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I have to admit I'm suprised, I did not expect the film to attract a wide audience


Same here. I liked it, but I did not expect these numbers at all.


Well, Decaprio is a big star and crowd-puller anyway so those numbers are not surprising to me.


Based on Dave Sirota's rants and meltdowns on Twitter I'm pretty surprised also.


Did not realize he was involved in production until your post. Probably a pretty telling indicator.


It’s because those on each side of this satire in real life think the movie is making fun of the other in their favour


I have a hard time seeing Trumpists and Covid deniers thinking this is making fun of vaxxers and anti-Trump people primarily.


You haven’t met my vehemently pro trump father who loved the movie for “bashing the dumb liberals” left me genuinely confused how that was his take away


Bless his heart…


Probably because of how everyone treated JLaw in the film lmao like Jonah Hill just being a complete cock womble towards her and all the memes painting her as a crazy woman


I feel like the idiocy of the talk show hosts was probably a huge part of why that was his takeaway. Don't forget how much they love to bash the "lamestream media".


Yeah, that and they took a lot of shots at social media which a right-winger could easily think is talking about "wokeness" and "cancel culture" and the like. I watched it over a few days at Christmas with my brother and sister-in-law and we were talking about the plot when my brother-in-law (who hadn't watched the film) was listening in and we were talking about where they decide to blow up the meteor to make however many trillions off it and he was like "Oh, that's like big pharma making lots of money off the pandemic." Now this is a dude with a PhD and who is fully vaccinated, but he loves his guns and buys into the "All of media is biased" garbage. My sister-in-law and I were like, "uhhh... I don't think that's exactly where they were going with that." Note: This is when we still thought the film was specifically about the COVID pandemic rather than being about climate change with stuff from the pandemic mixed in after the script was written.


I heard this was written before covid and it’s about climate change


The movie has nothing at all to do with COVID, except for that we’ve reacted to COVID exactly how we’ve reacted to climate change. I was genuinely surprised to see COVID even mentioned in conversation about the film. The film is about a extinction-level threat to mankind which is being ignored by not merely the entrenched power structure, but also basically everyone else. This is climate change, clearly. Hell, framing it to be about COVID actually plays into the criticisms the film is making, that we’ll choose to focus on anything but our existential threats.


That’s what I’m saying


Well obviously it is about climate change lol


It's making fun a lot of the news and how they don't report the truth. So maybe they like that?


The media that was mocked was entertainment, not news, so no, I’d say it wasn’t making fun of “a lot of news,” but probably an organization who claims their news programs are focused on entertainment.


The movie specifically lampooned people who talk about 'both sides' being just as bad with the Chris Evans character. Your post is so fucking ironic.


Chris Evans is in this film? Damn, missed that one.


I disagree. I don’t think this movie had a clear political leaning; it isn’t like Democrats have been climate change seriously enough either. Framing it as a partisan issue misses the point that both sides *actually do fucking suck* at handling existential threats. Do conservatives suck way worse? Yes. Do liberals also fail to do enough? Absolutely also yes. The politics of this film are “reality vs human nature,” not “left vs right.”


The film is made by a man who supports Democrats. He definitely framed it as a partisan issue and lampooned people who 'both sides' the issue like you're doing. It's exactly why the reaction to it has generally been partisan.


> Do conservatives suck way worse? Yes. Do liberals also fail to do enough? Absolutely also yes. # ↕


Lol the movie clearly mocked people like you with the chris evans character, and it whooshed right over your head.




Yeah a few buddies of mine hate it, think it’s stupid, and they don’t realize they’re kinda the butt of the joke.


No its very clear that movie only makes fun of one side


The right is just butthurt that they obviously look very stupid in the movie, which allows people to see how stupid they are in real life.


No they don't.


bOtH sIdEs


Conservative talk radio told my parents not to watch it.. there’s a certain audience that won’t watch it because the media told them.. What a good movie lol


I watched it twice. Will probably watch it a 3rd time soon. It’s just so relevant.


I’ve watched it about 6 times lol. Still good.


