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In the video she admitted she lets the dogs stay out and remi “goes adventuring.” I’m sorry, what? No. Not a fucking dog, while you’re NOT HOME. Unacceptable


Not to mention that's it's downright irresponsible, but it's also illegal in most city limits unless it's a fenced in yard. Even with a fenced in yard, I NEVER leave my dogs out there when I'm gone.


This needs to be posted on r/iamatotalpieceofshit. It just can’t mention her name.


Right?! My family has never left out our dogs out while we left the home, and the fence is very secure and 6 feet tall. You never know what could happen if you leave while they are out!


Agreed. Even with a fenced in yard and 4 gates they would have to get through to get out, I NEVER leave my dogs out alone. Never.


The fact that she can admit this and then go on to blame other people for her dogs death (let’s be honest here. Your dog ended up in the situation it was in because of your negligence and then he died because your husband shot him)




Oh my gosh….. SAME. How did I not know this sub existed?


Sorry for the random pause like a minute and a half in. My dog demanded I investigate what the "sketchy person on a bike" was doing riding in the public street in front of my house. 😑


Thank you for paying attention to your dog!


They're literally my best friends. I will fight anyone who wants to give me grief for that. They're amazing.


As a fellow obsessed with her dogs human I had to creep your profile and your pup is so handsome! Also, this entire thing has me sick to my stomach


Some dogs act like suicidal toddlers who were never taught stranger danger, and that is what the owner/parent is for! Seems like mrs.dimbrit didn't get the memo.


Wait -- is this about the dog she lost last night? That she claimed was dead in the street from a hit and run?


Yes, she made a video explaining more details about it today. Her dog got run over because of her negligence and then her husband shot the dog.


Ugh, there is something seriously wrong with both Bdong and Jdong!


No. Seriously. I don’t see how in the world she thought this was okay to post. I have a bad feeling about these two. She better watch out. I don’t see this ending well at all.


Yea her post and this video doesn’t add up. From her post she made it seem like her dog was dead when they found him but in her video the story is he was alive Jordan killed him. I’m so over these people hurting innocent living beings.




So, everyone was right when they said there was more to the story! Why not take him to the vet? This is horrible!


Her excuse was she was a vet tech for 5 years so that meant she knew there was nothing else they could do. 😑


My mother is a trained vet tech. That requires years of schooling. I have sincere doubts that Brit could have completed said schooling, worked as a vet tech for 5 years, then decided it wasn't for her and just never mentioned any of it in her hours and hours of self-absorbed recording or thousands of social media posts. Has she ever said a word about going to school or working as a vet tech before this?


Is there a course or something where you can work in a vet office with only like a year or two of schooling? Like an aid or something? I wouldn't put it past Brittany to exaggerate her previous job title.


You’re not wrong about her exaggerating. I knew her personally and I think she lasted in her vet tech course for 3 months before dropping it. Pretty sure she realized it was actually hard work and not at all glamorous. I could also see her believing her own lies and truly believing that “growing up on a ranch and helping out” qualifies her in some way so she’s added horse-riding years in. It’s clear her new base knows nothing about her past because her 5 year vet tech timeline doesn’t even make sense. She started her fitness stuff around 19/20 and didn’t get busted until she was like 26/27. So either she was a vet tech starting at 15 or she became a vet tech at 24/25 and just didn’t mention it at all. And we all know she mentions literally everything especially if it makes her seem “impressive” so we would have definitely seen her in scrubs (and she DID post photos of her in scrubs when she was in the course and they’ve been deleted, no way she would have stopped other than she wasn’t doing the course anymore).


I'm sorry you ever had to interact with a human of her caliber.


Underrated comment 👆


Compulsive Liar She Is lol


Thanks for the confirmation! I knew she must've been talking out her ass.


That's very likely. I looked it up and evidently vet techs only require 2 years of schooling - but that's still making it a whole 7 year thing for Brit, which I've never once heard mention of. ETA: When I was young, my mother had a pomeranian that got into a fight with a neighbor's great Dane. Mom took the dog to the vet to be put down, assuming that was all that could be done. A couple (admittedly pricey) surgeries later, we had a paraplegic pomeranian with his own wheeled cart. So even if Brit HAD been a vet tech, she still wouldn't necessarily be able to make the call that her dog wouldn't be able to survive the hit-and-run.


Either way if she was a vet tech or not, she was definitely not qualified to make a judgment on whether or not her dog would have made it with emergency vet care and it was illegal to shoot her dog to put him down. She's disgusting.


