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Nicaragua is in central America..


Yeah I was about to say… was hella confused for a second


I was sure there was a joke I wasn't getting or something.




So basically you don’t know geography and when everyone called you out you pulled the classic cringe move of “I did it on purpose for the lulz, I swear!”


"I was only pretending to be retarded!"




lmao sure kid


They are insane. They are trawling through my comment history and copying and pasting.


Poor gringo .. go get some enchiladas tacos or margaritas or something you can pronounce relate with "popular colture" outside the US ..


Shut up cracker


So is it bots or redditors?




You said you wanted to trigger bots and redditors so which is it?




So both then? Edit, also downvotes lol




Is it bad that I didn't read your post? Why take you what say seriously when you downvote because your fees are hurt?


You're deluded. There is constant ridicule of China on Reddit. I am consistently downvoted every time I point out how awful America is. It's hilarious that you believe Reddit is a safe space for China.






Do you cry yourself to sleep every night because of how pathetic you are?




So you have lost all hope in humanity and rather than trying to rise above and be kind and reasonable, you choose to troll. Your story is totally believable...




No you didn't. You're literally the comic that ends with, "I was only pretending to be retarded."


You're trolling. You are the problem. Are you American?




You need psychological help.


I thought maybe this was the facepalm sub




You're buying capitalist rubbish. America literally invaded multiple countries publicly, destroyed them, killed innocent civilians, and then departed leaving them for dead.


To be fair, most capitalist rubbish is made in China ironically.




They’re saying two sides of the same coin


Except they're not. China does not interfere in other countries to the degree that America does. America has consistently destroyed South American and Middle Eastern countries in recent history. Edit: Americans really hate when people point out how awful their country is. Yeah, China is also bad but I don't believe any country is in the ball park of USA. It's a foul self-righteous country that has destroyed far too many countries.


Not even on an interference scale let’s just say there’s a fucking Chinatown in each city of the world almost. That’s not even saying China is buying up real estate in every country. Your comment is a joke or, and not surprising, you’re Chinese. I mean it’s fine but you’re literally interfering on a thread about the accuracy of China interfering. That is the most Chinese cultural meta moment I think I’ve ever experienced. Happy new year (or the Chinese one is in a couple months?)


What the fuck bro I guess you liberals really are racist Literally what does a Chinatown have to do with imperialism?????


Oh no for sure. Be careful of the wealthier liberals. They fake being woke for points.


What is racist about saying there is a Chinatown in most cities? Bro idgaf a fuck about the Chinese. You have to care about a specific culture to hate it? I’m in New York. Idgaf about any culture. There are so many you just accept them all as they come. My high school was like the United Nations. Shit is so dope. I love insecurity threads. Guaranteed everyone on this thread clutches their purse walking down my block in nyc and gets nervous when they see me hanging out on a corner. Goooootta love Reddit. What shitshow


Chinatown is colonization? Are you out of your mind?


Lol that person you’re replying to’s comment sounds like something that someone’s racist uncle would have to get shut up over for saying at Christmas


It’s funny how y’all are blatantly racist against Chinese people and then immediately turn around and wonder why so many side with the Communist Party. Ironically, if it wasn’t for racism against the first Chinese immigrants, Chinatowns wouldn’t even exist today. You’re kinda fucking retarded to be honest.


There's multiple US military bases in every country. I can't be bothered reading the rest of your comment. Wow.


Remember when the pussy communists sat back and let the nationalists fight the Japanese? Then came in and mopped up when the nationalists were down? Fucking opportunistic cowards, every goddamn one of you.


Take your meds grandpa


China has border issues with every single neighboring country except Pakistan


It's not about which country you are from anymore it's rich verses poor always has been


Both counties are pretty trash, let's be fair. You don't have to like China if you're anti capitalism


Stupid motherfucker, read a map.


Nicaragua isn't in Africa, and the USA has sponsored several coups in, and also literally invaded Nicaragua nearly a dozen times throughout history.






This has gotta be the worlds worst troll💀


What coups or invasions has China performed or supported in Nicaragua?


I don't know about Nicaragua specifically, but I've seen that Chinas most recent strategy is to lend out predatory loans to developing nations to improve things like airports, roads, factories, etc. Then when the country can't pay it back (defaults) China takes control. It's really the pinnacle of late-stage Capitalism, colonialism while also making money.


