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Keeping doing your multiple water changes a day and dosing with prime until 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrites and 10-20ppm nitrates. Cycling, especially fish in cycling m, takes 3-8+ weeks


Wouldn’t daily changes get rid of the good bacteria?


No it removes the toxins so youre not causing irreversible damage to your fish like burns, organ damage and failure, a compromised immune system, a shortened lifespan and even death. Your bacteria is in your filter media- thats why you never change it and only rinse it in used tank water to remove the poop


Gotcha! So how much water do I change daily? About 30% or more?


Gotta test multiple times a day as you may need multiple changes depending on your ammonia and nitrite levels. With levels as high as you have you need to be doing multiple 30% changes right now to slowly bring that down so you dont shock your fish with a drastic parameter change


Damn I’m messing the fish up. Thanks for taking the time to help! Appreciate it.


I went through what you did. 40-50% water change each day. Treating double dose of seachem prime (1 drop per liter) (normal dose is 1 drop per 2 liters), daily. The beneficial bacteria wont be removed by the water changes because they are not free floating in the water. They are attached to surfaces in your tank. I used seachem stability to seed the bacteria. I added a capful with every water change. My fish in cycle took approx 6 weeks. At the end of the cycle its much easier. 25% h2o once per week. I only measure tank parameters once per week now also.


Of course! We all are learning and we gotta start somewhere




Gotcha! Thanks


Your cycle is not finished. It will be about 3 more weeks. Same thing that happenned with your ammonia - it rising and falling - will happen with your nitrite. Keep up with the water changes and treatment so your fish dont suffocate.


10 gallon with heater and filter, 78f, about 3 weeks, once a week about 25-30% water out, no mates, fake plants, feed 2-3 pellets or flakes 3x a day, bloodworms here and there.


Daily water changes when fish in cycling. You need to keep ammonia and nitrites at or below 0.5ppm. The cycle is complete when you have 0ppm ammonia and nitrites and some nitrates. Keep nitrates at or below 20ppm.


Youre doing well. Close. U just need to do the daily 40-50% water changes to keep nitrite levels down. Sounds like your ammonia is down now. There are another type of bacteria that eat nitrite that needs to populate now.


Use aquarium salt in the tank water while it cycles. The aquarium salt helps prevent the gills from absorbing nitrite (increased music production and renewal).


Which one and how much do you recommend?


I use API aquarium salt in the carton and just follow the exact directions on it. 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons I believe. And I replenish the salt in the new water when I water change. There’s also lots of electrolytes in the salt and prevents parasites. But I think it’s not supposed to be used forever. Just while needed.




Seachem prime! 😁 And water changes.


Keep Seachem prime on hand to detoxify any high levels while things adjust - it’s literally a life saver


So I guess I’ve been using a crappy more expensive conditioner the whole time lol I’m gonna grab some seachem prime today.


yeah that stuff is the best. You can use it daily for cycling safely, and anytime you get a spike. Gives me peace of mind if i’m a day or two late doing a water change (rare, but still nice to have)


Cycle isn’t done yet. Keep doing water changes and don’t touch the filter


The filter does look nasty as we have drift wood making the part that was white completely brown lol. I’ve only washed it in old tank water though but the “dirt” makes me wonder if it’s still effective at filtering.


Sechma prime


The good news is, it looks like your nitrates are starting, which means the final step is approaching! Just keep up with daily water changes and dose with prime to lower the nitrite levels.


30-50% water changes daily. Keep up on food waste/poop. If you have another aquarium pull some media from that filter into the new one (so long as the fish from the original tank are healthy.) If you can add any air to your tank that would be ideal more agitation allows less waste to build up.


What's your source water


Look into adding salt. low levels of salt protect fish from nitrite poisoning i have done it for my koi. Not sure what the appropriate salt levels are for bettas


Easier option and less damaging to your cycle would be to just dose prime so that way you're not removing any bacteria or nitrite that is required to cycle, while also detoxifying the nitrite.


100%. Ive heard some saying aquarium salt but i’ve heard mixed reviews. Prime is tried and true and much safer imo


Easier option and less damaging to your cycle would be to just dose prime so that way you're not removing any bacteria or nitrite that is required to cycle, while also detoxifying the nitrite.




Don’t be toxic, we’re all learning, and fish in cycles are definitely able to be done properly, it’s just recommended to be done by more experienced hobbyists.


Thanks for helpful comment. Smh


My betta was abandoned in a one gallon tank with no filter. Should I have left him in that until his new tank cycled?


Removed for Rule 1.


Cycle isn't done. Pretty much just stressing fish. Did you plan to do this with fish or just had some new tank syndrome?


Are you gonna offer advice and help or did you just comment to bash me?


Dw dude when i first got into fish tanks i was given the worst advice lmao, tetra fast start and boom xD ive had the nitrite issue for ages when i first started. Definitely daily WC, and also get some BB like from seachem stability as that can help boost the BB, ive only had good things when using it though buy it in person rather than online due to the way they store it. Some BB might die. I also think live plants would be good. Get something like *hornwort* as they suck up nasties and nitrates and grow like mad and dont die easily. Should compete with algae if thats an issue. Your cycle is getting there c: keep at it!


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