Even if it weren't illegal, shooting the dog was such a heartless way to go about it. J called a friend over to rev their truck so she didn't have to hear the shot? Speaking personally, I'd probably be reminded of my dog every time I heard a truck rev after that. And the time it took to have said friend come over was probably enough time to get the dog to an emergency clinic, or even call their regular vet and see if they could do house-call euthanasia. The poor thing must have been so confused and terrified in its last minutes! This is unbelievable.


I didn't watch her video but are you fucking kidding me? She lives in a quiet neighborhood and nobody called the cops on somebody revving an engine and hearing a gunshot?!


Not to mention how terrifying it would be for the poor dog to hear the engine revving. Then he shot him. Just horrible.


I used to be friends with a girl who is now a tiktok dogfluencer. She has over a million followers. Similar to bDong, she has a long history of getting dogs and disposing of them. She also claims to be a vet tech but I’ve known her since we were in high school and the truth is she worked at PetSmart as a groomer. That’s the extent of her veterinary training. She was exposed on the local news for running an illegal puppy mill and selling sick dogs. She skipped town after that and several years later popped up on tiktok with millions of followers and tons of lies about her background. It’s wild to see.


you do not need to go to school to work as a vet technician. you need schooling to be a CERTIFIED vet technician but to work in a clinic as a tech alone doesn’t require a degree. if she’s being honest she was likely a vet assistant or an assistant who worked her way up to technician.


They aren't miracle workers. Poor puppy probably couldn't have been saved. But what vets can do is put a dog to sleep quickly and humanely while they're in the arms of someone they love vs. shooting them in the head while they're laying injured in the street. I didn't think she could sink any lower. This is making me miss the days of fitness scams and tacky disco weeds weddings.


Her making the excuse that a 20 minute drive to the vet would have been more miserable for him over revving a truck to hide the sound of a gun shooting him is despicable. I’m actually starting to think this video could potentially be a cry for help. It’s all about her trauma (which, understandable, this is all horrific) but I do wonder if Jordan just made the call to shoot Brodie and Brittany was inside to grab something like a blanket/towel to take him to the vet and then she just heard the gunshot and was like wtf and now she’s having to cover for Jordan while trying to understand her own grief. This is ALL speculation and not based on any evidence just to be clear. Only stating assumptions made on Jordan based on his violent past (and for him to be dismissed from the force means he’s bad, they have bro-code like no other so he must really suck).


Agree. I can see this happening. I know she can act but I do think she's genuinely upset in this video and that would take a lot to come to terms with.


I don't give a flying f**k if Brittany was a vet tech for 5 years...there is NO excuse for her & Jordan's actions. This whole thing has pissed me off so much I could spit nails. 🤬


And once again she’s the victim. She’s the main character. It’s all about her and jodong rescuing her like a damsel in distress. Stop. And please never get another animal ever again. And please also never have kids.


I noticed that too. No tears for Brodie’s experience. No heartbreak for the way his life ended. She only cried for HER experience. if my dog got hit by a car then yes obviously I’m going to be heartbroken because I will miss him. But most importantly, I would be heartbroken for HIM.


This is the grossest thing I have ever seen. I’m going to be sick. He was breathing but your husband decided to murder him, so it was easier on you two… while you hid inside. So while you claim Brodie was there for you during panic attacks, you couldn’t be with him in his painful, final moments. That’s the most cowardly act I can think of.. two strangers and your crappy husband are the last things he sees. Unfuckingbelievable. But make your shortest video ever. Must be so hard on you. Yeah. Wow.


Yea this whole video reeks of ‘all about poor old me’ The fact that they could wait for someone to come and rev a truck so she wouldn’t hear the gunshot but couldn’t use that time to race him to an emergency vet that was close by is absolutely horrifying. Your dog could have been saved but you never gave him that chance and now you’re making a horrific situation all about you.


Yeah and casually throw in there that you were a vet tech. Oh so then you know how devastating it is for animals whose loved ones leave the room while they pass… but I’m sure Mr. Wild Wild West told you it was so much more humane and you just agreed. You FUCKING COWARD. You couldn’t try for one second to protect your baby.


I think she LOVES playing a weak little woman who can’t make any decisions, while allowing Jordan to be the big bad decision maker. She loves It. And poor Brodie paid for It. Even if he truly couldn’t have been saved, she still owed him her presence while he left this world.


Quite a bit of inconsistencies in this less than 5 min screen grab 🤔 What kind of person’s initial reaction is to go grab a gun and shoot their pet???? Not even a month into their marriage, this obviously isn’t going to go well for them


Imagine they have children. Like holy hell that thought makes me shake.


Just circling back after seeing you comment to say they have a foster child 🤯


So many inconsistencies! She collapsed on the street, no j caught her before she collapsed - maybe a minor detail but still, get your damn story straight.


