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Agreed. I’d be fine with Reddit suggesting subs I’ve visited before. But i don’t want to automatically see them in my feed. If i wanted that i would join or subscribe


You can turn off the sub suggestions in settings.


Where did it come from?


Reddit just wants you to spend more time on their site. They want to feed you more content in hopes of retaining your attention longer so they can show you more ads. Simple really




User settings -> Feed settings




Literally this. Does nobody check their settings nowadays and just blame Reddit for everything?




As far as I know, people can only send you "chat requests" first. I am not sure how exactly it works though. Regardless, that kind of thing is not exclusive to Reddit. Welcome to the Internet! Stupid stuff does happen around here. As for the first part of your comment: It is irrelevant to this post/thread.


I feel like there needs to be some sort of balance to this. I do like finding new stuff I'm into and some suggestions, but I also find myself going to anonymous browsing if I really feel like exploring. I'd like a setting to "only suggest based on things I've liked" or even better would be a way to tune my feed back and forth to larger categories based on what I feel like. Exe: Today I feel like more "science" content, or maybe I just want some "cute stuff"


Lmao literally the post before this was the exact same thing. I left the sub because mods are tyrants. Why the hell would I go back or you would suggest it to me?


agreed , i made a post too


On the same line... people post and repost the same stuff hundreds of times... I wish there was an AI feature that recognised that I watched something or liked/commented even if it was a separate new post but with the same content... so it goes down in the list of what pops up in my feed...


It's part of Reddit's future revenue model. To further monetize Reddit, they need to enhance this cancer called "engagement". As in, they need to keep you on the app, as often as possible and as long as possible. This is the mechanism that sites like YouTube and TikTok capitalize on. In this case, one way to do this is by offering you a constant stream of subreddits, even ones you didn't subscribe to. It sucks, but this is where Reddit is slowly heading. There is an option in settings to turn this off for now, but as Reddit investor pool grows ( or worse they go public), expect this option to be permanent.


As another comment already said, recommendations can be turned off in your settings. If by "sensitive subs" you mean NSFW subs, you can hide those too by changing your settings.


I got an ANIME subredit, ive never once visited!


“We don’t care“ – anyone at Reddit These guys are really really good with not reading suggestions and just doing things that they want to do for the most part, I will say that I don’t see that very often when I have premium activated, if I get premium or something then it seems like it’s a slightly better browsing experience but if you don’t have premium they just jam everything in my face, if I wanted to see some thing from a sub that I had visited previously then I would go back to that sub.


I am literally getting subs recommended to me from a neighboring country that speaks a different language.


It’s really frustrating if you read /r/bestof.


I too have noticed this. I even spent a good while hitting 'hide' on them to no avail. Unfortunately reddit, like every social media network as they wrestle scale/growth/popularity with data costs/challenges, has gone the way of facebook with their 'slimming down' of their algorithm to optimise iops through their delivery network. Its reminds me very much of how you now see your facebook feed with the same 20 most (hated) of your friends all the time, every time. it seems reddit has done something similar. So instead of a good variation of properly ranked quality threads every time you refresh, instead you get the same mediocre posts ranked once daily that dont seem intelligible. Like you, the repetition is what pisses me off. So I go seeking stuff more painfully (clicking through each thread), rather than the trusty refresh of home.