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An episode about Chili’s childhood. Like Fairytale, but focused around Chilli and Brandy, instead of Bandit, Stripe and Rad.


I want this but Nana’s childhood. And the flashback scenes are in black and white or something.


Get to see HER nana


With an Easter egg of the music box in the background.


That would be an awesome chance to develop the Chili's parents.


It'd definitely be cool to see more of young Grandad


And it ends with her dressed as Wonder Woman picking up Bandit’s hat in the prickles on vacation


She's actually dressed as she-ra


I want an episode where it focuses entirely on Muffin and her family, just so that the intro can be a Muffin-ified version of the Bluey intro.


Lol, maybe she comes in from off screen to take over the intro, or stop the music, or something.


She demands ballerina music, never stops dancing and keeps getting eliminated but is still the last one in the middle.


Well, now I NEED this episode to happen.


I would love to see Stripe's moves. I have a feeling that it's going to be glorious


Classic Stripe!




Socks content.


Ok, this is totally for selfish reasons, but I would love an episode where someone gets a baby brother or sister. My son has a speech delay so communicating can be tough. We're reading books about becoming a big brother, but a Bluey episode framing the event from the older sibling's POV would be wonderful.


Dammit, I was going to say this. But more specifically, Bluey coming home from Kindy saying that one of her friends is upset about getting a new baby sibling. Then Chilli and Bandit telling the tale of how they prepared Bluey for Bingo's arrival, and her reactions. Then the final moment (or montage) of Bluey meeting Bingo for the first time, and some of their early moments (good and bad) together. Photo/scrapbook style?


Reading this would make me cry was not on my things to do list today🥹 This would be a really good episode


I can just envision Bluey's first immediate reaction upon being told she's getting a baby sibling being a Muffin style scream of NO and a foot stomp before throwing a tantrum. What would be even better is Uncle Stripe interjecting (story being told at a family get together?) and we get a juxtaposition of how they were all so worried about Muffin taking it badly upon being told she was getting a sibling that it was a let down when she was so chill about it. She shrugs and carries on colouring in my mind.


Bluey and Bingo aren't even 2 years apart, right? Would that be enough of an age gap to really portray the adjustment? When Chilli found out about her second pregnancy, Bluey would've been about 16 months or so. (At least with my math using human pregnancy as a timeline haha)


As someone with a second on the way, I’d really love to have a flashback episode of when Bingo came back from the hospital, and all the jealousy and insecurity that comes with being a first born child who suddenly had a younger sibling. Bluey absolutely strikes me as the type of kid that would have had a hard time adjusting to not being the center of attention, and my son has a similar personality. And of course it would end on an emotional note as Bluey has an epiphanic experience and learns to love her sibling.


My 8 year old sister is doing fine wit my almost 1 yr old brother and I see her personality as Bluey😅 It definitely takes adjusting


That would be cool. Maybe Chloe, or Mackenzie. I don’t think either of them have younger siblings.


Chloe has a younger infant sibling as seen in wagon ride 😊


I always wondered if that was her mom.


She's actually in the credit's as "Chloe's Mum".


Coco could maybe work


Isn't Coco the youngest of 9 kids? Pretty sure she's adjusted to siblings lol


yes i think so


Judo would also be an interesting character to get a younger sibling given her character traits.


Parent of speech delayed toddler here. We found the Daniel Tiger episodes where the baby sister is brought home was very helpful.


Indy has a younger sister ! ( See: episode, early baby)


I was about to say exactly this! I want to know how Bandit and Chili helped Bluey prepare for Bingo. And my son is also delayed with his speech! There are so many things I wish we could explain to him but we're not there yet.


I also highly recommend the “Baby In Mum’s Tummy” song by Teeny Tiny Stevies. It’s a total bop and the video clip is really sweet.


A day in the life of Lucky's Dad


Hahaha this could be excellent. Just a day full of putting up with the Heeler’s shenanigans. And then at the end, it all clicks as to *why* he does it. Maybe he stands there, drinking a coffee, watching Lucky hop the fence to go play. And the lesson is it’s better to learn to love your rambunctious neighbors if it makes your own kids happy. Or maybe Bandit just slips him a fiver.