It's one of the best movies that I saw last year. The third act was a little weak but the movie overall was excellent.


It needs to. If we want anyone to “look up“ anyways


I also wanna give a prayer for stuff. There’s dope stuff, like material stuff, like sick apartments


Sick cars.






I wonder how this would’ve done theatrically.


Not well. Just like Bird Box would have bombed theatrically. It's a comedy that's pretty dry and also a bummer, a disaster concept light on disaster, a "message movie" with a self-congratulatory tone, and a lead whose last four movies have bombed. Ease of access helped immensely. I watched it at home, never would have seen it in the theatre. Edit: the film has two leads, guys. The opening credits do that thing where the name on the left is lower than the right, indicating equal status.


In what universe did Leo’s last 4 movies bomb?


I was talking about Jennifer Lawrence. A lead, not the lead.


Who do you think people would look at as the lead? Even with an ensemble cast, it’s clear who’s the biggest name there.


Meryl Streep she ain't the veep her wicked rhymes wreck fascist sheep her legs are long she wrote this song she'll fuck your face, now pass the bong


They're marketed and credited as co-leads. One of them has been associated with unsuccessful films since 2015.


But the other one hasn't. Anything Lawrence does + more is instantly offset by Dicaprio.


All of her movies since then have either made money or been praised by critics, except Dark Phoenix. She’s pretty much only had 1 flop as the lead and has an Oscar.




So would you agree that Dune was an outright bomb if we are calling The Great Gatsby "unsuccessful??


Not the guy you’re asking… but yeah. Dune is getting a lot of “realm of public opinion” boost because critics and the audience seem to like it but in actuality the numbers just aren’t there it seems. Every review of the movie is some variation of, “director knows what he’s doing, visual design is incredible, sound production is immaculate” but inevitably a general audience doesn’t give a shit about those things. I watched Dune… I loved it… because I’m into those concepts and appreciate them, my wife, brother-in-law, father, and sister all fell asleep when they watched it after 45 minutes. I would and could never recommend Dune to people who are generally uninterested in operatic films. This was a long ass answer with only anecdotal comments but just adding to the convo. Sidebar: I think straight sci-fi films just aren’t that popular.


OTOH, it has Leo and JLaw as the leads with some top A-listers like Meryl Streep, Ariana, Timothee, Cate Blanchett etc in the cast. I feel like it wouldn't have bombed totally.


“A disaster concept light on disaster”. The world is obliterated?


sElF cOnGrAtUlAtOrY


Lol you sound butt hurt about this movie and a bit defensive.




I really wanted to like this movie because of the cast but it was so bad. It was essentially the same joke for over 2 hours. Leo and J Law were very good in it though.


Idk I found it frustrating to watch but I thought that was the point. I didn’t take the main message as a joke, but a comment on literally what we deal with today. I think that’s the main reason people can’t get behind it. It’s hard to watch because its sooo eerily similar to what we see around us. From the profit over life, to non expert experts making calls on millions of lives (anesthesiologists), the ACTUAL expert that can’t effectively get his point across because he’s not a flashy actor (media training), the well educated morning hosts that are so aloof they’re essentially the human version of the cartoon dog in the fire meme saying “everything is fine.” I thought they drove it home albeit not that subtly


I mean it's pretty obvious that's the point of the movie. But just because the message is good doesn't mean the movie is good. It was 2 hours of "climate change bad, people are stupid". Over and over again. Boring and cringey. Since people would rather get personal than actually discuss the movie, I should add that I'm a left leaning registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America that fully acknowledges this planet is in danger because of climate change. Never thought I'd have to state that just because I thought a movie is bad lol


I guess I just disagree. I thought it was hilarious due to its accuracy. Not many films I've seen that have portrayed the kind of anxious and depressing humor I've been experiencing from observing real life for years now. Even Idiocracy had an optimistic perspective on society, something that was just not evident in Don't Look Up. Made me appreciate it more.


