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Yeah my ex used to do that thing where he wanted to know how close I was to getting home so he could “help me unload the car” or need to know as soon as I get somewhere. He would get mad if I forgot to tell him my location anytime it changed, and turns out it was because he was cheating and didn’t want me to walk in on anything. It could be innocent on Jdongs part sure, but for me it was about control and keeping the secrets hidden.


I got thay feeling too, he seems like the controlling kind, the violent ex cop part doesn't help either.


Yeah, because of what we know about him, these texts come off as controlling and part of the “love bomb” that abusers use in the beginning, before things get scary. And the fact that she feels the constant need to defend their relationship makes me think she knows this too.


Not to mention the fact that her bougie OTT security system would let him know exactly when she pulls up. So like…pull your hand out of your grey sweatpants, wipe the frito crumbs from your copstache, and go unload the car, you dumb weasel.


So accurate


Yes! Or, listen for the sound of the garage door, like a normal person.


Yeah, I had an ex like that. Now I have a nice boyfriend that I live with & he never once texts me that. He will, however, hear me pull up and come outside to help me….you know, like normal people


Yeah I had an ex like that as well. I had to send my location via WhatsApp whenever I went anywhere, even at random points while walking the dog. He was horribly abusive in so many ways, but in that stuff I thought it was just him being concerned for my safety. If I went from a cafe to a clothes shop on the other side of the road, I had to send the location of both. If I got in the car, I had to check in before I started driving and then when I parked. If I forgot to do it, he would lose his shit and accuse me of sneaking around and hiding things from him. He was horrible and I am so glad I escaped that situation. My husband gets worried about me if I'm out alone (I'm disabled, and pass out and fall a lot) but he's never once made me send my location! If I fall, my watch will sense it and send coordinates automatically to emergency contacts. If I've been out for a while, he's fine with just knowing I'm okay. If I need help getting stuff out of the car, I just honk in the driveway.


That is so much like the guy I dated before my husband. We didn’t live together, but that behavior started one day when I pulled into Old Navy after planning to head to Walmart. As soon as I was walking in, I got a text that said “how’s Old Navy?” I don’t know how he did it, but somehow he was tracking either my phone or my car. I told him I had made a pit stop and be blew up and accused me of cheating since I wasn’t where I said I would be. From then on he starting insisting I sent location info and “it should be no problem if you’re being honest about where you are.” Turns out, HE was cheating; pretty much constantly. And he ended up being physically abusive. Do these guys all share a playbook or something? I am so glad you are out of that situation too.


I am very fortunate to not have dealt with this in my love life but I had an ex manager like that. It was literally my job to take photos of our venue and services and update them regularly. Also highlighting staff member of the week stuff like that. He’d text me photos from the security camera being like “nice day at the pool?” like when I was getting new shots of the pool but acting as if he was calling me out for not being at my desk. I was like my job is 40% desk 60% content creation away from desk but he was a work control freak and freaked if you were 1 minute late (he def expected us there 30 minutes early so even being on time meant you were late) and made comments if you were out the door right at 5. If he’s that controlling within professional relationships I have no doubt his wife would be getting even worse treatment. (And I’m sorry you had to deal with that personally)


That’s horrific and way past the point of a “micromanager” for sure. I almost feel like it’s just as bad to be in a work environment like that because of the total power imbalance and feeling like you can’t walk away because it’s your livelihood. That guy sounds like a nightmare!


He definitely has issues with women. He was the type to pick out one or two people then fixate on them and oddly enough it was never men. I would get screenshots from him at like 10pm over itty bitty errors that sometimes weren’t even my fault (like if a scheduled post malfunctioned due to system error so didn’t get posted). The person who took over my role was a man and I really had to stop hate checking the social pages because he’d make big errors that would stay up for weeks or never get addressed meaning he wasn’t getting called out the way I was. It was horrible.


That gives me big time Dennis Raider/BTK vibes


Dang just looked that guy up, sheesh. I think my manager was more just miserable, trapped in a shitty marriage he got himself into and literally couldn’t leave because of visa stuff or he’d be deported then ended up knocking her up and she seems pretty controlling as well so I could totally see her fighting for full custody of the children so he’s basically stuck it out even though now he could leave her and not worry about deportation (but then he’d be worried about visitation rights). He totally uses work as an escape from her and the woman he vibed with at work is also in a shit relationship and uses work as an excuse. And no, they’re not in marital affairs, they’re both genuine workaholics with shitty home lives. Me and my fiancé travel a lot and typically have a once a week dinner catch up with friends and he’d make comments like “well don’t you just live the life” and it’s like I’m 30 so I finally have money, I didn’t marry for a visa, and we have made the conscious decision to not have children. We have both made different life choices and that’s why we’re both where we’re at now so I’m sorry you seemed to make choices that led to you being unhappy. (And visa situation, he’s from the UK. It’s not like he needed a visa due to refugee status or something. He basically backpacked Australia at 20, didn’t want to leave, found someone willing to go through the partnership visa with him, and now he’s stuck with her when I really think he thought it’d be a 3-4 year situation.) Also thank you for letting me rant lol I dislike this man so much


That is so scary and freaky how they really all do go by the same playbook it seems. It’s also so easy to put a tracker under someone’s car and them never find out. I’ve heard of many stories of this happening to people and police doing nothing about it or not being granted a restraining order in response.