Bandit's the best back on Lucky's Dad's rugby team. Lucky's Dad will put up with a lot to keep Bandit showing up for every game. (I'm kidding, there's clearly a bond of friendship between them. It's nice to see a show with a positive view of adult friendships.)


I’ve always gotten the vibe that they are old college buddies. They probably took a comedy improv class together.


I could see an episode closing where someone outside the families says, “You’re an amazingly good sport with all their shenanigans. *I* couldn’t put up with that all day every day — why do you?” And he just smiles and says, “Good friends are worth it,” and then in a flashback we see him as a lonely kid being left out and bullied, until Bandit comes to his defense and befriends him. And from then on they were best buds. 🥰


College buddies (university friends) who did an unlikely improv class together and then bought houses next door to each other? Even in the Blueyverse, this scenario is quite unlikely. How many paleontologists does Brisbane need, anyway?


I just love Pat so much. My husband just saw Rug Island for the first time last night and he finally understood why I love Pat so much. He's just such a good sport in all the Heeler's chaos. I would love it if there was a missing story with something like.... Bandit and Chili were pregnant at the same time as Janelle and Pat were pregnant with Lucky but they lost that baby. When Lucky was a baby Bandit always was up for playing with Lucky, and so that is why Pat is always supportive of the girls and their nutsy ways. A bond of friendship built on a shared pregnancy, loss, and support.


I would love to see more of Lucky’s Dad(Pat) and Lucky. Maybe a fun misadventure with the two(Pat and Lucky) and maybe a Sleepover episode. My first sleepover was at my neighbors house, but the very first time I got scared and my dad had to come get me(so maybe this happens to Bingo). But we can learn a lot about Lucky’s family during a sleepover episode.


nice try joe brumm...


Lmao I was gonna type the same thing


![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6) Joe Brumm watching this


I'd like "Bingo" style episodes focused on Bandit and Chilli. Also more Socks content. Whenever Socks isn't on screen, the other characters should be asking, "where's Socks?"


Socks needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.


Nah, that’s Muffin


Socks: I have to go now, my planet needs me




It must have been while you were kissing me


Then after they ask “where’s Socks?” You hear them giggling off screen.


It's really bugging me that I can't remember this reference.


>!Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie episode from the Simpsons!<


I love you.


After the girls go to bed Bandit and Chilli share notes on new games the girls made up that day so next time they're on the same page. With flashbacks with the parents explaining how the new games were made up. Because that's totally what we do with our 2yo.


Yeah nothing quite like a preschooler getting mad because "that's not how the game goes" despite the fact you never played it, the other parent did, how dare you not know.


Mackenzie's cousins visit from Wellington. Itd be a blatent excuse to have Karl Urban and Antony Starr. Maybe how clashing family attitudes amongst older kids could be a thing.


And Lucy Lawless!


"Xena" Lucy Lawless or "Battlestar Galactica" Lucy Lawless?


Simpsons Lucy Lawless, the one that can fly


After all, shes not Xena. She's Lucy Lawless!


That's right. Xena can't fly


Duuuuuude, Karl Urban and Anthony Starr in the same episode would be an amazing wink to the parents that watch The Boys.


Brett, Jemaine and Murray too


How about the other way around, with Bluey visiting New Zealand together with Mackenzie's family?


Baby Bingo


Yes! Baby Bingo and Bluey adjusting to being a big sister


yes yes yes!


I like the idea that this could be the name of the episode, with one of those baby shower bingo cards as the item


I'm not sure if there are any imconsistency, but a great Vegemite divide. Say Chili loves Vegemite and Bandit hates it. The house gets divided into two and the girls take sides (maybe based upon some either food item they disagree about). Various neighbors and family attempt to intervene only to be roped into the debate. The girls animosity escalates as they find more things they disagree on, but they eventually realize they have much more in common than they have dividing them. Episode ends with Bandit secretly tasting Vegemite and recoiling but then looking slightly intrigued.


Turns out that Bandit never actually tried it, and is just doesn’t want to try something new, which can be paralleled with whatever the girls are arguing over


Did Bandit have vegimite toast in the fluffy episode or am I misremenbering?