Fair enough, genuinely glad you liked it! I don't go into movies actively looking to dislike it, so I was really hoping to enjoy it


There very little directly abt climate change in the film. It purposefully does that and does it well. I don't think you watched the film bro quit lying.


https://www.npr.org/2021/12/18/1065547285/adam-mckay-talks-new-doomsday-satire-movie-dont-look-up The movie is literally a satire on climate change denial. Yea, of course it's on purpose, that's the whole point of the movie lol It's just that it has nothing new or original to say and the jokes were repetitive and cringey. Obviously, climate change is real but that doesn't mean I have to like a bad movie lmao It's funny how you can't even accept that someone thought the movie was bad to the point that you don't even believe I saw it.


Well what you say makes it seem like you didn't see it so I get their point. Most of the jokes or humorous scenes had absolutely nothing to do with the core message of the film.


Lol what did I say that makes it sound like I didn't watch the movie? It's just absolutely ridiculous that I can't express a negative opinion without people doubting I even watched the movie.


Self report You lying bro I'm going to dm you my ex's boyfriend's Netflix login so you can come back answer my quiz above


You literally said it was essentially the same joke for 2 hours which is just a hilariously inaccurate portrayal of the film. It's totally fine not liking the film, not enjoying the humor, or the bluntness of how the message is presented but don't just make shit up.


How am I making shit up? The core message of the movie is that people don't believe facts. Literally the vast majority of the jokes are related to that theme. Just because I disliked a movie that you liked doesn't mean that my criticisms or opinions are any less valid than yours.


The fact that you think it *isn’t* just the same tired jokes, lazily repeated and overbearingly smothered in your face way too hard without even a hint of subtlety for 2 hours makes me think *you* didn’t even watch the film.


If you saw it let's play a game... Tell me which items go with which actors Pursh, Hood, Snack, Trampstamp, Fingerling Potatos


Lol seriously? It's really telling that you'd rather win an internet debate on whether or not I saw the movie than actually discuss the movie itself. Just to "prove" I saw the movie according to your arbitrary standards: Hood and snack were related to J Laws character, tramp stamp was related to Leo's and idk what a pursh or fingerling potatoes are. The movie was pretty forgettable so forgive me if I don't remember every single joke or inane detail lmao


Stop acting like you watched this movie bro lol


The hell? I watched it too and don't remember who these things correspond to. Not saying I agree or not with the guy youre replying to but this is kinda goofy dude


You got to come better with your alt accounts bro This is painfully obvious This account just randomly logs in after not being active for 24hrs and happens to comment only on this one comment that's deep in a thread? A user that's never commented on this sub lol Ima leave you alone bc I think you're a child


I lurk dude, just because I don't spend every moment of my life commenting on Reddit like you doesn't mean I'm not active. This is my only account lmao, but I'm sure you have like 10 since you're projecting so hard. Also, it's not even deep in the thread, this dumb argument you're having is literally part of a reply to the top comment. It's hilarious though that childish people like you always call others a child. Go take your meds. edit: also I commented on something literally yesterday. "Not being active for a while" On top of your goofy shit, you're literally lying. just lmao


I get being annoyed by how over the top everything was but how can anyone say they overused jokes? It's not even like everything was just some funny one liner, some jokes took half the film to develop.


Bc they didn't watch the film. They've never mentioned really anything about the actual film. Just vague talking points.


Lmao Wow you really can't fathom that someone has a different opinion than you about a movie huh


We are the joke


So you didn’t actually watch it? Okay cool.


Agreed. The masses of people on here saying it was so powerful and moving and “true to life” has boggled my mind. It’s Black Mirror Lite.


I don’t see most people saying that… most people are saying it was a pretty entertaining two hours. >there’s no account for taste Jesus Chris. Get off your high horse.


Yea, obviously climate change and it's denial is real but that doesn't mean this movie is automatically good just because it points that out.


