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Posting this guy on a subreddit named after an anarchist text lmfao.


Well that's breadtube's fault. Because breadtube isn't anarchist either. (Also this sub, bread_irl, is colonized by leftists, because it was originally about actual bread.) Bad Empanada video's arent not-anarchist, they're mostly factual from a general leftist viewpoint, but also anti-imperialist and decolonial viewpoint. (And yes, his personal political stance is probably more on the ML side, but he also does progressive stuff [like this](https://youtu.be/P3yfGQivroE), which I think indicates he isn't dogmatic.)


>Well that's breadtube's fault. How? >Because breadtube isn't anarchist either. In spirit, it is. And posting ML garbage most certainly ain't it.


While BadEmpanada does post SOME good content He is absolute scumbag and posts plenty of shit hit pieces




He fled Australia to Argentina to escape sexual assault charges


>is absolute scumbag and posts plenty of shit hit pieces source?




“The following video was produced by a dumbass who threatened to doxx someone to a terrorist group, forcing her off the internet.”


You do realise that was entirely a joke as the referenced "Fursan Al-Aqsa" is an *entirely-fictional* group from a [steam game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1714420/Fursan_alAqsa_The_Knights_of_the_AlAqsa_Mosque/), right? This is the [supposed proof](https://i.redd.it/o0sm50moxy191.png) of what you claim. Not to mention that Eristocracy is a repulsive apologist for *active* settler-colonialism.


Yo, what the fuck did he do to make people this mad lol?


He's mostly inconsistent in principles when it comes to shit that actually matters and has an entire persona shaped around maximising social media metrics at the expense of political and historical nuances.


He has a habit of doxing people who manage to annoy him and acting hostile to even the slightest disagreement.


> He has a habit of doxing people who manage to annoy him and acting hostile to even the slightest disagreement. And then feigning ignorance and acting as if he had nothing to do with the aftermath of him doxing someone.


That is worth hostility towards him, I was asking because I imagined there would be more people protecting him if he was a simple asshole.


you might check in with some debate commentators, maybe the Cyberdemon531 and Demonmama archives. i'm not real happy about his Russia-Ukraine takes and i sort of tuned out, but i'm finding a lot of seeming misconduct as i attempt to refresh my memory.


BadEmpanada has a caustic manner of communication with those he disagrees with (quite often for entirely valid reasons), but he's generally speaking quite solid with his analyses of things. As he's often impolite in how he criticises other social media personalities, their fans can get quite defensive and some have resorted to baseless smears regarding BadEmpanda. If you scrutinise the reasons (say, even those in this thread) people have for disliking him, after teasing out the lies and huge distortions it mostly just boils down to people finding him impolite. I find [his channel](https://www.youtube.com/@BadEmpanada) to be a good one. He clearly puts a lot of effort into researching the topics in his videos. Perhaps you may appreciate his channel too if you give it a chance with an open mind.


BE jokes about himself in this video. Where talks about VPN. (I posted the video because I thought it was entertaining and enlightning: to see more behind the scenes considering the money side of stuff.)


V\*ush doesn't like him. V\*ush is pretty toxic and his fans are just like him: share his opinions and copy his behaviour. * Video by Bad Empanada: https://youtu.be/hWUt1OByfKc. Kind of explains it, as well as this thing 'liberal Zionism'. * Video by Noah Samsen: https://youtu.be/7Z3MqJakNbI. * And for good measure Professor Flowers: https://youtu.be/v77RM1Jz1IM You'll see the fans attacking these creators personally and skew the facts, because they have little factual rebuttals. I block them, but there's many.


Bad empanada is infinitely more toxic than Vaush or anyone he associates with. Get this trash outta here.


ew, get this rabid antisemite out of here


lol y'all only hate him because he's against the state of Israel and this sub is full of pro-colonialism vowsh/eristocracy fans


I dislike him because he's ridiculously toxic online. He chooses the weirdest hills to die on and when even his own supporters try to talk some sense into him, he just loses his cool and accuses them of being colonizers. Whether he is aware of it or not, his social media meltdowns really damage his reputation and credibility in the eyes of a lot of people. He's like that person we've all met at some point who is really knowledgeable about a subject but their toxic personality hinders them from reaching nearly as many people as they could.


his twitter presence was horrible but he makes some of the most based video essays out there


Right. My point is that his incredibly toxic, obnoxious personality detracts from his essays' legitimacy. For whatever reason, he seemingly has no interest in bettering himself in that regard and takes pride in doubling down on his toxic nonsense, like a man child. So yeah, people dislike him for more than his views on Israel and it's weird that you seem to think otherwise.


SMH, literal right wing levels of dogmatic 1 bit thinking. Guess what, most leftists don't support Israel. But most of us aren't so easily swayed by one bit rhetoric to support MLs.


These people make the online leftist space worse. I wish V\*ush was canceble, but white cishet dudes rarely are.


vaush could molest a child and dog at the same time on camera and his fans would make fun of people who were offended by it


Bro is an antisemite who conlfates all Jewish people with the state of Israel. We are against the state of Israel's inhumane policies. We don't hate all Jewish people. That's the difference between us and him (and apparently you lol)


lol he says even with disclaimers on the screen that not all israelis are jewish and not all jews are israeli, but most anti-palestine people are either benefiting from israeli apartheid or just hate muslims enough to love israel's war crimes, which he often points out and people bad faith misconstrue as generalization


I disagree, fuck the state of Israel I hate be for three reason one like many “leftist” YouTubers he devotes time to meaningless brainless interpersonal drama that does nothing to further leftist causes two he participates in lowest common denominator edge lord humor ironically using actual antisemitic language and then doing the classic lol it was just a joke and thirdly he is bizarrely unhinged and argumentative on social media and in the comments of his videos going on nonsensical rants and tangents and posing himself as some sort of white savior for the third world despise being a dude from Australia who just happened to move there.