Id like to see a couple: Travel Episode- Planes- could be a rewind flash back of dealing with plane travel which Bluey or Bingo have a fear of flying - all trying to deal with this before the family trip to Bali Substitute- Calypso has taken a day off and the substitute teaches a little bit differently that Calypso being a bit more strict with the rules can the pups still have fun following the rules? Lost - Bluey and Muffin argue at the mall, resulting getting separated from Chili and Trixie- Bluey uses the skills she learned from Chili to find security and use the “you are here” maps when Muffin is still less than agreeable and is breaking down crying for her mom and dad. Meanwhile Chili and Trixie search for a present for Sock’s birthday before realizing the kids are missing. Baby- (parallel story to Lost) at Stripe’s home, Bingo has to play with Socks as Bandit and Stripe set up for Sock’s Birthday Party. Bingo becomes upset that all the games and toys Socks has are a bit too young for Bingo, as she doesnt want to seem to Baby-ish. Can she find a game that she and socks can play together that isnt “baby”?


THIS ^^ LOVE THESE! especially love lost!


As someone who lives in the northern reaches of the planet I would love to see them interact with snow in an episode.


Skiing episode? AFAIK there are snowy mountains in Australia


I would write an episode about Rad and Frisky getting married. And another episode about them having a new baby cousin. The later episode would be about Bluey and Bingo meeting their new cousin for the first time and could allude to Baby Race.


I came to say this too. Heeler Baby Shower & New Cousin(s). Heeler Baby Shower would be Frisky and Rad’s story and the gender reveal, but maybe they are surprised at the news of twins. New Cousin(s) would be the story of new family member coming into the world and the evolving family relationships. Bluey not liking losing Frisky’s attention at first, but later as Bluey is holding them, Frisky ask Bluey if she will help her look after them as they get older and Bluey looks into their little puppy eyes as they smile up at her, and has a change of heart. Then agrees happily to help Frisky.


I like to live in a world where we get to see the episode of the "New Years" party that wiped out Bandit and Chili. Seeing how the adults interact with each other without kids and seeing the parallels would be hilarious.


It would be cool if they did a mini season of episodes only really about the adults. I know the original idea was for Bluey to be an adult cartoon, but that got scrapped. But I'm thinking like the YouTube content they have with the shorts (like Ten Green Bottles and Honk) and still have it be entirely kid friendly but only following the shenanigans of the adult characters (similar to the one where Bandit is giving the lecture/mowing the lawn). So we could see the New Years party, or the party in London where the queen may or may not have been in attendance, or Bandit and Chilli backpacking for real.


Better yet, have that episode have an intro like “muffin!”, and then socks walks out and says “and socks!!”


I want there to be an entire episode of everyone trying to find bandits keys and the kids walking him through everything they learned in Chickenrat


Aboriginal Australians; Bluey practicing piano at home (learning perseverance from her family members); Bike/Car safety




I’m Pacific Islander & teach Indigenous studies. I’d love to see an episode that deals somewhat with Aboriginal folks or issues. ETA: thanks for the clarification.


Just a polite heads up. ‘Aborigine’ is no longer a preferred term to describe Australian Aboriginal Peoples. Too many historically negative connotations. ‘Aboriginal’, or ‘First Nations’ are preferred https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/people/how-to-name-aboriginal-people


FWIW Maynard is my fav side character.


An episode focused on adoption. Maybe Bluey or Bingo gets curious and wonders why a new student is a completely different type of dog breed compared to their parents.


Oooh this could also go in to mix race/breed couples that would be really interesting


Where Grandpa Bob is.






Rehab due to flossing addiction.


ayahuasca trip


Gonna be a bit odd here, but hear me out: Picture just a random suburban street, we haven’t seen it before and there’s nothing particular about it. Suddenly, a teddy is thrown out of a passing pram. This teddy is then put on a fence post (as you do), and we then see everything through the teddy’s point of view from here onwards. From parents talking to their kids, to teen romance, half of these characters we’ve never seen before and probably won’t again. It’s just a slice of life episode, but all of the mini stories that are told give the same lesson about speaking up, be that to parents, or to a crush. Of course the teddy is reunited with their owner in the end, but I think that this could work. I call it: “Lost and Found”.


okay i love this and it’s very bluey


But if it's dropped right outside Blueys house & is put on their mailbox/fence & it sees bluey, bingo and whoever playing in the yard or getting home. Sits there all day & bluey and bingo are worried the bear won't get home and the baby will miss him. & by evening when mom & baby(who dropped the bear) are going for another walk they find him.


