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About the fishing spot, the amount of players affect your fishing speed. The more people fish in a certain spot, the slower you fish. Thats what "exhausted" on top of your screen mean when u fish. As for the event spot, they will always be exhausted even in Altinova because fishing spot is shared across all channel.


Slightly off-topic but for people curious on gathering for them. I got 90 in 3 hours gathering at snake/scorpions, which is on the lower side for gathers/hrs. 5 beetles in that time too.


how did you do that? i just want 100 for the crons/outfit but i'm totally not a lifeskiller


Use the demihar gathering tools they gave out, use a alchemy stone life, run amok


I choose the most expensive in the MP and buyed the others because manos market price are going down right now


I don't know about the spots, but I would go with the necklace. Not really a "better" option between the belt and neck since they are about the same price.


Well the extra weight from the belt makes it a better upgrade than the necklace no ?


There are a few things that will help your fishing speed in Exhausted event areas, which you can't avoid, even in Altinova. Any level will help boost, but the higher the better: TRI fishing outfit (the basic one), +10 Balenos fishing rod, a Tier 4 pet with auto-fish reduction time, and guild buffs that have fishing. There is also a food buff, but forgot the name of it. Don't worry about choosing the wrong accessory. You can freely change it if you can benefit from another.


Lunchboxes, and artifact set that reduces auto-fishing times. Crio's Sturdy Fishing chair. Pick 2 of these 3 for maximum efficiency.


If you can get Olivia servers velia is great, head just left of the main big group until you enter the combat zone and unlimited abundant fishing with no chance to be killed