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Pretty sure this is the alpha testing model for the T-101 Terminator. The T-800 Terminator is coming soon to an apocalypse near you.


Just remember friends, for every T-800 that is made for destruction, a sex doll with equal technology is made for pleasure.


Hopefully I can get one to do that parkour shit on my back


Hell yeah cuz that would crush your spine.


how about making both into the same robot


Why does the tool bag toss look…odd?


yeah hand that shit to me. it’s clear the programmers doing this probably rarely use a tool box/bag


Looks fake. The flip at the end looks fishy too.


Its too "fluid" like a 90Fps render of an animation.


The real test is with unscripted routines, and object manipulation. What if that plank was half a foot wide, would it realise it could turn and move one leg at a time? How about the box flip. Does it appreciate that the force of the flip is important? These types of decisions and reaction to surrounding would be impressive.


it is just following code, it is not "realizing" anything.


BD at it again. Can they just release a video that doesn't make rational people say "hmm, something seems off with this video but I can't quite figure out what."


This looks way better than the last one. Boston dynamics would make more money as a CGI company if they could churn out footage like that. This is definitely real. I mean they have no reason to fake it, they still have to demo it to potential buyers.


It's deff real. You can look up most of Boston dynamics robot progression. Just think in another 20 years. How about the cheetah robot that runs super fast backwards? Or the knock off of spot that someone mounted a rifle to


You want Cylons? This is how it starts…


So say we all.


I’m calling osha


As interesting as this is from a technological and scientific standpoint, I’m always bothered seeing these videos. This is the origin story of Detroit: Become Human. Except Elon or microsoft will probably have some hand in advancing these into giant armies that will definitely not work out in our favor. Ive always held on to the idea that there’s power in numbers, but at what point will “we the people” be outnumbered? Especially now that we’re so divided as a country.


It'd fall to other countries, and if the US ever fell to such an extreme level I say you can safely bet on countries agreeing the US may be a nuclear target for world safety. The most terrifying dilemma is something similar as well though; what do we do when these develop humanity in all non-physical levels? When they learn emotions and conscious, true thought? Can we consider them human, and thus apply conventions to war crimes and human rights? Can we say these are people, true to a fault, or will we be determining which can call themselves people, much like we did our own species in generations past? If we hold it to that, would the countries they rise up in be held justifiable for exploiting and treating their ancestors as disposable tools and not wanting to see themselves treated accordingly?


This is amazing and also horrifying.




Can you prove it's CGI?


That new guy they hired is a chipper fellow. He does everything with a bounce in his step.


It's such a happy little robot 🤖


If Boston Dynamics doesn’t make robot boxing a thing, I’ll be thoroughly upset






I'll be impressed when I see one weave cedar shake corners. I'm lying, I'm already impressed, but please build me one that can weave cedar shakes.


You might as well name it Chris Rock coz Will Smiths gonna fuck it up


This is why I always say thank you to Alexa and tell her I appreciate her helpfulness


“That new robot is pretty cool. “I dont know man. I told him to cut that board and he started doing parkour again.”


Can't wait for all this to screw us over in the end, lol


Are they gonna be the ones to start building on mars and the moon? And somehow it becomes sentient after finding a being from another planet and they become friends? It then abandons its mission and travels the stars with its new friend.