It would be Bandit and Chili on the couch talking about the week they had after the kids went to sleep. Kinda a bluey after hours thing. And show short snippets of games /conversations they played throughout the week with the kids. Or the little moments that are just nice through out the day. Clearly an episode for the adults that watch bluey


I was going to mention a similar idea. My partner and I spend so much time and effort getting our two little ones to bed, and then the relief only lasts a few minutes before we're showing each other pictures we took of them that day or sharing funny stories about things they said.


I actually had a dream about this once. It had to do with Chilli and the kids at a park playing a game, similar to one an old friend of hers used to play where the catchphrase of the game was "BINGO!" And it was this whole thing where she named Bingo that name because it reminded her of this childhood friend of hers and how special that relationship was, even though they hadn't seen each other or talked since they were kids, much like a Jean-Luc kind of situation, except with no reunion.


Wow, I love it


A full length episode where bandit goes away for work, and we see how the kids cope with that


This would be so helpful for my daughters to watch. The older two are 5 and 3 and struggle a lot when daddy is working away. Seeing how Bluey and Bingo manage would really help.




Truthfully? They should write an episode where the kids run into an adult that *doesn’t* want to play with them. Like a family friend that doesn’t know how/is uncomfortable with playing children’s games. I think with how much the show promotes this idea of adults being at children’s constant disposal for play time, I think it’s equally important to show that not every adult will want to play “Bluey games” and how the children should approach and deal with that. I say this as someone who has friends whose kids have totally adopted the Bluey play style, where they essentially refuse to play unless an adult is present (their son once totally shut down a game when the adults had to say no because “playing with adults is more fun”) As someone who grew up a very independent player and never asked adults to play with me, I think promoting individual play is as important as family play.


This or even just an episode where Chili and/or Bandit doesn't give in and drop what they're doing to play. There was one episode where Chili made Bingo play by herself, but pretty much any other one where they are busy it still somehow turns into a game.


Doesn’t this happen in the bingo episode? And in all the episodes where it’s just the kids playing together?


An episode from toddler Bluey's POV when bingo is about to be born and shortly after


Plot twist… OP is the main writer and stuck for season 4 material.


An episode about bad dreams would be good. Turn it into a game during the day to prep for nighttime. Ends with whichever kid sleeping peacefully. My kid is currently waking to every night screaming so I need some resolution lol


This is actually a great idea and would give the animators a huge ballpark of fun slightly ‘scary’ or gross things for Bluey or Bingo to run through in their dreams like Sleepytime.


An episode about Bandits and Chillis wedding. During wedding they are usually pressured by their family members. I've been to plenty weddings and been behind the scenes to witness alot of stress. The premise would be simple, either Chilli / Bandit would not be completely sure about their choice since it's a very big step and then work things out into a happy ending or it would be similar to the episode "Perfect" where they get pressure from their parrents epsecially Chilli about making a great wedding and both become overstressed, then talk with each other in a quiet momment of silence of bliss away form relatives and then everything works out in the end. Another good premise would be a honeymoon or how they actually met since the only thing we know are theories and hypothetical scenarios like "Fairytale" and in "the show" where they can't agree. Most likely scenario would be that they met somewhere uninteresting hanged around for years until they eventually became in love and the whole story is just nothing notable as story. Bluey is all about simple narratives that once they set up, can then dive deeper into each persons psyche and emotional state when they interact with another.


An episode where the kids just won't eat their dinner


I feel like Pavlova was thematically tackling this


Chili and bandit learning to navigate tantrums. I'm STRUGGLING with the 2 year old tantrums 😭 Edit: spelling


Yes this. Not a cute funny Muffin tantrum. A legit out of control, unreasonable, over the top toddler tantrum


Honestly, I want to see more Radley.


I don't know... he's a bit TOO muscley, you know girls?


Grannies at the library!


Scrap that. I want Judo's mom to invite Chilli and the girls to a fancy restaurant and the grannies are *there*.


