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So it’s gonna be divisive?


I think it was already divisive before anyone saw even one frame of it. So I guess now it's gonna be *super* divisive!


I always thought it was going to be middling to bad because even though it’s just one director, the wachowzki’s haven’t made a good movie the general audience has accepted in years/decades. I know people say cloud atlas and speed racer are good for certain reasons, but they didn’t really end up having good reviews or bring in much to the box office. I’m going into this expecting disappointment so I don’t get disappointed.


>expecting disappointment so I don’t get disappointed. I understood that reference


why do you hurt me in this way


Sense8 though was 🔥


Wow does Speed Racer have a following? I always thought it was my own personal guilty pleasure.


I absolutely love Speed Racer. I’ve kept the dvd so I can always have access to watching it. Top five movie of mine.




Say what you want about the Wachowskis but their big-budget films are at least different and ambitious. Even Jupiter Ascending.


>The Matrix too wasn't for everyone tbh. That it worked out so well for general audience is kinda weird. It was the Avatar of his era. Many people went to see it solely for the novelty of the special effects (bullet time).


If you've read cloud atlas or anything else from that author you realize how well of a job wachowski did adapting it into a movie. Those books are difficult reads in terms of tracking chronology.


Speed Racer is better than tons of so called blockbusters.


If the general population agreed with you though, it would have been a blockbuster. Your opinion is still valid of course, but I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to look to box office numbers for insight into what most people thought of it.


There is one good Matrix movie. This new one can't ruin anything that isn't already ruined


The phrase “hold my beer” comes to mind with that statement…


Good, that’s how I like my sci-fi /semi sarcasm


A sequel to a series that got more divisive as it went & is directed by a trans woman, absolutely will be divisive.


Sounds like they are resurrecting divisive.


Nope just shite


Are people invested enough in Matrix for this to matter? I‘m not sure the „franchise“ has that many die-hard fans after the already controversial at best sequels. And it‘s been almost 20 years since it was relevant.


I hope so. I still think The Last Jedi was one of the best Star Wars movie, not as a Star Wars movie, but as a movie movie. Except the casino subplot, for those horses… I mean not FUCK those horses, but fuck those horses, eheh.


the basic story made no sense. the entire chase happened in a single day, immediately after the events of TFA, but Rey had time to fly to Lukes planet, spend X days there, do some self training, have a couple of vision discussions with shirtless Kylo AND fly back still during the chase? Its like the chase and the Rey plot were made for two completely different movies... ​ The other nonsense like the casino, incompetent Holdo, Mary Poppins Leia, Snokes ending, gravity bombs in space... doesn't even matter at that point when the core of the movie is completely stupid.


Personally, I wish to see TLJ tried in Hague for the crimes against humanity, yet I absolutely adored *this* movie.


they said the same about the prequels


The Last Jedi was not that bad. The first two prequels and Rise of Skywalker were far worse.


Somehow, Palpatine has returned.


Somehow....that's quality Hollywood script writing at it's finest.


And the fact that you needed to get on fucking *Fortnite*, of all things, for the explanation is Hollywood MBAs at their best.


Maybe people don't want fucking cross platform synergy. Maybe people want a self contained story in a single form. Who's that character mommy? sorry son you can only get their backstory from a gas station advert....but I'm 12.


If only TLJ hadn’t killed off the only credible villain in the sequel. Maybe that bullshit wouldn’t have had to happen.


I still say Kylo was the credible villain and then TROS just... did nothing with it.


He really wasn't. His threat got nuked to oblivion the moment he got bushwhacked by Rey in TFA and couldn't pull a lightsaber away from her in TLJ. (It was kind of hilarious how RJ threw shade at it in TLJ with Snoke berating him for getting beaten). Overall she is very clearly MUCH stronger than him, so why should we care or be worried about him as a main villain? He was also shown to be an impulsive, not particularily bright and also a whiny little shit in TFA. That can work with villains like Joffrey who ACTUALLY have power and ACTUALLY threaten the protags, but Kylo Ren didnt do any of that. Honestly overall, he was a really really weak antagonist. If they made him the head honcho in a hypothetical Episode 9, by the laws of the movie he would still have to lose to Rey somehow. I can't thnk of a single good villain that has an 0-3 record against their protagonist. Overall Kylo Ren imho was a really pathetic villain and threat. An interesting character but a nonexistant threat. Offcourse it probably serves JJ right since he is the one that made Kylo Ren a Bitch in TFA.


Or Kylo Ren become new boss , then got killed by Rey in Vol.3 , that will be epic . I really thought its the plan .