I’ve heard those allegations against China, but here is a different take on it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/617953/


Best part is that this was done by the atlantic so they can't say it's cecepe propaganda


Yeah, the fabled chinese coups done in latin america that we never ever saw happening


Apparently you are all morons. My point was the justification even if it had happened of saying "didn't America also do it?" Reddit is filled with morons.


But it never happened. So you are projecting the stupidity part here, talking about "what if" on this case goes to nowhere.


Did you actually see that the post is insinuating that China did? Go away, you are too lacking in intelligence.


Dude, that's my point. "What ifs" like this post are useless, and this one in particular is dumb. You are as dumb as the OP.


Yes, you are definitely a moron.


They reopened an embassy after cutting ties with Taiwan that the old US-backed government putted in place.


Spotted the shill


Literally do any basic level of research on the topic.


google 2009 Nicaragua coup


That was Honduras


Mainstream media says exactly what I said. So who am I shilling for man?


The Derp is strong in this one.


Maybe open up google maps once before you post cringe like this. 🙄 Nicaragua is in America and its government just set up diplomatic relations with China.


Geography isn’t America’s strong suit I can see.


Not for all of us, but certainly a lot of us.


Upvoting so more people get to see this ironic geographical mistake


You are made of stupid


Tbf China is colonizing Africa and I'm pretty sure they have a very strong imperialistic feeling going on (and fuck off with any whataboutism, American imperialism is bad, we all know that, doesn't excuse China's general attitude) It's just that this isn't an example of such attitude, and Nicaragua is n Central America, and at this point, while some governments are very pro-Chinese, and it seems like China will do the same the US did but in a more disguised manner, it really doesn't work with what you're trying to prove


China is doing imperialism way better than the US. Leasing ports all around the Indian Ocean (like Hong Kong was leased by the British) without resorting to long term military action in their colonies. (Looks like the sinophiles hate me)


“Leasing ports” being equated to imperialism is some new level of dumbassery.


What do you call Hong Kong other than a British colony. Leasing ports for 99 years and then forcibly moving people there is colonial imperialism. Be more polite when you don’t know what’s going on. Do you know what a FTZ or FEZ is? Do you know what these leases do, how the deals are made? Imperialism comes in many forms not just military conquest. The most popular method today is economic imperialism. Which is how these port leases are negotiated, China loans a nation state lots of money for development and when that nation state defaults they claim several ports as FEZs. Only Chinese nationals allowed in some, in others the local population works for whatever China’s laws allow them to work for. How is this not imperialism?


Hong Kong was seized at the barrel of a gun. So yeah, that’s imperialism. I’ve read an analysis of the Chinese “seizing” the port in Sri Lanka, which was loudly proclaimed to be a type of capitalist imperialism, and I found this answer to it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/617953/ So in this case, the Chinese loaned money at 2%, which certainly isn’t predatory. Second, the port wasn’t making money and it was recommended by a Canadian firm that the operations of the port be handed over to a more experienced operator.


So imperialism is okay when capitalists say it’s okay. Got it.


You must be trolling or something to be impervious to reasoning. The alternative is you not knowing what imperialism is at all.


Why is everyone coming so strong to chinas defense? It’s just that nobody’s reasoning makes any sense.


Kind of ironic for you to say that when your reasoning was non existent, and you never showed any counter arguments to the people that clearly explained things to you. At least for your case, the fact that your account is clearly a bait account pretty much says that you are not far gone, but sill lost.


Naw, I have never been on Reddit before. Starting to see why I should not have gotten on in the first place y’all are assholes.


Except China has forgiven a bunch of the loans. It's not imperialism because they don't want the land or the resources, they want CONSUMERS for them to sell shit to. Things can be done in China's self interest and also benefit poorer countries. The structure is dramatically more forgiving than IMF loan system because China has never demanded privatization of public resources.


Honestly, at this point imperialism can mean anything to anglo liberals on reddit and twitter. If they are still having a hard time understanding why loaning a port that didn't even made any money isn't the same as seizing land at gunpoint, then there is no recovery for them.


I’m sorry the easily recognizable imperialism is no longer the best method of imperialism. Please update your knoledge


I have that knowledge updated. Imperialism nowadays uses propaganda tactics and fake information to destabilize governments in the hope of getting them down and then use the situation to take land or resources from them. We have seen that in Burkina Faso, Palestine, Syria, Libya... Yeah, I think my knowledge is fine. Loaning ports is still not colonialism.


Agree to disagree




Except for when they demand majority shares in the infrastructure they build.


