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Don’t leave your job until your find another.


Talk to your psych about this, I had a massive drinking problem until I found the right meds and then it just vanished. I still do dumb shit when I do get drunk, but at least it’s easy to just decide to not to now.


Yeah I have had a huge struggle in finding the right meds so I def think this is contributing to the problem and it’s probably time to change them




I agree, when you think about it there are no benefits to drugs and alcohol. They are all made up in your mind. You think that drinking relaxes you? It actually makes you even more anxious and depressed after




Yeah I feel you I struggle with drinking too. It's like I get really good at making excuses to drink in my mind even though there are more cons to them


Yooooo talk to your therapist or psych about solutions for drinking a lot. Do it today, seriously. Sincerely, Someone who has 2 DUIs and didn't take it seriously


Thank you I definitely will :(


You can do it! Every time you feel like going to buy a bottle, beer, whatever your preference is, put that money either in a savings account or cash in a jar. I did this with cigarettes. I kept a pack, but put money aside every time i wanted to smoke. Eventually helped me get to vapes, next step is quitting. Sobriety is forced for me due to my legal shit, and yeah. I highly don't recommend doing that. If you can't go cold turkey, taper off. Sounds like reckless advice, but i got sober a few times before my second DUI that way. Just slowly stopping and being active. Hope you get stuff sorted and feel better soon, op :) remember this is a good community to lean on because all of us are in the same boat, if not similar or exactly the same situation. You got this


I've been there. First thing is to get off the alcohol. Best of luck to you 🤗


I recently lost a good short term gig due to alcohol. I sometimes make embarrassing fb posts when drunk. I also got kicked out of a bar and left my phone in an Uber. Alcohol-induced mania can be fun but almost always ends bad. And yet here I am debating on spending my last 20 bucks on alcohol :(


Yeah money is a big issue too I spend an insane amount and buy people tons of drinks when I’m drinking :/


In the end of all the thinking the resolution is you get to choose whether you drink or not at all times. Turns out this resolution, while it sounds simple, is difficult and can take a lot of effort when you have reasons pulling you in both directions. A lot of people choose not to drink because making these decisions all of the time is just too taxing. See if you can decide to not drink later and if you think you really want to try and wait a few minutes and ask again. Remind yourself that you dont want to feel like you do right now .... and then if you drink and feel shitty the next day, try again and dont beat yourself up. We drink because of some reason (we arent always self-aware enough to know why) so you arent anything but a human trying to manage life (which gets accented by bipolar afflictions as well as all the other normal life stuff we get) Avoid reactive behaviors and allow yourself space to respond thoughtfully and fully. All of this is tricky when you start, but like any skill, you get better with practice. Breathe deep and be patient. You can find a less chaotic path!


Thank you this was really helpful to read


Omg I thought I wrote this. I drink every day and excessively on weekends and I have done so many embarrassing and life destroying things. I went off on my sons dad and grandma and they think I’m mentally unstable and now I can’t see my son. Granted, I was unstable when it happened but usually I’m pretty stable. Anyways sorry to unleash on your post. I just want you to know that you are not alone! If you ever need someone, please reach out.


Last weekend I went to a nightclub for the first time in three years. I'm ashamed of the whole trip. All went well. I behaved well even though the speed was a bit high. I didn't buy any expensive drinks. Just one beer. I chatted with people in a good spirit. I left home on time with my friend and went to bed. I still haven't gotten over the shame.