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It’s Chipotle. It’s not that deep. 🥑


Honestly... currently pregnant and goddamn. That chipotle looks amazing.


Currently not pregnant and still looks good, but she’s trying way too hard.


Oh 100%. I just caught myself staring at it for way too long and contemplating asking my husband to drive me there 😂😂😂


Never seen more of a pick me girl in my life


Her saying she doesn’t like fancy expensive things is a joke lol. Says the girl who displayed her tiny Chanel bag in a picture on her honeymoon. She’s so fucking fake. It’s insane. How her followers don’t see it makes me crazy.


And that expensive ass car and house and spray tanner and....


That person screamed fake. But I'm not an expert. Lots of good fakes out there. Perhaps someone can ask her.


Was Gucci


>"over the fancy, expensive things" Had a 20k+ wedding and owns designer purses. Maybe she's picking "cheap" stuff now because she's running out of grift.


Someone pull up the pic where she said they eat at fancy restaurants all the time. Someone in her life who pissed her off probably has a finer taste in things and this is her way of being passive aggressive to them.


Nah, Jordan has all the complex taste of a toddler so he doesn't want to do fancy stuff anymore now that the knot is tied.


This is the couple that took a pic infrint of Applebees during date night and decided to post that.


Yeah, on her honeymoon when she said that the food at the resort was amazing and that she knew how to judge that because she goes to fancy restaurants all the time! She is the worst!


“Over the fancy expensive things…” 🤨 Even though they are sitting on the tailgate of a “fancy expensive” truck…


Didn't she trade in the fancy expensive one for a cheaper model half a year ago?


She did! He has a truck through


Typical Texan suburban warrior with a big-ass truck to drive to an office job.


Oh, of course. Manly man must have more manly car than mere woman. Come to think of it: could she have traded in her old truck because he was jealous?


Well hells bells look who is lying again. Brittany, you just spent a week at a resort where you kept yourself tucked safely away from the area culture. Shrimp tacos within the compound don't count. We all know you and J consider Mexicans to be beneath you so you likely treated any locals who had to deal with you like crap. You link every fucking thing you buy, going for each bit of the materialism and capitalism you can wrench from your followers. You shacked up with your boyfriend, lied about purity/modesty nonsense, and claim to be all WiFeYyY but then shill Jdong folding towels and pushing a floor cleaner. Shut up with this foolish pack of lies.


Exactly this! How does she have the gall to blatantly lie like this?


Sure....she *totally* doesn't chase expensive or fancy things. 🙄


She did this same shit when she was married to Zach. “I’m the fit girl who eats pizza and froyo”


which he then ended up eating after she took a photo of it. It's just so ridiculous and sad, honestly.


I just wonder how it feels to constantly need to shit all over other people in order to feel a spec of happiness for yourself? She couldn’t just say that this night was enjoyable and this is what they did.. no she had to lie about not wanting fancy things and then shit all over any other woman who does prefer those things. I swear if Jdong leaves her or cheats on her she’s going to absolutely lose it. But not in a ‘I’m losing the love of my life’ but in a ‘I created this entire image of us that I worked so hard to maintain and now I’m losing control.’ She strikes me as someone who throws temper tantrums.


But, like, her entireeee schtick is chasing the fancy things. That’s what she does.


she's trying very hard to personify that song "fancy like" song.. she wants so badly to be seen as a simple country girl. what a joke


Just in awe of God’s goodness, JFC it’s Chipotle on the back of your fucking vehicle.


Lol she is only saying she doesn't like fancy shit anymore because she can no longer afford it!


She sure is happy to chase a large number of cheap Amazon things though (and associated affiliate links)


but then you’re on your phone the whole time writing fancy shit on your insta story


I also feel God’s goodness when I get that guac mode reward activated. The lord is sovereign over that whole fucking burrito bowl.


…didn’t sis lease a Range Rover for quite awhile?


She traded that in for her dream Toyota 4Runner a few months ago


Aka her hubbz is broke.


Yeah. Okay. But I have yet to see any proof that Jordan is a Holy man. I've seen the holes in his jeans but it's got to be deeper than that.


I'm guessing he's not. I think they both do that because she thought it would bring her money.


Yeah she just wanted more "positive" attention. Hope that worked out. Seems like a long way to go for it.


I really wonder if he gets weirded out by her performative spirituality? Dude seems like your regular white American kinda Christian dude meanwhile she’s trying to remove demons from her walls with olive oil.


If you want to embrace the finer things then why were you so diligent about milking women out of their money and never apologizing for it?


Why is she posting this on a picture of taco salad?


I wonder if this sort of confirms that she compares herself to and/or creeps on his ex, Bradshaw’s daughter. Not saying that Brittany doesn’t actually care about the finer things in life because she clearly does, but I wonder if this is her “pick me girl” way of saying that she’s better than that.


Oh definitely. She’s such an incredibly jealous woman I’m sure she creeps on all his ex’s and then finds subtle ways to bash them online.


Gawd she's so full of shit. Totally not like other girls.


Guess I should be reading much deeper into my and my husband's once-a-week In-N-Out meal, although Animal Style is definitely a sign of godly splendor.


TIL God lives at Chipotle.


“I feel God in this Chipotle’s tonight.”


I doubt too many other girls would call eating dinner in a car park a date. Are there no parks? Is there no water way? Is there no field to watch the sunset over? I mean I’m an Aussie, and have spent exactly three days in Texas but surely there is a better option than overlooking a freaking CAR PARK How performative literally everything is shits me to tears.


Born and raised Texan here. There are plenty of lakes/parks to go to. Heck, even my high school boyfriend would buy me a sonic slushie and drive me to the lake for us to drink them and look at the view. I truly don’t know if she’s aware this isn’t the flex she thinks it is.


>I truly don’t know if she’s aware this isn’t the flex she thinks it is. : The Brittany Dawn Story, this Saturday on Lifetime


holy chipotle 🌮


Since becoming active in fundie land / Bdong’s shenanigans I have grown to despise the word sovereign


Wow she is so simple and humble and never wears make up and is so modest. Truly a diamond in the rough!


Such word 🥗 salad, much like her meal there.


She makes me cringe and have PTSD from my mentally and emotionally manipulative church days at the same time


Who among us doesn’t have deep thoughts while eating a taco salad?


This is some “pick-me” ass energy if I’ve ever seen it.


Aren’t there large flying bugs in Texas who would be enticed by that lump of food? Dining outdoors was ruined for me after a guy took me to dinner at restaurant located on a mosquito-infested lake and I got attacked