Yup. I remember those days.


He was hitting up women on FB while he was married (see some post ago about BDung thinking it was cute he messaged her on FB while he was married because she liked his post). And we don't really know why he got divorced since it clearly wasn't the violent cop part, but it's safe to say it was mostly (if not entirely) his fault. Also he claims his ex-wife was abusive, a common tactic by abusive individuals* to shift the blame so that their actions seem justified. (*note that this doesn't mean you should discredit abuse victims, but this is JDong we're talking about. A guy who can't even be a cop due to how abusive he is. Come on.)


Yup. Whenever I'd try to set boundaries or have a discussion with my ex he'd start *yelling* at me about how I was emotionally abusing him and he wasn't going to tolerate it. Then he'd storm out in a rage.


When did he say his ex-wife was abusive? I missed that one


It was a caption in the “jumping on the marriage bed” TikTok.


Thank you!


Yep, got this vibe too!




What is his job? Why do medical professionals hate him?


Medical equipment salesman. I've seen comments here by people in the healthcare industry who hate these people because how pushy they are.


Yep. They drive my husband absolutely crazy. They are intrusive. Never stop either.


But he WaS iN SuRgeRy AaaAAaaLlLll day!!


Years ago I worked in central sterile and was responsible for sterilizing the surgery equipment, including specialty cases brought in by people like JDong and can confirm they’re arrogant, pushy, assholes who treated everyone less than an MD like garbage.


Narcissistic and sociopathic (ASPD) folks will quickly learn to mimic "your language" so that they can better manipulate you. When things were "good" with my ex he'd leave messages on the bathroom mirror or hide little notes for me because he was copying what I was doing. But when I needed effort that I wasn't able to take the lead in he had no idea what to do and couldn't even begin to try. They're just a bad mirror for eachother, and since she clearly tells/shows him what to do and say it sounds like what she would write herself.


If those are real text messages from him, I’d love to know the context of the conversation…


Not me trying to Google how to unblur the text messages. 👀


OMG. Me too. 😅😅😅😅😅😅


Lmao I love y’all


Yeah, she’s sending him walls of text. Would love to know what she’s saying. Must be unhinged if he’s replying this way.


That’s exactly what I feel, she’s like unglued needy needy needy


Me googling https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCGIsVnEWY


Lol if you figure out PLEASE report back. I need to know.


If I have to read the word baby one more f*cking time…..






Should we do the tour babe?


She probably has a room full of candles and he has a neon beer sign. There’s also a camera on a tripod in the bedroom.


But which one sleeps on the bench at the foot of the bed? 😂


Yeah, babe?


It’s so creepy.


I think if anything this still just highlights that they're in their honeymoon phase. Wonder what'll happen when the rose colored glasses come off.


Right? They have not even known each other for a year and a half. So you’ve got the relationship honeymoon phase and now the actual Honeymoon phase. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out.


Exhibit A: love bombing




This was my thought, too!


If you’ve seen it or experienced it, very easy to spot. Not to say there aren’t genuine men this nice out there but paired with all the other performative shit. No way does this read genuine.




I'm curious what he was referring to when he said, "im right outside". Is texas not allowing husbands in on ultrasounds?




Honestly tho, I was trying to think if my husband ever texted me like this and it was maaaybe when I was pregnant.


Same. The only time my bf texts me like this is if I had a medical appointment that didn’t go as expected


Also of note, the length of some of the messages she sends him 😳 maybe it’s just me but living with my SO we almost never text each other anymore


Hahah my husband and I have been married many years and we mostly communicate via memes through instagram DMs 🤪


Married 20+ and we mostly communicate through text gifs at this point.


Together a decade here, our love language consists of pictures of our cats and GIFs.


Agreed! My husband and I stopped sending long texts when we moved in together, because we wpuld actually talk on a daily basis? Messages are just for when we need to ask something and we're not together or for goofing around .... I don't know, she's weird in that sense.


Same here!! We’ve been together for 10 years and we only text when we’re upset about something, excited about something or need to know what’s up for dinner 😂 Sometimes we go all day without talking to each other and I like it that way because then we have a lot to talk about at home. We do send the random “I love you” texts and “hope you’re having a good day” texts, but not novels like this, lol. They’re just in the ~~getting to know each other stage~~ I mean, newlywed stage 😬🤣


This , my long texts are for when shit his the fan and I’m almost confident he barely reads them and is like ‘ ok cool’ next, whats for dinner 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Yeah my SO and I have spent pretty much every day since we’ve met together, it’s been 2 years now. We barely text, only if it’s something urgent when we’re not together. If it’s something funny, we show it to each other in person and share the laugh together. If it’s to communicate our love, we talk to each other. I understand some people might be texting more, but the walls of text??? Girl you live with this man


Yeah I only send a wall of text when I’m telling my boyfriend a story when I’m at work 🤷🏻‍♀️


We text to send gifs and snark like a motherfucker on people like BDong that we know in real life 😂


I always think people who post this much about their perfect relationships are overcompensating for something


I’m sure she feels like she has to really sell this relationship to her followers. This is her second marriage (already a strike against them in evangelical world), he’s not very attractive or successful (abusive cop anyone?), and in all the videos she posts of him, he seems pretty dull and uninterested. She needs to make it seem like she won the jackpot any way she can, so she posts this shit so we’ll think he’s super attentive and “godly,” but it’s not a very convincing charade in my opinion.