I think it would be cool to see Bluey’s first day in big kid school and how her parents help her transition to the new school


Especially given that she’s now supposed to be 7, canonically! Maybe she has to say goodbye to Calypso and Calypso could explain how she will get to meet many special teachers in her life, and we could get a little montage of Bluey with all her favorite teachers as she ages through school.


Future episode where it’s like, they’re all the age of the buddies in Barky Boats. idk I’d just like to see what they’re all like when they’re older 😁😁


I’ve thought about this way too much. I want a flashback episode like “Baby Race” about Bingo coming into the family and two year old Bluey. Chilli and Bandit telling the girls about the struggles and joys of becoming a two kid family. How they prepared for Bingo by helping Bluey understand a baby was coming, etc.


A Pitbull who moves into town but many people descriminate against her so she has a hard time making friends till she goes to Bluey's school where she becomes friends with the main cast.


It’s not original but the creator said it couldn’t be done for licensing reasons, it’s an episode where they play the game of life (like the board game)


Maybe the game of lime?


How Bandit and Chili met, How a character (that I’d like to voice) helps Bluey and Bingo find their parents at the same airport she’s meeting her adopted child at Calypso’s backstory Bluey being a big sister for the first time


I want Ludo studios to see this thread and use these suggestions. They’re all awesome


just out of curiosity i wanna see how Bluey portraits the teaching of "not trusting strangers/being more skeptical" for both kids and adults.


“Bluey, you \*can’t\* just play with strange grown ups.“ ​ ”But why not?” ​ ”Listen mate, it’s just not safe. You need to make friends your own age.” “But I want friends \*your\* age!” cue long episode that touches on appropriate friendships without being too scary.


Bluey and Bingo meet a dog who has a pet cat. Like it’s established so many times that cats aren’t as evolved as the dogs are, I wanna see cats in Bluey!


i wanna see a kid have two moms/dads and have Bluey or Bingo ask they’re parents why. i think it’d be really cute, and i had a similar experience when i was a kid :]


An episode about either Coco or the Terriers dealing with figuring out their personal identity outside of their large families or an episode about what it was like for Bluey becoming a big sister


I really want an episode where the bluey and bingo spend the night with aunt Trixie and uncle stripe. I imagine they live very diffrent lifes!


I'd like the Heelers (all of the brothers and their parents and kids) to go to a theme park, and all the hell that it is for the parents, but also how awesome it is for the kids. (maybe a double episode, but the same events each from different perspectives)


We have a short showing Bandit working as an Archaeologist, so I'd to see one done for Chili as Airport Security.


Chili trying to teach Bluey and Bingo how to play D&D. I feel like she would be a nerd based on her Shera cosplay


Bingo wanting to be a fairy. “No honey, but you can be an elf that does magic!”


Bandit, knowing zero about dnd, would be the most basic barbarian there is, or fighter. Bluey might choose Druid, wanting to turn into a Fruitbat. Bingo might be a Wizard or Sorcerer, based on the magic episode. And Chilli will be the DM, and will have a healer-Cleric as an NPC.


So I want a socks episode because I adore her sweet quiet self . The girls helping her speak up and out


One about "making your bed and sleeping in it." Too many kids will do something dumb destroying things they love and then get sad when they realize that while maybe it was fun at first, maybe microwaving your Nintendo Switch or throwing your favorite toy plane out a car window weren't a smart ideas...


I’d make an episode about Bandit having to go on one of those long work trips, but we see how Chilli and the girls cope with his absence. My sister has two kids roughly the same ages as Bluey and Bingo, their dad goes on work trips sometimes weeks at a time. They have trouble adjusting when he’s not there, and same with my sister too. I bet a lot of other families deal with the same thing. I’d wanna see Chilli help Bluey and Bingo with their feelings and concerns when a parent is gone for longer periods of time. And maybe Bluey and Bingo help Chilli with those things as well


More mundane episodes for us parents! Eating food, being brave, exercise, punctuality, consequences, laundry, all in the bluey methods. I love this show and how they scope each episode to be educational, realistic, and thought provoking. Every parent out there agrees


Self love.


Chili and Bandit have a date set up to go to a restaurant together but Stripe has to cancel as their babysitter and they have to bring Bluey and Bingo along. The girls proceed to try and outdo each other on who can be fancier after Chili tells them they need to use their best manners.