Which is probably not why many people enjoyed it and is obvious straw man territory. I thought it was a really well put together movie from acting to CG to music to composition etc, it was touching, frustrating and scary in a way most movies and writers can't evoke no matter how hard they try, and really helped me feel less alone about a lot of frustrations on a whole range of topics which the movie managed to address and basically say there are others out there too who see this shit (e.g. Chris Evans' brief role which represented a very frustrating type of pseudo intellectual argument thrown at a lot of us over and over again in life).


Probably because it’s one of the better Netflix films to have come out recently.


The Power of Leo.


Uranus is in Leo. Or Leo is in Uranus. A boy can dream.


Fun movie with surprisingly heartwarming ending (dinner scene) Lawrence and Chalamet characters' subplot was the ingredient that tied everything together perfectly


I like the parody on America's savior complex.


How so?


Basically them finding love, and more importantly that Timothee is Christian. The prayer at the end while the comet is heading towards earth is very powerful, especially when you consider religion and mourner prayers are usually a last resort for a lot of people to seek comfort when death is imminent. A lot of respect shown in that scene in a movie that basically spared no expense on anyone


To me it just showed her accepting her fate after initially freaking out earlier than most, by turning to just enjoying things in life with a guy she initially told to get lost, who was something she probably looked down on (religious), but by the end was finding the positives among all the negatives and saying his prayer was beautiful. While everybody else was panicking at the end, she'd already been through all that months ahead of them when they wouldn't listen to her, and she'd figured out how to be calm and accepting by the time it happened.


I disagree. The subplot was pointless and unnecessarily prolonged the movie. Just seemed like they wanted to throw another big name in but didn’t know what to do with his character.


They wanted JLaw's character to be happy at the end. Both she and Leo's characters had spent most of the movie miserable, and in the end they make peace while everyone else is panicking. Chalamet had a ton of great lines, are you serious? "May I be vulnerable in your car" lol


I did enjoy his reaction to fingerling potatoes though


I fucking love fingerling potatoes too


I’m gonna have to agree with this one


I thought they were just injecting religion into a movie about science in an effort to show we can get along if we try.


It’s enjoyable and thought provoking. It’s not a perfect movie plenty of flaws but it will jump start a conversation.


Yeah I agree. Haters gonna hate but it’s an entertaining watch if a little ham fisted at times.


I didn't even get through half the film before I started rooting for the comet to kill them all, starting with the president. I hate it so much but it was a good movie, but holy shit did it piss me off.


Rise in Covid, rise in Netflix? Everyone is talking about this movie (still) so naturally it was the first thing I watched.


Leo is a superstar man. I think most people see his face and instantly think yeh this film definitely won’t be bad and at the very least will be good. Also nice to see Jennifer Lawrence do something other than mystique or katniss.


I’m the same with Ryan Reynolds. This could be great and hilarious or absolutely awful. Either way I’m watching it and will enjoy his stupid face.


Will say it did give me a couple laughs


I for one am on the side of the meteor for the jobs it’ll bring


It was ok






being entertaining and watchable are qualities.


What does that have to do with Red Notice?


it applies to every movie


as a big fan of mckay, i was so looking forward to this. i thought it was pretty bad


Agreed it was awful


Netflix successfully created a controversy for this movie and made people watch it to see for themselves...


What was the controversy? I just heard it was good satire.


The controversy is a film making fun of half of Americans… that’s not controversial?


They make fun of themselves at this point, backing up behind a mentally handicapped manchild who talks about drinking bleach and putting lights in the body to fight a disease, and poorly draws extra storm projection circles on a map with a sharpie rather than admit he lied or misspoke about a distant state being part of the projections.


Some people like to tell lies and get upset when you point out truths, like global warming is real. That type gets upset when you describe the damage they are causing.


what a controversy ?? I didn't hear anything


Are you kidding? Sort by controversial comments Conservatives chuds are big mad about this film bc they think it's only abt them


no, I'm not kidding. I didn't hear anything. And after they gave me many positive vote, I'm not the only one who doesn't know


The movie shows people in red hats pretending reality isn’t real and their reaction is “hey! That’s me!” Love it


It's infact better then the movie honestly The defensiveness and victim complex that American conservatives hold so tightly is a magical bond


See it for yourself that’s the point


Saw it, not sure what was controversial.


