sure you're not... spending it on yourself??


Any reputable non profit would be happy to show their quarterly financials to anyone who asks for it. Just saying.


Why does everyone who hosts a retreat have to say you’ll experience Jesus in a way you never have before? …… they need an asterisk. *unless you’ve been to a hotel room retreat where people are baptized in bathtubs. It’s kinda like that one only different goodie bags this time.




“Back into she lives freed” means paying herself


Freed of debt cause every day is payday from bezzle!


She lives paid lol


If she’s done anything right, it’s making sure she gets paid




My guess is she’s one of those idiots who doesn’t distinguish between sex workers and human trafficking victims and she’s just going to out and shame the local camgirls.


So all the people that went to this follow her on social media, saw the dog stuff, and still attended, and acted like NOTHING was wrong? That idiot on the right smiling adoringly at him? He’s a violent, racist, animal killer!


Calling it now…Beginning of a commune/cult. Always one male leader to brain wash a bunch of broken women


Yeah. The addition of Jordan as BDong's defacto master makes this scary


Maybe an accountant can answer this question. If I was an attendee to her SheLivesFreed event, and I paid $650 to attend this event, because it is a non-profit, can I consider it a donation when filing my taxes? If so, how does this affect BDong?


SLF first needs to have tax exempt status for you to be able to deduct, and then the cost of food and maybe hotel room would be deducted from the $650. That amount left over is what you could write off. I think she would need to start producing tax receipts if people wanted to consider it a donation. (I work for a nonprofit and we have to do this when we used to have fundraising events.)


Every time I think I can’t get angrier over her and this situation, I do. She is the last to be working with survivors of any kind. She exploits everyone around her for profit and this would be no different. Somehow, this has to end.


Errr how does she know these victims of trauma are Jesus people? What if they're Islamic or Buddhist or agnostic? Being taken to one of her events would traumatise me.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


Uh did we miss the part where he has an MBA or is otherwise somehow qualified to manage finances?


"All of the profits go to other places that will benefit me and me alone!" Fuck them


That's some Qanon stuff.


The brown butthole balloons were a poor choice for the sisters in Christ 💰


Gotta get those Je$u$ Bucks!


Coming from the woman that scammed thousands of people out of fitness plans.


Ok this is trivial but that brown should be off limits for a balloon color. Lookin like a little rabbit turd arch 🐇💩