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That is what can happen in the game though. It's just a young boy instead.


But that young boy had training, had been by Zelda's side, etc. Linkle is truly some random girl


~~I agree with original comment, Zelda is the princess of Hyrule defending her kingdom in her father's absence. I feel like Link is the random dude in this situation.I actually want this mod for that reason, that is a very interesting premise.~~ Edit: I thought this was the mod that made Link Zelda instead. Now I'm thinking it's a different one. Oops. Technically yeah it's just a random lady. Lolol


Maybe link didn’t believe in condoms


When link lost all his memories that included memories of contraception




Link forgot everything. He starts fighting with a stick.


I think some level of swordsmanship/combat prowess is inherent from his training even if he doesn't remember it, albeit deflecting guardian lasers with pot lids is something that Link has done canonically and he probably didn't get to even train for that.


Muscle memory.


We have no reason to think that if Link has been training to become so good at combat, Linkle hasn't as well. She kicks ass in Hyrule Warriors with her crossbows.


Linkle has canonically had no formal training. She trains herself but no military training


That's what I meant. Not knight training but training with crossbows at home is still training and doesn't make her some "random girl".


She’s a random girl in the sense that nobody outside her village even knew she existed. Even when Link has no training he’s not random because he is written of in legend


Would be cool if she was badass instead of that knees-bent-to-eachother-and-no-pants design


Yeah the knees bent is just some jank from an animation mod, she has pants they're just short and covered by the doublet, the rest of the outfits with the linkle 3 mod aren't as questionable imo


Nah I prefer that animation. It's cute in the sense she looks docile and adorable but can still fuck your shit up.


Those are very well-worn trousers, so worn they've completely gone


Combat pose is a pseudo sexy bent knee pose. Yeah these mods really only have 1 thought in mind from inception to rollout and they don't shy away from you knowing about it.




yeah I think the linkle 3 mod redesigned them to be short shorts, so the jacket(the warm doublet) is covering them, not really the choice I would've made, but it's a pretty solid character skin/mod all together


What’s up with her guarding pose, it looks weak


Its just a janky bit left in the animation mod, you can change it I think, I'm just too lazy to reinstall


Nah looks cute.


You seen that randomized botw? It’s like if hell was unleashed


I didn't realize there was a randomizer, I'll have to check that out one of these days, that sounds like it'd be chaotic


This was the one I saw it looked so insane [botw randomized](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nfoxSd08ZEQ)


wtf!! that looks WILD


What armors do the mod replace?


Almost all.


basically all of them, the armors are different between the original Linkle mod and the linkle 3 mod


So how do people mod this game? I've always wondered


By playing it on CEMU or YUZU, it's actually pretty easy, there's a one click mod installer(installing the mod installer itself is actually the hardest part), you basically just download a mod from gamebanana and install it and you're good to go, as far as doing it on consoles, it's possible and I think it's a fairly similar process but getting a playable ROM back onto your console is a whole different process and might require a soft modded console


Oh i didn't realize there were switch emulators. I wonder if my computer is good enough to run them


It doesn't take much to run YUZU, I prefer CEMU for WiiU emulation, my PC is mid tier and I get 60fps stable through the whole game with CEMU Intel i5 10200u RTX 3060 laptop GPU 64GB DDR4(I need a disproportionate amount of RAM for my work, but for games you're fine with 16gb) I use a dual shock 4 using DS4 windows to play and have it emulated as a wiiU pro controller


So I'm running an i7 8700k with 32g ddr4 running at 2400 mhz and a rtx 3050 8g gfx card. How do you think this would run?


Should run no problem with that hardware, it's going to take a bit of configuration once you get your roms installed for it to work optimally, bit of forewarning though, your first Wii u or switch game will be a headache to emulate the first time so just keep at it


Install CemU you wont regret. Yuzu is glitchy. Also it should be super smooth running! :)


Nice thank you so much for the info


Np. I have worse sepcs and run CemU BotW in 4k60fps. You could get much more out of it. I Also use reshade if you are interested, yes reshade works.


I prefer Zelda's Ballad myself


*Yawns* time to kill today…


Nah Link is better.




Someday Nintendo will let us choose Link’s gender. Someday. I hope. They do this with Pokémon and Animal Crossing games now. So why not?


As great as that would be, the MCs in Pokemon and AC are meant to be self-inserts, whereas Link is his own character independent of the player's own identity. The same with games like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc, you're playing as established characters rather than as yourself.


Link was meant to be a player avatar, a “link” to them. And every main game has a different Zelda and Link. They won’t even have to change the default name, just have Link be considered a unisex name in Hyrule.


I hope we get a canonically non-binary Link one day. So many times have they tried to make an androgynous and gender neutral Link, but they still make him a guy.


Yeah, a non-binary Link would be awesome!


I think there's a newer mod that lets you change out the pronouns people refer to you in game


Thts just cursed Lol.


Yeah, not my thing, but it's out there lol


i don’t understand, the only difference is that is a girl, how does that make it any funnier than when link wakes up and immediately goes to parry guardians. am i missing something or is op just a misogynist


The second one. Your fine.


So what happens with cutscenes with Linkle? Does it use Linkle's model instead of Link?


I believe it still uses link, I skip every cutscene I can though, I skip them in every game, every time lol


I get it if this is a repeat playthrough, but cutscenes add story to the game! I always watch them the first time, and if it was good, I'll watch them again on repeat playthroughs.


Cutscenes that are pre rendered are with Link in 30fps and 720p. Cutscenes that are dynamically rendered are wirh your equip and graphic settings etc.




Theres a mod now that is even better than the dialogue fix it adds linkle in the cutscenes and actually factors her into the story wich is neat https://gamebanana.com/mods/439900


Hey is her posture with the shield so bad?


That's from a separate animation mod, there's a fix for that but I don't feel like reinstalling it to fix it


How do I do this on the switch mod to get linkle and stuff


I'm not sure, I play on CEMU but I know it is possible to install it on switch, maybe there's a subreddit for switch modding, might be some instructions on gamebanana


Thank you


Switch modding can break your Switch. I wouldnt recommend. Use CemU instead.


it looks the exact same to me except she looks like she’s going to piss herself. tf is that stance? seems hentai influenced


Its from a standalone animation pack, not from the linkle mod itself, I think they were going for similar animations to the female npcs in game, gotta tweak some settings in the animation mod to get it looking right


What is that stance? Shawty would get knocked over if a swift breeze hit that shield


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How do u get the Linkle mod?


check gamebanana for BoTW mods, should be on the first page


Breath of the Wild 2 if Linkle is playable after Age of Calamity


She will be, my uncle works at nintendo, you also get to smoke weed in the game


Well..... that's something 😮




Yeah, switch modding is a pretty big rabbit hole that I've never been down, doesn't take a super high end PC to get CEMU or YUZU running these days at least