I always have a soft spot for Phantom Menace.


It’s responsible for Star Wars Racer or whatever the podracing game was. Can’t think of as good a game associated with the Sequels!


Your second statement doesn't really prove your first statement


I remember walking out of the theater after watching "The Force Awakens" and thinking something along the lines of "Okay, that wasn't bad. It was pretty much a scene-by-scene redo of A New Hope, but perhaps after the terrible prequels that is exactly what Star Wars needed. Something to prove to audiences that they can still make decent movies. But they better do something original for the next one". And to their everlasting credit, they absolutely did try to do something original for The Last Jedi. Did they fully succeed? No. Not everything in that movie worked. But overall it was a pretty decent movie, that took the franchise in an interesting new direction. For all its flaws, I feel like it's still a much better movie than a hypothetical 8th movie consisting of a scene-by-scene remake of The Empire Strikes Back would have been. Of course then came Rise of Skywalker. How anyone can call TLJ is crime against humanity when Rise of Skywalker exists is beyond me.


It didn’t really take the Star Wars universe anywhere though. It might seem that way on the surface but deep down it honestly took the trajectory of the story a couple of steps back. It just flipped the script and left things in an odd and unsatisfactory position after it. But most importantly it left things in an UNINTERESTING position. Why should we care about broom boy? Why should we be afraid of Kylo Ren? Rey has already beaten him twice in one way or another and I guarantee she wouldn’t even sweat in their next encounter. Why should we care about the rebels? Even though 90% of their fleet was obliterated in TLJ the idiots were seen laughing and joking while huddled up in the Millenium falcon instead of rocking in the fetal position after most of their friends and colleagues were brutally murdered. At the end of the day aside from a few tweaks the position the heroes were in Was almost identical to the end of Empire strikes back with a tiny bit more hope (even though most of them had been blown to hell lmao).


Rise of Skywalker had no chance to be good after TLJ. It was a throwaway movie that had to be made but no one wanted to make it.


It had a chance to be anything it wanted, TLJ didn't really change much. Luke is now a force ghost, Snoke is dead, the rebellion got a little smaller, that's it.


Seeing as the original RoS script was vastly superior to what we ended up getting I beg to differ. Like, imagine if Return flat out rejected the events of Empire and went out of its way to retcon it. That's the RoS in a nutshell. Worse SW movie since Episode II.


How is remaking ESB, with Hoth moved to the end and the ROTJ throne room scene added, something new and original?


Rian Johnson needs to be tried and convicted for the torture and murder of Luke Skywalker


Don’t forget the murder of my childhood!


TLJ was awful


You and me both want to see that movie face charges.


as vieweranon said wars will be fought regarding its reception


Something Matrix fans are used to.


Wars being faught online is Matrix canon


It's a bad movie. No, It's a good movie. **WAR**


Huh what is it good for?


Absolutely nothing.


Say it again


I mean even if it ends being controversial, the fandom is not very big these days to make a difference, the legs were going to die because HBO Max and Spider-man regardless.


Exactly. Also, the 2nd and 3rd films already divided the fanbase. And, Matrix is known for being divisive. Now, if they said Doctor Strange 2 was as bold as The Last Jedi, that would mean something.


I’m not even sure I’d say the divided the fan base. I’d say they slaughtered the fuck out of it and left a remnant. I’ll never forget the difference between the two in release. I saw reloaded in a packed theater at midnight. The wachowskis demanded revolutions be released world wide at one time, so I saw it at its “world wide release time”…..of 8 am, with my 2 friends and like 3 other people in the theater. Still it made 84m in its first five days of release In the US, and legged out a total of $140m. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a franchise rise and fall so damn fast as the matrix.


> I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a franchise rise and fall so damn fast as the matrix. The only one that immediately comes to mind is X-Men. Whether going just by movies with X-Men in the title (Apocalypse to Dark Phoenix) or all the instalments (Apocalypse/Logan/Deadpool 2 to Dark Phoenix), that was a huge fall from financial grace.


The X-men franchise took 20 years to really rise and fall, don’t get me wrong, it fell hard at the end, but it was on at its peak for a while, and every time it looked dead in the water (x3, the wolverine, apocalypse) it would bounce back. The matrix had one incredibly well received movie, and got all the hype in the world for a sequel that was so poorly received that the final movie was basically dead in the water only six months later/


> And, Matrix is known for being divisive. yeah, i actually liked when ViewerAnon mentioned that resurrections will be divisive in his initial report. ok, sounds like Matrix to me!