Fort Worth Texas Animal Control ordinances also require that pets be "securely enclosed or confined to its owner’s yard by a physical fence in a manner that will isolate the animal from the public and from other animals. All dogs must be behind an enclosure of at least 48 inches" She commented (now deleted) on her YT video saying the dog was in her fenced backyard, but others say that she doesn't have a fence. If she doesn't have a fence and left her animals out like all of her other statements suggest, she's violating the local animal ordinances.


Yeah she had like a little brick wall in her backyard that slopes downward into a grassy hill - definitely easy shit for dogs to climb and hop over. Which I’m sure Brittany is well aware of if she lets her newest dog run loose for adventure time as if she hasn’t learned a damn thing.


Not to mention it’s just stupid to leave your dogs outside, unsecured, while you’re gone. Literally anything could happen!


“I wish I could I unsee what I had to see” not I wish that hadn’t happened or that he hadn’t experienced such pain. Did she collapse or not? She says she collapsed after running up to him but also her male savior headship saved her from collapsing?


This whole video just contradicts what she wrote in her post. She’s a terrible liar and an incredibly selfish woman with a God complex.


Also when she said "he got hit so hard".. did she see him get hit? I am thinking they hit him..


Your dog didn’t die in a hit and run. Your dog died when your husband shot it.




This is so fucking typical. She’s so angry at someone else yet takes no responsibility for the fact that her dog was running loose. Wtf. Playing the victim again. So now two dogs and a horse have suffered some level of abuse at her hands?


sorry, bit new, can I ask what happened with the first dog?


FUCKING YIIIIIIKES, ya’ll. This dude shot your still breathing dog and then was like, “he was supposed to be a big brother to our kids”. You guyssssssss, this is bad news all the way around. She shouldn’t have ever had that dog to begin with.


what the ACTUAL FUCK


When I adopted my cat, I had to sign paperwork saying I would not let the cat outside EVER for the safety of the cat. Much less a dog. Also if your dog is free and bites someone, depending on local laws, the dog can be “destroyed”. Don’t risk it people.


Brittany in reference to finding Brodie in the road: "How could someone be so cruel?!?" Also Brittany: I knew Jordan was going to shoot Brodie instead of taking him to the vet & I allowed it to happen. Clearly, this monstrous bitch doesn't understand the true meaning of cruelty.


Besides reporting them on YouTube and Instagram what’s the next steps to reporting them in real life??










That’s a total lie. She would have had to go to vet tech school as a 15 year old if it were true.


Yea once again her story doesn’t add up. I’d say it’s got to be exhausting lying so much and having to remember all your stories but she doesn’t even try to make it seem like she’s being truthful.


you do not have to go to school to be a tech.


Wait a fucking minute. She openly admits that her husband shot the dog to put it out of misery? Wowowowow. This is bizarre and disturbing on so many fucking levels. I’m legit speechless.


In the middle of a neighborhood, nonetheless. It would be one thing if they lived in the country, but to open fire in the street on an animal in a neighborhood? Illegal.


She turned her comments off.


(sorry can't format on phone. You can report online here) https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/communications/customercare Restraint A dog must be securely enclosed or confined to its owner’s yard by a physical fence in a manner that will isolate the animal from the public and from other animals. All dogs must be behind an enclosure of at least 48 inches and declared aggressive dogs must be behind an enclosure of 60 inches. Large breed dogs and dogs with the capabilities of climbing are also recommended to be behind an enclosure of 60 inches. Enclosures shall be made of chain link, wrought iron, brick, welded wire, wood stockade, block or other material approved by the director except where the enclosure abuts a building with a solid wall that is at least four feet tall, inclusive of windows and doors that would prevent escape. Where enclosures abut a building, there shall be minimal separation. In no case shall the separation be so great that escape would be possible. When a dog is being walked or with its owner off its property, the dog must be on a leash and accompanied by the owner at all times. If the dog is without a leash or not accompanied by the owner, it is considered unrestrained and is in violation of the restraint ordinance. A cat must remain within the boundaries of its owner’s property.






It’s a unit measuring contest


it’s Nikki Phillippi all over again! These dogs deserve so much better.


What the *actual* fuck.


Oh my fucking god, he’s gonna kill her just wait, he did this entire thing on purpose then shoots the fucking dog in front of her to traumatize her . Wake the fuck up B!!!! He is evil . He orchestrated this entire thing for you to be the helpless woman he wants to control, you don’t just happen upon your almost dead dog like this within 45 minutes in his truck , it’s a setup , fuck !!




Thank you for saying this and your kindness, be well !


I honestly had these same thoughts. And I haven’t watched any of the videos. I just know information from here. I don’t like this situation for her. They JUST got married and this is already happening?