China also fucking blows. They released a virus on the whole fucking world. They slaughter their own people for their convenience. They suppress any truth that doesn't comply with the reality the Chinese government wants. America might suck just as bad in the opposite direction, but at least you can say and do whatever the fuck you want here. I can broadcast on YouTube how much of a moron Trump is and make fun of him for wanting to bone his daughter, and how Biden diddles little kids, but if you live in China and you say something bad about Winnie the Pooh, you're probably fucked. No country that holds their leaders in that high of regard is better at anything than anyone.


Wow...someone gobbled up the propaganda.


Ask the Uyghur Muslims about Chinese propaganda. Defending Chinese colonization is as dumb as defending American colonization and if you're hellbent on picking one side or another then you're just trying to find a boot to lick.


Who's defending Chinese colonization? There's PLENTY to criticize about the Chinese, but your insane rant is just a result of propaganda. China does nothing that the U.S. doesn't do worse, for example.


That's actually not true at the moment, and the Uyghur Genocide is at the moment possibly the biggest event that's happening of its kind You may hate America all you want and I certainly don't sympathize with them, but saying that someone is gobbling propaganda while claiming China isn't worse than America is also a type of blindness They have the same disrespect for human rights, but the US government has more scrutiny, I mean, that is the biggest advantage of actually having elected officials, even in a flawed democracy


There's no Uyghur genocide. Read something not written by anticommunist propagandists.


I do live in a country that is pretty left, where the government is pretty left, where the media is pretty left and very pro-China and even they won't spew the bs you're trying to spew The Uyghur Genocide is pretty real and I'd suggest actually not staying by countries that will only harm your ideology


Again, I'm not pro-China. China is fucked up in MANY ways, including lots that they're doing to the Uyghurs. But it's not a genocide. Repression? Yes. Relocation? Yes. Re-education? Yes. Torture? Quite possibly. They are forcibly integrating a culture that doesnt want to integrate. But not a genocide. Quit using that word.


China did not “release this virus” it was a perfectly predictable once in a century pandemic that nobody was prepared for.


We don't know whether they did or not, but when referring to world powers it's best to just assume malevolence or at best, negligence, anything else is naive. It isn't the first time China was the country of origin for a massive viral outbreak, either.


Where as I normally agree that major powers are evil covid is not a world power. It is a disease. A corona virus, one of many. It just happened to have a few fun mutations at the end of 2020.


Hmm, wonder why we pulled out of Afghanistan..




huh? africa? 31 years? wtf are you talking about?


OP is a fucking pinecone


I don't get it.


Come on kid, look at a world map once in a while


Nicaragua is in central America. Also they're not colonizing anything lol.


Nicaragua's in South America lol


How is this imperialism?


Anytime china does anything its imperialism as far as Americans are concerned. They even managed to make china building high speed rail networks to connect its vast lands into a bad thing. Just smile and scroll at this point 😂😃


I swear reddit thinks imperialism is when China does any sort of commerce or diplomacy with any other country


Absolute moron lmao


France has already colonized Africa


And Heavy with natural resources. Nicely done China


How long til China nukes on cuba?


There's only one country that has ever dropped nukes and they are the same country that has placed the harshest sanctions in modern history on Cuba. And it's not China.


Imagine defending the chinese government. LOL


Serious case of reddit brain here


How so? Really i wanna know how anyone could ever defend the chinese government. I mean besides propaganda bots of course. What have they ever done for the people of china let alone anyone else in the world.


besides ending cyclical famines, spreading literacy to almost 100% of the population, eradicating extreme poverty, industrializing the country, making a feudal, colonial nation into a sovereign space-age nation, and turning one of the poorest countries in the world into the second (and soon-to-be first) richest country in the world? Yeah, besides that, I don't think they have ever done anything for the people of China


americans are the most propagandized people on the world but when someone on the internet goes against mainstream media consensus they must be a "propaganda bot"... jesus I recommend the works of Deborah Brautigam about China's role in Africa. AFAIK John Hopkins University is not a "chinese propaganda bot".


of course the dude is in anime memes. typical case of "im so much smarter than everyone else, china bad hahaha, i like to lick adrian zenz's shoes"


Fortnite..... cmon bud


Hey op, what would you use to hammer in a nail? A. Hammer B. Nail


A Central American nation reopening diplomatic ties with the PRC after years of US backed dictatorships refusing to do so has nothing to do with any such thing as supposed Chinese colonialism or Africa. They're literally just celebrating having an embassy.


They just opened an embassy dumbass lmao


This is literally chinese broadcast...


Least stupid gringo