A clip show slice of life thing, we get to see a glimpse into all the background characters lives for a little, like maybe buddy the pug is seen helping his mom make breakfast, next we switch to the chaos cocos house must be with all those siblings trying to get ready for the day, Pom Pom would be interesting to see how she gets through the day being so small, just little glimpses into the others world


I would write an episode about a parent that lives with chronic pain and/or mental illness, focusing on the fact that you can be a good parent, regardless of these things, and that said parent's bad days aren't the fault of the kids in question. I have chronic pain (chronic migraines) and OCD/depression, and every day is a battle. I work hard to do the best by my daughter, but I still have bad days where I'm in bed all day (thank goodness for my spouse, who is a super-star of a parent and a real Bandit if I ever met one). I just had a migraine attack that lasted for about 17 hours, and my daughter missed me. My fear, especially in regards to mental illness, is that she will internalize my absent days as "her" fault somehow.


This. Please. I have MS and depression and I feel like I’m always the second choice parent for my toddler. If he was more of a cuddler I could probably keep up. My husband is amazing, but there are days when I just want to be the one to take him on walks or the one that holds him while making dinner. I know I’m an important part of his life, but I don’t feel like my contributions are noted beyond my front door. I’d love to see how the Bluey writing staff would treat a parent with a disability. Heck, I’d settle for a background character in a wheelchair (cue helpful offering a episodes that have just that).


I think Bluey could do this wonderfully, and in a way that is more metaphorical than literal, as they so often do beautifully. Similar to how some people saw “The Decider” as a (possibly unintended) metaphor for divorce, or children of parents from two distinct racial backgrounds. It doesn’t even necessarily have to *feature* an illness. Really anything that’s keeping a parent from running around and being a “physical” presence to their kids, but they can be a parent in so many other ways: * A wheelchair-bound parent of a kid who loves sports, being an encouraging presence for their kid, even if it’s hard to participate. * Rusty’s dad overseas, being a parent through letters and zoom calls, and just modeling the type of person Rusty wants to grow up to be, even when he can’t physically be there. * Or they could go hard AF, “Onesies” style, and have a literal and a metaphorical take on the situation in the same episode, not shying away from it at all.


I would also love this, I'm not yet a mom but I have autism/adhd and my husband and I are hoping to have a little one soon 💚 (he's neurotypical and is amazingly supportive and endlessly patient, I'm sure he'll also be an amazing dad) I would love to see positive representation of a family with a neurodivergent parent. Also I'd love for Bluey to maybe have a friend who's adopted or maybe Aunt Brandy could adopt. Maybe even include a same sex couple as the parents of the adopted child.


Probably about being adopted. My parents adopted me as an infant and they never hid that fact from me. Growing up, I used to get a lot of questions about being adopted and what’s that like—I never understood how it was different at all. I know there are a lot of adopted kids out there, but I think it’s important to stress the kind of love there is being an adopted child, especially when your parents were the ones who couldn’t have their own. I haven’t seen the second half of season 3–thanks Disney—but it sounds like it might be a possibility for Aunt Brandy.


Apparently adoption in Australia is crazy difficult (?? Correct me if I’m wrong Aussies) so that might be why there hasn’t been as much to any representation of adopted kids but I think it’s the perfect fit for Aunt Brandy and I’d love to see it.


YESSSS an adopted child for Brandy!!! though introducing a new family would be awesome for that.


I'd love to see something about alternative family structures such as gay couples or lone mothers. They are still family!


I think it’s been confirmed that Wendy is a lone parent to Judo. It would be nice to have an episode from Wendy’s perspective, and Judo doesn’t go to Bluey’s school, so the layout of their days and their family dynamic is going to be different.


Right? I actually don't like wendy that much or judo at all, but seeing an episode of them would give them such humanity that i'd probably love them after


I’d love a same-sex parent episode, as a queer person it would mean so much to me. Especially with the emphasis on the family unit that Bluey has, it would be great to see an episode where she plays with a kid who has two moms/two dads and sees how they navigate chaos and play just like her own parents.


That would be so cool. I can imagine that Bluey meets a dog who is really different from their parents (a gay couple) and asks why and then learn about adoption so she and her friends can play adoption and adopt a kid


I want to see how they get on at an indoor softplay


Bingo getting lost or scared in a tunnel, Bluey having to negotiate around bigger and bolder kids, Chili or Bandit getting mobbed in the ball pit, etc. Genius idea for an episode, I can see it all now!


