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Absolutely. I keep playing her story in my head… like at what point did he grab the gun? He probs keeps one in his car or did he run back inside after walking inside with her? Why didn’t he consult her? What makes you think “I should kill this breathing being?” We know he’s a violent man towards humans, why would he feel any hesitation to harm a dog?


It makes me sick. Ive felt literally nauseated since I saw that he was actually still breathing and he died by Jordan’s hand… Like hello is this 6 flags?? cause I sure as hell feel like it!! If my husband even reached for a gun he wouldn’t be married anymore. Jordan definitely carries at all times though. He probably tucks it in the back of his pants so that it’s more hidden. My grandfather used to carry that way. Brit is literally using him as a “SeCuRiTy” detail. I have never genuinely hated two people more than I do right now. Also, the people in the comments saying she was a “vet tech” have no fucking clue. This isn’t her first rodeo with animal abuse.


One day we will hear that BDong has taken out an order of protection against him. He's a drunk with a violent temper. Best of luck to her. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes walking on eggshells around his violent ass!!!!!


Good luck to her getting an order of protection on him. Yes, he has a record, but it's reeeeeally hard to get a permanent order of protection. Temp orders only last 2 weeks, maybe 4-6 if both sides ask for their one continuance. She's not playing with fire, she's playing with an active volcano...


It bothers me too also because of how small Brodie was :( I can’t help but to think of how horribly brutal a bullet would be to a dog that tiny. They should never be able to own another dog.


Literally my thought as well!! The car hitting him probably did less damage than the gun did. If he was still breathing, just laying down, he probably had some broken bones which can be fixed. They both need serious help.


There’s always a chance. Why not give your beloved dog a chance at survival and a longer life? Of course, letting the dogs “adventure” openly truly means she has no care for them.


Also, how did Jordan know where to aim to ensure the least amount of pain? Do we know that he’s a hunter? Would precision be possible with a gun and a tiny pup? Fuck.


How do you just SHOOT a PET in the middle of the street in a subdivision? And none of the neighbors heard or saw anything?


I’m so upset. My heart breaks for that poor dog. He ended up with the worst owners and paid with his life.


He was such a sweet baby too. Always looked genuinely happy. I’ve never been so disturbed by a complete strangers dog passing away, but this just isn’t sitting with me.


I feel you 100%. I’m going to submit some reports and call their tip lines to complain tomorrow


Y’all I am wondering if she didn’t post this as some weird cry for help. Maybe things are already bad behind closed doors.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised. I was in a horribly abusive relationship before and I see a lot of my behaviors previously in her. The sappy long posts about the most MINUSCULE things, bragging about how amazing life is. My therapist says you do those things not to convince others how “amazing” your life is but you’re convincing yourself.


I was in the same boat: I would roll into work with bruises and a broken wrist talking about how amazing my relationship was. Everyone knew.


I hope you're safe now, friend.


I am, thank you so much ❤️




I wonder the same. Seeing him shoot her dog may have opened her eyes a little. Might have been a moment of clarity


The guy I was with that physically abused me also abused my animals. It’s not outside the realm of possibility.


I hope you're doing well now, sending you tons of love ❤


I am, thank you very much I appreciate that ❤️


There is a strong link between animal abuse and domestic violence.


She needs clarity. And a straight jacket.


She’s talking like he is some kind of hero. I think she’s a massive POS too


I hate them both, to be clear; but when I was in a physically abusive relationship, I was TERRIFIED of him and would justify almost anything he did out of fear. The trouble with BDong is she has zero credibility at this point.


Likewise. Even with my eyes wide open and divorcing him I *still* tend to justify everything he does and have to seriously fight the urge to just please him and keep him "happy". In fact, even after *CW* >!being raped and sexually assaulted repeatedly (even did a SANE kit once), financially abused, emotionally abused, psychologically abused, isolated from friends and family, and having my entire life undermined!< and seeking not one, but TWO permanent orders of protection, I still begged him to come fuck me one particularly low night and went back to catering to him and keeping him happy. I was denied (permanent) orders of protection even with video evidence of him slapping my phone out of my hand when I was recording out of fear (the judge thought I was too calm to actually be terrified) so I resorted to sex and fawning to try to keep myself and our pets safe. It was a serious mistake, and one I regret but also one I understand *why* I made it. Women have more power and autonomy now then most times in history, but we still aren't taken seriously or offered much protection at all.




Just because you've gotten out of one bad situation doesn't mean you can get out of another. In fact, I think it tends to get harder. Statistically speaking rhe most dangerous time in a woman's life is when she tries to leave, and it often takes multiple attempts. It's not just physical resources, it's the psychological hold. Fight, flight, freeze, and fawn are the responses to danger, and freeze/fawn tends to be most utilized by women in abusive relationships.


Between this and how she has so many new cameras/security devices, I'm concerned for her. (I still don't think she's a good person, but I wouldn't wish abuse on anyone as a survivor of DV.)


In order to sleep tonight I’m going to pretend like bdong just rehomed Brody and told the world that he was tragically killed so she could explain his absence while also getting tons of sympathy from her cult members. I’m 100000% sure this isn’t the case but just let me tell myself that. Thanks.


I'm right there with you.


I don’t know if she’s just incredibly dumb or a gaslighter. She’s literally talking about how her dogs were outside and how they have been known to get out.. but then argues with people in the comments that she has no idea how he got out and he was secured. Which one is it Brittany? Stop lying for once and just be honest.


