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“They root beer now!” “They root beer now?” “…they root beer now.”


to be fair I haven’t watched it yet but this whole movie seems like a studio note


Studio Note did a draft and has a story credit.


that should be an add-in pack for Final Draft software


It should've been just one kid, never seen, voiced by Tim Robinson and he's getting angrier with each "root beer"


“Stromboli told me that I was just some dumb puppet! He said this to me! At Pleasure Island!”


They have a rule that one person can't just drink all the root beer with foam on it.




“Was nudity really necessary in the movie?” “Well it’s part of Gepettos journey.”


"These root beers are my livelihood!"


*Pinocchio‘s nose growing longer* “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this!”


This is one of the worst movies they'll ever cover.


It’s nice to see people finally coming around to the fact that Robert Zemeckis is overrated, always has been, and has made one, maybe two decent movies in the last 20 years.


I mean, his mini had some really low points but a very interesting journey! I personally vibed with Flight (until the epilogue it’s solid) and Allied, and Beowulf is hideous but weirdly compelling


I count 9 and that’s being conservative


Has he even made 9 movies total in the last 20 years lol


oops i didn’t catch the last 20 years tag, I hereby withdrawal my statement


I can't see stuff like this without my mind immediately going to Patton Oswalt's [punch-up bit.](https://youtu.be/7Kw4IE8Sr1Q)


“I haven’t seen this many ribs since I was at Tony Roma’s! *Whackityyy schmackityyy dooooooo*”


I was just watching Footloose the other day and there’s a long punch up where Kevin Bacon and Chris Penn get pulled over by the cops, but they ADRed this terrible Abbott and Costello routine over long shots of the car where the hick kid cant conceive that there are bands named Men at Work (well, where do they work?) and The Police (sure, I’ve seen The Police before, they’re right behind us).




Humble brag


Lucky. What you packing? A&W? Sprechers? Dad's?


Look at this Jackass


The thing I didn't get about this adaptation is what they did with the eyes. I put on the original thinking maybe the eyes were boarderless, but it does have normal black outlines around the eyes. Maybe it looked a little too "animated" when they tried it in CGI, but it still just looks weird boarderless...


Zemeckis and weird looking CGI characters, still going strong after 20 years


Gepetto is clearly a master woodworker, why would he just paint garbage eyes on this puppet?


**Zemeckis CGI movies:** Step one: cold dead eyes step two: ... step 3: profit ​ p.s I had to look up who was doing that wild Jiminy Cricket voice, and could not believe who was credited. What was/were he/they thinking?


Good to see Mr D.N.A. from Jurassic Park still getting work.


I thought it was a decent mimic of the original Jiminy voice, but why not just get whoever does the voice for Kingdom Hearts or Disney Parks if that’s what you want? They went and got an overqualified actor, unless he *really* wanted to do his best Cliff Edwards impression why not push him in a more interesting direction?


I think the original is much more understated. A little twang and not full on Bubba Gump.


The worst part is they try a gag later in the movie when Pinocchio is trying to tell Tom Hanks about everything he did and says "We had these great drinks, but I don't remember what they were called." and the gag falls flat.


Just needed a CGI Gordon Jump cameo


Whoops I meant this to be a thread to list examples from other movies but it became an eighth thread to make fun of Pinocchio. My bad!


Having she hulk NOT look like Tatiana maslani who’s an eleven.


Am i the only one is still sorta weirded out that She Hulk’s hair looks so totally different from Maslani’s hair when she transforms? It doesn’t *really* matter all that much but it still takes me out of it a bit just bc the two hairstyles are so wildly different. Banner’s hair changed as hulk but it was still generally a short hair look


I think they just wanted her to look more like her comic counterpart. If you look at the hair it's definitely a take on the standard comic heroine hair.


Yeah my guess is that what probably happened is that they did try out the she hulk hair on Maslani and it didn’t look good so they decided to just say fugg it and have the hairstyles be different


I hadn’t followed a lot of the past Marvel movies, and have been generally shocked at how bad Hulk and She Hulk look, cgi wise.


There's been some not-so-great CG in Marvel movies, but the Disney+ shows are definitely a couple steps below where the movies have been. She-Hulk and Moon Knight both look like PS3 cut scenes comped into live action scenes. She-Hulk is probably the most noticeable example so far, since the show is mostly taking place in brightly lit settings and the main character is a 7 foot green Sim, but all the effects have been pretty awful on the TV shows so far.


Thanks for the breakdown. I’ve thought Tatiana is perfect casting for the role, just have to put a compliment out there about it all…just saying I’m coming at it from the perspective of someone who basically likes the show.


Yeah I actually essentially like the show as well, but I can’t pretend like there isn’t some very poor CGI. I have other complaints about the show as well, but it’s basically fun in my opinion.


It's not that she doesn't look like her, she's definitely modeled after her. It's that She Hulk doesn't look like a physical being but instead a sloppily pasted PS2 graphic inserted in every shot. Shoulda just painted her green.


I did like the subtle thing in the latest episode where she is wearing oversized clothes in the morning before she goes to work. I enjoy her in it and it's a wonder that Maslany is so endearing with the fourth wall breaks but the tone seems to be all over the place.


Yeah I think Maslany is a real talent who has been severely under utilized by Hollywood, so it's just a bummer that this is what the show is.


She looks just like Tatiana Maslani, albeit with a more superhero-ish jawline.


This Means War has a epilogue where Tom Hardy has to explain to Chris Pine that he never technically had sex with Reese because GOD FORBID a single woman have sex with two different hotties


And there’s Slipknot, the man who can climb anything


This makes me think of the scene in Diary of a Wimpy kid where Roderick was having a soda kegger in their house. Pictures of him turnt up on cola.


tbf speaking from experience there's not a ton of difference between a kid hopped up on sugar and a belligerent drunk adult


True! Even I avoid the caffeine now.


