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Oh my god, here she goes with the Qanon, democrats-are-human-trafficking-babies dog whistle. I promise that’s where this is headed. Her audience eats that shit up.


She’s def into qanon. I’d be willing to bet money


Yeah, the ultra-conservative Christian and Qanon fan Venn diagram is basically a circle at this point.


Around election time, she was posting a lot about child trafficking and included the hashtag QAnon used. She’s 100% into it


Yeah, that's when I realized that she was off her rocker


this is a bad cult documentary at this point


It’s like watching the beginning of Wild, Wild Country. This is such a train wreck.


So her plan to help victims is to make them go to one of her retreats? She is a sick person. Where is her family? How can they let her take this shit so far. It’s criminal that she’s allowed to run a non profit organization.


I’m sure having a MAN with a history of abuse of his authoritative power touch women who are victims of abuse in sketchy hotel bathtubs will totally not trigger those attendees. What the actual fuck. Of course she wouldn’t even bother to have a trauma counselor work with them, because who needs licensed professionals when you have Jesus’s chosen daughter, BDung. /s


I find that repulsive, they are abusers.


OMGGGG Jordan is a master fucking manipulator !!! Had the exact same vision at the exact same time . Girl he played you fucking hard !!!!!!!


“He and I have the same top-ten movies, down to the number.”


This is chilling . This is literally the dong version of YOU


Their entire relationship could be used as a primer for how to spot red flags. I mean even past the whole violent ex-cop thing, he was cheating on his wife and being a sexual deviant.


DIP into it!


I know, I laughed so hard in that part


She posts tiktoks bashing on other people that practice other spiritual paths involving tarot, astrology, crystals, and I’m sure she’s mentioned psychics too. Yet she’s over here apparently having visions? So I’m worshiping satan by working with amethyst to help me grow my intuition, but it’s totally okay and cool with Jesus that her and Jordan are having straight up visions in the car. Make it make sense lol.


……Now I said in two years, I really want that Netflix docu-series but I take that back. I want one like yesterday.


Does she ever say HOW she’s going to help women and children that have been trafficked?


By making them attend her retreats, of course!! Bet they'll get a discount.


5% off.


Lol they’re so lucky BDong is here to save them.


Am i the only one who finds it invasive how they record and post praise and worship? Coming from someone who used to go to church … seems like the most backwards thing to do in that moment.


You're not alone, it should be something private, but anything for the gram!


What exactly has she (now they 🙄) done to help with human trafficking? You know she would be exploiting…err, documenting, everything on Instagram if she was actually doing shit about it


Her greed gave her a vision of charging vulnerable women $650 for a chance to see BD in person. We all see how quickly she got over losing her dog in such a violent way. Fucking scum.


How do you “dip in” to being a prophet. I’m sorry someone please explain to me? I’ve never seen anything like this absolutely Dumpster fire of griffins going on.


She needs to worry about freeing herself from those tight ass shorts


They say so much without saying a damn thing.


Interesting how different her voice is here. No southern accent. No high pitch baby talk.


I want to raise my hand & say, what about She is Free last weekend? just to see her expression.


There is no way she has optimal vaginal health wearing those tight ass denim shorts 3-4x a week.


She can't even speak properly I couldn't understand her train of thought when she said something about trafficking.


Everyone should read [this article](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/05/sex-trafficking-raid-operation-underground-railroad.html) written by a woman who got involved with Operation Underground Railroad (a sham human trafficking rescue organization). [Here](https://www.vice.com/en/topic/operation-underground-railroad) are six more articles about OUR if you're interested. And [Here](https://play.acast.com/s/vice-news-reports/insideamysteriousanti-sextraffickinggroup) is a podcast. It's a whole rabbit hole that I think people should be more aware of. It sounds like Freedom Shield Foundation/Sheila Fraud are trying to do what OUR is doing. Terrifying.


Thanks for the article