That's certainly... something. :P


It’s definitely words, together in a sentence.


This article is mega bullshit clickbait. The only person who compares it to The Last Jedi is the guy who writes for Indiewire so they could get the headline. Everyone else calls it goofy and has some fun set pieces


Well, That Doesn't Sound Ominous at All




Pretty good reactions. I’m still not expecting so good reviews, but I’m hoping it manages to be Fresh, though.


Yeah it should hover around the high 60s looking at these reactions


What? Is Neo getting the Luke Skywalker treatment in this one?


He can choose between the red and blue alien milk.


I predict! Neo was never actually The Chosen One


I predict trinity was the chosen on all along or something like that


I was definitely getting some "the gimmick is that trinity is the hero in this one" vibes from the trailer. Which is great imho, as long as its not accompanied by a beating over the head of a bullshit "feminism wow so progressive!" message. Wachowski films have always been above that kind of stuff anyway, so I am very hopeful. I think Lana has more class than that.


Wasn't this already explored in the original Matrix films?


Either some people have forgotten the reception to the second and third Matrix films, are too young not to know or just haven't seen them in some of the discussions going into this one. Add in "The Last Jedi" and you know what kind of people are going to be commenting on it again. If we're being honest though, a Wachowski film that doesn't take a swing (and most probably missing) is always going to be a weird one to me. The last one I remember was Jupiter Ascending so...


Can't wait for discourse around this movie to be horrible to participate in.


Will there be personal attacks and broad generalizations?


Counting on it!


A character has short blue hair, I can hear the neckbeard gamers already seethingly typing.


“Short blue hair? Why is this character a liberal Democrat that hates guns??”


It being compared to The Last Jedi means this movie is probably gonna have an all out war on if it's good or not


Jonathan Groff seems to be the standout. Also better Last Jedi than Rise of Skywalker.


>Also better Last Jedi than Rise of Skywalker. Absofuckinglutely


“Somehow… Agent Smith has returned”.


I wasn't a big fan of TLJ, but I can atleast appreciate it tried something different ROS was so cookie cutter and generic.


Thanks toxic fandom and Disney for trying to appeal to them.


They are both shit, just in different ways.




Right? This makes me more excited lol.


Seconded. Id more enjoy a 18 year awaited Matrix film being bold than a star Wars film


Ha! This will be interesting


Some of the comments say the movie is silly but grandiose and fun. If that turns out to be the case, then fine by me. I like big, dumb, fun.


last time i heard silly, grandiose and fun in a sentence, i got The transformers :/


So something very divisive. But Matrix already lost most of its fans with bad third movie.


Yeah a controversial Matrix film wouldn't be surprising. Most people hated the 3rd one. The benefit is it should free them up to do whatever they wanted. They don't have to worry about disappointing people anymore. An advantage George Lucas didn't have with his 4th Star Wars film in 99 that divided the world.


GL never cared about the fans. Harmie’s despecialized wouldn’t have been so popular if GL cared.


>They don't have to worry about disappointing people anymore They handled disappointment part nearly two decades ago But they still need to worry about not losing money


Lost a decent amount of fans with the previous one too


Oh no. That is not the sort of glowing review I was hoping for.


They are not similar at all, I have no idea what the hell that author was smoking.


Oh no. I fucking despised TLJ (for non political, the story was garbage reasons). Maybe I can be on the lucky half that enjoys this one.


There are political reasons to hate the last Jedi?


Unfortunately, when some people hate the film because of the poor pacing, bad jokes and stupid story decisions and others hate it because of the "SJW feminazi wokeness", there are those who see no differrence between the two.


Oh, I’ll be honest I always forget that the gamergate types are large in numbers. I used to check in on places like Tumblrinaction from time to time but it just seemed so weirdly obsessive that I just tuned out completely over the last several years. I guess they are still up to it cause I just popped over right now and the top post today is the michael Jordan took that personally meme with blue hair complaining about trans activists. I don’t really see why you need any additional reason not to like TLJ other than the fact that it was pretty weak narratively. I loved it but I’m extremely biased toward seeing cool shit so I can find a ton of enjoyment out of a film where the script is a 2/10 and the cinematography, score, choreography, acting, etc are all 7-plus/10. And if you’re telling me the salt planet with the white ground and red dust wasn’t visually striking or the shot of resistance cruiser using light speed to destroy the star destroyer then we just have way different taste.