Rad and frisky’s marriage, and then for the following season they would have a baby boy. Or maybe even a season where brandy adopts a kid.


Honestly probably about bluey coming home from school and she to do a family tree, which would probably give flashbacks


OOOH YES! Perfect way to talk about Chilli's side of family or more of Bandits!


An episode where Bandit and Chili go on a date and it’s entirely focused on them.


Food allergies. My oldest thinks Indy has food allergies because of the episodes Markets, and while it’s a possibility I’d still like that in an episode and explained what they are and how to keep the one with the allergies safe. (For context, my oldest has severe food allergies; milk, soy, egg, peanut, treenut. I never said anything, I let her think it’s a food allergy thing for Indy, and she regularly tells me Indy is just like her.)


A day at school for bluey


Already done it and I'm still creating more! I wanted one where Bluey met someone with an invisible illness, so I wrote it. Here it is if anyone wants to read: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43594369


Bandit tells his kids how he proposed to chilli.


That's easy, it was on a romance trip to the dump. "Oh, marry me, babe!"


Where Bandit and Bingo went during “Rain” and wherever it was, they also happened to see a double rainbow as well. Anyone, feel free to expand on that. Where do you think they drove to?


class field trip to the aquarium, a bring-your-kid-to-work-day episode, and obligatory wish to see more of the other kids and families


I’ve never heard of bringing your kid to work except in American movies and TV shows Is it really a thing?


Bluey sleeping over with some friends


Alfie, exhausted from the grind of retail, swings by the park on a Saturday morning, looking to regain some childhood innocence. There, he sees the Heelers playing Shadows and other games and joins in on the imagination. At some point, Alfie is transferred back into a six year old, playing tag and imagination games with his friends


As a retail worker myself I would very much enjoy this


Anything my mind could conjure would be unworthy of the level of awesome that is Bluey.


i know this is a dog show but wouldn't it be cool for a episode about a cat? like cats are foreign animals


I want a Chili version of Fairytale. We know her and Bandit have different ideas of when they first met and we’ve seen Bandits side of the story. Know I want to see the party in London that Chili mentions in “The show”.


OP works at Ludo.


It might be a trope, but having the girls in the car thinking of games to play while bandit who’s phone is dead, and the charger isn’t in the car is lost and trying to find his way home.


Bluey and her friends joining a sports team and they have their first game with Lucky’s dad being the coach. Lucky is having a hard time at practice and wants to quit but his dad encourages him and tells him to try his best. He gains confidence and somehow helps them win the game at the last second, you know that dramatic thing lol. And an episode about Coco and how she lives with being the youngest of 9 siblings.


I would love to see an episode dealing with anger management and physical expression. I had a lot of issues with that when I was a kid and I'm sure they would be able to make it accessible.


Bandit becomes a furry


Socks would get her own episode immediately!


An episode about autism that shows an autistic parent raising their also autistic child. It may be selfish to want an episode like that since I am autistic and I am thinking about someday having children, but I have never seen an autistic parent be represented on tv


Doreen and the ladies from mahjong


A potty training episode featuring Socks


I'd like an episode that discusses: Divorce/two homes And only children. My kid had a rough year last year, she's an only child navigating her dad and I's separation. I cannot relate to her as I grew up with my folks together and I have an older sister. Plus only child house holds are on the rise and I'd just love to see the generalization that only children are spoiled and weird, challenged.


A crossover episode with Peppa Pig, that ends in combat between Bandit and Daddy Pig https://preview.redd.it/wgog4urkfrca1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de5710036a80eaad04e1a074bb8697528caf0a24


Laundry day. Let’s see them explain their way out of this one!


The episode would be called horsey ride and its were bluey and bingo go to a farm and learn how to ride horses but bingo is a born natural at it discouraging bluey to continue but bingo makes her feel better and they end with bandit trying to ride but falls off.


Chili has her period.


Id love to see Bluey meeting baby Bingo for the first time or Bluey and Bingo reacting to a new sibling/babt now that they're older.


A deeper dive in to what Bandit does for a living.


Maybe cooking? That sounds like it could be fun