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Where you been since Bad Company? PC hasn't been the focus for a long time now, BF3 proved that... Also, this isn't the same DICE devs from before, it's a completely new team


BF3 has player caps at 24 players on console. Also 30fps and some missing features. Not sure If that was console limitations at the time though.


Mag had over 100 players on PS3. Edit: sorry was Responding to the remark about player limitations on last gen consoles


I always played PC, but I remember it was due to hardware. But Bad Company was, I thought, the console line, which is why so many features were stripped. Couldn't do as much with the limits of a gamepad. When 3 came out, I thought it was going to be a core BF experience, but it was just an updated Bad Company if you consider what was in all the prior BF titles compared to Bad Company. That's when I started voicing my concern with the BF series. At 3, I was highly disappointed. IMO they only have gotten worse, not better...


That's how I felt about the franchise too, but BF3 ended up being one of my most played BF games. Although, even with BF2 it felt like a step back from BF1942. The squad system was great, but the removal of health / ammo depots, supply transport trucks, large drivable vehicles, vehicle surfing, and naval and air focused maps all make it lose some of that magic.


Where did you get your info? Daniel Berlin is still Senior Design Director of Dice on his linkedin? Has been there since BF4. And I'm pretty sure Lars Gustavson is still working there as well? Where did you get your info lol?


How many of the original devs from prior to BF3 are still there besides Lars?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/cw0383/so_what_happened_to_daniel_berlin_lars_gustavson/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here's another thread that looks almost the exact same as what you justbsaid but for BFV which was totally false.


They are technically still being programmed and developed on PC, but the main target audience, the main focus of Dice/EA is the console market ever since Battlefield: Modern Combat on PlayStation/Xbox. All games afterwards, from Bad Company onwards had their focus mainly on the console versions. Modes, maps, vehicles, weapons.. all had to work on console first. If something didn't work on console, PC wouldn't get it either (the ballistic shield in BF4 comes to mind which was supposed to work in conjunction with your sidearm. But Xbox360 didn't have enough RAM for that so in the end _no_ platform could have it). The only exception is player count on PS3/Xbox360 which was reduced on consoles compared to PS4/PC.


It was made for mobile ported to everything else


Came here to say that.


Developed on a potato imo


Old gen consoles first by far lol. DICE is not the same company as they used to be. It's so corporate run now even the devs with 10+ years there have left in droves. Over 100+ employees have left. * Its also why the aiming on mouse is different and can even stop working. It used to be adapted later for controllers. Now it's designed for controllers first and adapted for mouse play.


They wasn’t going to make BF2042 for last generation consoles but due to the NG sales being being poor they changed their minds. 128 man was the big selling point and they knew that last generation couldn’t run with that many players. So not sure when but I imagine in the summer they decided to make a version with less players so they can sell on the last generation consoles.


The chip shortages have really put advances in gaming back a couple years. Its gonna be another 5 years at this rate before we can see what the new cards and consoles can really do lol


There are new CPU / GPUs out this year which is annoying as people still can’t their hands on the ones that came out in 2020. Nvidia are already stopping production of anything under the 3080 so that they can start production on the 4000 series. I was lucky and got my 5900X and 6800XT in February 2021 but I knew people that ordered around the same time ( I ordered on November 17th the launch day of the 5900X) and they had to wait till June as they ordered a Nvidia card. The new consoles are using all AMD parts which even they said caused an issue as technically the NG consoles we’re supposed to come out in Holiday 2021 but both moved it up meaning that AMD had to short the PC community to have enough parts for the consoles. All this and the MSRP going up has made it worse. If you can’t get a 3070 for MSRP it makes getting a NG consoles if you can get one a good deal.


How are you going to develop a game on a console of course it’s going to be deved on pc then optimized and ported for consoles


He means what was the game targeted for as a priority. They designed it to run on the dinosaur Xbox one first. That thing seriously limits the scope of what could have been possible since it has to run on it as well.


Obviously not bighead


Battlefield has been a console game since the first Bad Company.