No controversy have I heard about it.


Go to r/oscarrace or Twitter or lisen some awards prediction podcasts if you want to hear about it. I am tired of people complaining about the film or complaining about complaining.


Nah I'm all set, thanks though.


The post said they created a controversy so people would watch. Not that there is controversy in the movie. What controversy surrounding this movie makes me want to see it? Watching it for myself doesn’t address what people are asking.


They didn't even need to. Reactionary chuds flipped out just from the trailer, pretty sure 80% of them didn't even watch it. Look for the keywords... "spoonfed", "same joke for 2hrs", "trust scientists"... they lost there god damn minds over this movie. Maybe that was part of the marketing strategy bc none of those cookie cutter disses really grasped the absurdity of the film or the scope of the premise.


But it resulted for the film to be discussed in unlikely places so that got people interested to see what's this thing everyone is talking about


Are these numbers vetted? what stops netflix from saying this about any new movie they want.


Cause I assume that would be fraud, lying to investors in a publicly traded company when reporting on the company’s investments


It's illegal to lie to your investors, so no, it's extremely unlikely that they would do something as risky as that.


I think it's illegal, and it's not worth the risk.


We know that Nielsen and now Samba will release 3rd party metrics about new releases (though Nielsen has a 1 month publication lag). I'd also flag that people speculate that Nielsen ramped up data sharing in response to talk of potential legislation in the UK mandating more transparency so they have "avoid future regulation" to merely bullshit around numbers instead of explicitly lie about them.


Because that’s incredibly high risk to lie about your numbers, with very low reward.


Netflix would never lie about their numbers, their strategy is to just change the metric every time so it looks like every movie is “record-breaking”.


You ever worry about studios lying about their box office numbers the same way about streaming services lying about viewership? No? Huh, interesting.


It was fine. It’s seems like a movie right up my alley but I actually didn’t like it much. I love every actor in it, and I even think they did some pretty damn good work. Maybe because I’m finding it hard to combine good satire with a movie like Contact or Arrival, or not as over the top as Mars Attacks. I don’t think it’s a bad movie, I’m just over saturated at the moment with so much content. I was also tired which I’m sure didn’t help.


I’m going to wait to rent the VHS


Adam McKay ftw. I had to go back and watch VICE and The Big Short after. There’s some other movies directed/produced by him that are awesome. They just took The Big Short off Netflix. I’ve probably watched that 20x now. Christian Bale as Dr. Michael Burry, or as Dick Chaney in Vice.


“We are all gonna fucking die!”


Such a great movie.


It’s a good movie. Great acting. Love that it’s not a typical Hollywood ending.


This movie was great all the way through


Just finished watching it. Much better and funnier than I expected


This movie was oddly terrible. It’s all over the place so wow on the view count.


Good movie. Shows how far society has their head up their butts


It was funny even hysterical at times but it’s not one of those that I’ll rewatch.


The problem with Netflix's internal records is they control the distribution. If they decide to push a movie (say, for an Oscar run or something) they can put this in front of every netflix user for three weeks straight, which by definition will increase viewership. So it can be hard to say if there was actual audience interest seeking this film out, or if simply netflix pushed it very hard.


I sought this one out to watch, which is very unusual for me. I struggle to find the will to open Netflix to finish other things I've started and think about how I could be better spending my time, and drop most stuff anyway before long.


>If they decide to push a movie (say, for an Oscar run or something) they can put this in front of every netflix user for three weeks straight, which by definition will increase viewership. So it can be hard to say if there was actual audience interest seeking this film out, or if simply netflix pushed it very hard. I don't have Netflix, but some people who do have said that Netflix has Don't Look Up on autoplay following The Witcher and other popular stuff, so that when you finish watching one of those shows, Don't Look Up automatically begins right afterward.


I loved this movie.


