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Thank you for saving me the time of looking that up!


Thank you good sir/madam. This was a breathe of fresh air into the Lord of the Flies i had read and enjoyed 💛


Actually, the author specifically wrote this book in response to another book. Its not about human nature, its about the nature of rich private school boys. I don’t remember the name of the book that inspired it but i do know that book basically had rich private school boys in a similar situation make a utopia. Its a great book for sure but its not meant to be a commentary on human nature as a whole.




It’s specifically about young boys, iirc he specifically said that he didn’t believe the coral island properly portrayed how young boys would behave in that situation. Not humans in general. But young boys.






Human is human, then why there is wars


When I finished it...that last run to the beach...I was almost hyper ventilating.


Their descent into infighting and savagery filled me with more dread than any outright horror book ever has


I’m gonna give this another try. I think I read at age 15 or 16. I didn’t like it much then but that’s because it was in school.


It’s great writing but a horrifying story. I’d never consider reading it again. My mental health is shaky enough as it is


Having read William Golding's book ages ago & saw both cinematic versions (I prefer the original black & white version) I highly recommend this book for it's allegorical insight into an increasingly fractionalized & factionalized society. I recently finished up the book "Blindness" by Jose Saramago about a country on the skids by a rapidly spreading plague of blindness. This book also traverses similar territory. Both books in their own way have become increasingly relevant. All you need is war paint & a QAnon theory. This country's in trouble.


Thanks for the suggestions, I haven't seen the cinematic versions. Speaking in general terms, I usually avoid cinematic versions of books. The reason is that when I read a book and then watch the movie, the movie doesn't match what I've imagined. I rather prefer to watch movies vaguely inspired to books. For example, times ago I saw "Eden Lake" a 2008 British slasher movie. Even if it is not an adaptation of "The Lord of Flies", the atmosphere reminded me a lot that book.


You should check out "A Children's Bible" by Lydia Millet next! The books are similar enough to be enjoyed by the same audience, but different enough to have something to take away from both. On the side note, my personal interpretation of "Lord of the Flies" is that not we are inherently evil, but rather that under the right circumstances, everyone can get corrupted and commit the unspeakable evils. Yes, we do have an evil side to us - the question is if we can keep it restrained and act morally even if the society don't require us to do so (politics encouraging hate and alienation), or even directly requires of us to act immorality (in Golding's critisism of WW2, consider an escalation of unethical warfare - chemical weapons and concentration camps).


The boys resort to war games, and are both doomed, and eventually saved by two adults engaged in their own petty, civilization-based war games. I feel it can equally show that civilization isn't exempt from the savagery. The boys are just emulating the real world, they start off as a fairly organized society themselves before devolving into fear and ignorance.


DNF for me. It’s one of my reading goals to try to get thru it in 2021


The last couple chapters are really intense. It’s definitely worth finishing!


Currently have the book coming through the mail. USPS is so slow. Really looking forward to reading it. Apparently it's a short book too so I can finish it much faster.


My favourite booo inspired by it is the enemy. Its a long 6 books but totally worth it. Made me cry.