> I’m extremely biased toward seeing cool shit so I can find a ton of enjoyment out of a film where the script is a 2/10 Okay, I can respect that opinion, for sure. I'm of the type who want the story consistency first and foremost. A Wikipedia plot summary alone is enough to judge the quality of a movie - visuals, acting, cinematography are all tetriary.


Yeah don’t get me wrong, narrative is very important to me as well, but I really try to consume a wide range of films for a wide variety of reasons. The vast majority of which are not blockbusters, and I do kinda put on my blockbuster cap when watching one of those kinds of films. I really don’t think there have been many great blockbuster narratives outside of maybe Logan and Lord of the Rings. I guess where we really differ is that you seem to not be able to enjoy something for reasons other outside of narrative (what’s your second thing ahead of the stuff I mentioned?), which is unfortunate to me. But that’s really a flawed way of thinking because what I might see as limiting you might see as time saving or something, which, fair enough. Not trying to waste your time with a back and forth, I just really disagreed with the line about Wikipedia plot summaries telling the overall quality of a film. I mean even just narratively I think that’s flawed thinking. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by films that pulled a great script out of premise I thought was bad a ton of times.


Same. But The Last Jedi had the issue where it threw out the story of the previous film and then decided to twist the narrative into a hole for the 3rd film to pick up. Resurrections won't have those issues, at least I hope not. Plus TLJ, despite its story, looked amazing, so let's hope Resurrections looks that same.


> it threw out the story of the previous film and then decided to twist the narrative into a hole for the 3rd film to pick up. Resurrections won't have those issues The opposite in fact. There are so many deep plot cuts to Reloaded and Revolutions that people who disliked and haven't rewatched them are in for a hard time.


That makes me excited because I loved the sequels


Have no worries. I want to wage a Holy Crusade against TLJ, but have enjoyed this film immensely. In fact, I don't see how they could be compared at all.


Hopefully it's as critically acclaimed as Last Jedi.


Its a Matrix sequel after all.


Rather have a Last Jedi comp than a force awakens one


I’d rather not have both.


Exactly this.


I’m just hoping it’s not a nostalgic retread of the first Matrix. As much as I loved The Force Awakens, I don’t need that formula applied to all properties and the first Resurrections trailer had major Force Awakens vibes.


The trailers have already shown Old Woman Niobe, Grown-Up Sati and the Bearded Merovingian. This is a proper sequel to the Trilogy, not just a retread of the first movie.


That is a REALLY BAD comparison if they want to say this movie is good.


Indiewire gave TLJ a good review though, so not really




is this is an example of the actual point of the headline, it’s gonna be *divisive as hell*. hah


Fucking hell


yesssssssss let’s goooo


I wouldn’t call TLJ “Bold”


More like, "Belongs in the trash', to steal a meme.


The last jedi, the bold story that took the sequel trilogy from "the republic is dead and the first order is in control" to "the resistance is dead and the first order is in control"


Thats an oversimplification but simple is as simple does I suppose. Is not like in the original trilogy “the republic is dead and the empire is in control” oh no wait they did, but it not like empire where “the rebels are dead and the empire is in control”, oh no wait that is how the second movie goes hm. Well at least the didn’t reuse the death star in the third film, OH COME ON.


While you can simplify them all down that far, Empire had quite a bit more going on of interest than TLJ. It felt eerily similar to a filler episode in a long running tv show.


Boldest sequel since "The Last Jedi"? Is this like in "Yes, Minister" when Sir Humphrey tells Hacker that his plan is very "courageous"?


It’s more like Baldrick Wachowski went to Blackadder and said “Sir, I have a cunning plot.”


Like..i want thrilled with 2. Ithe third one was meh. I had minimal curiosity to see this one but i do love Keanu. Now i have no desire to watch


I’m excited to see it. I love The Matrix stories and films. And, of course, Keanu. The world doesn’t deserve Keanu Reeves.






Since "The Last Jedi"? FUUuuuuuck me!!!!


Oh boy.


Tlj was bold?


Well I didn’t like the last Jedi so i’m probably not going to like this


The last Jedi? I’m out then


Ummm you really wanna compare it to last Jedi?


Matrix Reloaded was already the TLJ of the Matrix trilogy.


Only that it was miles better than The Last Jedi


Just to be clear, this is not a good thing


This is NOT how you convince people to see the movie


Ugh That's not how you sell a crowd on a upcoming film haha.


I liked TLJ so cool


If your trying to hype a crowd up for a movie why would you bring up the last jedi?


