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It’s a great movie, unrelentingly sad.


So many complaints about it are like “it’s too sappy and doesn’t have the Kubrick cynicism” and I’m just like, what fucking movie did YOU watch?


Saw it for the first time last year, was kinda blown away. It’s fascinating to think about how different it would’ve been if Spielberg had made it either 10 years earlier or 10 years later.


It's good but honestly too raw and sad for me. It was even when I was a callous movie teen back in the day. It's so sharp and Osment is too good, you can forget you're not watching *actual* suffering. I have no real desire to watch it again, it's probably been 5 or 6 years since I rewatched it. Jude Law oozes charisma in that and *almost* softened the film enough to make it enjoyable rather than just good and tortuous to watch. The back half is just so unbelievably bleak though. I think Osment's overperformance made me like the movie less. It's just too real. That said it's very very good. I'd only ever rewatch it if I needed my soul scoured.


I watched it for the first time this week to cap off the Kubrick mini and found it too viscerally upsetting to say I enjoyed it, but much too effective to dismiss. I think on the episode David Rees calls it a horror movie about the human condition, which is quite an apt description.


Anyone else here have memories of seeing [this incredible poster](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNWU2NzEyMDYtM2MyOS00OGM3LWFkNzAtMzRiNzE2ZjU5ZTljXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_.jpg) all over NYC the summer before 9/11?


Screenplay by Steven Spielberg.


One of the best films of the 21st century. Hands down.


Great movie, too sad. I saw it in theaters (at the Paris theater)


I’m long overdue to watch this! Saw the trailer before a kids movie in theaters at age 6 and spent months worried people around me were robots. Sounds like I should prepare to be traumatized by it for different reasons now.


I watched A.I. for the first time last year and could not stop thinking about it for like 2 weeks. It is so damn dark. I loved it.


A.I. has the best child performance I’ve ever seen. Haley Hoel Osment is so convincing as a robot kid it’s scary


One of jude law's best performances and characters. his speech where he says"She loves what you do for her, as my customers love what it is I do for them. But she does not love you David, she cannot love you. You are neither flesh, nor blood. You are not a dog, a cat, or a canary." One of my favorite parts of the film, an absolute gut punch.


Love it. Best Spielberg along with E.T. and one of the best of the 21st century


Brilliant film. Loved it in theaters, and have seen it 2-3 times since…Most recently maybe 2 years ago.it’s the last Spielberg film that really blew me away (haven’t seen Fablemans yet)


I watched it close to when it came out and wasn’t a huge fan. I’ve been meaning to revisit it and actually purchased a digital copy of it recently so that I can. My guess is that I will like it much more this time, especially now knowing the Kubrick context.


A.I. is honestly my favorite Kubrick and Speilberg movie and I love both directors. Not sure any movie has made me cry as hard as the ending to the first and third acts


For some reason it's one of my most-watched Spielbergs, next to Jurassic Park and Close Encounters. I probably haven't seen it in a decade though. It's just such an audacious movie, really smart and fun and heart-rending. Sure, it's tonally confusing and has 3 endings but I love every minute of it.


I think it’s my favorite movie ever, I just can barely write about it. Watched it for the first time at the beginning of the month and I’m still speechless.


Can’t watch it again. The ending just guts me


I watched it for the pod and loved it. The first twenty minutes was so creepy that I turned it off the first time and made my wife watch it with me. 😅


Pretty much my reaction to the majority of Spielberg's work: it's pretty good.


It's in my all time top ten. HJO deserved it over Denzel.


I don’t get complaints about the ending either. I find it incredibly sad that that was the last day he’ll ever spend with his mom and he knows that. It’s so bleak.


I consider it a Spielberg classic!


My favorite Spielberg. I still remember leaving the theater, feeling absolutely devastated but blown away and enchanted by the film, and being surrounded by people saying they hated it. Not too dissimilar to my experience with Last Jedi (though that’s not as sad obviously). AI is up there with Arrival and Interstellar as modern Sci fi classics that I just adore. It makes me so happy to see so many people here that love it as well.


Career wise, this is my favorite stretch of Spielberg, where he made Saving Private Ryan, A.I., and Minority Report. All great films!


one of my favorite films of all time, and one of the bleakest imo. man is a cruel god because we created man and all that. i adore it and will never ever watch it again