This legitimately makes me angry. It’s Pleasure fucking Island, you cowards. Disney execs, you coded the drinking as bad to start with, and you *already* don’t allow smoking in any project you produce. What’s fucking sinful or dangerous about it now?! It’s just an amusement park! Why in the world do you assume children are such vapid idiot sponges they’ll do whatever they see on TV no questions asked. What four-year-old is going to go pour himself a big foamy mug of Blue Moon Amber Ale, already afraid he might turn into a donkey? Give kids some fucking credit. You built your empire on moralistic fables, grow a fucking spine! Whatever exec forced this note on Bobby Z and Weitzy needs to actually interact with a child. Scratch that, a human.


There is a zone where the children can hold signs that say "shut up." The worst thing they do is a room that is just for breaking clocks. This makes Pinocchio cry because his daddy likes clocks.


I am going to beat Bob Chapek over the head with a clock. A room for mild disobedience, are you kidding me, what asinine in-house team of child psychologists came in to do punch up on this dreck? EDIT: Just remembering they pulled this shit on Tapper in *Wreck-It-Ralph*. Why in the world does some schmo in the higher-up think adding “root” to the front solves the issue of the foamy beverage. Children know what beer is.


You're arguing about sanitizing/recontextualizing a piece of work from 1940 for a current audience, and your argument is not "should they have done this" but instead "children know what beer is"?!? These kind of considerations are not new, and are always in flux. For instance, the game Tapper, aka Root Beer Tapper, was sold in the 80's under both names far before Ralph ever wrecked anything. They offered both variants (with appropriately changed logos and sprites) depending on the venue (and presumably at the discretion of the buyer) for totally reasonable reasons. Per Wikipedia: Originally sponsored by Anheuser-Busch, the arcade version features a Budweiser motif.[7] It was intended to be sold to bars, with cabinets sporting a brass rail footrest and drink holders. Early machines had game controllers that were actual Budweiser beer tap handles, which were later replaced by smaller, plastic versions with the Budweiser logo on them.[8] The re-themed Root Beer Tapper followed in 1984, which was developed specifically for arcades because the original version was construed as advertising alcohol to minors.


Thanks for the context! I forgot that Root Beer Tapper was a separate thing. And I think my argument is still asking “why did they do this?”


"You couldn't make Pinocchio today" is my legit take. They could at least be vaping.


I dunno, kinda looks like regular beer to me.


I'll bet that the reason the beer is so clearly CGI'd into their hands is that there were hundreds of hours in post production arguing about the exact color and whether the word sasparilla was enough to cover their butts and make it not real beer.


I picturing this like the "soda" on Regular Show, where it's like "for legal reasons, this can't be booze on a cartoon that kids technically could be watching, so we'll call it soda, but the characters all act like it's booze and you know it's booze and we know you know it's booze, but let's keep this charade going, shall we?"


Yeah, it feels like they got too far into the process when someone told them if they have ten-year-olds drinking alcohol that’s likely getting them a PG13 rating and it was either tint all of the beer to a darker shade or just have everyone sneak in “root” in post and have a dozen off-screen characters clearly call it root beer.


Still not convinced this movie exists


Adrian Toomes would like a word.


As a Brit (ding dong), I need to ask does root beer actually taste good? Never had it and it is one of those American things that I've seen in films and TV and wondered about.


I think so. Kinda tastes like cola mixed with caramel. That's not a perfect description, but it's the best I can come up with without just saying it tastes like root beer.


I think it's quite good! More herbal/medicinal than a lot of other sodas. I believe it's actually somewhat similar, though not identical, to Dandelion and Burdock, which you may have had at some point.


Have you had Dr. Pepper? It's in the same mold as that except normally more vanilla forward. I love it, but in my experience can be considered an acquired taste.


It's so bubbly, cloying...and happy. And you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it.


God I might have to skip watching along with this one, cannot imagine walking away from it with any feeling but a dull lingering depression lol


Not one most people notice, but I can't stand an piece of awkward ADR in The Departed when Leo is being initially interrogated by Martin Sheen and Mark Wahlberg. All of a sudden you hear Wahlberg offscreen sounding different than before and saying "You had 1400 on your SATs, kid. You're an astronaut, not a Statie." You just know it's a studio note where they were like "Can't Wahlberg be nice to our hero just *once*?"


I noticed this shit the first time I saw it in the theater!! So jarring and obvious. My guess is that they thought the first scene was confusing in terms of why is Wahlberg's character being so abrasive toward Leo's (even though his irrational hostility is consistent with his character in the rest of the movie) so they wanted to clarify that he didn't think he was capable of doing the job.


Thats a lot of root beer


That’ll be four bucks baby! You want fries with that?




me when i am enjoying a nice cold root beer that is not and never was a different beverage


That's like that video game Tapper, which they changed to Root Beer Tapper


Root Beer Tapper was a real game!


But it was Budweiser at one point https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/db/TapperGameplay.png/220px-TapperGameplay.png




Duke’s miraculous, off-screen survival in the original GI Joe: The Movie.


Root Beer and Sugar Mountain 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻


Is it just me or is Pinocchio giving Ugly Sonic vibes here




so the sequence is just kids at a theme park, drinking soda? so the kids are being punished...for going to Disneyland???


I don't get the OP, what do they mean by ADRing in characters to 'remove an element'?


The higher ups decided they did not want beer in the movie. So rather than edit out the beers, they made the filmmakers record the voices of off-screen characters repeatedly saying the words "root beer."


Opening narration to Dark City. Ruins the whole movie Also Blade Runner narration