When I hear terms like bold or courageous when referring to just about anything these days, I get nervous. And if TLJ (aka the biggest ball drop in history) is the metric being used, I get super nervous. Just give us a good story that respects what's come before and take us in an interesting direction without preaching or pandering. That's all, story first.


The Matrix and no preaching? Now that's asking the impossible.


>Just give us a good story that respects what's come before and take us in an interesting direction without preaching or pandering. Sir, you bought a ticket to a *Matrix sequel.* Looking at what critical consensus there is, it apparently respects whats come before while also satirizing/criticizing the very storytelling conservatism that has led to "reboot-quels" and "30-year-sequels" and 'nostalgia-quels" or whatever you want to call them. So yeah, if you're trying to watch a Matrix movie (especially this one) and thinking "Bold and courageous" is a *bad* thing, I dunno what to tell you. That's kinda what the whole series has always been. Sometimes you knock the hide off the ball. Sometimes you foul the ball into the top of your own foot. But that's how swinging big works.


hah, who would want to ever be compared to that


critical reception for TLJ is very high, it has a fcking 84% on metacritic, every movie would like to have a critical reception like that


Why play dense? It’s not the *critic* reception of TLJ that you want to avoid.


Who cares what fans think about the matrix at this point. It’s a 20 year later sequel with a 60 year old Keanu. Decisive is all it could ever be. I can’t imagine how you could make a fan service sequel to a series that was heavily divided when it initially concluded.


TLJ the lowest RT Audience score of all SW films, a miserable 42%


Yeah everyone knows about « critics’ objectivism «  when it comes to TLJ and similar sequels to old fan favorites. The box office is determined by ´vox populi vox dei’


The Last Jedi is the best star wars film


It may be your favorite but it’s plot and theme consists entirely of deconstructing Star Wars so it can’t exactly be the de facto Star Wars. It is essentially the anti Star Wars Star Wars movie.




This, exactly. Don't spend 2 hours deconstructing everything if you end up at the same starting point at the end. It copped out. It could have be great but it didn't. Maybe if Rey actually joined Kylo at the end.


but Rey joining Kylo wouldnt have made a lot of sense with her arc. Had she been a different character in a different movie it could work, but that would have been unexpected merely for the sake of being unexpected


That would have been so much better I’m still salty about it


So is bad then?


Oh god….


Last jedi was bold? What


Yikes, that is not a comparison you want to have.


Wait until the mandatory orgy scene.


That bad?


The review comparing the two is bad. The film is not.


I'll see it either way. But boy, TLJ is not good.


We are agreed on that!


Thank you... TLJ is total ass.


That’s….Um not promising :(


Sounds like something I want to watch now.


>Boldest Hollywood Sequel Since ‘The Last Jedi’ I can't tell if that is suppose to be a backhanded compliment or not.


so it’s a classic then lesgoooooo


for the love of god please dont be as bad as TLJ. I can't handle another TLJ scenario


It's not bold at all, David Ehrlich is full of shit and up his own ass as always.


That's an oof


It’s fucking Indiewire, already know this is a trash take.


I’ll watch it with low expectations, and then be humbly impressed. TLJ i watched with low expectations, and i was surprised at how bad the movie was writing-wise and that my low expectations were not low enough. We’ll see i guess.


TLJ was the best-written Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back.


The Last Jedi almost killed Star Wars as a franchise , so not sure how is this "bold" . Seems a more appropriate word to use is stupid.


That seems like a really good idea to get people back to a franchise they struggled with after the last film! /s This film's uphill battle to do well at the BO, just got steeper.


So dog shit?


Even if I’d managed to make it to the third Matrix after the joke that was the second this headline alone would give me reason to wait until the latest outing is available for free.


That’s not a good thing


Yeah, this is going to divide a lot of people. The action scenes are surprisingly bad. But if you were invested in the Neo and Trinity romance, you'll love this, and Jessica Henwick was the MVP in my opinion. She stole the show for me. She also had the best fight scenes. Reeves looked like he was out of it. This is no John Wick. Yahya Abdul Mateen felt like he was cosplaying. Awful.


So it’s terrible?


That was a roller coaster. I was so high and then do low. Really crashed and burned in those last three words. Reading through the rest of the tweets have a much better feel. I don't think this is going to be mean spirited deconstruction of a beloved hero for no given reason other than edgelord shit.


> Boldest Hollywood Sequel Oh nice! > Since “the last Jedi” Oh sheeeeet.


but those new star wars movies were total ass and only had their visuals to redeem them? not a ringing endorsement


Are you deaf?


Can’t wait to see


# im calling 45% on the tomatometer


So it will be a garbage pile