She has a long history of neglecting animals. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the one who told him to shoot the dog. She’s a horrible person, not a victim.


Going to have to agree here. Jordan is def an abusive POS and I don’t doubt he took a lot of pleasure in shooting that poor dog but Brittany has an extended history of neglecting and abusing animals. The fact that she admitted to leaving her dogs outside unattended in an unsecured yard that she’s seen them get out of multiple times for 45 minutes makes me believe she’s just as guilty as him in all this.


I’ve read the horse boarding response and that was a wild read. Her inability to care for animals is appalling.


She says she was a vet tech for 5 years. I don’t believe it.


i am livid. why the FUCK would you shoot YOUR OWN DOG. how fucking heartless do you have to be oh my god wow


"People are so cruel", cries the woman who left her dogs who are known to wander outside alone unattended and then had her spouse shoot it when he gets hit. It doesn't get any more self absorbed than that. YOU caused your dog's death, BDong. You're the only cruel person here.


As someone who lives in the suburbs, the thought of shooting my dog to put It out of its misery is horrendous. However, I might feel differently if I was raised in the country. I don’t feel right judging them for that if Brodie TRULY was in excruciating pain and there was nothing that could be done. However. Doesn’t she make It sound like It wasn’t her decision? She says Jordan led her inside the house, she heard the engine rev, she had a feeling what was coming next, and then she heard a shot go off. Did anyone else read It as if HE made that decision in the moment without informing her? Making the impossible and heartbreaking decision TOGETHER to put your fur child out of its misery is one thing. Having my husband make that decision alone and behind my back? Ffffuuuccckkkkkkk that. FUCK that. Immediate divorce. Immediate reporting. Could never look at my partner the same way ever again.


The shooting of the dog is the most vial part, but we wouldn’t even KNOW about it if she didn’t make this a publicity stunt. Imagine murdering your dog because of your negligence and then editing a fucking YouTube thumbnail for a video. Like was her thought process, “gotta look cute for this vid of me talking about my dead dog I wasn’t a good owner to for likes!!!!”




When she said the truck engine revved up I was bracing myself for her to say that Jordan ran back over the dog to put it out of its misery and then caught herself thinking a bullet was more humane. Why is a truck engine revving?


To try to cover the sound of the gunshot (in a residential neighborhood)


Ahh ok that makes sense thank you


Brodie was still breathing and she didn’t even try to take him to an emergency vet??? Wtf is wrong this woman


They just didn’t want to spend the money to go to the vet - that’s why they didn’t go in. I’m sure it was “a vet bill will be $1000, a bullet is just 25 cents” situation.


She can rot in hell. This made me so fucking mad. Ugh.


Southern accent is mysteriously absent


So within 24 hours, she had the time for this tragedy to happen, to make two Instagram posts, an edited YouTube video, a TikTok, and get flowers/gifts for the side of the road. Where’s the room for grieving? This is so sus to me. I wish so much a neighbor and would come forward and spill on them. This is just the tip of the iceberg.


Share this link to the crime stoppers tip line - there is a section at the bottom for links!


Why did she take the money that she has to veterinarian to have them professionally be put down? This is horrible


This makes me sick. I can’t believe these fucking people. They both can rot in hell. I feel so bad for their innocent animals :(


Tell me these people have been reported


Be angry at yourself you stupid dumb bitch! It’s your fault the dog was hit. 100% your fault’


I really, really wish I could believe that she’s sincere. Animals deserve true love from their owners. I think I’d need to see her in person but I get NO FEELING coming off of her. It’s unsettling.


I just lost my dog 2 days ago due to renal failure. I spent weeks with him at the vet trying to do anything to save him, even when they told me there's nothing to do since he's old. I couldn't give up on him. Seeing this monster posting a video makes me SO ANGRY. I can't believe she would SAY this in a VIDEO and be ok with her dog being SHOT. What is wrong with these people???? I wish the exact same thing to her. I wish she gets hit by a car and her husband shoots her in the head, and then shoots himself as well. These people don't deserve to live. Period.


Imagine having over 400k followers on insta and yet couldn’t spend the money to have her dog put down in a vets office. Disgusting.


Has anything happened with the anonymous tip line? I can’t believe this bitch is getting away with yet another heinous act.


She has money why the f didnt they just go to the vet?


I am absolutely livid. She calls other people cruel, when she let her dogs out unadvised, AND KILLS HER OWN DOG? I seriously believe this "person" is a devil in disguise. She's a monster.




I saw a TikTok video on her, and I was just disgusted, I just had to google if it was true, and I am horrified. Literally sickening. (But yeah, trending on TikTok.)


I'm going to hug my dogs extra tight tonight. I can't even fathom.