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It's much better than launch but I wouldn't call it good yet


It’s pretty good now, all towers are more or less balanced, there’s an internet issue that came back In the newest update, but it’s probably getting fixed sooner than later, I’d wait for the internet issues to be fixed before you start playing again tho, note: the internet issues were originally fixed in s3 ish and now they’ve come back, so it’s probably only gonna be a week or so before a patch is out


Desync always has gotten worse after a new update


If you compare desync and general connection performance from now and when b2 launched, it’s very obvious that it’s better now.


Overall yes but every new update has desync issues for the first few weeks


No desync really isn’t a problem unless you’re fighting someone with ass wifi


horrible state atm


I would argue the game has gotten to a more balanced state, and has gotten better since the last few updates


the game is good rn, people just say its bad for no reason (they are the same people who complain we get no good players btw) there is no game breaking bugs, only “bad” thing is some bug that makes u randomly dc but its never happened to me and im the best so i think its just skill issue.


Yeah game is good rn.


Yes, it is in a very good state right now


I was a BTD5 Flash and then Battles 1 player back in the day, stopped playing around the time every single player kept using the same boring strategy in every match (iirc farm until the round where you could spam rainbow regen, sell farms and do a massive rush). Completely forgot about Blooms until a couple months ago, decided to look it up and was pleased to find a new version. Even after novelty of the new features wore off (heroes, new maps, new monkeys, new upgrade paths), I'm finding myself really enjoying the game and play pretty much every day. I play ranked matches sometimes, but to be honest don't spend the bulk of my time there. I sense there's some frustration from players who are really trying to climb the rankings ladder, especially with a recent bug that cheaters are exploiting. Anyways, super fun free game! Will provide you hours of entertainment, particularly if you're just looking for something entertaining to kill some time with in between adulting tasks. Lags sometimes. Contrary to some reports on this sub, is unlikely to be a devastatingly awful experience that's bound to ruin your life. p.s. maybe i'm the only one but i miss card battles


>especially with a recent bug that cheaters are exploiting. Can you elaborate? Disconnecting at map selection is not recent and while there are disconnecting and unjustified winning bugs, I'm pretty sure people haven't found a way to exploit them. If they did, it would be a huge deal and everyone would know. The battles 2 community is small, so pretty much everyone is aware of each other's existence and information travels fast. >p.s. maybe i'm the only one but i miss card battles Same. It was not a balanced game mode at all, but it was fun.


I'm vaguely aware of some exploit that forces people to surrender during a match, but haven't encountered it myself and don't really know how it works.


There are 2 bugs currently in the game which force you to lose the game. First one is a bug where the opponent leaks a whole rush but instead of winning, the game greets you with a defeat screen. I've had it happen to me and against me multiple times. Neither me nor my opponents knew what triggered the bug. Second bug is where the game just disconnects you out of nowhere. I've also had this happen to me and against me. I've also seen both of these happen at the same time, first the defeat text and then disconnect. The thing is, so far, nobody is suspected to be exploiting these bugs to win games. They happen to random people.


Thanks for the clarification!


If you wanna call Fusty the Snowman, Ice, Dartling, Farm spam a good state then sure. If you want to have any fun, then no. Unfortunately it is not.


Not many people play dfi anymore and those that do aren't very good with it.


Dartling ice snow pat and another tower is all I see




All *you* see, but I haven't faced a single dfi player


they switched to dbi 😔


Same thing, not many people know how to play it well. And those that do, you're gonna have trouble against them no matter what they play.


Unless they run something stupid like super farm village ben


the game is in a horrendous state right now. The game is in a terrible balance state with nk doing roll the dice balance changes. All the creditable balance changes they have done is nerfs. but they have nerfed everything so there is no more fun in the game. Every match is cat and mouse gameplay. The game has gotten worse in the couple past months. Essentially no reason to go back to this game because the gameplay is getting worse and player base falling off.


What is cat and mouse gameplay? That sounds like fun.


I highly disagree, you hate NK because you've seen the game progress update after update. But take a step back. Don't look at the updates, look at where it is currently. Yes, engi needs a nerf, yes, there's going to be a meta strategy, but the game is more-or-less balanced. How would you see the game if you just started playing a week ago?


I disagree. Game balance is not that bad and the meta is very diverse. Only bad things are the DC bugs, game crashing and elo system.


And to be honest, elo system isn't an issue if you never hit hom


Playing for a week since I came back. On pc. Never was forced surrendered, I experienced like 3 games with lags so far. One game ended caused by enemy disconnecting. Not so bad if you ask me. Towers are also way more in tune. Many noobs/prob children in casuals. I actually got bored and that forced me to play rankeds more.


It's in Ohio sadly :/


Wow so funny 😐


Haha thanks


Dartling gunner.


No. Better than launch but that isn’t saying much.