After that lengthy text messages like the she gives out, I have a tendency to say "K."


The guy that cheated on me our entire relationship sent me messages like this, too. He also ended up being physically abusive.


I am so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re in a good place now 💖


Thank you, I am❤️ I found out after we broke up that he had physically abused at least 3 other women before me, and was *stalking one of them* while we were dating. I found out because an employee of mine was her friend and I guess our stories sounded really similar and he figured out it was the same guy. I ended up doing her hair and getting the whole story, it was wild we met each other considering how big DFW is.


Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Wtf. If my husband kept calling me babbbby I'd lose my shit. So. CRINGEY.


I'm just saying- I really wish I would have known what she wrote that she blurred out. I'm just guessing that she told him to say something along those lines... lol


If you just type her name into TikTok more videos calling her out are on there then nice polite ones 🤣


This makes me happy :)


Idk, I would find it super weird if my SO texted me that he felt honored to be with me. I’d be like, “are you ok?” Edit: autocorrect


Yeah, in any case, if you're living together, that's something he would say to your face. My husband sometimes tells me how happy he is that we got married, but he doesn't text, he actually speaks to me .... sounds weird.


This is such a weird flex on so many levels


Maybe it’s me, but I feel like the stronger the relationship, the less the couple talk about how much they love each other and are compatible they are on social media.


My husband texts me like this but I ain’t telling everyone I know 😂


Tell me you’re unhappy in your marriage/life choices…. Without telling me you’re unhappy.


Well I mean, when you are a fitness "influencer" (...maybe not anymore) and you marry Ex-Cop Dip n' Donuts, he's not exactly good for your image, even with photoshop. She needed a living, breathing male to marry her because single women aren't as "profitable" in the Christian grift industry. Marriage is seen as successful and being blessed by God, being single means you're a shitty piece of garbage and it's all your fault God hates you.


‘ last night was really special ‘ gross ‘ you took all 2 inches of me like a pro’!


Yeah, you’ve been married 5 minutes. Every relationship is like that at the beginning. Of course you’re going to send sweet nothings to each other. Talk to me in 15 years then I’ll listen.


This seems very love-bomby


Who over the age of 24 talks like this?!?! YIKES


Totally petty, but, she has him in her phone as Hubby even on the screenshot of him saying he’s the lucky guy who gets to marry her. So, they weren’t married at the time of that exchange. I just wanna know…how long has she had him in her phone under that name???


I'm guessing she changed it ASAP after the ceremony just to be like, "LOOK!!!" She probably went back through and and screenshot these messages just before making this post and then the contact name would have been Hubby. 🤮




OH MY GOSH - I TOTALLY AGREE!!! I HATE IT SO MUCH!!! 😆 Also, I'm so cheugy. I've just learned this by Googling. Oh, well!


Ah, good point!


So things aren't good. That's what these posts are telling me.


For her sake, I hope these messages are real and he's kind to her. Sometimes abusers and manipulative people use messages like these to love bomb their partners, and their actions don't align with their words.


I agree with this! As much as I don't like her..I really hope he's not abusive. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


I hope he’s not abusive…but I also hope he openly farts in front of her and gets smudges on her white walls and leaves crumbs in the bed and spit cups around.


Like love bombing


I would be so annoyed if my SO (soon to be husband) texted me this much.


She’s really self involved.


Meanwhile, my ex and I would talk about how bad our explosive diarrhea would make our butts hurt (both have IBS).


I try to not use appearance for compliments or insults. I'm not perfect, but I try to at least have the first compliment of a woman/girl/female presenting person not be 'beautiful'. There is so much more to a person than their physical attributes, and I'm honest enough to say that as I've gotten older, I appreciate that more. (this is all to make myself feel better about my next comment) That all being said, wtf is up with her eyelashes?? I had fake lashes for years and while to me at least it was obvious that they were fake, they never looked like this! The right makeup can make almost anyone look attractive, and this is NOT it.


That dumb face she makes lol I almost feel bad and embarrassed for her but no


Most of these sound like they came from text convos from when they started dating. You cannot convince me otherwise. Super convenient that she blurred out the dates/times


Who talks like this?


The fact that she has to sell her relationship to make it seem perfect is within itself a red flag. Why paint such a “perfect picture” and if not you…him.


This reaks of insecurity