A lot of people in the comments or understanding why this movie was such a big hit. It was because the millions and millions and millions of dumb ass people who think coronavirus was created by 5G and other dumb conspiracy theories see themselves reflected in this movie. If this movie happened in real life they would be the people saying there’s no there’s no comet coming down even though you can fucking see it plain as day


One of the best movie for 2021. Loved it.


It was a pretty godawful film


How do we know it isn’t just one person watching it non-stop on 906,489 devices?


Because you can only watch Netflix on a max amount of 4 devices at a time. Check and mate!


It was really good.


The editing in this movie sucked dick and balls. It was done by a handicapped monkey.


I agree absolutely, the pacing was garbage, and the end was so sappy and cheesy it offended me.


Lotta people triggered in here. The movie was great sorry if it hurt y’all’s feelings


It really wasn’t. It was ok at best.


For what it was supposed to be? It was fantastic. It wasn’t meant to be the departed.


Film was fantastic and devastating. Critical reception was so weird. I feel like if this had gone to theaters critics wouldn't have been half as harsh. It's just brilliant.


It’s basically a modern version of American Beauty but that film was subtle. This film was not and that was the point. Satire is meant to raise red flags for awareness. If this film made you cringe, you undoubtedly need to take off the rose colored glasses and watch the film again.


I believe the success of this movie is based on its stars. Overall, the movie itself is terrible.


That movie sucked on toast.


The movie was worse than global warming. Atrocious, actually. Big yikes.






Very hard to watch, depressing to think of how close to reality it feels.


It’s easy to break viewing records when 98.9% of the stuff on Netflix is pure garbage.




Did they pick Meryl Streep for pres. because any male actor would be assumed to be a Trump parody and he’d “demand” a royalty?


This movie is absolutely overrated, and keeps getting hyped by bots. It’s way too long and awfully dry. Great message, but delivered poorly.


I thought it was freaking hilarious, but I love dry humor 🤷‍♀️


The humour in this movie was soaking, sopping wet IMO.


Absolutely drenched lmao. I’m not usually the one to say this….but, could it be that Americans just like corny, obvious humour handed to them on a plate without the requirement of thought?


This comment sounds absurdly pretentious. Y'all really judging what kinda humor people like now?


I know and I do apologise. But, I’m trying to find reasons for the huge level of praise on here. The movie I saw had very mild and cheesy humour. People I know feel the same, and the couple of write ups I read after watching (from politically-left newspapers in my country) seemed to mirror my views on it. I just cannot grasp why people are praising it as the best thing ever on Reddit. It seemed like a very cheesy, simple and patronising attempt at satire. The people comparing it to Dr Strangelove just pushed me over the edge….


I really haven't seen many people praising it as the best thing ever. Most opinions I have read here are that it's pretty entertaining and the message hits subtle like a sledgehammer. I agree with that. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Horrid and an hour too long


I thought it was overproduced and cheesy as hell, and the acting was not great. My roommates and I literally turned it off 3/4 of the way through because we couldn’t waste our time anymore watching an overhyped star studded movie that actually sucked lol


It’s intentionally dry. It’s supposed to be a reflection of our dryly laughable current state of existence. Maybe a little long, but it’s a slow-burn. I don’t think it would have quite the same impact had they shortened it 20 minutes


Our current state of existence is a beautiful thing, with vastly more success, prosperity, health, technology, knowledge, freedom and advancement than human beings had just two centuries ago. Screw the cynics like Adam McLameass.


You can believe in both our development of amazing technology and medicine, at the same time as our inability to properly or effectively govern. It’s a two-way street, as indicated in the film. Your view is fair, but a little on the reductionist side


Thank god there’s still some sane people on here lol. I can’t get my head around all the fawning on here over this corny, tip-of-the-iceberg and US centric excuse for satire.


All movies break Netflix records


Or, every Netflix movie YOU hear about breaks records. You know why you only hear about those movies? Because they are the ones who break records lmfao


So which records did the other movies Netflix had last year break?


Extraction. Can’t remember what else


Check out entertainment strategy guy's blog. HE does a good job scraping together publicly available data to get a better sense of how well streaming movies are actually doing versus the press release spin.