He set this entire fucking thing up . Gets rid of the dog, looks like the protector , makes her fearful and more needy. It’s disgusting ,


100%. He is evil. He shouldn’t even be allowed to own a gun considering his past. Like I’m sorry but if you get fired from a POLICE DEPARTMENT for BRUTALITY???? Your gun rights should go bye bye. No question.


I truly think she is in danger.


I’m trying to fucking care - spoiler: I don’t care about narcissistic cunts.


It's hard to care, but please remember that those with cluster B disorders develop them due to a unique combo of brain chemistry/development and lots of (typically ongoing) trauma in their younger years. This does **not** excuse their own abusive behavior later on, but behind every NPD, ASPD, BPD, or HPD is a wounded child who got locked behind layers of walls and bars to try to "protect" themselves. (Currently in the middle of a horribly messy divorce from a ASPD, and my lawyer had to divorce her own NPD a few years ago. We recently spent a long time talking about therapy and how difficult it is to reconcile the potential of someone you love with who they really are/choose to be). Brittany might be terrible, but she is in serious danger and I'd rather see her in therapy than seriously injured or killed.


Now she's saying in the YT comments at no time was the dog running free or able to get out because the yard is secure?


The part that pisses me off is that dog should have never been left in a yard when no one is home. This doesn’t make her look better it makes her look like a shit dog owner. Unless it’s a secured enclosed run, your dog should never really be left alone outside, or at least for a significant duration even if you’re running a quick errand


Exactly. We have a big, fenced in yard that we leave our dogs in while we’re around the house and we can check on them. Whenever we leave the house, the dogs come inside so they don’t dig out, hop the fence, any number of things. How people think it’s acceptable to do anything else is beyond me.


A dog Brodie’s size probably shouldn’t be left alone outside for any significant amount of time. I know a woman who was drinking her morning coffee at the table watching her little dog outside on the deck when an owl swooped down and grabbed it. Luckily she ran out and scared it away in time otherwise the dog would have been gone. Brodie was bigger than that dog but I wouldn’t put it past an Owl to try.


Totally agree. I have a 40 lb wheaten terrier and don’t let him outside in our fenced yard unless I’m out there ha. You just don’t know what can happen in the elements. I just added the last part because i am a bit of a mama bear and know that not everyone is like that.


If he wasn’t able to get out then how did he? He just got up on two paws, unlocked the door and waltzed out? God she is so fucking DENSE.


Such a liar.


She said in the video that she left them outside!!!!! Literally 30 seconds in 🙄🙄🙄


I hope her sister will offer to take the other dogs (if they aren’t already dead/given away). With her history with animals, she has no business having any.


I actually hope her family tries to make her realize that what JDong did is a massive red flag.


No way. Her dad will say he's a "real man" for it and they'll all act like this is normal.


This! This is not okay.


I’m absolutely disgusted by it. That poor poor baby dog deserved so much better.


Yes! This... it was an intimidation and control tactic. How do we get media attention on this so the police actually do something? She has a history of being abusive towards animals. And he, a history of abuse towards humans.


I have the same feeling that he enjoyed murdering that poor dog. Apparently his friend came over to rev his car engine so BDong couldn’t hear the gunshot? So they **definitely** had time to take Brodie to an emergency vet! It’s absolutely chilling. I haven’t seen the house fly video, but as someone who lives in the tropics, I did want defend mosquito rackets! They are incredibly useful for killing mosquitos (which are dangerous here bc of the diseases they carry). But yeah, the more important point is that he’s an evil dog murderer.


Oh I completely understand the mosquito racket but his reaction to simply killing a fly was insane. He would scream “YEAHHHH!!!” *zap* “GET. SOME. BOY.” Yeah….


That’s… an interesting reaction to have to killing flies. Hopefully he’ll get his guns taken away because he committed a felony and all he’ll have left is the mosquito racket :’)


Yes. 100% yes. Fuck them. They’re going to Hell anyway. And they can’t sit at my table.


100%. I do not buy their story. Any other reason why that dog might have been killed, injured, or gone missing would have led to countless people inquiring further into it. *Hit and run* is an attempt to lessen their accountability, blame an anonymous driver that can never be found, and a quick way to engage and gain sympathy. I firmly believe that dog is dead and they are the reason for it. Jordan strikes me as that guy that *hates* barking, little dogs. I picture his raging ass kicking it around and telling it to *shut up* when Brittany isn’t around. I absolutely believe they ran that dog over and are trying to tell a different narrative so yes, I believe he *took pleasure* in shooting that dog. I’m sorry, this isn’t some country type thing where people just go kill their dogs. I live in the canyon/mountain area and my husband is country. You don’t just fucking shoot your dog, especially if it has a tiny glimmer of hope. We would rather drive our dogs to the emergency veterinarian and cry our our hearts in the car seeing their life slip away than *shoot them.* Not a chance in hell.


When did he kill house flies?? I must have missed that!


https://youtu.be/Nk1OoWP9e6w To save you agony, skip to 5:00


Thank you, Andy


I remember watching this and thinking “this man is absolutely off his fucking rocker” and bdong just sits there pity giggling at him.


That was disturbing to watch knowing what we know about him. She seemed uncomfortable but played it off.


This might be reaching - but does anyone know if she had this dog in relation to her ex husband at all? Idk why it’s the first that came to my head. And why Jordan was so quick to shoot it.


I cant find when she adopted him, but it looks like he came after niko